Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lots Of Phlegm And Sore Throat

Eagle Rock and Mount Giobert.

Monviso Alps.

Valle Maira.

Preit Valley.

Rocca dell'Aquila & Monte Giobert

GPS tracks.

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From My Video Production by Igor:

Eagle Rock & Mt Giobert.



Departure Location: Preit (1540)

Elevation gain: 936 m.

Difficulty: MSA

Rise Time: 3 hours

Recommended period: dicembre.marzo

Exposure: West

Recommended Maps: IGC, Valle Maira Acceglio Brec de Chambeyron, scale 1:25000


orographic position.

small but elegant, the Rock Eagle off to the west spur of the characteristic Rocca whaling. The route runs along the west side of the broad popular Monte Giobert, departing only in the last final stretch with a bit of climbing. Easy walk to start the season, also attended after a snowfall.


Access automotive.

Morene of the A6 motorway exit Torino / Savona, to take Savigliano, Busca, Dronfield, or by Cuneo, SS22 for Dronfield.

Dronfield is situated at the bottom of the Maira Valley, go up the main road to Ponte Marmora;

at this point to go back to Canosa, Preit and if possible, exceed all of the buildings Preit;

at this point to find parking car available in the first pitch.


Park the car, follow the valley road to the height of a block with a white wooden fence, this point cross the stream on a wooden bridge and climb the slope between the sparse trees to the west up to the houses Colombero Sottano (1698).

Here comes off the route to the right of the Mount Whitney, but we still left for the apparent winding dirt road that leads to the Houses Convent (1832).

The slope at this point increases its slope and climb zizzagando under a beautiful grove of larch trees.

Above, left the grove fades the slope and climb up onto a large side all'insellatura between two mountains, the Giobert left and the right of the Eagle Rock. The Eagle Rock

the climb, leaving the skis to piedi sotto l’attacco della cresta rocciosa, che date le circostanze ora è completamente ricoperta di neve, dai piedi della cresta alla cima ci dividono solo 60m. di cresta da considerare di difficoltà PD.

Noi discesi dalla Rocca dell’Aquila, dato l’incredibile avvicinamento delle due punte abbiamo salito anche il Monte Giobert, che data la sua caratteristica forma tondeggiante lo si riesce a risalire fino in vetta con gli sci nei piedi.

La discesa, molto appagante, si effettua per l’itinerario di salita per gli ampi spazi sotto il Monte Giobert, poi divertente il boschetto di larici e nuovamente ampi spazi fino a fondo valle.


Rocca dell'Aquila & Monte Giobert

buildings on the valley floor where there is a pedestal base.

Rocca dell'Aquila e Monte Giobert

Ascents of the grove of larch trees.

Rocca dell'Aquila & Monte Giobert

The last part of the Rock Eagle Crest.
Rocca dell'Aquila e Monte Giobert
Me and Fabio on the small tip of Eagle Rock.

Rocca dell'Aquila e Monte Giobert

Me and Anthony on the large peak of Mount Giobert.


Weather Forecast.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

2003 Gmc Check Engine Light

Tortellino Rana and turnovers.

SESAC , today, came to visit me and handed me this story audience very happy.

is a day on the hill, life of animals and the forest.

Sam Cardell

From "Dialogues" of SESAC

Tortellino Rana e i panzerotti.

La neve era già abbondante sui monti; e valicando lo spartiacque alpino, in una splendida giornata di sole, pareva di trovarsi seduti sul trono dell’Onnipotente, lassù tra le nubi, intenti ad osservare lo splendido scenario della creazione … invernale.

Chiesi al potente Terra di far riposare un attimo i suoi innumerevoli, focosi e scalpitanti cavalli; e lui mi accontentò accostando nel bianco spiazzo proprio poco dopo la dogana.

went down, and I dilettai to turn our gaze on the white and jagged horizon, slowly turning on myself to 360 degrees. The thermometer was -10 °, but the sun warmed the only trust and plaid shirt, wool and high mountain, made me too hot.

memory came easily to the bold ridges of the Himalayas and the Andes, by running thought the exploits of young people, when the preparation was high on the courage and perception of danger was paramount to the desire to conquer the summit.

In front of my eyes suddenly pararono the ghosts of the rash, which totally from hibernating polar temperatures, there lay a long time waiting Hades and they showed when the powerful wind of the monsoon, willing to roughly caress the rugged peaks, they removed the cold, white coffin to show, to mandatory warning, the tough and fearless daring climbers, intent to violate the white ridges to reach the coveted summit.

I saw them one by one, those hapless petty, almost curled up on themselves like they were resting. Some had at the time of the tragic passing away, his head bent on his knees, almost ashamed to show the shame of their failure, and other changes seen still standing stiff and tall with fair pur se appoggiata alla roccia di una nicchia qual riparo improvvisato, alcuni quasi dormienti e con il viso coperto da cristalli e i capelli incanutiti dal ghiaccio, altri con gli occhi spenti, grumosi, vitrei e gelidi ancora aperti, fissi nel guardarti immobili, imploranti il tardivo aiuto … da anni o da decenni.

A quelle quote è arduo avere pietà dei morti; e il buon stambecco, pur nella fatica di pensare dovuta all’ipossia, li salutava mentalmente, passandogli accanto, recitando questa preghiera di suffragio:

Requiem aeternam dona eis , Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis .

Libera eas de ore leonis , ne absorbeat eas Tartarus , ne cadant in obscurum : sed signifer sanctus Michael repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam , quam olim Abrahae promisisti , et semini ejus .

Hostias et preces tibi , Domine, laudis offerimus . Tu suscipe pro animabus illis , quarum hodie memoriam facimus : fac eas , Domine, de death Transire for life.

Requiescant in peace. Amen! .

I received from the torpor of cold and gloomy memories, albeit distant, which always saddens the soul.

Earth Then he resumed his fast ride until we arrived in Federation.


Heat dell’accogliente baita, frammisto all’odore del resinoso cembro, ci avvolse appena varcato l’uscio; e superato il piccolo atrio frangi freddo ci ritrovammo nell’ampia sala sovrastata dall’artistico e monumentale crocefisso ligneo.

Il fuoco ardeva gioioso e scoppiettante nel camino frammischiando i suoi rossi bagliori ai raggi del sole che invadevano dalle finestre poste a sud, illuminandola, la grande stanza.

Attorno alla grande e lunga tavola vi erano diverse persone: amici da tempo conosciuti e facce nuove.

Ovviamente non mancava Leone che stava Read the good and entertaining company.

After the customary pleasantries recognized among those present two well-known professors, experts of economy and the native land, the new group but I knew by reputation: Malaparte and GITR .

The first appeared at La Pira smoked anchovy, which seemed almost the spitting image. Not very tall, very thin, pale face, thick glasses over his eyes sunken, his head sunk between slender shoulders, high forehead discovered by balding, deep thinking, smooth speech, considered response and clothing not too nice.

The second ruddy and healthy, lively, even if almost sleepy eyes wide behind his glasses, spoken partly abnormal vocalization and the outside world, very engaged in the management of the forest, his elegant clothing was impeccable.

His mischievous face eternal, typical of those who, with their calm and polite ways to possess the belief that you can always instruct the student ... holding it under pressure.

Of course I was surprised to find myself in front, but I did not dare ask any question so as not to annoy Leone, the cause of their presence.

The discussion, I learned, focused on the delicate political moment of the forest, further aggravated by the great recession that time all the animals involved.

When I got the reasoning was already very knowledgeable in the subject, but with a little 'attention, I could easily assume that even I could not hear.

The situation at the summit was unstable and precarious and management of the forest was virtually paralyzed by some that most do the interest of all, they were comfortable wearing the clothes of the Pirates of the Caribbean, trying to take over, or sinking, the ship hated Bausi sea captain who in life had been arranged so far in his first of obtaining the command of the galleon.

Leone , unlike usual, had taken on the task of moderating the discussion, giving the interventions and focus on several issues, much fun in his new role and often teasing the activities of two new guests.

the Diet of Roncaglia there was, in fact, a lot of confusion because Tortellino Rana had long made up his mind to go his own way, what was an idiot politician, intent to occupy chairs for not working.

In fact, it was just an idiot in the political conception of individualism, and these did pass all the others with its constantly doing and undoing the fabric of Penelope: Now yes, no and soon, perhaps, ni.

In his youth he had fed and educated on the texts dictatorial authoritarianism of the previous century, which had created so much damage and grief to the peoples of the forest.

Now Despite did intend to have denied the past, was, in fact, worse than before ....

His appearance was not the most reassuring and his face was what more could be found in a sordid political: it seemed, behind those glasses false lover and defender of constitutional legality, which seek to soften the jaw mastiff dog face at that square, the mummy of the sphinx of lies and betrayal - as he noted the expert Leone -.

in life had always been unreliable, and although often recite the defense of many social values, in private he had always scorned.

In his maturity had no sense of legality and even the desirability, often accompanied by a young female with great profit intent to attend the school of Theophrastus.

was, however, very clever and had taken lessons from the fox that had failed to take the sour grapes ....

almost certainly had never been trained in the culture of the tales of wisdom Phaedrus and, being a frog did not know the fable of the frog and the ox . However, while frog wanted to be great, swelling, as an ox: his greatest ambition was to sit atop the highest tree in the forest.

Therefore, in order to succeed, brigade and sowed discord in the Diet also found allies among the enemies of all time, including excelled Burin, Bordello and San Marzano, but as you know, in Diet the boundary between friend and enemy was very narrow.

Perhaps he had read in his youth the Prince of Machiavelli and his heart yearned to capture the final stage of his life.

Burin was a rough provincial of the tropical forest, moved to make a career in the wooded forests located between the limits of the high plains and mountains. In truth even before he had gone well in the forests to the north, but for practical reasons of too much work, not suited to him, he again pointed to the south.

His speech was by semi-literate, his manner discovered by hot water, his private life, in part along the lines of Rana, its culture does not exist by populist cowboy and executioner.

expatriate with patched ass, climbing tenaciously school classes had put the pieces back to the others, even if put in the new suit he had forgotten to change his shirt.

So had been always to ... before.

Bordello , however, some had traced the process of Rana, including females. Boasted to practice the dictates of the Druids, although in reality they reproach.

He had the look of the bully and clear over the years had lost Cicciobello to dress the face of the hard and pure, in fact, was not.

In the past it was blown bough pole to escape the agreed commitments and in doing so, he had bruised falling badly, saving his career and a successful alliance un'opportunistica trifle. Thing the Leone s'addolorava much for having almost forced to bear.

This wavering attitude was the precursor to Rana and often pondered the prodigal son. Obviously not the one who returns repentant to be family again, but only to speculate that reappears again trying to pass himself off as needed.

San Marzano was all aluminum from head to toe and not for nothing that bore that name.

In the past it was also the forest when Tetua console his friend, briefly took power. However he had done such damage to the economy seemed clear that the consequences even now.

In his home town was not a prophet in his homeland and was indeed very unpopular, in fact, his group, in free fall with animals and with ideas for some time, was only third in number, by far outweighed by the Lama.

In his group was taking place the young Cola that was busy for scrap, along with many others, but he, with that stupid face talker who finds himself, he was dumb and the other from a beating, props to his predecessor, who, despite his age, still had the pacifier in her mouth.

In his youth apparently had wanted to pursue a career as a firefighter, but perhaps still harbored this ambition as often trained in the use of stairs, partly imitated from Burin.

He had a personality ambiguous and it was not clear if his true aspiration of the youth had been in Grisù firefighter.

La situazione era critica e Gitré non lo nascondeva. Data la situazione – affermava - poteva saltare tutto il banco nonostante i continui moniti, inascoltati, del Nano del Tirolo.

Perciò il pericolo era grave, anche perché Patatona in casa sua non sapeva che pesci pigliare per 2 motivi: il primo era che oltre alle forze di gravità, data la sua mole, non conosceva altro, il secondo era perché era continuamente strattonata da chi le stava accanto.

Perciò si procedeva a vista verso il baratro, sia in molti Land della foresta, sia nella the whole forest.

include a discussion the other it was time for lunch and left the fervent speeches to devote to food.

The canteen was varied and could range, after the starter, including tortellini in broth or sauce with mushrooms, cream or the turnovers.

For the second case, all agreed that the convent passed in accordance with economic austerity imposed by GITR: sausage with potatoes, red onions and polenta to ashes.

Finally pie Apple Hamburg to Leone, so with cognac and milk before the traditional coffee.


The discussion resumed and continued for a long time, and learned actions of the bystanders followed under the careful direction of Leone, which did not allow the discussion of 'out of the sow: finance, economy, sovereign debt, budget, investment.

course GITR and Malaparte did the lion's share, given their public role, although harassed by the insights of others.

The speech finally erupted on the political possibilities and future prospects that the current precarious situation makes it likely.

Almost everyone admitted that it was highly probable that we should resort to quick formation of a new diet, in order to break the deadlock, although the economic situation would have suggested something else, because it was undeniable that not Tortellino Rana could continue beyond.

Some can be argued that the convention might not have solved the knot in a clear majority, but at the end Leone spoke thus:

" The situation is such that it demands an explanation and this explanation can not give the constant prevarication and equivocation of Tortellini Rana. So we need a new diet, the result of a forest convention.

Then, whatever happens, you will see the result.

There will be a clear majority can govern compact? Well, problem solved!

There will be and will be required convergences between opposing blocks? You will see are real, although this would not be the best for the needs of our time.

therefore proceed without further ado, involving all the forest animals, because in front of such a crisis is necessary for everyone to assume their responsibilities and to certify as it may proceed.

The community forest will tell who among the contenders has betrayed its commitments and those who kept them, although, in truth, many animals may be culturally, so politically manipulated.

Il vero nodo da sciogliere è quello di creare subito un vero intangibile programma su cui associarsi, perché è su quello che si costruirà il nostro futuro; diversamente si perirà.

Tutti, ovviamente, sanno vedere i problemi che abbiamo, tanto nell’attuale maggioranza che nell’opposizione. Per fare ciò basta avere gli occhi e non vi è bisogno di troppa intelligenza.

Questa, tuttavia, serve per trovare i rimedi agli impellenti problemi che non possono attendere oltre: troppo tempo si è già sprecato.

The ideas are there, just have the courage to make them his own, public statements, put them into the program and then take the will of the voters, saying the true economic and social situation without hiding it, because nothing will ever be.

Of course there is that we must reduce our social status and to constrain the available capital to the territory, and then redistributing the wealth because it serves both a new way to govern a new way to invest, so of doing business.

L’economia massimalista è saltata, ma anche quella capitalista globalizzata – il liberismo - è morta: resistono solo le nefaste conseguenze del non aver saputo regolamentare, perciò impedire, l’uso e l’abuso di certi prodotti finanziari.

Credo che, considerando tutti i debiti mondiali pubblici e privati, oggi la ricchezza del risparmio non esista più, immolata da tempo sull’altare del consumismo sfrenato.

Però vi sono cittadini benestanti e altri indigenti: i primi pochi, i secondi molti.

Vi è inoltre la povertà nazionale, quella dovuta agli ingenti debiti sovrani che nella realtà brucia anche il benessere dei pochi.

A ciò vanno aggiunti i grandi debiti della cartolarizzazione delle finanziarie o di molte società che hanno investito malamente, spesso speculando e non prevedendo correttamente il futuro prossimo.

Questa massa imponente di debiti è sicuramente superiore ai risparmi dei pochi, come Gitré prima elencava anche a livello internazionale.

La nuova ricchezza da produrre non potrà fare a meno dal considerare prioritarie some social choice: work, employment, investment locally based industrial cluster in the real union between the person and company, the service of politics as a necessary act house of values \u200b\u200band not individual.

journeyman So just because you have no need of them speak idiot understood as a profession. It serves the spirit of sacrifice and dedication, using all we can give ideas, intellect, will rise again, work, manual dexterity and above all, the sacrifice of being social people.

Because without this then you will only two main classes: the privileged and the servants.

The saviors of the country, and the constitutionality of the white knights do not exist, there are those who only want him to pretend to be able to continue to do their personal interest.

But these are the usual privileged that they want to stay, whether they are managers, whether they are politicians.

and I think that is enough to have well expressed the concise summary of our debate. .


The sun turned the horizon, arching above the ridges capped until they began to take on a pale pink color.

It was in the heart of the Rhaetian, but the appearance was typical of Pennine.

He ran to the tea, date, time, and many sorption watching the beautiful scenery that God, the artistic table that overlooked the great hall, he had won.

Up there, in the cozy cottage of Federations, not we had given only a fairytale and we had also given good ideas for the future.

Now they put them into practice, however, in accordance with the proverb of wisdom helped that God helps you.

Tortellini and turnovers were already digested the meal.

also wonder if the animals ... they would likely devoured the new convention of the forest.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Instructions On Making A Diaper Carriage Cake

FITA Coaches Course @ Center Coni Rome

Of course we're a pretty dancing rumba! Also in November does not seem to stop giving us so many commitments and appointments are important ...
After the young Tuscan circuit earlier this month, 12 to 14 November, I and 6 other friends (Balsimelli Lorenzo, Leonardo Pierini, Edo Gallina, Andrea Solinas, Paolo Bacciu and Massimiliano Nonsoilcognome from Montecatini) we went to Rome to participate in the ongoing federal training Taekwondo. The old lion Balsimelli also had to take an examination to acquire the 4th Dan, therefore, to honor its commitment because Lorenzo was double. We all had heard from veterans of very positive things about the courses that the Federation is organizing coaches, technicians and teachers, but to be honest the 3 days the Roman left us more excited than we thought.

It all started at noon on Nov. 12 when two cars filled with bags and stalwart athletes matches (with the canonical hour of delay) at the time of the eternal city, in a very nice autumn rain. The trip on the machine of Andrew "Spider" you slipped away quietly, between the last Cd Jamiroquai, Arcade Fire and the songs of the Sardinian version Mammuttones house, which was a compilation of Pauline Bacciu. Already during the trip to the main topic was the Taekwondo, experience in national and international tournaments of the young Paul Bacciu made for lively conversation and during his own stories is a name that popped up for me now is the subject of a real cult, complete with invocations and prayers when I go to sleep and upon waking in the morning: Jeremiah. I can not tell you more about him now, I find him later.

We arrived at the beautiful Olympic Training Center CONI Water Sorrel At 15.00 exactly on time for the start of the course, and we are now flown in the Great Hall for the welcome speech by President Park. To our surprise the course was crowded coaches this year, 220 candidates between men and women from all over Italy and in the classroom was also waiting for my dear friend Nicola Orlando also called "Nick Bunga Bunga", now at home in Rome where studies and he also enrolled in the course! The federal managers welcomed us warmly and we felt immediately part of the great family FITA, whose word is a single, categorical and challenging for everyone, spread the Taekwondo and its values. We were then given the tight schedule of corso, ed il via è stato dato con 1 ora di lezione di psicologia, molto interessante anche perché ha trattato la fascia di età dei giovanissimi, che è quella che attualmente mi coinvolge di più.
Poi siamo stati come divinamente divisi in due gruppi dal passaggio in posizione di parata alta di Park e della dirigenza in mezzo al gregge di aspiranti allenatori, il mio gruppo si è diretto verso il palazzetto Est per seguire il corso di forme del M° Notaro e l’altro al palazzetto Ovest a seguire le tecniche del M° Park Young Ghil , ormai mio best friend forever (bff).

La lezione di forme con Notaro è volata via, ci siamo fatti dalla 1A alla 8A Taeguk più la Poomsae Koryo in sequenza, soffermandoci brevemente sulle particolarità di ogni forma. Notaro ha un tempo molto serrato di insegnamento, ti costringe a stare molto attento perché se perdi il ritmo sei del gatto e guardi gli altri che continuano la forma all’unisono mentre tu resti immobile e pieno di vergogna in mezzo a tanto armonico movimento; nessuno del TKd Firenze si è bloccato e questo è già un successone. Comunque, ripassare tutte le forme con un mostro di bravura come lui è una iniezione di energia e consapevolezza, sopratutto in vista dell’esame di 2 giorni dopo, in cui vengono appunto richieste le esecuzioni delle Taeguk.
La lezione successiva è stata con Park Young Ghil sulle tecniche, molto interessante, di cui ricordo una massima del Maestro in particular: "the body is to be followed by the mind and not the other way" that the thought of a few moments to anticipate the action of the body, control it. Only in this way can we make good technical refinement of growing up to perfection, which is reached when thought and action are one, which grow wild, instinctive and effortless, with the naturalness of a child .... But we do not go hard on TAO I for now I'm happy to follow the simple advice of Master Park Young Ghil techniques to make the best :-)! In practice the first day of the course was completed at around 20.00 and ns. group, headed by Nick Orlando has organized to aperitivino and dinner. The Florentines was James also added to the restaurant, a friend of Edo and Leonardo Roman sailor who, with his sympathy has not been slow to enter the "gang" and we thank you for being a perfect host at the dinner "Al Ragno d'Oro" recommend lightweight plates Jewish athlete like artichokes, pasta, cheese and pepper, a amatriciana to scream and a feast of desserts, all washed by light wine of the castles that brought us out at this late hour from the restaurant with the chorus already used during the Europeans in 2008 ( see blog April 2008): "but there cares, but ... ce'mporta. All consumed in total unawareness of what we had to face the next day. ... Among other things I, Lorenzo and Andrea were sleeping in the side of the city, guests of the guitarist of Mambo Mutz, Francis, who was very kind to host us in his house full of music CDs of all kinds, as befits a true rocker. For those who still do not know the Mutz Mambo are the group psycobilly Lorenzo Balsimelli (which is the voice of billy and especially psycho showman of the band) now that you know we support and always buy good music psycobilly Mutz of Mambo!

up early Saturday morning at 6:30, we were completely stoned led meter by meter by the gentle voice of the navigator to the water Sorrel, after at least 10-12 recalculations for wrong turns, and a stop per una copiosa colazione.
In pratica il giorno di sabato è stato assorbito da 2 allenamenti agonistici con il tecnico della Nazionale Italiana (!) M° Youn, intervallati dalla lezione in aula di arbitraggio e dalla interessante lezione di Parducci (fisioterapista della Nazionale Taekwondo) sul RPM (riposizionamento posturale mirato), la nuova frontiera dello stretching su cui in futuro ci saranno dei corsi specifici a livello CONI. Le lezioni di Youn hanno avuto dei protagonisti d’eccezione: molti nazionali Italiani (Sarmiento, Molfetta, Calabrese, Basile) hanno fatto allenamento con noi sia la mattina che il pomeriggio, e con la grande umiltà che il Taekwondo richiede ed insegna hanno tenuto i colpitori per tutta la durata della give us a lesson for aspiring coaches to put into practice what Master Youn pointed out to us, after the nice translation of Carlo Molfetta by corean / Roman dialect of Italian Youn. Many of the techniques that we performed included high kicks to the head or dynamic thrust on the bodice, confirming that the fighting techniques WTF is evolving towards ever more spectacular and exciting. The workouts were hard but .... But I thought it was the hardest! Really, I sweated, I kept the pace and I'm tired but I struggled Maestro Mazzocca often much more, finding myself really tired at the end of the session. Perhaps the fact of having to manage more than 200 athletes at one time did not help the intensity of workouts Youn and certainly the national competitions are even harder or maybe .... Perhaps I am just so pleased to hear me believe it's still a physical level with beeestiaaa Sabonim Mazzocca!
During the lunch break on Saturday, consumed at the table of CPO, I noticed that Pauline Bacciu had been stopped to talk to a skinny man with a baseball cap on his head, complete with blue dress FITA. ... When later he the group met to my question of who was that 'little man "Paul looked at me with terrified eyes and a whisper uncertain added: Ge G. ... Ge ... Jeremiah, after changing the subject. Paul after this meeting has not eaten anything that day and our whole group was worried about him. The pleasant evening was spent at the house of James - thanks again invited us because despite all the next day had to get up early to go for a race - after dinner examinees coaches (myself, Andrea, Massimiliano and Edo), we made "tasks" to review the day after, put in writing on the sheets give yourselves by Prof. Chiodo (University of Catanzaro) how to do a Taekwondo training, choosing one age group athletes. I chose the band novices and beginners (ages 4 to 9 years) also because it is the one I most experience.

The next morning we depart early from the area in the direction of water Capannelle Sorrel, with a stop halfway through to make a good breakfast in a good Sicilian pastry, the owner has even invited the aperitif ....
At the cones, we were immediately directed to the East Gym where waiting for us there was a flip chart, with a white sheet and an almost religious silence of the 220 aspiring coaches ... I looked at Paul Bacciu I said quietly, "we we are, He is coming. "
the strains of "Jesus Christ Superstar", a perfect balance on two nunchaku held in tension by 2 pairs of stalwart black belt, made its entry into the building to him, the Master Jeremiah Dicostanzo, while the 4 sides of the carpet is lifted flames and plumes of smoke. We all fell into total silence, looking into his eyes as if looking at each other the answer to the questions: "... but this chicazzè?". Now, this question was quite legitimate for many of us who have never been in the national tour of TKD, but people like Paul Bacciu (which was in the National Junior) knows who is Jeremiah .... Just a phenomenon and a coach 4-star, and this I can say that whereas aged between 45 and 50 years. He jumped to the ground by the nunchaku with a back somersault and knocked out after the 4 black belts with a few quick fake body looked at us and greeted with an impressive HANA! to which all responded in unison with building a cazzutissimo DUL! Here, after a kiap like we were so full of strength and energy that we had asked if Jeremiah would without hesitation started to run toward the Coliseum in search of lions to fight with! The next hour was one uninterrupted series of strengthening exercises, techniques hitters to the most diverse, explosive speed exercises, all done while Jeremiah was concerned with worldly things like the multiplication of the hitters (and Adidas gave him a hitters do you ridava 2 Daedo) e l’acclamatissimo miracolo della prima forma , con il quale l’Onnipotente è riuscito a far terminare senza interruzioni il I° taeguk ad Edoardo :-)) solo con l’imposizione delle mani sul dobok! Comunque non potete comprendere appieno le performance di Geremia se non lo avete mai visto in azione, solo per darvi un idea clikkate qui. Grande Geremia - lo confesso - la persona che più mi ha colpito durante il corso è stato LUI, certo è uno di quelli preceduti dalla propria fama e ne è perfettamente consapevole ( e ci gioca… ), ma senza dubbio è un grande Maestro di Taekwondo e ci ha suggerito alcuni spunti di allenamento agonistico che abbiamo già iniziato a mettere in pratica nel nostro dojan.
Dopo il suo allenamento, spossati ma felici, abbiamo seguito la lezione di dietologia sportiva della D.ssa Torrisi, che ha sfatato molti luoghi comuni sulla alimentazione, andate sul suo website e troverete articoli molto interessanti su questo argomento. Dopo il pranzo è iniziato l’esame per la qualifica di allenatore, impeccabile l’organizzazione della FITA che è riuscita a gestire più di 200 esaminandi nei tempi giusti, dando la precedenza agli amici lontani delle Isole o del profondo Nord Italia.
Gli esaminatori mettevano gli aspiranti allenatori a proprio agio e questo è stato importante per stemperare la naturale tensione dell’evento. L’esame was divided into three sessions: implementation of the forms, query on the rules of arbitration and discussion on training that we had put in writing. Guess: of 220 athletes, who were the last two ever to be examined? But me and Andrea Solinas of course! However, everything went smoothly, I soaked a good Sa Jang (4th form) and the questions were good, in fact I did it! Now I'm officially coach of FITA Taekwondo, the results are released on the website of the Federation a few days after the exam! I'm very happy, it was a goal I set myself and I reached for the 2010 ... .. now I can pass on what I've learned to young students TKD Centre of Florence, I hope in particular to provide them with the passion and energy of this wonderful art that I felt this intense three days in Rome ....

At Next!

Monday, November 22, 2010

How Long Does Cat Allergy Last

stale old recipe for problems. Open Letter to

the much-maligned Bush era Alan Greenspan recommended to the President, in case of crisis, make it rain on the American people billions of dollars in jet continuous.

Its monetary policy as chairman of the Fed for two decades, was branded by his detractors and enforced by the next as the cause of the current financial crisis.

This mode of operation however was not the only cause, but as you know, the scapegoat va di norma ricercato nei predecessori, specie se l’esplodere della crisi non avvenga sotto la presidenza Greenspan, ma sotto il suo successore Ben Bernanke.

L’era Obama non ha fatto molto meglio; e l’ultima mossa di quantitative easing della Fed di 600 mld di $ per rastrellare sul mercato assets di titoli americani, per ironia della sorte va nella stessa direzione del mantra economico di Greenspan.

Proprio come il fondo Bce , da 750 mld di € to support the EU economies at risk default, runs on the same parallel track, although the danger, sometimes involving more than a single sovereign debt is due to the cheerful management of banks in a specific nation, as we know, flank and often follow the economic policies of various governments.

So nothing new under the sun for 4 years ... U.S. ... despite the Bostonians and virtual creative financing.

's speech on the effectiveness of this maneuver by $ 600 billion is very thin, I would say almost perverse in intentions.

enter such a huge liquidity in the market may become saturated at the moment the market, boost consumption, promoting the liquidity of investment, weaken to $ Forex, give oxygen exports, lower the cost of raw materials in monocratic era monetary and provide security to the securities markets.

However, as a consequence, further raising public debt and private attorney inflation and destabilize the domestic economy, instead of doping purge.

In practice shifts the problem over time, but instead of solving it, lo aggrava ulteriormente.

Il debito sovrano americano si sta incrementando a percentuali greche e alcuni azzardano l’ipotesi che per il 2014, procedendo di questo passo, possa superare anche il 150% del Pil.

E tale importo, se sommato al grande debito privato degli States, porrà l’economia U.S.A. a vero rischio default, sulla strada di un mesto declino economico internazionale, trascinando seco molte altre economie.

Perché non è l’aumento del Pil, spesso in crescita anche per l’inflazione monetaria, che crea il benessere degli stati, ma l’investimento reale che is based on the savings gained: that investment based on savings that is real and not virtual is able to produce real income and further debt.

We are, however, in a globalized consumer world, where the only benchmark is wrong, the growth of GDP , and this is thought to increase the well-being of citizens.

What wealth? Not the real one, of course, given the widespread dissatisfaction and deep concern in the future that pervades the Western peoples, not so much haunted the possible lack of growth of GDP, but they may live with some confidence the near future.

The China, which rules inside their own money does not control the fluctuation of the market is very worried about inflation that accelerated to 4.5% and consumerism that is developing inside.

It is worth noting that the Chinese worker's average wage stood at about 1 / 8 of the West.

fears also that a possible braking economic / productive to explode il rischio mutui in modo incontrollabile.

Appunto per questa ragione pare che la dirigenza cinese abbia intenzione di proibire alle società straniere l’acquisto di immobili, onde frenare il flusso di capitali; e, nello stesso tempo, procedere ad una nuova stretta monetaria per frenare i consumi interni.

La politica monetaria cinese è pertanto quella di limitare al massimo la migrazione dei capitali instabili globalizzati.

A G20 di Seul , nonostante l’ottimismo di facciata, le regole economiche e finanziarie per il futuro sono state appena abbozzate, bloccate da species mutual recriminations between China and the U.S., the first workers to question the last Fed move (given that much of the debt of the U.S. is actually funded by China), becoming the second tying the ' Yuan to Forex, so the fluctuation of financial markets.

beginning of the financial crisis the fluctuation hysterical € / $ is often disconnected from macroeconomic data, given that markets do not fluctuate on the real economy, but only under the pressure of speculation large financial companies that can move huge masses of daily currency in spite of the central banks, often relying on levers disproportionate.

And the same fate comes to the titles of various states, often stuck without a valid reason is not clear whether speculative.

The Irish public accounts, for example, are in accordance with European standards and to suffer only the local banks in danger of default, to save the Government breached the parameters debt / GDP, however, while the Irish titles are brutally attacked by speculation, intent to trigger turbulence on '€ that they can be profitable, perhaps by involving chain also the titles of other countries " PIIGS .

The 600-billion Fed move would weaken the $, but a few days after falling in the report is' €, until it reaches the media of resistance (it would be better to say of income) that able to reverse the trend, then moving on in a continuous $ speculative swings.

The supposedly infected with turbulence adjacent to € / $, did so only as an excuse the title of a single EU state, but, in fact, aims to destabilize all the others, especially those that rely on debt sovereign excessive and that have been placed in good part abroad therefore beyond the control of their central bank. The problem is not so local, but of system.

the default is not true that the big financial stretch out, but the depreciation of the securities and the corresponding increase in related CDS that follows.

The true default would be catastrophic for them as well because the whole global economy would implode in a contagious domino act to break down the entire financial and economic chain.

A speech interesting, but long, should be reserved the rating agencies that, with their often inappropriate advances on the possible downgrade of sovereign bonds in open markets, they create real sconquassi stock is on securities that the Forex.

The seriousness of the proceedings, rather than relying on the anticipation of possible premature evaluation should be based on actual knowledge of plans to support or rescue central banks, the IMF and the governments concerned were underway.

Therefore, it is obvious that there is a close connection, although perhaps unintentional, between speculation and anticipation of possible future proceedings before the final preparation of action plans.

long speech similar to the policy that should be reserved from the beginning of this financial crisis is not only always been on the run and late in the decisions, but also unable to predict the developments despite the macroeconomic data always at hand.

It first happened with subprime mortgages and many banks, then Greece, then with the smaller countries of Central Europe and now with Ireland, letting the situation fester before taking action and wasting precious resources such large so that the individual countries of the EU market capitalization.

policy Merkel wavers between economics and ignore the face domestic political pressures due to high costs to support the '€.

costs inevitably increase the deficit and debt without a clear vision of what will be, bringing with him, inevitably, increasing the tax burden and removing the tough economy sap Teutonic.

The collapse of '€ due to the default of some member states, although smaller, also drag the thriving German industry into the abyss.

So you are looking for alternative ways, based on strict budgets, to avert the impending danger, or, in extrema ratio, divide the EU into two blocks at different speeds and economic risk, composed by a strong nations (headed by Germany) and the other by weaker nations (headed by Italy). However, this would practically destroy the unity of EU solidarity and deny the principles that dictate its constitution.

to establish common rules, there is new, however, governments need granite and numerically strong in the various states, and therefore capable of imposing them to a rigorous economic policy of cuts and reduction of social status at all, which the social discontent due to the shaky economy makes it almost impossible to achieve.

To balance the reduction of the social needs in any case, the redistribution of wealth, thus linking the capital to the area and placing them at the service of the guarantee of future investment, employment and productivity. Something very unpleasant for the multinationals.

Unfortunately in Europe we can say that votes nearly every week, and this is a great evil because it gives political instability in the system.

If you then add that many states base their political structure on a proportional party fragmentation, well then you understand that often the majority in the coalition government to become hostage to the minority, although this may have support from area code.

And what is also apparent in a bipolar system, like the Italian one, is going on with the constant ups and downs and whining of Fini. Just imagine what would happen with a sharp return to the proportional or a bipolar system based on the armed Brancaleone.

The real rules (science) economic and financial affairs are not many even today and are based primarily on give and on the ' have . And when you give much greater than it is obvious that the imbalance creates irremediable damage for centuries, because it involves also the generations to come for work squandered by our ancestors.

virtual currency and economy based on massive sovereign debt, it should be against the same economic insights of Keynes and are, in practice, the very negation of the results.

However central banks and states continue to follow this path undeterred by creating more debt inevitably further inflating the money supply and bow down to the high cost economies will require.

in the EU Maastricht Treaty established a maximum cost overrun of GDP, whereas it is the only factor capable of measuring the economy of individual states, but this was a serious mistake which should be promptly corrected.

consider only the growth of GDP as a useful resource to boost the economy, basing the amount of economic growth as a positive development, is one of the biggest mistakes that can be practiced for decades and that today are perpetuating.

The economy, in fact, grows in a healthy way when the profits generated by increased domestic production is used in part to boost investment, and partly to cover their debts, but, as seen looking the current state budgets, the economy remains weak and sovereign debt continues to increase.

Zapatero in Spain, while antagonizing various social strata, has already begun to reduce, although only 5%, the salaries of state. In Italy, with work Brunetta, has worked in otherwise trying to reduce absenteeism and increase productivity while reducing staff gradually and inexorably.

In Greece, in the presence of a budget disaster and bankruptcy, have made draconian remedies, however, creating discontent and riots in the streets, the road that inevitably will now be undertaken even by ' Ireland.

However, these initiatives seem to be too soft in resolving the serious economic and financial problems, both to reduce sovereign debt promptly.

Per ammodernare gli impianti strutturali e anche costituzionali di uno stato servono ingenti capitali, nuove idee e valide risorse di capitale umano.

Immettere nel Trattato di Maastricht anche un limite alla migrazione di capitale selvaggio, vincolandolo perciò al territorio, sarebbe buona cosa. Diversamente vi potrà essere sì un’Ue politica, ma solo sulla carta essendo totalmente sguarnita di capitale reale, possedendo solo quello virtuale che genera unicamente ulteriore debito.

E il risultato pratico lo si vede ogni giorno nell’economia reale.

Il diagramma dei grafici mobiliari di questi ultimi 2 years continually retraces courses swing increases in rebates, but the two opposing courses have in common between them a continuous reduction of their tails, highlighting what the real economy continues to deteriorate.

Too many companies have weathered the crisis, especially SMEs, but with little public support when non-existent. Now, however, too many are closing or not seeing the utility to invest, nor to convert or continue.

Need a wing beat national and EU level, possibly scrapped those characters who occupy the political scene for decades, only intent on making their interest journeyman.

Of course many of these dialectics to justify their continued turncoat is not lacking, often being dubbed the savior of his country and the constitutional democracy.

Unfortunately, our constitution states that citizens who do not dissociate myself from the program should resign no longer share the commitment in front of the electorate.

And if a popular saying states that only the donkey that never changes, it is true that there are too many donkeys around, kick the people and continue pulling the nation, trusting only in their status of the privileged.

Italy so far has held up thanks to the tenacity of that Tremonti has tightened the cords of spending wisely, discontent and social classes not only opposition but also some ministers are unable to understand the drama of the situation.

If you do not want to end up in a little while Greece and Ireland, setting off an explosive fuse that the EU would not be financially able to defuse, you know that a majority and the opposition are not for immediate and practical govern together, which would demand the impossible, but definitely to marginalize these saboteurs who, with their moves palace destabilises the various parliamentary groups.

Because if one becomes unreliable on the one hand it is obvious that, although they now convenient to the other party, end up destabilizing the whole system, plunged into absolute chaos.