Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Are Some Quotes With Place In It?

West (4165).

Pennine Alps.
Alps Monte Rosa.
Chain Breithorn - Lyskamm.

Breithorn Occidentale

Download GPS tracks.

As usual, I enclose the usual branded for your GPS, although to be honest this track is not very relevant, given the obvious path that must be followed in the back, first the ski slopes, then reached the plateau of the Plateau Breithorn is well in view of the impending mountains.

But the GPS is still an important tool, because even if the weather were to change rapidly and we were enveloped in the clouds, once there it came to ice on the plateau of the Plateau, we could be in trouble wrapped in white blanket of snow.

Download file. gpx / Download file. Gtm


Click to view photo album on Flickr.

From My Video by Igor Productions presents:

Breithorn The West (4165).


Breithorn The West is a snowy peak, the highest point of the chain of Breithorn.

If even one of the 4000 is the easiest of our Alps is one of the most popular.

easy and popular addition to the "normal way", although other routes offer many interesting climbs, like the north ridge known as the "Triftjigrat" and crossing the ridge starting from the Black Rock who is also one of the most interesting itineraries in the region.


1st ascent: Henry Maynard Couttet with Joseph Marie, Jean and Jean Jacques Babtiste Erin Jean Gras, May 13, 1813.

1, Winter A. Burcher, J. Seiler and M. Stockalper, January 21, 1888.

2 ° in winter to ski up to Colle del Breithorn H. Biehly, R. Helbling and E. Wagner, 6 January 1899.


The Breithorn is the classic climb to 4000 to be carried out during the day, as the ski resorts of Cervinia or Zermatt lead a few hours' walk from the summit. Obviously, you decide to do this hike when the plants are in operation, otherwise you have to do as I did that I started from Cervinia ski with you feet, going for more than four hours the ski slopes, before reaching the Gray Head , where it comes from the Italian cable car. However, it is still a great workout for those who feel like it. "

parked the car in the parking lot below the tracks, then we go on the slopes to the east, that is our right looking at the Theodulpass and begin the climb.

we go up the slopes as square as possible, to avoid extending the path, "As it is long." We will pass the Lake Goillet , where you can admire the large dam. Obviously, if you decide to start using the skis, it will be obvious that the lake is still covered with ice.

The slopes are icy in the morning, best to use crampons for skis, unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your point of view, the slopes do not enjoy the landscape, and only Monte Cervino stands out in the sky in the first rays of sunshine that light up on the east wall.

Going back and see the cable car station at Plateau Rosa at this point we can only imagine that a direct line between our point and gray text. I surrender to a few hundred meters of the tracks to cut. The last part, played on the road is very steep, it is necessary to make several reversals before reaching the Plateau.

Grey-headed salt is still the tracks to broad plateau between Klein Matterhorn and Hump Rollin . A wide track leads to the Breithorn Hill (3826), where he faces the wide, gradually and increasingly steep slope of south-west. After reaching the ridge south-west follow it briefly to the peak.


On sunny days the view is exceptional, west admire the beautiful pyramid of the Matterhorn , east of the Monte Rosa and Lyskamm instead to the north-west you can see: The Dent Blanche, the Zinalroton , Obergabelhorn and Weisshorn . In the north-east, admire the Mischabel and Rimpfisschhorm .


Monte Cervino (7)

view of the Matterhorn.

Diga del lago Goillet

Goillet Lake.

Plateau Rosà (2)

Rifugio Guide del Cervino.

Piccolo Cervino

Klein Matterhorn.

Breithorn Plateau (4)

Plateau Breithorn.

Breithorn Plateau

The Breithorn.

Vetta del Breithorn Occidentale (4)

Top of Breithorn.


Weather Forecasting.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Program Wording For Weddingsgay

unique experience

Public clear and simple words with which his friend Leonardo Pierini wants to share his excitement of teaching Taekwondo for children. In addition I would just invite you to click here to read the article that was published a few days ago from New Corriere di Firenze "on the Project Fun / Sport Taekwondo Florence that the Centre has carried out in collaboration with the Circle 11 Teaching of Florence. And 'the moments experienced during this project that includes Leonardo, Good Reading!

'A unique experience "

has opened a door in my life that teaching children in elementary schools in La Pira, and Boccaccio was a unique experience.
At first I was very doubtful about my ability to manage an ongoing demonstration of Taekwondo to children, from the beginning, the project does not thrill me much, so I tried to bring me the homework to a minimum by taking the "leftovers" of lessons that were left after first choices of the other instructors involved in this project. So I started alongside Edward in the first lesson to The school Pira. But now the daunting task of managing 50 children at one time, prompted me to continue with more enthusiasm in this magnificent adventure.

The children seemed extremely interested in the lessons immediately and their sincerity was the ingredient so that it might just outside the classroom of life. Then, even the teachers with their blandishments and their compliments on our classes have filled my heart with joy. The confirmation of success in my efforts to convey my passion for the sport came when the little Federico, to whom I taught at La Pira, after a lesson in the Gym Stadium, I was greeted with great happiness, so much so that its simplicity has sent me a thank you for having made known to a sport he likes, like the sport of his life ... an emotion so strong for me to tears to my eyes. Special thanks to Dominic because he was the one who caused all this to happen.
Leonardo Pierini "

next time!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pokemon White Gameshark

"may" of hard work.

The Greece is a small region with little more than 11 million inhabitants.

Nevertheless the ' is under attack, i mercati finanziari impazziscono e l’ Ue e il Fmi devono intervenire pesantemente per evitare un nuovo e imponente tracollo finanziario globale.

In verità la Grecia non è il “problema” finanziario dell’Europa e del pianeta, come non lo fu la Lehman Brothers , prodromo iniziale strategico all’attuale crisi in atto, non assimilabile neppure lontanamente ai blandi effetti negativi finanziari creati dagli attacchi alle Torri gemelle l’11 Settembre.

Un capitolo a parte andrebbe riservato alle agenzie di rating che emettono reviews often reckless ... as well as surface species, almost always, to open markets.

Suffice it to say that, for example, Parmalat and the same Lehman Brothers were considered up to 24 h before the collapse, these same companies, by AAA: the best we could find on the market!

Now the Greek titles are declared junk the Portugal (another small country) and downgraded the Spain same offending.

The situation is dramatic locally, but it should be for the entire planet.

Speculation intensifies the financial markets, relying on hysteria that savers have confidence in the future.

Those who follow the trading can not fail to have noticed that when the fall pounced on securities, the bid to reach huge numbers, even if the actual treatment of those attached to lower prices, at a minimum, a cent of volume.

The titles of the various countries are usually concluded for more than half by foreign entities, just as largely del debito americano è sottoscritto dalla Cina. E ciò vale anche per l’Italia.

Il debito americano è il vero pericolo all’economia globale per le grandi dimensioni che ha assunto, non tanto nel pubblico, quanto nel privato. La somma di pubblico e privato raggiunge una montagna troppo alta da … scalare; e, in misura minore, il discorso vale anche per l’Inghilterra.

Eppure vengono considerati, a torto, paesi affidabili!

Se la speculazione dovesse colpire i titoli di stato degli States, come lo è per la Grecia ora, non credo che vi potrebbe essere alcun rimedio.

However, this does not happen for one simple reason: the collapse of the U.S. would be traumatic for everyone, including the same speculators that would go to hell as the whole economy of the planet. These financial figures are too large for anyone.

The risk would not be worth the candle.

therefore, to speculate, it is much better "condition " the market for small.

Argentina has partly overcome the previous default, but by analyzing the accounts, does not seem to have drawn lessons from the past have the necessary rigor.

policy, therefore, strongly called on the field with its social and strategic choices.

It also becomes possible for the Greek case, since, at the EU level, have lost important months to avoid excessive waste of money Community trooped between personality and national self-interest that now cost much more.

An example?

Until about a month ago, Greece was in need of some of € 22 billion, now 45 immediate to get to the end of the year and then an equal number to each of the next two years, hoping that this huge money is sufficient to allay the distrust of the market.

If this huge sum was given to Lombardy, in almost the same population, swimming ... all gold as the duck Disney.

Translated into hard cash, the Trilussa, the cost attributable to each Italian citizen to support Greece, because the '€ itself, will be about just under € 300 in total three-year period, in line with the cost any other European citizen.

Therefore, if the system jumps (l '€), will be great pain for all, especially for those who, like the nations to the south, more debt, less reserves and energy to enter the market. Not for nothing the resistance, even if politically implausible, Germany is understandable.

markets without regulation and restrictive legislation today do what they want, based solely on the mercy of those companies that, by failing and failing, they can enter markets astronomical even in a single day.

In years past I have always been reluctant to EU policy formation, with well written and reasoned action. So much to be branded by some as superficialoni "Eurosceptic".

My opposition was based not on the union itself but to the implementation method, too simplistic and without specific constraints, that they did become one body and not just a political and social amorphous agglomeration, as in effect , it is now.

Italy policy is implemented in 1870 with the capture of Rome, the social reality, many decades later, is far more of the future.

Therefore let alone Europe, structurally divided between the countries of North and South not only operationally, structurally, just as our logistics Italy is divided between north and south, a north to Anglo-Saxon mentality, a southern Latin .

The German Finance is the one that called the march to Merkel binding on the choices.

There are many signs that presage growing irritation to stay in the EU in general and in the '€ in particular, because it includes additional costs che non sono compensati in toto da benefici.

Basti ricordare che la Germania dovrà addossarsi l’onere maggiore del sostegno alla Grecia: il 60% in più circa di quanto costerà all’Italia.

Vi sono già ipotesi più che realistiche a svincolare subito la Germania dall’€ in caso di default di alcuni paesi, dividendo di fatto l’Ue in due diverse entità:

a) la prima, anglosassone, ancorata alla Germania con i vari paesi satelliti viciniori, e con la possibile aggiunta della Francia;

b) the second Latin American, anchored to Italy with all the Latin countries and the Mediterranean. In this deplorable (although in my view, only political fiction) when Italy suffered from splitting in two, with the north which would be to the north by Germany, leaving the south and center to their fate.

is why we have lost too much time to save Greece, then in order to prevent other countries that were under attack PIIGS area of \u200b\u200bspeculation.

Just like the case of Lehman Brothers has evidenziato sui mercati internazionali.

Tra nord e sud Europa vi è la differenza somatica propria della diversità insita tra l’individuo che fa sistema e lo statalismo che fa assistenzialismo. Come avviene, in sintesi ridotta, anche in Italia tra il Nord e il Sud.

A sommi capi non per nulla il nord è a maggioranza di matrice religiosa protestante, perciò laica, mentre il sud è cattolico, perciò confessionale. Diversità ideologiche che portano con sé altro: il pragmatismo operativo da una parte e la pretesa del diritto acquisito dall’altra.

Greece's bluff on its first day, then said he would accept on his terms ... and now that no aid will be a catastrophe. A strange way, so to speak, to move: pull the rope until you're broke.

is one of several major industrial productivity between North and South, identified the same situation in Italian.

Not for nothing, in Italy, the Lega Nord has arisen, where people are "fed up " have to keep the South forever.

And this same idea pervades the vast majority of Germans who wonder why, after paying to boost poor countries of the EU, now also have to pay to keep the pensions they receive no gold essersele earned.

You can talk so selfish, but self-interest that arises from the strategic mistakes of policy: those of a merger that should not happen in any condition and without any supranational amalgam.

The enlargement of the EU has worsened the situation and increased costs, favoring only the multinationals that have been able to roam undisturbed where profit could be higher, thereby impoverishing the structural system of individual production in advanced countries.

A counterpart, the loan of solidarity with Greece puts Germany as the largest recipient of 5.5% in profit on the interest that Greece will pay, this having the option of placing on the market their titles (to finance the rescue greek) to lower rates, so a gap larger than any other income.

Italy, for example, pays 1 / 4 to point more to raise the necessary capital, as its much larger debt.

The same applies to the depreciation of similar '€, act to promote German exports.

The problem is not profitability, but the ability of the lender to repay the capital and when the lender.

The solvency is calculated not on the gross domestic product, but the profit that can potentially generate the same GDP, and the weight of the interest, which creates the debt, is a relentless devourer of GDP.

€ 135 billion in total, sempre che bastino, sono una cifra colossale che difficilmente la Grecia sarà in grado di restituire tra 10 anni, specie se a questi interessi si debbano aggiungere gli altri del debito pubblico già sul mercato, a tassi decisamente superiori.

I salari nel nord Europa sono maggiori che al sud, anche se la vita costa potenzialmente di più.

Questa differenza salariale è dovuta non solo alla produttività, ma, soprattutto, alla capacità tecnologica di saper immettere sul mercato prodotti ad alto contenuto tecnologico, dove il guadagno può essere maggiore per carenza di concorrenza. E la Grecia, come molti altri paesi latini, scarseggia in profitability and innovative production.

argue that now that the EU has done, even if only in a germ, the process can not be stopped, but to be corrected and enhanced to create an amalgam that production and a new supranational cohesion great country.

To achieve this we must quickly correct the distortions policies that exist between the various nations participating, placed under a central political and economic rigor species on public budgets.

will do so, even with gli aiuti, verso il default strutturale di alcuni paesi, creando, di fatto, la disgregazione dell’unione stessa.

L’unione e la fusione devono essere velocemente incrementata in una centralità decisionale, pure nel rispetto delle varie esigenze nazionali.

L’ipotesi di una Finanza tedesca che si prepari a lasciare l’Ue e l’€, per salvare il salvabile nel peggiore dei casi, non è troppo irrealistica se si procederà sulla falsariga di quanto fatto finora. È un fatto pragmatico di un’ipotesi eventuale e non remota.

L’indecisione politica della Merkel, on the Greek case, was in bankruptcy from all points of view: hysteria of the financial markets, increase the cost of, capital losses on equity, accelerating economic collapse greek, weakening the EU's political and distrust of citizens on the future .

However, it is understandable if you look at German public opinion, to which Merkel will have to give justification to the next election.

The May 1 was once the party of workers and now is working.

Un lavoro lungo e incessante che aspetta la politica, per correggere velocemente gli errori strategici di un’Unione che doveva essere più selettiva ed omogenea.

Per uscire dalla crisi finanziaria, che può coinvolgere i paesi P.I.I.G.S. e disgregare l’Ue, non sarà sufficiente il solo mese di maggio: servirà un maggio molto lungo, dove le mosse politiche e finanziarie non potranno essere procrastinate e sbagliate, comprese quelle immediate.

Pure i cittadini dell’Unione sono attesi ad un lungo maggio, non solo di lavoro, ma pure di austerità e di sacrifici per ridurre public debt that the management of public finances happy in the past decades has created.

And what if you do not want to have a future far worse than the current and traumatic for everyone, especially for the poor.