Da anni non seguo la televisione se non per brevi istanti trovandomi momentaneamente in casa altrui. In compenso, viaggiando molto, ascolto spesso la radio nei lunghi spostamenti.
Ho spesso la sensazione più che fondata che le notizie di attualità siano di norma “accatastate” alla rinfusa tanto per riempire spazi.
E per accatastare intendo che le notizie declamate sono spesso delle semplici illazioni, quando non vere e proprie supposizioni; non solo senza una reale fonte autorevole, ma date per cercare di indirizzare il popolo degli ascoltatori verso una “certa” verità o su un’audience attrattiva che sta di norma tra il sensazionale e il morboso.
Ultimamente fatti di cronaca nera o di politica internazionale mi han lasciato (si fa per dire) perplesso.
Ieri ho visto un bombardamento mediatico stucchevole sul ritrovamento di una persona scomparsa, dove la notizia era l’essenza della comunicazione; la quale non era però contingente ai fatti, ma a pure supposizioni con tanto di esperti intenti ad arrampicarsi sui vetri se sollecitati (per ragioni di spettacolo) a sfuggire alla logica degli eventi reali. Perché oggi lo spettacolo è più importante della realtà e anche della vita di una persona.
I vari cronisti si dilungavano in ipotesi talmente sciocche, ripercorrendo gli eventi precedenti, dove ogni possibilità creava una storia a sé stante; ma, come si sa, la Storia non si fa né con i sé, né con i ma.
And if a body lies in a certain place no assumption can locate it in several places as if this body had the power of ubiquity.
And if justice is addressed to the arcane and the esoteric (medium and visionaries) to search for clues, then it means that the search can become a structural requirement of a society that is incapable of feeding of analysis and culture and that it relies on unconscious despair with the transcendent.
Unfortunately, even some country's history, especially that produced by organic elements , has haunted so harmful to the national culture, by requiring a ground truth partisan and sectarian, often light-years away from reality.
In a previous article ( The new wars: telematics. ) I developed the concept of possibility of probability and reality .
The possibilities are endless as the imagination to envisage and the odds are greatly reduced with the experience, knowledge and analysis, while la realtà è una sola, anche se può essere percepita diversamente perché correlata a dei parametri dimensionali.
La storia degli avvenimenti di questi giorni che riguarda l’incendio propagatosi nell’islamismo, specie mediterraneo e mediorientale, può lasciare esterrefatto chi, per la vita vissuta, può vantare nel proprio bagaglio esperienziale una notevole percezione e conoscenza di come certi avvenimenti si creino e si propaghino.
E di ciò questo articolo intende parlare.
Tutti (si fa per dire) affermano che la politica International has been caught by surprise by events.
Therefore, these "all" should be a secular unable to do the job.
The facts of history, however, indicate that the bread riots develops earlier in Tunisia where there was a regime led by an old man and sick. So much so that he disappeared a few days ago.
Some events also take place in Algeria , but are turned off almost immediately.
then appear in Yemen and other countries children, where perhaps the problem does not exist outside of the bread for a few.
In Egypt events take on a different character, and everything becomes days of rage.
The U.S. is now lined up with the protesters that these turn into rioters, despite the fact that Egypt is a staunch ally for decades.
But, as we know, the allies can change, especially if the preparation of events on trips globalized computer networks, whose management is in hands of few.
It noted that such events propagate well in different countries even if timidly, such as the ' Iran and China the same, except go out right away because in these countries there is a government that, in any way we want it understood (large electoral support, regime or dictatorship), it is still strong.
Finally these days Libya develops in a system where there is a bit awkward 'at all.
nature of Islam and the implosion of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Arab states or is there something more serious and deeper?
Libya is a rich country and the vast majority of its approximately 6.5 million inhabitants are wealthy when compared to the parameters of Islamic / Arabic.
He, however, also about 1.5 million African immigrants who have come to work or as a passageway to reach other goals.
Unlike other Arab countries have good infrastructure, roads, schools and universities and many foreign companies operating there for decades.
The petrodollars have been invested largely in the western world, both in the U.S. and Europe.
is a despotic regime but, for economic reasons, was born, if not accepted by the international forum. In practice it is regarded as a speck folk with delusions of grandeur rather than a real dictatorship.
For logistical and organizational shortcomings, however, is not able to fully control its borders.
Libya, between the Mediterranean countries, is also the richest in hydrocarbons.
If in Egypt, the revolt against the regime is mainly condensed in the heart of the country, this left Libya in from the periphery.
Geographically, Libya is in the middle between Tunisia and Egypt and perhaps it is a sheer coincidence that there have been regimes destabilized first, taking advantage, in both cases, the presence at the summit of presidents and elderly patients.
It is surely not a coincidence that the Libyan regime has turned to the game from the nearest town to Egypt, so those most suitable for external infiltrations.
Which is not manifested itself in other neighboring countries.
Sulla rete telematica, circa un mese prima che le piazze si riempissero, delle apparenti spam a tappeto, con inserti chiave in codice, pare che abbiano cercato di contattare occidentali di una certa età, anche se ancor giovani, che quei territori conoscevano bene, oppure che di tali situazioni erano esperti. Perciò che là potevano avere agganci anche personali.
E non persone comuni, ovviamente; ma esperti di strategie sociali e militari, oppure di gruppi specializzati di rapido intervento.
Da notizie filtrate molti di tali esperti sono ora sul suolo libico.
A particular feature of the event is that the Libyan was immediately channeled into a riot by western media trumpeted as a genuine spontaneous uprising of the masses.
Despite inevitable accidents Square demonstrations in other countries took a different course, especially since the mass of the people do not have a military structure and, last but not least, does not have the preparation and knowledge to use Weapons today are sophisticated.
Marching and fighting against an army or militia, although not of lofty ideals, it would be a real suicide and does not state a long way.
If the rais Libyan fighter planes used to fight the insurgency behind this is because there was an operating unit of a military nature, a paradox because you do not use a nuclear bomb to kill a mouse.
fact, the evolution of events has also made clear that there were actual military clashes and that the advance of the rebels was not entrusted to carry out a mass of uncoordinated protester only dissent.
Western nations, in addition, while running for long enough overwhelmed public media declared the Libyan regime, sought (and seek still) agreements between them to develop on one side threatened economic sanctions and other military strategies of intervention no-fly zones or media strategic naval base for support groups officially rapid intervention to rescue nationals West.
And behind these political strategies more or less veiled in humanitarian ideals there is nothing but the belief that without an outside military support can not be completely overthrow the Libyan regime, unless you want to trigger a long civil war.
These high-level political contacts between the various secretariats and even at the UN, in fact, occurred, or for Tunisia, nor Egypt, nor for other Islamic countries still affected by movements more or less peaceful street protests.
Preparations for such measures would be a contradiction if the practical outcome of the revolt was granted.
In the early days the media have not spared the video listeners detailed listings of tragic events: the massacres continue, defections, battles, advanced, counter attacks, proclamations, systematic murder and house to house ... so on.
He also said that audio and video telecommunications networks had been obscured and that reporters were not allowed access into this country, or who were taken away by force .
Obviously this can make you laugh one analyst, because things are often anachronistic.
While traveling, in spite of such tragic news had just been announced, a reporter from the public service will make contact by telephone with the bishop of Tripoli (Martinelli if I remember correctly), which, in spite of the block meets the ether quietly on the phone.
He is asked how the situation, and he states that wherever he is (the capital) is absolutely calm and normal. At the urging of the chronicler adds that some have said yes to the clashes with police elsewhere, injuries and deaths, but the facts are that it is not able to ascertain.
The reporter asks him if he does not hear the crackle of automatic weapons and bombs, but he insists that everything is quiet.
He asks, finally, how are the streets and the states that has just returned from a few minutes from a trip to the pastoral grounds of a 25 km road perfectly accessible, without any hindrance or visibility of troop movements.
only drawback of that day: the rainy weather.
in Libya that day there were clashes in some parts of the country is more than obvious, but it was everywhere and that the regime was falling was not true. In fact, several days apart, while not controlling the whole country, the regime is still in the saddle, even if it is not known as yet and if barricaded in a few strongholds.
The Libyan population is made up of many tribes that live normally, but not always cooperate.
Perciò in tali casi cambiano facilmente casacca per assicurarsi più potere.
In compenso il prezzo del greggio è salito notevolmente e più che l’instabilità regnerà più salirà.
Per mesi molte petroliere sono state in mare aperto non avendo alcuna convenienza a scaricare, attente a trovare il momento redditizio per farlo.
Ed è probabile che se la situazione si normalizzerà in Libia, questa possa esplodere poi in un altro paese arabo, e non è escluso che ciò avvenga prima o poi in Arabia Saudita.
I regimi islamici sono stati ben graditi ai governi occidentali per decenni e dove non lo erano sono stati benevolmente accettati come garanti di una stabilità più economica che politica.
Basti pensare alle varie visite del leader libico in Italia, all’accoglienza che gli veniva riservata e alla libertà operativa concessagli per certe sue manie, oltre ai notevoli intrecci economici tra finanziarie libiche e aziende italiane.
Molte nazioni occidentali si fanno portabandiera dei diritti umani, salvo poi ignorarli con quei paesi that they can offer to trade or supply of substantial economic and business prospects.
However, today the major financial policies of globalization are only partially carried out by individual countries, often over and above, when the towing of big corporations.
Most Islamic countries have the prerogative of the regime when non-dictatorship, and those in Western culture is often considered to be an obstacle and fundamentalists in their culture.
movements of protest and the current insurgency is sa da dove sono cominciati e si può anche capirne il perché. Non si sa però dove andranno a finire.
Che Obama (e altri) cavalchi il sostegno alla protesta con la scusa della libertà e dei diritti umani è encomiabile; lo sono molto meno le probabili motivazioni che lo costringono a scegliere questa strada, perché sarebbe interessante vedere questo stesso atteggiamento verso la Cina, dove il debito sovrano statunitense è classato per circa il 40%.
La globalizzazione mediatica oggi è importante per creare opinioni e condizionare le masse e certe tv libere del mondo arabo/islamico sono i cavalli di troia per scombussolare dei sistemi di governo che appartengono per tradizione a dei popoli che hanno estremo bisogno del totem per organizzarsi e riconoscersi.
Credo che sia però un peccato imperdonabile quello di destabilizzare dei governi alleati ed amici per fini che più che nazionali oggi fanno parte di interessi globalizzati, senza aver prima provato tramite pressioni diplomatiche riservate a cambiare le cose.
Le multinazionali traggono per lo più i loro grandi utili dagli idrocarburi, riversando poi questi su altri settori produttivi e sociali, non ultimi quelli che sono correlati ad interessi politici.
Le guerre sono nella stragrande maggioranza produced by economic interests and only a few times by religious interests. Needless to say, culture is often deeply rooted in a particular religious system, which implements a social system.
Westerners not to refer the case to a particular religious culture and the Arabs (Semites) to another. And if you do not take this into account we can not fully understand why there may have been for years in various management systems of power.
Globalization (and the interest that this creates) is trying to shuffle the cards overlapping cultures as if they were mere commodities, so objects un semplice agire comune.
Ed i movimenti attuali di dissenso o di rivolta che si stanno manifestando nel mondo arabo/islamico sono il preludio non troppo sicuro di una maggiore democrazia e libertà, specie se i popoli interessati non abbiano di questa una conoscenza completa ancorata profondamente alla loro cultura e religione.