What a day!
Saturday, February 28th was a really important day for Taekwondo Toscano, those who remain long in the memory of all of us fans of this sport. The Regional Committee, at the head of which was recently reconfirmed our Master Domenico Mazzocchi (great, good job for the Olympics four years!) Organized an internship forms in conjunction with the winter session of black belt; the fact is in itself interesting, but what made him unique was the active participation of two highly significant figures of the Italian Tkd: the coach and member of the World Commission on Federal Forms of WTF (!) Park Young Master Ghil and sample forms plurimedagliato Master Notaro.
Many athletes come to Sixth F.no from various places in Tuscany, in addition to the Florentine I can quote Friends of Siena, Massa, Arezzo, Montecatini and the boys, all excited by the importance of the appointment. And personally I can say that expectations have been kept, because I had the opportunity to meet 2 people that fully reflect those for me are the values \u200b\u200bof our Art: ardent balance, respect for others, humility, will progress. Park happy to see the Commissioner of the massive presence of children in dobok is the best sign of the vitality and continuity of art, produced over the years thanks to the hard work of the Federation and regional committees. After the initial greetings of Dominic and Park, the large group of over 100 athletes will be equally divided into two: one part has followed the Master Park to study and perform various technical, the other party, including myself, chose to investigate forms with the Master Notaro. I had already seen and appreciated in the Master of video Poomsae available on the website of the Italian Taekwondo Federation , but following his lecture "live" is something else, there is the same difference which exists in seeing a race of Moto GP on TV or at Mugello. The energy that emanated from Notaro was "total", that felt the same force which could perform both the form either walk or talk.

E 'was the rhythm of the Master who has impressed me, has sent a positive enthusiasm and desire to learn all of us, because we shot the 8 forms "inferior" (Taeguk), each repeated two times while Notaro lilting voice sequences and spent half the athletes in correcting various errors with quick phrases like "you're too rigid", "throws more football", "change the sport" (this is what he told me :-)) . Joking aside, the lesson was really interesting and no doubt everyone will treasure his teachings, but small details that make the difference between a form "to be enough" and a "state of the art". After the 8 Taeguk, Maestro Notaro began his lecture on the higher forms, and I willingly I sat in the lotus position to follow my friends to carry them out. First because I still have to learn the first Superior Form (Koryo), then why my right anterior cruciate ligament after pleading mercy ugly distortion of the previous week. If I had to describe my ligaments now I would see them as two trapeze artists held tight to close her hands, but the hands start to slide, slowly ... ... I hope that I am doing exercises to strengthen the leg muscles to work properly , because I would like to participate in the upcoming Italian Championship appearance, after an internship with Notaro I'm a little 'excited. Ok, let me dream a little '!
At the end of the stage, with Park Young Ghil visibly happy (for the good lunch of steak Florentine consumed in central London), we applauded the exchange of gifts: Dominic won the Masters and Notaro Park 2 pictures of our beautiful city of Florence as a memento of the day spent together. WTF Commissioner has instead given to our master a subject that has become a cult to which we all aspire black belts now: directly from Seoul South Korea, the wristwatch with the mark of Kukkiwon, the temple of the World Taekwondo . Very nice. Extremely rare. I'll have to earn. We have a few. Dommy, now every time I ask you the time you light up your eyes!

Following the Commissioner Park made a nice surprise Notaro. With one quick gesture of the hand did sit all the athletes, and asked him to perform in front of all a superior form of the most beautiful: Chonkwon. The whole building is silenced in a silence almost religious Notaro has performed perfectly and the shape. I am impressed by the skill and balance of the Master, during the execution of his Poomsae I understood the true meaning of "martial artist." Who gets to those levels of skills and knowledge is an "artist" to all intents and purposes, simply because gives other harmony and emotions, Notaro seemed really dancing on the clouds while performing the Chonkwon. As in the best traditions of Italian comedy, however, admired also the silence of the small sports hall was broken by a ringing cell phone and left while Notaro completed very concentrated his performance, he raised high the voice of a little woman who responded well to call: " prontooo ? Fedora Oh, how you are? They see the Mi niece teccuondò ago, and ending at 6, see you after dinner with Angie and Oriano bingo, we also carry the 300 euros you prestaho to strangle me a month ago . Obviously, ciaoooooo bellaaaaaa”. Beh, non la trovate adorabile questa donnina che condivide i c...i suoi con un intero palasport? In pratica la telefonata della signora ha fatto da spartiacque della giornata, perché appena l’amica della Fedora ha riagganciato è terminato lo stage ed è iniziata l’ora di gloria per la dozzina di atleti toscani alle prese con l’esame di cintura nera 1° e 2° Dan.
Tra di loro c’erano anche 4 fieri rappresentanti del Centro Taekwondo Firenze : Lorenzo Paiano, Emmanuele Bittarelli ™ ( entrambi per il 1° dan) e Maurizio Banchi e Lorenzo Domizi (2° dan). Li ho visti allenarsi con grande impegno negli ultimi mesi ed acquistare gradually the confidence to face a major test as the black belt / dan. Certainly, the Commission had before them from those that shake the wrists. Personally know to be judged by the coach and a sample of Federal forms can create quite a stir, but were comforted by our hard-core supporters of the team (Edo, Mambo Balsimelli, Leo Pierini, Luigi, Andrea Solis, Richard The Cave , Elisa and myself).

among other things, I'd personally organized a claque for my close friend Lord Pajano Bitta ™ and featuring the great Debby, now a full us although practice occasionally , capoeira. It was in Bologna last July during my examination of black and brought me good luck now led to the four disciples of Mazzocca, all promoted . ... Debby stay with us, your energy is contagious et positive! With her encouragement I made a banner for Lore and Manuele ™, we just stuck to the bleachers and I saw Park Notaro stare stunned and Dominic smiled slyly ... .. The team has not denied even this time!
The 4 horsemen of TKD have done a really bell'esame, I am convinced that taking part in the stage of Notaro within 2 hours of examination he had downloaded from a positive voltage event. The forms have gone well, the techniques, followed by the Master Lussier, slipped away without a hitch until finalone poker: an examination of combat. And here Pajano Bitta ™ and showed everyone how the affects even the strongest, are ignored when the glory is at stake. Called just their second, to compare the square, have performed in front of the horrified audience a series of impressive kicks, and their feet quick shots: nose, kidneys, ribs, gums, right lobe of the ear, eyebrows right, left testicle, back, in practice they did a TUCA TUCA-kicks. It seemed that each of the other two would say: "After me the deluge .. you succumb, it can be only one ...."
Young Ghil Park also was impressed and stopped them before they got to the extreme. Exhausted also M. Banks - Tony Manero Renai - and the gentle giant Lorenzo "Domi", to which must be my compliments because they dealt with dignity in fighting the brilliant Frederick, who was returning after months on the sidelines through injury, but at a competitive level is always good and then .... has eighteen years!
Ok folks, it's all for now, with the hope to live again all together a beautiful day like this!
the next ..
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