Ciao a tutti!
Dopo più di 3 mesi di completa e colpevole inattività sono rientrato in contatto con i fratelli del TKD Firenze. L’occasione è stata la sessione invernale di esami per cinture colorate del 19 Dicembre scorso.
I had asked the Grand Master Dommy let me know when we made the social dinner and Christmas he sent me an email sly when I wrote that the baby food to me ... I would have to earn. "Dobok and put on a black belt and come to the 'examiner examination, oh scoundrel. " In reality it is a tradition of our company. company that once won the black belt, you should play the role of the examiner to the next session consideration colored belts. It should therefore be on the other side of the fence, to judge. To be honest, this task has revived my proud warrior, now dormant for months with sweet flutes and night cries of my newborn and Linda various changes his diapers while my other little girl, Stella I bit into the ankles of jealousy, crying out "or you or me."
So no hesitation, on 19, I presented at the gym on time and it was a pleasant surprise to see how many students of all ages have come in recent months Taekwondo Center in Florence - the great and effective work in promoting the master Domenico!. Children 5 years with looks tougher R. Gattuso and mature professionals who, thanks to "the art of kicking in the air" have found an enviable physical and mental, all together in the square white dobok anxiously waiting to be assessed and win the coveted belt and advance a KUP (half whole belt or belt, depending on the level above). I clearly found all the friends in my class, all in great shape, including my two historical COMPAGNEROS Bitta and Payano who are preparing hard for the upcoming exam for black belt ... come on guys, come to cheer for you armed with a camera!

point out that with the children of Florence TKD have also examined the students of Siena a dear friend, Anthony Cappello, our level of undisputed competitive athlete who has faced in the past the best Italian and foreign and taekwondo just a nagging injury could not answer the call in Nazionale. Tutti i suoi allievi si sono dimostrati molto bravi e questo gli fa onore. Io tra l’altro sono rimasto come rapito da due suoi adepti: uno con un cesto incredibile di capelli e con una somiglianza fisica straordinaria a John Belushi – un mio mito - e sono stato tentato più di una volta di inforcargli un paio di RayBan neri ed un cappello per intonare con lui “Rawhide”. L’altra persona che mi ha colpito del gruppo senese è stata una giovane ragazza che indossava il dobok più strano che abbia mai visto; all’inizio non capivo se era una divisa da infermiera o da parrucchiera (…e visto il cesto di capelli di prima, ci stava pure!), solo dopo lo smarrimento iniziale ho letto TAEKWONDO in colore argento on his back and my fears were allayed. ... I was always in the gym and not in a beauty salon! But back
examination, under the supreme command Dommy, I and other black belts we divided the tasks, and Edward I was asked to evaluate the technical, after all had been examined by severe frown Maurizio very good benches, right in our Italian sample forms and dance hall known surplus. The fights were instead followed by our prodigal son Leo Pierce and Lorenzo "Domi".
judge another person, evaluate and classify a vote is not a task that can take lightly. You must consider many factors, including age, the attitude and passion that exudes the examiner. Clearly beyond the accuracy of the techniques to be performed. For this I and Edward were very concentrated and I must say that our task was made easier by the fact that all the students were good, I can remember all our 3 girls Roberta, Elisa and Simona, who have distinguished themselves for accuracy in the forms and techniques and the cold malice with which they hit in the fighting. I can not even remember that I have seen great improvements in men now in later years as Alessio and Charles, the passion and the constant attendance took a true miracle. I left them a few months ago to be undergoing "lego" (Defined as the geometric and static game, stands for wood stiffness) and I have found during "cicadas (understood here as a hit song from scioltissima Heater Parisi, the dancer who could do vertical split dizzy and cause a serious outbreak of this of masturbation in the late 80). Very good indeed, are so loose now that they too can touch the sky with a finger (the foot). I can not overlook even the good examination of Francesca, who despite a left ankle injury has managed to take the yellow / green. Among other things during breaks tablets Francesca was so determined to hit that, having pierced the wood, his fist to hammer has hit with unprecedented violence my chest (I had been chosen as the hold-tablet, which are specialties of the sample). The blow that has given me has really taken my breath away and brought a nice momentary respiratory arrest, but not to make my first black belt from figuruccia I tried not to pass out and looking at the audience speechless I did "no, no" with the head, as if to say "I did nothing, it takes much more ..." and slowly I started to breathe regularly. However
exams went well for everyone and Sunday at the end of the session gave a green shirt with our logo to all the girls in dobok, which moved thanked waving their colored belts in the air and singing Christmas hymns.

After examining the historical center of Florence TKD, lead by Lorenzo Dommy and "Mambo" Balsimelli went to dinner for the holiday greetings. The group joined male and female friends and we spent two hours in between joy and beer tasting chili pure state, which is our gauntlet every time you passed a test. ... If you do not chew a pepper are not worthy to wear then won the belt!
Finally I want to thank the author of the photos in this article, Pierini Leo's sister, also a practicing taekwondo and which unfortunately do not know the name. Knowing who lives in Canada and wanting to do il ganzerello le ho chiesto in perfetto inglese di farmi avere le foto della serata, lei in perfetto dialetto di San Frediano mi ha detto “ Oh buhaiolo, e te le mando ‘n fretta e furia le foto, tu l’avrai pè posta elettroniha ,un ti preohhupare … un fare ì biskeraccio ”, lasciandomi sgomento.
Alla Prossima!