Saturday, April 12 we had a really busy day in Rome, where the Palalottomatica took place at the European Championships of Taekwondo.
A representative group of TKD Florence, led by Grand Master Domenico Mazzocca Saschall they would meet in the early morning to meet other athletes from Tuscany and from the time of the eternal city by bus. The likeable driver will return later.
The trip has flown by, entertained by the stories of Master Adam Doyukai of Florence that the microphone we talked about the history of TKD and its past competitions.
must have been nice to his opponents face a beast of Ivorian
Paiano and I have played guitar and sang for a Oretta, creating nausea and anxiety in passengers except one, which is my immense gratitude: the master of Montecatini Palukas John, who asked us to record a cassette of ns. starlings. I think we're kidding, however, the tape record it to him anyway.
Dominic has been with us in the final stretch of the journey Rome talking about the introduction of the new combat vest and updated electronically on the results of the previous days.
Palalottomatica At the time we did not lose and we enjoyed a bit 'of meetings from the stands, packed with fans came from all over Italy. See a live combat Taekwondo is a really exciting experience, you gasa to capacity, you are really want to wear dobok and guards and down on the table to study the opponent, to understand the weaknesses and gaps in energy and hit the bodice to reveal the results on the board the coveted point! 1-0, 2-0, 2-1, 3-1 Victory! However
to 13.00 the fighting have been suspended for lunch ... and here it is consumed the Caporetto of our staff. Maestro Domenico. The group of TKD Florence (Robert, Elisa, Lorenzo P., David, Andrea, and Francesco Pedrito, with the addition of Lorenzo's Florence Doyukai) left the Palalottomatica 13.05 promising to Dominic, who remained on site with executives in the event, which was 14.30 before returning to watch matches more interesting (the ns. Basile in the first place). Domenico, a proud group of fighters that he grew up, hailed as did the Caesars with the Legionnaires of the toughest battles (something like the way my wild the infierno ...). The harsh reality is that at 14.30 Francesco Domenico phoned to ask where was the group of lions, the answer was a chorus of drunken "but that we care, but c'emporta ...." Our attack was a plate of matriciana in a nice guesthouse in the center of the Capital, and nothing would persuade them from leaving it in the steaming dish to follow the meeting of Basile.
Dommy, you will always be faithful and continue on the path you traced, but on Saturday you have to forgive ... Rome was really beautiful, the sun was shining and a west wind has kept us very roguish over due on the comfortable chairs of the restaurant.

We were able to see Claudio Nolasco, who was defeated with honor - I personally am not entirely convinced of the BC Electronic as "referee" of the meeting, but let's still time to perfect this technological innovation.
Then we followed all the final and conclusive ... impressive performances of the athletes of the Korean Kukkiwon with spectacular jumps, breaks in flight of blocks and kicks of all kinds, great!
At the end of the day we said goodbye Domenico che ci ha promesso una settimana di fuoco, con allenamenti massacranti per farci pentire della matriciana, ha ragione lui, invece che da cinture nere di Tkd ci siamo comportati da cinture nere di antipasto misto…non lo faremo più.
Il ritorno è stato rilassante, siamo partiti in ritardo di 1 ora (alle 21) perché non riuscivamo a trovare il ns. pulmann nel piazzale di fronte al Palasport. Chissà dove era andato l’autista, personaggio unico che ha parlato ininterrottamente per le 4 ore che ci hanno diviso da Firenze. I suoi argomenti spaziavano dall’imbrocco di entreneuse a pago nei night di Montecatini a veloci chupa chups (così li chiama lui e vi lascio immaginare a cosa si riferisce) consumati nelle toilette di loschi bar di periferia. Un vero lord, che non si era accorto che mentre lui sciorinava senza sosta le sue imprese (!?) sessuali, nei sedili dietro di lui erano sedute nell’ordine: una allibita signora di mezza età e le due ns. ragazze del Tkd Firenze ( Roberta ed Elisa), che facevano finta di dormire, ma che in realtà piangevano in silenzio pensando che anche lui il giorno dopo avrebbe votato per eleggere il nuovo governo del Paese.
Alla Prossima!!
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