Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Swollen Knuckles After Punching

Black Belt!

I've done it! Saturday, July 5
I successfully passed the examination for black belt and now I am a 1st Dan Taekwondo. That lust, I desired that first goal I can not describe in words the emotions I felt that day.

But it all started at noon with a scooter when I picked up the ravine Cardoso (another story black belt, great David!) In Freedom Square, and we left for the appointment of Peretola with Maestro Domenico. Final Destination: San Lazzaro (Bo) was held in the afternoon where the 2008 summer session for black belts, in collaboration with the Regional E-Romagna.
Cardoso, noto alle cronache per la sua ansia da prestazione, era in ottima forma e stranamente tranquillo, cioè riusciva a controllare bene il nervosismo ed il meteorismo che ne deriva. Un buon inizio di giornata, ho pensato, l’energia è quella buona. Ed avevo ragione, il viaggio è filato tranquillo insieme a Domenico e Davide il Moro ( per differenziarlo da David Cardoso), abbiamo rivisto un po’ di video delle Forme sull’I-Phone di Dommy e condiviso esperienze e pareri sugli argomenti più vari.

Ad essere sincero, man mano che ci avvicinavamo alla meta aumentavano le farfalle nello stomaco, ma la tensione era di quelle che ti motivano.

In perfetto orario raggiungiamo la gym, and together with another dirty dozen athletes Tuscany and Emilia begin heating and stretching. A small note: the space used by prairie of our Gymnasium Stadium, giving the lie to the examination of black in a narrow space of just over 100 square meters was a shock, without changing either showers! Anyway thanks for the hospitality Com Reg E-Romagna, I know that sports is not easy to organize meetings in suitable environments, but armed with burning patience, we are sure that in the near future, even our discipline will win a place in the most appropriate Italian sports ... landscape

During my heat I had a wonderful surprise: Lorenzo, Manu and the Debby have entered the door of the gym! They came to Bologna to support me, armed with trumpets and banners from the stadium! All warp deception, because in the days before they told me that all 3 could not come to see me because they would go by boat for the weekend, the guys are just a few days ago ... Ganzi was talking with a friend and friendship I told you that true friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand ... as I said I thought of you, really! Thank you for sharing with me this beautiful day, we will honor when you too will be an examination of black and you do a new Debby batezado de Capoeira with Mestre Fabio.

But back to examine bomb, me and David were very concentrated and we did a good question, I personally I have to improve in the forms because I like a lot but I got only 6 in the final vote of the committee. Much better than I did and techniques in combat, and in this respect I want to thank the polyglot Cardoso because it was a good sparring .... Oh

Grandmaster Domenico, you are high praise for having made possible this first major milestone, our goal is to always improve, but I am particularly happy because we have paid tribute Saturday to the school and you, me and David because we had the best grades of the examinees Tuscany, for the curious clik here:

http://www.tkdtoscana.it/tkd/index.php?option=com_content&task = view & id = 26 & Itemid = 42

finished the examination and made the "shower" in the bathroom sink of the gym, we had a few 'of artistic photos and then I, Dommy, Debby, Pajano, Bitta and the Moro David went in the center of Bologna to take a walk and we also drank more than one drink in a nice little place in the shadow of two towers. We did a lot 'of mess with the orders of the pub and the boys have given us a spritz as a sign of sympathy and universal harmony. By Dommy we talked about that in future we would like to go with him to go trekking in extreme Aspromonte, a beautiful natural experience ... we will also be, sure!

Cardoso is instead allocated to Florence Florence to other taekwondo other gyms, including a mestissimo Niccolo, who has not passed the exam and was understandably sad, the secret is to learn good form and control the emotions, Nicco will be for next time, do not let go in December and certainly earn your belt.

am returned to Florence in the evening with the Qashqai of Debby, great car and great driver, after one hour and a half we were still on the outskirts of Bologna, then Lore Pajano with an excuse like "Debby, you try me, I've never driven Such machines, I want to feel the emotion, can I drive your SUV right now? "took command of the machine and the other from a chat we arrived in Florence. Debby I know because I was going slowly, when we all have fun together too much and you just wanted to prolong the pleasure, oh great!

However arrived in Florence I had my two women who were expecting me to the gardens of the Champ de Mars, the Queer e la Stellina erano ansiose di sapere tutto sull’esame. A loro va il mio ringraziamento più grande perché senza la loro pazienza non mi sarei potuto preparare per bene all’esame e più di una volta hanno scosso preoccupate la testa quando mi guardavano fare le forme in mutande appena svegliato oppure steppare/fintare in cucina mentre rosolavo l’arista, ma che dire….se non son grulli non si vogliono…

Alla prossima!!