Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Electronic Bowlercade Instructions

The myth of top managers, high finance and Christianity.

The events in the economic and financial center of this last period often pose major ethical questions of legality, especially if cataloged in a world where most people "snatch "is more capable, so good and worthy of respect.

We have managers who receive more than one month in all their employees, or who have million dollar severance pay equal to the (TFR) - as recently - about 5 000 employees of the same company.

If we add that the management of certain societies pose a corporate restructuring that includes thousands of redundancies, then the legality of such remuneration is more contradictory, especially if the recipient beneficiary is declared as a Christian, and partly , is the very cause of having to redecorate.

The same can be reserved for the political roots of the Catholic analyzing whose annual income (public) there is a continuous upward growth. From my observations I found that all politicians start at normal income prior to their election to Parliament, and then shoot up in a continuous way, the way that their career is prolonged in time. This, of course, not counting its benefits and lucrative parliamentary allowance, which, being considered as such, is not part of income is commonly known, therefore subject to ordinary taxation.

I used the lemma not snatch at random, because it is well suited also to the conduct of the Christian today: political, manager or entrepreneur who is.

Leo XIII [1] stated over a century ago: there is no real solution to the "social issue" out of the Gospel. Although, by the way, out of the Gospel there is also common sense, civil justice and fairness.

And social question arises in the first place the great disparities in treatment tra il vertice (imprenditore, manager) e la base lavorativa, perché l’entità di persona include una parità esistenziale, anche se non di trattamento per la responsabilità, il rischio, l’impegno e la capacità individuale.

Tuttavia simili divergenze attuali sono anacronistiche, considerato che in certi casi un anno di emolumenti dirigenziali supera di gran lunga l’intera vita lavorativa di una persona normale, quella che, per intenderci, il predetto pontefice indicava sotto la voce classista di proletariato .

Ipotizzando un dipendente con un salario netto di 1.500 € mensili per 40 anni di lavoro, aggiungendo pure il Tfr si possono sfiorare emolumenti complessivi di 850.000 €, ben lungi dalla scandalosa buonuscita in questi giorni citata di 40 mln di €, specie se prima contrattata, come pare, dai vari avvocati di controparte.

Sempre Leone XIII affermava, nella stessa enciclica, che lo Stato debba garantire il meno abbiente, giacché il benestante si difende già da sé con l’abbondanza delle risorse disponibili.

Egli, infatti, aggiungeva: … poiché si può affermare con verità che il lavoro degli operai è quello che produce la ricchezza Member ; and, I add, also that of businesses.

therefore noted that the increasing wealth for some, but contrasted the poverty of many.

were different times, of course, and there were still existing trade unions ( corporation established themselves as social law and also Christian Association and defense ) nor the current welfare.

Some popes his successors elaborated, taking similar concepts with the times, hints of which can be seen in Populorum Progressio of Paul VI in Laborem ecercens , Sollicitudo Rei Socialis and Centesimus Annus of John Paul II, as well as in Caritas in Veritate of Benedict XVI .

The ideas expressed in the encyclical also can be partial, because perfectly with the passage of time.

However, it is interesting to note that one of the main pillars of social life (and Christianity) is indicated by different terms in various encyclicals on the subject: friendship in Rerum Novarum , solidarity in Sollicitudo rei socialis and Centesimus Annus , civilization of love in Populorum Progressio , going well in Pio XI indicated that, nei suoi insegnamenti, come carità sociale .

E, paradossalmente, il termine usato da Leone XIII equivale a quella linea filosofica classica che viene esplicata nella filosofia greca pagana, prima platonica ( Dialoghi di Socrate ) e poi aristotelica, giungendo fino alla scolastica dopo essere passata per Plotino.

Filosofia che non a caso illuminò il teismo paolino e l’origine stessa del pensiero cristiano.

Posso solo annotare che, socialmente, amicizia ben si addice al vivere civile, perché questo vocabolo indica l’essere together on some common interests that bring into, and there is nothing more important in human existence that the pool among all, the lives of everyone and therefore the mutual dignity of a decent, if you want be people and not just the community.

Personally I am much more in tune to the motto of Pius XI, because charity should be the social ideal and a Catholic who leads the Christian in his earthly life: the first commandment of civil life, what makes see in Proximus (who around us), Jesus / God as a person, which gives us eternally repeating in his own creation (Gen. 1:27).

commendable and also the statement of Paul VI - civilization of love - because he wanted to Christianity as a part of society, the party with their own culture, and charity is proof (should be) the light of civilization.

But the conceptual approach of the different variants of the popes has significant social, analyzing which can be discovered or a secular vision of the phenomenological and social problem and therefore also for religious reflection (John Paul II and Benedict XVI) or a truly Christian vision of society (Leo XIII, Pius XI and Paul VI).

And certainly there is the phenomenological concept of an identity crisis, roughly recognizable in that overt taxation also a social, rather than in that witness with his own perseverance in being a Christian charity of love: to proclaim the law without regard to that this should be supported and won the respect of the duty.

And, as often happens, the right door to blame the duty to the community, deprived the individual (top or base) from being implicated as a Samaritan.

And some slips of church leaders, including legal character of law, both in criminal and in the financial, seem to confirm what might be called the theocracy of the phenomenological law, and transcendental wisdom.

Unicredit The story, despite the magnificent manager by many, especially the left, is anything but, in my humble opinion of an outside observer, the emblem of 'financial efficiency and the correct procedures.

As some economists have observed long ago, is the result of globalization: of that wildly myth to expand and join to become great, without much analysis of the pros and cons, often relying on debt beyond legality logic.

Unicredit and become the fourth largest banking group in Europe, but a group with shortness of breath which wiped out profits in a short time, involved huge capital without drawing the right construct, and always looking (desperately) for new capital (Libyan petrodollars).

On the situation of this institution many months ago I had mentioned in some articles.

have been used in the banking sector to Tremonti bonds, the bonds are issued and bonds to cover other expiring, was created huge overstaffed and has required a major restructuring of the structural system.

If you add the international institute that has gone to too much risk by investing in Eastern Europe (former communist countries), pointing out only as far as is known, and perhaps non-performing loans too bad, then the overall strategy is not the best.

Nothing objectionable, therefore, that the shareholders - banking foundations with Cariverona in the head - have given marching orders to those who have strongly supported such a situation is created.

The banking foundations have arisen as a result of a good law: the 218, commonly called Amato Act.

The State, in fact, failing for the continued growth of sovereign debt many funds available, has encouraged the " private (financial institutions) would create companies such non-profit organization, designed to finance social projects or artistic otherwise could not have been carried out, or associations with a range of important social volunteering.

Banks, which normally have interests with each other, have in part, together with other local public entities as well, moved its corporate acquisitions in the foundations, with the proceeds of dividends received, net of expenses, is then poured the territory in which they are radicalized.

In this way we will maintain control of the shareholding structure of reference and powers, preserves and develops the land.

The collapse of the profits of Unicredit, in fact, dismantled their territories attributable to significant resources, so that development and recovery. In practice has made substantial equity investments unprofitable.

And comparing the foundations to the papal thought, this fits in with that concept layman, albeit a Christian roots of solidarity of John Paul II, or the philanthropic sector that drives some lay people.

This solidarity, however, was frustrated by the globalization of Unicredit (and many other manufacturing companies even) at that tactical focus growth in multinational distorting the initial set-up service in the area, varying the radicalization in frantic search of possible gains and favorable locations temporarily.

Today the various political groupings, and for removing the Right now has in its leader Berlusconi and Tremonti as possible and a suitable replacement, they lack charismatic able to hold with probability success of a new policy and a possible new electoral impact.

This lack of leadership behind him a deep cultural and ideological crisis, made attempts to gather and new divisions, often alimentate da una classe dirigente che null’altro ha fatto se non che il fare politica come professione. Perciò un essere non politici, bensì mestieranti.

La storia nazionale di questi ultimi decenni ne è il paradigma inoppugnabile.

Il mai esistito Centro, di proclamata ispirazione sociale cristiana, presente da troppo tempo solo in ipotetiche e lontane, oltre che assai problematiche, nuove aggregazioni, non è in grado di darsi un’ideologia sociale attenta alla religione, basata sul servizio e sulla coerente testimonianza del proprio credere e incedere: una cultura nuova, diversa by capitalism and liberalism of the right and populist alternative to the Socialist Left and ceilings.

The factions that are often antithetical approach and depart in the management personnel and sometimes ideological, where Caesarism is cultivated as a way of perpetuating electorally, though with minimal results.

There is no concrete plan, but any OS that is the only inspiration that makes them plausibly exist.

The Left, with the collapse of economic and financial system of the communist ideology has been in cachexia, free in-house, following organic intellectual, social system and dialectical alternative.

As the old leadership, created in his time as a new political class (by profession) to exercise the power of party organization chart, may substantiate a new social concept, operationally incapable of doing anything other than that the job policy.

So there is divided between nostalgia, populists and progressives, not well know where to go.

The consequence of this is the search for a possible black pope, therefore, outside the hypothetical political aggregations, able to give him a soul in his new apparent capable of holding a body long since divorced.

And this time the center and the left: a totem election.

Prodi, Catholic extraction, it was the Left a black pope, but as all popes blacks a boomerang in the short term, because it is able to unite so temporarily, but could not hold an ideologically concrete program for the various souls who faced each other culturally.

And, strange to say, now you try to oppose capitalism / liberalism of the right candidates " capitalists", who, according to the actual names, we can consider both Montezemolo for the Center that the hypothetical (because of political positions ever taken part) Bouquet for LH.

questionable These choices will not be the panacea for their ills, even if they were to lead to the Pyrrhic victory, as it was for Prodi at the time.

already over the edge of the Rubicon is Fini, leader of another political nomenclature of the profession, more devoted to pontificate constitutional principles to demonstrate that they can solve.

Perché se tra il dire e il fare ci sta di mezzo il mare, così tra l’affermare e l’operare vi sta una coerenza democratica ed etica che l’uomo non possiede.

La democrazia è il fare secondo il volere dei più; ma in Italia, spesso, la si fa secondo il volere dei pochi, specie se da decenni asserragliati nelle stanze del potere.

Il giovane e ancor imberbe sindaco fiorentino – Matteo Renzi – nella sua agra dialettica politica, oltre che nella sua baldanza giovanile, vede nella vecchia nomenclatura the rock of his own party renewal. Pity, however, that his gait is not supported by a partisan culture capable enough to dictate the renewal within the party that the ideological left has not been able to give.

This problem is not only PD but also the center and right, because too many journeyman occupied the political arena.

And probably, before winning their national leadership, Renzi will do a lot of mess because it is not on the cross with two ideas and the sheer ambition can go a large party and possibly a nation, but with an overall view of various issues involving the social structure, the structural, the productive sector and the economic / financial.

So, for now, let it mature in reciting his mantra political staff and a tight, because if he can purge the PD from a stale organization corroded by decades of rust, has already rendered a service to the country.

Then there are the populists and whatever groups emerging, where the various political leaders to do more than offer fun and color - and also attract the deluded - even though these ingredients are not in any way to solve i nation's problems.

More than a black pope to the nation is a great democratic project, but must first propose idearlo.

And no black papabile I think it ready in your pocket, especially if its income from capital, or his past, is already an insurmountable obstacle to the credibility for the electorate.

The state is not a company where the manager works and earns a lot in a short time, while the employee sweat and go hungry if it remains unoccupied.

People need answers, and these are not given by a display of his wealth and position, because you do service to the nation in being willing to serve the people and not being a totem of momentary success.

The politics it can be interpreted in various ways, including the candidate to create a substantial income and make it easier for their interest, or to rise at a prestigious office, but that does not serve the nation, but just be a journeyman for its own purposes.

And perhaps that is why today there is not so much detached on a shared project, how about being a Tom, or of Caius Sempronius. Except, after a while, when self-interest so recommends, hijack your " be " on someone else or himself.

Various popes have given us above, each part of their culture, sometimes very religious, very social at times, a culture result of "their" time.

But the basics - friendship, solidarity , social charity, civilization of love - are valid in both the civil and religious spesso si sovrappongono come concetti indivisibili, sia per il credente che per l’agnostico.

La civiltà non è solo il possedere una cultura, ma il donarla al servizio di tutti.

E non vi può essere servizio senza tali principi sociali, specie se questi sono da millenni il frutto di quel pensiero sapienziale del vivere sociale e del progredire civile che i papi hanno solo aggiornato, ma non ideato.

Questi principi non sono dei possibili optional di un programma elettorale, specie se chi li proponesse avesse una grande disparità reddituale con la base.

More than a black pope, or white (the political leader of a particular deployment), we need a real man: a candidate prepared, informed and above all that it intends to give himself to the nation according to any of the human universal that several popes - and not only them - have said. And, around him, other men just as prepared and capable of putting the public interest of the private sector.

And most importantly, you need consistency and testimony: that the democratic consistency and fairness in individual and many current leaders was (is) often easily despised and forgotten under the pressure of passions and interests personal.

to lead a nation there can be a lay person or a declared "public", provided it is able to translate his interest in the general interest, but if there is a Catholic, then he should have those qualities , teaches that the Church for years (though sometimes with inconsistent leadership), even and especially before accepting nominations for prime minister.

The Common Good all the state and call upon him, even if the culture of law, free of duty, makes it the only good part, so a given community.

Democracy not be perfect or infallible, democracy and respect for the democratic idea, after careful analysis and discussion of the will of the most standardized.

Because Parliament does not say "the PDL, or PD, ol'UDC Approves / anus", but " The House, Senate or , approve."

The top managers, such as black pope, is an illusion, even if possible, to make it real because the candidate should first proceed to design a new type of company production, capital and a just wage and income distribution.

This, however, run counter to everything that has so far pursued, and, above all, perceived, beyond the fact that he has said Catholic or simple assault ... capitalist, so globalized.

[1] - Rerum Novarum

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Template Service Hour Log

time, the gift, the story and the blessing. The remedies to the problem

This short and concise articolo è un commento al breve post seguente.

Per intoppi telematici non è stato pubblicato sul blog dell’amico.

Con alcuni conoscenti ci scambiamo spesso, per studio e analisi, degli appunti, o dei commenti, che possono essere per noi interessanti per approfondire alcune questioni.

Per cui, in un intervento pubblico di un religioso, me lo son visto riprendere in alcune frasi: ripreso e ulteriormente sviscerato.

Perciò ho deciso di pubblicarlo pure qua, come se fosse un commento published on another blog, as was meant to be.

As noted at the beginning I gave him a title as well, and for completeness I added the thought that it has stimulated.

good week (now a contender ..)

I still resounds in my mind, this morning heard a step at the Seminary of Assisi Retinopera: "I can not bless the day."

And it's true.

believers can not fail to bless the day if you really believe that they live in is the "time", the historical period, allocated to them by the Lord, King of history, to undertake their particular vocation and give true meaning to their lives.

But today is also the "time", the historical period in which the unbeliever can still give meaning to our lives and pursue the achievement of its right ideals land.

And then, later, also against the current, live in this extremely complex and challenging time that we are given a living.

Comments Blog http://www.giuseppesbardella.blogspot.com

good week.

" I would not get much in the" time / date "which gave us the good God, but to focus on the" size " time in philosophy.

fact, this is not the seconds add up to create hours, days, years and therefore a life, but one of those dimensional geometric variations are useful for understanding the events, in practice a variant variable, so a unsteady gait.

time, scientifically, varies depending on the speed it grows more and more time slows down.

Place, on earth as a hypothesis, that Tom takes a road trip Turin / Venice at an average speed of 140 kmh, he has lived in a second less than those who remained at home. If he used the red arrows traveling at a speed of 300 kmh, the time would be perceived as useful almost tripled.

In the past decades have been made special experiments to demonstrate this, using three clocks: one keeping it on the ground, the second on a B52 that was traveling from east to west at a constant speed set, the third again on a B52 was traveling from west to east at the same speed. The experiment showed that, where the plane as well as their sums up the Earth's rotation speed, the clock at the end of the experiment declared the first 15 minutes or less difference than the left on earth.

In theory, this add up to theology, the result of reasoning would have no effect on the relationship between man and God, when you consider the time / date "as a divine gift that we enter into a certain existential reality. Hence, your reasoning Franciscan could be considered correct.

This, however, is illusory because, in fact, God does not give a life time of default, but only calls the individual to life.

What does this mean? Who prefers a phenomenological conception of the event - your expressed - a real vision and overall History.

the early church fathers, from Anselm of Canterbury, have ventured into these existential and eschatological distinction, leading up to Hegel, who defined God the absolute Lordship of the devastation of history .

This was right before the time included such as a geometric measurement.

On what was grafted to the Sermon on the foreknowledge of God, the concept of Grace and Salvation , so the predestination, or, in the materialist conception of Fate.

I believe that God calls to life loving, so making a gift, because love is to give.

God, therefore, may include, but not predestined. And when the staff comes to be part of a Manichean or Jansenism, then the Christian believes only in case ( eschatology material - Canaanite God) and not a God in Person ( Eleusinian cosmic eschatology). In practice it is a "fake" Christian. Christian is more than a Pharisee.

Il Dono va vissuto nel costruire la propria storia . E la storia la si costruisce con la volontà, con l’abnegazione convinta, con l’essere persona/uomo sociale e non comunitario, perciò individuale.

Il tempo della durata della nostra storia non lo fissa Dio, ma noi con il nostro stesso incedere e con le nostre stesse scelte che possono arrecare vizi o virtù, salute o malattia, sia che si ragioni su una procedura genetica che occasionale.

Vi è l’assoluta libertà di operare nel mutuo consenso col creatore, oppure procedere per proprio conto.

Ogni fatto che avviene pone una scelta, anche nella malattia inattesa o genetica, o dovuta a fattori a noi estranei.

E la scelta è nell’accettare la vita sempre, perché non è il tempo che la valorizza, ma solo la nostra volontà.

Perciò il dono è la possibilità di ogni uomo di costruire la propria storia; e questa sarà fruttifera se sarà in sintonia con il donare/amare che ha prodotto in Dio la nostra chiamata alla vita.

E non vi è differenza sostanziale tra essere cristiano o materialista, perché l’essere Società impone il dovere non di essere comunità, perciò ghetto, bensì l’essere Popolo nell’uguaglianza pur nella diversità delle mansioni, dei ruoli o delle capacità.

Diversamente vi è solo individualismo; e dove questo c’è vi è solo il principio di intendere il proprio diritto a scapito altrui, con tutto ciò che questo comporta.

E il “ benedire ” dove sta? Nel vero senso del termine, erroneamente traslato, dal cristianesimo, dall’uomo a Dio.

God does not need to bless the man, because he has already given everything in the gift of life with a unilateral gesture of love. So is the man who must bless ( well dicere ) God

And the blessing is building its own history in the time it is granted (predestination or fatalism), but that we indulge ourselves, accepting what we are in the conversion (upgrade) of our everyday being a person, so citizen. "

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Invitaion Wording Movie Themed Party

Mont Mars.

Carisey of Cresta.

Valley Oropa.

Biella Alps.

Il Mont Mars

GPS tracks.

Download file.

Download gpx file. Gtm

The course includes the upward and downward from the Busancano Oropa, a short track to nearby shelters Savoy and Rosazza, the climb to the refuge Coda then steps in crest of Carisey to get back to normal by August Mucrone Mont Mars.


Click to view photo collection on Flickr.


From My Video Production by Igor:

Mont Mars.


orographic position.

Mont Mars with its 2600 meters is the highest mountain in the Biella Alps and Cusiana.

ridges of Mont Mars, called Carisey and Chardon, form the watershed between the Val d'Aosta and Piedmont. In Valle d'Aosta side, overlooking the valley of Gressoney and below the crest Chardon extends the Reserve Naturelle du Mont Mars with its many lakes, offering a unique view on Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn. Instead, on the Piedmont side, divides the intersection between the valley and the valley Elvo Oropa, both located in the province of Biella, offering a broad overview, as well as the remaining Biella Alps, even lying on the Po Valley.




Oropa sanctuary (1180) or by using the cable car we arrive at the shelter Savoy (1868).


by Oropa there are 1420 meters in altitude, however, if you use the system there are only 730 meters.


whole path and EE, but the crest of Carisey that is AD.


harness, rope 30 feet, 3 or 4 delays, some rope and carabiners, which are useful but not essential some little friends.

Topographic Map:

the best card is the No. 2 Valley Baltea Canavesana scale 1:20000 or even valid: Sheet 2 Biellese the north-west scale 1:25000


Automotive Access.

Once in Biella should take the signs to Oropa, Oropa Sanctuary, about 12 km from Biella. Arrived at the Sanctuary park in car parks further upstream to the left of those are convenient cable.

Route on foot.

We think that to reach the foot of the ridge of Mont Carisey of Mars, there are many paths to the approach, but I'll take you the shortest, that fell from the cable to the refuge Savoy.

"Another beautiful ride, but to do with two cars, however, is to climb the path that goes up the river Elvo C3, and then fell by more" normal " to Oropa. The trail takes you to climb right down to the Tracciolino Graglia on the road, about halfway, just before the end gravel asphalt, there is a visible trail, cross the bridge once sull'Elvo Cabrini, the path shrinks on track is not always apparent, several deviations confuse us, the very useful map of the Dora Baltea, at least to the refuge Delphi Coda. "

but return to my path. After taking the cable car and went to the shelter to Oropa Savoia we head to Lake of the beak, never left the body of water and go back to the nozzle of the beak. Signs marked "Coda refuge", then a lungo sentiero a mezza costa, su massi, ci porta all’attacco della Carisey, poco più di 2 ore dal Savoia.

A questo punto, una lunga cresta rocciosa risale gradualmente verso la vetta del Mont Mars, passaggi di II, III e IV grado su roccia ottima, nei passaggi più ardui, sono aggiunti degli spit e addirittura delle soste con catene o cordini. Il tempo di percorrenza della cresta e di circa 3 ore, ma dipende soprattutto dalla vostra agilità su roccia, ci si potrebbe impiegare meno di 2 ore come anche 5 ore. La Carisey non porta direttamente in vetta, ma collega a circa mezz’ora prima, al sentiero Alta Via delle Alpi Biellesi.

Dalla cima scendiamo sul lato opposto, seguendo sempre il sentiero dell’Alta On, until just before the Col Chardon. Then we cross on the trail almost the Plan, the stagnant water Chardon Lakes and Lake of the Red Mountain, then descend in the visible and the lake below Mucrone. About two hours.

Now if we were quick to climb the Carisey, we return to take the cable car, otherwise we must go on foot up to Oropa, or to the slopes of Busancano or the track that passes in front of the shelter Rosazza. Another hour down plenty.

Honestly, even if you take the first ride of cable car to rise, it is not easy to keep the timing to catch the last train to fall, a race against time. In addition, the Crest of Carisey, although it is of excellent rock and does not pass at high altitudes, it is a rather difficult climb, not to be underestimated at all.


Rifugio Rossazza(1813)

Refuge Rosazza.

Rifugio Savoia(1870)

Rifugio Savoia.

Rifugio Coda (12)

Refuge Augustine and Delphi Coda.

Lac Chardon

Lake Chardon.

Lago del Monte Rosso

Lago del Monte Rosso.

Lago del Mucrone (2)

Lake of the beak.

Cresta Carisey

Steps on the crest of Carisey.

Mont Mars (11)

summit of Mont Mars. From left: George, Frank, Henry and Igor.


panomars1 panomars2 panomars3 panomars5 Monte Rosa


Weather Forecast.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dresden Figurines Value

Monte Emilius.

Gran Paradiso Alps.
Comboé Valley.

Monte Emilius

GPS tracks.

Download file.

Download gpx file. Gtm

We, having stretched the wrong way from the parking areas that lead to the cableway of Pila Chamolè, before the lake, I made corrections to the computer on the track real , now it should roughly indicate the right path, in other words, from the parking you have to climb higher Pila ski slopes, retaining a diagonal direction towards the south-east that is left, as straight as possible trampling the grass the ski slopes, then the cable car arrived Chamolè, Chamolè clear path to the lake at this point we have still very long road, following the Monte Emilius Arbolle that brought us to the hut, "would be good to do normal", so from the shelter to go for the strike are still a lot of down into the valley of Comboé to take the right path. Obviously if you decide to stay at the refuge that is the right way. Instead if you want to do Emilius in the day at the lake Chamolè, or passed back once again to track the computer, because you need to pass the Col Replan, following the trace of the left that leads into the valley of Comboé, would be the path per la Becca di Nona, appunto senza andare al rifugio.


Clicca e visualizza album fotografico su Flickr.


Da I Miei video by Igor Production:

Il Monte Emilius.


Posizione orografica.

Magnifica, imponente piramide rocciosa, domina la piana e la città di Aosta, dalle quale si ammira la sua fredda e imponente parete nord che scende con un dislivello di 3000 m; risulta un po' nascosto dall’antistante Becca di Nona, al sommo del selvaggio vallone d’ Arpisson. Famoso è il suo panorama che oltre alla conca d’Aosta e le vallate che ne dipartono, comprende tutte le massime elevazioni valdostane: dal Gran Paradiso al Monte Bianco, al Grand Combin, Al Cervino, al Monte Rosa, ovviamente diretta e la vista sulla Grivola e, in giornate particolarmente limpide, arriva a gruppi ben più lontani come le Alpi Marittime.

Nota storica.

I vari nomi che gli sono stati attribuiti nel tempo, sono praticamente dimenticati: Punta Vale, Pic des Heures Dix and Monte Pio (in honor of Pope Pius IX, who had even thought of designing a monument on the summit but was never realized.) Name Emilius, which has long been called Mount, Carrel was imposed by the canon, in honor of a fourteen year old girl who reached the summit in 1839: Emilie Argentiere. Note


His first ascent is not known: with a note of preparation, reports on a note of Edward Defey on an ascent made by his father, GB Defey around 1820 with Dr. Cerise and others to the south ridge. Instead, the first winter was carried out by Lino Binel with Amedeo Berthod February 15, 1934.

Departure: gravel parking

higher Pila (1880)


calculating the ups and downs of the path difference is approximately 2150 m of climbing.

Difficulty: I have read reports that the strike is considered a dell'Emilius uphill climbing, but difficult to grade, but for me, not to praise me, as always, but honestly, I would apply the information reported on signs of Valle d'Aosta namely, the railway from Col Carrel and EEA (hiking expert equipped) for the descent from the normal hill of the three Cappuccini EE.


harness, set da ferrata, elmetto.

Carta topografica: o IGC scala 1:50000 n°3 Il parco nazionale del Gran Paradiso, o Escursionista Editore  scala 1:25000 n°4 Conca di Aosta-Pila-Monte Emilius.

Accesso Automobilistico.

Arrivare a Pila è uno degli accessi più comodi della Valle d’Aosta, infatti una volta percorso l’autostrada si esce all’uscita di Aosta centro, a questo punto sono già ben visibili delle indicazioni che indicano per Pila o Pila funivie, infatti si potrebbe salire a Pila anche con le ovovie direttamente da Aosta. Le famose ovovie si vedono proseguendo l’autostrada per Morgex sono attive tutto l’anno o almeno quasi e vengono parecchio also used in winter when the ski lifts are in operation. However, if you go by car, about 12 km. from Aosta we are in the town of Pila, we pass along the location of the Careggi Charvensod.

itinerary for the climb to the Col camp Frederic Carrel and dell'Emilius railway, then down the hill from the normal 3-Arbolle Cappuccini and shelter.

Tours ring, that I've always preferred. As mentioned earlier, we have extended some of the tour because we have maintained the right direction, but we must also say that wrong you get to know the area well and this time to take advantage of our mistakes are just you, dear readers.

You can park your car in the parking lot of Pila higher, to be understood in the dirt. At this point we follow the classical indications for a second yellow, typical of the Valle d'Aosta, Monte Emilius, Ferrata Emilius, Arbolle refuge ", so to speak that we do get around the earth retaining wall around the parking lot. Here are some pictures about it:

Si Salvi chi può! Il Monte Emilius_0003

Retaining wall to get around the parking signs and Valle d'Aosta.

Once up on the mule track that goes back to the side of the ski slope with its local tourism to the left, we come to a T-junction, about 10 minutes. At this point we leave the dirt roads and we follow a hypothetical line diagonally to the left, off the path that allows us to quickly trace the meadows to the ski slopes, to the last plant south-east called Chamolè.

the emergence of the system, a path clearly visible ornament wooden fences and benches which soon leads to the lake Chamolè. Also on track is marked circumvent the lake at this point we come to a junction of paths, all the signs inviting us to go back to the Col Chamolè, but it is wrong! Keep in the left hand path that brings us to a lower collar of the Col Replan and then declined rapidly in the basin of the Valley Comboé.

Obviously, if you want to go to the shelter you have to climb the Col Arbolle Chamolè.

Panorama al lago Chamolè

Chamolè Lake. However

Replan climbed the Col and descended into the valley of Comboé, follow the path that leads No. 6 in the direction of Becca di Nona, then under that mountain path splits to the left you go up the Becca di Nona, where instead you keep the right one goes to the Col Carrel. However, it is impossible to be wrong, but just because a minimum visibility to see the camp on the Col Frederic Carrel.

Bivacco Federigo

Federigo Bivouac at Col Carrel.

not be impressed by the sign, in front of the bivouac on the rise for five hours of climbing. Long is long, now depends on the convenience that each of us on the rock, I, who are not the most practical steps on the rock, he recruits accessible and well equipped in the most exposed. However, just behind the camp, cutting the crest of the valley Arpisson little above you can see the first of climbing ropes, continue maintaining the ridge, in the early passages is the Tibetan bridge ropes and then steps up as the pre Mont Emilius A final passage of the crest of Grade II undeveloped leads us to the Virgin Mary that resides on top.

As mentioned earlier, the view is great.

Ponte tibetano sull'Emilius (5)

Tibetan Bridge.

Il Monte Emilius_0018

Ropes security steps in the crest.

in vetta al monte emilius 080

Fabio and Antonio on the summit of Monte Emilius.

At this point we must come down. You could easily follow the railway down, but we want to do the tour you decide to get off on the opposite side. You can see the stamp on the rock indicate that the best step up to the Colle dei Cappuccini 3 is steep and awkward to get over large rocks, arrived at the hill keep right heading west, but the slope is attenuated up to Lac Gele you jump from a stone atrium, then the path back to the lake on a path well traveled.

Lac Gelè

Lac Gele dell'Emilius seen from the top.

Lac Gelè

Lac Gele.

Lac Gele After the path is clearly visible, continued without losing too much altitude, to the lakes Arbolle, the "normal dell'Emilius" is very long, but as usual, one step after another come to the shelter Arbolle. At this point we have to climb to the Col Chamolè to descend its lake.

If you start early you can take the last race of the battery plants during the summer that seem to work up to 17.30, otherwise a viable alternative to cable and back with the first run of Chamolè available and awoke a few hours later, thus sparing the slope of the ski slopes, although it will be harder to make the rounds and take the last race of the cable car, by the way, the descent on foot from the cable Chamolè not so long.

Rifugio Arbollè

Arbolle Refuge.


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