Sunday, February 21, 2010

Can You Machine Wash Sanuks


experts have long economic / financial services are dictating the guidelines to address the serious problem PIIGS [1] , that since the ' EU was formed with the' , politicians have intentionally overlooked and disregarded.

The union was more political than real, since the various national governments free to manage the economy of its territory, although subject to certain constraints, but as we know, often the constraints are overcome or had already been exceeded before.

So everyone, today, they pay the penalty.

The economies were too unequal, and some took advantage of the union to expand abnormally to try to bring at par with other, more often using EU monies.

But, as often happens with high positive coefficients of GDP, the economies are in crisis if this trend is being pursued for several years.

no coincidence that the rising star China in a bid to become the second-largest economy, it was too unbalanced in the two-digit GDP growth, and now with its own Bank [2] central runs for cover, raising the reserve requirement for banks by 50 basis points.

It is claimed that this did not intend to restrict lending to the economy, although, in reality, this will lead to an inevitable drain of liquidity in circulation.

The global crisis has also created damage in China and some big companies are skipped, especially those that depended too much on Western markets.

company does not skip for lack of orders, but always for too many debts. Unlike break even.

In EU economies are linked through [3] the single currency, which, on the one hand strengthens the protective system, the other creates dysfunction can not, as the currency system be locally devalued.

The crisis has involved the Greek, as was inevitable, the entire EU, making hysterical financial markets.

The Fed , da parte sua, con una mossa lungimirante e sagace, a mercati finanziari chiusi, ha alzato il TUS allo 0,75% , visto anche il rafforzamento nel Forex del $ , portandolo, perciò, quasi al livello europeo.

La borsa giapponese ha reagito male; quelle europee assai male all’inizio, poi hanno recuperato gradualmente chiudendo intorno alla parità; ma da noi, si sa, l’isteria è veloce a correre tanto nel deprimere che nell’esaltare le quotazioni. La borsa americana ha assorbito l’impatto come atto già preventivato.

However, these are not a distant thunder storm, but clear signs of a violent storm economics, finance already in place.

The reasoning is simple: if Greece goes to peak drag him across Europe in quick succession.

Theoretically we could leave the drachma from '€, but that does not solve the problem and, in the long run, it will worsen.

A devaluation in relation to her appointed time drachma / € is impossible for the identity of money everywhere. A temporary return to the drachma, on the other hand, in addition to creating a very dangerous precedent, it would be anachronistic and in need of a long time.

That would leave Greece to its fate and with it, also the other countries which find themselves in the near future, in the same condition would be the end of the EU and the divide Europe into countries potentially (because the concept is now uncertain) rich and poor substantially.

Therefore, despite the declarations of Trichet, the ECB will intervene and save with a large loan, even if precise with restrictive terms of the warranty, the system of Greece.

so doing, perhaps , will keep the system from other continental immediate violent speculative attacks, which, burning the capital contributions, would inevitably reduce the economic system and create new probable recession.

This obviously will not be enough if countries most vulnerable to not embark on a policy of strictly limiting the waste of public resources.

must also consider that Portugal and Spain are on the verge of default and, in the rear, pure altre nazioni.

Già nei mesi estivi gruppi di esperti avevano sollevato il problema; ma, come quasi sempre avviene, la politica tende a soprassedere finché il problema, incancrenito, esplode e contagia tutto il sistema.

Lo è stato per i mutui sub prime, lo è stato e lo è per gli imponenti debiti pubblici, lo è per l’immigrazione clandestina, lo è stato e lo è per i derivati, lo è per tutti bonds che con facilità vengono oggi immessi sul mercato e che spostano il problema solo più avanti: tutte grosse incognite che attendono d’essere risolte decisive and forward-looking with a regulation, which would prevent them from damaging, both today and in the future.

The guidelines on which to operate there, the political will to implement them, fearful of being able to make an enemy of financial corporations in the necessary intent to subject them to strict rules and the various international and continental interests.

leader of the necessary and mandatory saving Greece and Germany, with the advent of '€, is perhaps the one which lost power over all other nations.

L’apertura dei mercati, infatti, ha indebolito il suo sistema strutturale e tecnologico produttivo perché attaccato da prodotti più economici, preferiti dal consumatore per l’incalzare della crisi.

Una nuova violenta crisi recessiva porterebbe alla depressione e la stessa economia teutonica ne uscirebbe con le ossa rotte, come tutta la vecchia Europa.

Per far fronte ai bisogni immediati greci si calcola che servano subito oltre 25 mld di €. Una cifra imponente che sarebbe solo l’inizio, atta a tamponare la necistà current. Otherwise there is only the default and social instability that would aggravate the situation.

The default greek bringing in its financial markets and other countries PIIGS, starting with Portugal, Italy and leave not even sure, yet strong in resisting the crisis for its manufacturing SMEs, but suffers from 'massive and long-standing debt.

In Europe, strict management and a single economic, now almost totally left in the hands of the financial arm of the ECB does not see that a specific public agency, but an area almost private.

policy and finance often go to their interests: the first for the most intent to cultivate popular support of the majority of each state, the second focused on the business of the various powerful multinational banks that are on the market and the beautiful bad weather, although, given the results, the more ugly the beautiful.

banks and major companies are connected by mutual interests and support not based on commercial logic, but only mutual interest.

It follows that there is no distinction between finance and industry and their ruoli abbiano degenerato. Se si aggiunge, poi, che molte nazioni hanno variato gli enti nazionali in S.p.A., allora il connubio diventa assai pericoloso; e, quindi, ben si capisce come le casse statali abbiano soccorso prontamente, anche se necessariamente, proprio quelle stesse aziende che, seppur private, stavano creando il dissesto generale.

Innalzare il TUS anche in Europa significherebbe, ora, bloccare tutta l’economia già vacillante e vanificare la tenue, anche se incerta, ripresa.

Personalmente credo che il TUS avrebbe dovuto fermarsi al 2% e non essere dimezzato. Ciò avrebbe concesso healthy companies to tap into funding more sensibly and to be able to increase: there was a selection on the market with the expulsion of dead bodies.

The interconnection between finance and industry has partially lost this rule, and Trichet, after the failure to raise them before, despite the clear warnings, then lowered them too much.

This has led banks to focus more on non-interest income, but to operate on the leverage of additional costs: the grant money was no longer profitable and the risk higher than the yield. Therefore the necessary liquidity to the productive system is not been granted to SMEs, and there has been limited, at best, to maintain the status quo of healthy companies.

In fact, it is deleted, in accordance with the provisions, the CMS has introduced the CFA and the penal overrun.

is therefore likely that the MLR should remain unchanged for many months yet.

The current economic and financial system has shown its limits and its inconsistencies, freeing herself from the territory.

Globalization has brought with it the exaggerated quest for gain, subtracting the income needed to develop and use its implicit role in social and employment creation in the territory, thus making the system take root in this district.

It was believed that the service sector was the noble Eldorado future, leaving the other (base) production manual tasks.

History, however, has been teaching for centuries with only tertiary you can not live long, especially if the productivity of the real economy escapes over time, an important income to their employees.

The EU, meanwhile, continued in a barter tra nazioni ha eliminato localmente certe produzioni industriali e agricole, in una compensazione parziale che poi deve però essere supportata da trasporti che, comunque, sono poco ecosostenibili anche per l’inquinamento.

Si è prodotto un danno che sarà difficilmente sopperito.

Se la crisi si è prodotta è perché aziende e stati erano carenti di liquidità e di riserva. E se questa scarseggiava nelle aziende, compresi i vari istituti finanziari che sono dovuti essere prontamente soccorsi (anche se non tutti), è ovvio che neppure la BCE, organismo sovranazionale delle banche Local, In case such a massive liquidity.

Therefore, to meet the urgent emergency, you resort to electronic currency, allowing a liquid that is only virtual.

And the same will be done to Greece and other nations that they need in the future.

To loosen the grip of debt, happily created and managed, are produced and will produce other debts, according to said swims in the sea is much better than a glass of water . Or to put it like this man whose problem was not to honor the debt, but only to obtain ulteriore credito (che non avrebbe mai restituito) perché tanti debiti ti fanno galleggiare, ma pochi ti fanno affondare .

Forse è il caso di dire che la finanza globalizzata galleggia su un immenso oceano di debiti: di privati, di aziende, di nazioni.

Tutti felici di esserlo e fiduciosi che tutto si risolverà … in futuro. Come non si … sa.

Tanti falsi ricchi in un mondo opulento all’apparenza, dove il furbo specula e si ingrassa e dove tutti gli altri fanno la … miseria.

Obviously there are also those that shed a lot of optimism and our politicians who are dedicated to the calculation of "abacus" economic / financial, without an overall plan in mind and without any idea of \u200b\u200bhow to create and manage it.

We therefore proceed on sight, regardless of what you do not even want to speculate as it may be possible.

Many people talk about microcredit , indicated as the necessary basis for future development. It has also been given a Nobel for that at its creator.

In realtà il microcredito è un’utopia propria del personalismo e, oltre a non dare alcuna garanzia di sviluppo, è anche una iattura finanziaria per i costi che arreca al sistema e al beneficiario.

Di positivo il microcredito ha solo la facilità di erogazione; ma l’erogazione a pioggia non crea un progetto strutturale, ma solo, quasi sempre, uno spreco di risorse preziose: dà una boccata di ossigeno e nulla più.

Non si chiedono garanzie, non si controllano i costi, non si separano i progetti seri da quelli inutili. In pratica si lascia spazio all’anarchia operativa dei singoli e ogni microcredito è slegato da un altro: anarchism relies on the economy.

And sorry to observe that a good part of the ecclesiastical leadership looks forward to this new new age economy, perhaps trusting only in the will of Divine Providence ... and the fact that they are more competent in " pater, ave and glory "in which all the rest ....

The modern economy can not be left to chance, because globalization has created the " case" without a unique direction.

Aid EU / ECB will be "obligatory" if you do not want to sink all together.

however bring with them the inevitable restrictions and constraints that will require sacrifices of the nations involved and also to those who can help it, because the overall costs should be shared responsibility and markets will shrink.

It follows that the future medium and long term will require a general reformulation of the economic, financial, productive and social sectors, because the current reality shows that it may not be much longer.

We will have to balance eco-friendly and not populist and nazionalpopolari.

become Unlike many " pigs," which in English means "pigs".

do not mean by that, the countries now in trouble and that correspond to the letters of the lemma-speaking.

I will only say that we'll have to cibarci acorn, just like the prodigal son [4] who, having squandered everything was forced to eat to survive.

However, in contrast to this biblical and symbolic character of the Gospel parable, we are not behind a father who is waiting for us in our honor to sacrifice the fatted calf, because we have fat calves, for a long time, consumed all.

[2] - POBC People Bank line

[3] - Alcuni dicono: sfortunatamente.

[4] - Lc 15,11-32

Monday, February 15, 2010

Touchscreen Scratch Remover

Democracy and the crucifix.

Sesac , today, came to visit me and handed me this story.

The audience very happy.

Even so, this year, the alpine flowers dopi last 2009, I deliberately chose images of crosses and crucifixes to accompany the march of our months of 2010.

By this I reaffirm the freedom of a people to believe and to display a symbol of their cultural roots everywhere, even on a blog.

Happy reading!

Sam Cardell

From "Dialogues" of SESAC

Democracy and the crucifix

I, SESAC , I went up in Federation for the weekend.

Leone gave us an appointment for a special menu ... its all: polenta from Bergamo (the leone) e salamella, lessa in acqua e latte, accoppiata con patate al forno.

Ne avevo già mangiato tempo prima; e il languore, salendo lungo gli innevati tornanti del Fuscagno, si manifestava nel mio cavo orale, quasi che il profumo degli ingredienti scivolasse sulle rupi innevate e, con poderosi atletici salti, giungesse fine a me per calamitarmi lassù.

Sapevo che avrei trovato una numerosa compagnia su in baita e la … motoslitta, paziente, ad attendermi per l’ultimo balzo d’innevata erta salita, tra i cembri e i larici imbacuccati.

Vi era molta neve, ancor più che la volta scorsa.

Il traffico era scarso. E nonostante che la strada fosse una fettuccia completamente bianca, che ondeggiava ebbra d’aria limpida, secca e pura tra due muri di neve compressa e ghiacciata, mi distrassi a godermi il fantastico paesaggio.

A mezza salita notai che, nell’area picnic, gli spazzaneve avevano creato un ampio spazio, forse per concedere agli sprovveduti automobilisti, che lassù si avventuravano con poco giudizio, di montare in sicurezza le necessarie catene.

Mi fermai al sole e scesi per sgranchirmi le gambe e osservare meglio.

Nonostante il termometro segnasse -18° il sole scaldava; e l’aria secca produceva, sul corpo, quella sensazione piacevole di continuo calore che la rarefazione dell’atmosfera produce sempre in quota e arrossa, inevitabilmente, le pelli chiare per la scarsità di melanina nel metabolismo.

Il paesaggio era fantastico e fiabesco. Meritava proprio un’apposita sosta.

In basso si notavano gli ultimi abeti rossi che, nonostante la slanciata mole, sembravano buffi pulcini inguaiati nella stoppa bianca. Sentivano, pure loro, il freddo intenso and still wore the white cap of ... night's sleep.

The Piazzi was before me, stern and imposing, graying among the glaciers. To its left bank of the severe dosdata , though candid observer aroused his daring and disturbing aspect, tenacious guardian of the Val Viola: I looked at him with admiration and at the same time, with a slight tremor, like I'm clinging and incrodato its steep and overhanging walls.

the weathered old man looked like father and son prancing imprudent.

I turned to my left the look and I saw in the distance, the severe Fraele towers, once the control port for the traveler who wanted to switch between the two valleys Christian, but which differ profoundly for the 'evangelism the theology of the cross.

This brought me back to the scandal of indulgences. And in our time, the theory held by Leone and Bars, albeit with different reasons, indicated in relativistic phenomenology of the papal curia and personalism in the inevitable decline, among the faithful of Catholicism today.

obviously sensed the speech, but, can not fully understand their deep thoughts, I lost myself in the labyrinth of reasoning, while seeing the historical results and ... clearly deteriorating.

captured the meaning of the totem and individualism top that it followed, but at the same time, I lost in the theocratic concept of self-centeredness, as opposed to, dialectically, the perfect democratic theosophy.

Unicuique suum !

My gaze is fixed, then, on the mighty peak that partly behind the 13 peaks in itself, worthy of the vertical sinuous flow diagram of the hysterical fluctuating financial markets today.

I called to mind the Resegone Manzoni, homemade midget in comparison with respect to these and tontolone dirupanti and soaring peaks.

I watched a long breath to the generous warmth of the sun, recognizing one by one the various points, while they seemed to wink and invite me to a new loving rendezvous.

An intermittent sound shrill emotional ecstasy I looked away, back to consciousness and friends who were waiting for me: the phone whining pain in the neck, demanding my attention.

And such a small device, ill fits in with the concept that in his youth had the phone: squat means to transport prisoners.

We never officially entered in that compartment hairless, so we are now trapped in a small object.

... I reached the clearing where the mighty earth dozing in the sun and where the patient snowmobile I was waiting for a long time.

I went there. The engine began his mighty hand, and rejoiced with powerful modulation, or redundant, or soft, almost timid, the frozen forest of conifers that preceded the hut, perched up there, high up in a lovely clearing made a daring landing.

Billy ran there, lonely, meeting, almost curious about the noise coming from the dense fir forest, and took advantage of a winding hairpin reduced, almost stopping, our gait, crouch for festive, with a leap, in my arms.

... Leone was already at work in front of a large cauldron in which the precious yellow mixture to boiling springs intermittent, like so many geysers.

The stirred continuously while the discussion among those present, related to crucifix that some in society would want to remove from any public place.

Oddly Leone seemed to have estranged from the debate, almost ascetic absorbed by its culinary task.

He was holding what he called a ladle, and others called the stick polenta. It was a long wooden cutlery, flattened at the bottom of a mo 'to narrow spade, with which stirred continuously and golden yellow cake corn.

When boiling the mixture began to clot and left him a moment, from the table, took dell'Asiago that mincing into delicate slices, dropped into the kettle.

stirred again for a few minutes until everything is amalgamated. Then he sat on a chair nearby, after adjusting the focus, as if to rest.

Osvi was saying that everyone should be master in his own house, in accordance with an election slogan of a certain political force, referring to quell'islamista he had removed from the box and launched a audience in a crucifix.

Leone watching him, hearing and seeing too passionate, almost smiling, pleased and amused by his fervor.

Then, after a while ', got up and returned to the pot, taking the word simultaneously in challenging the ladle.

In the great room, in his first sentence, the silence of deep rose, only partially broken by the murmur of the food being cooked on the fire.

" I think the speech should not be tanto impostato in modo idealistico, bensì secondo una logica democratica.

E, questa, impone una semplice realtà: quella della volontà della maggioranza di esprimere la propria cultura e il proprio credere, non solo sociale, ma pure religioso. Perciò di dotarsi, come i nostri avi, dei simboli propiziatori che meglio crede.

Non condivido la pretesa di una certa tesi, propria del fondamentalismo islamico, per la verità da noi avvalorata solo da pochissime persone o da alcuni esagitati massimalisti, che intende il crocefisso solo come simbolo religioso individuale, che non appartiene a tutti e che offende, nella crudezza rappresentativa, the sensibilities of some.

The crucifix does not express any of this, but points to all observers, believers or agnostics, social solidarity even of accepting that individual is not always useful: it is to be people and companies in 'to offer all our valuable and time-consuming and sometimes painful and difficult, help.

If you give up something to present ourselves to society, it becomes just a container, which replaces the individualistic self-centeredness to be only people with the community.

And a community, as we know, especially when defending their corporate interests, are disconnected from the people conceive of ourselves.

Therefore, the dividend on the crucifix as a symbol, as well as subject to the claims of others to impose their understanding only, blanketing the inalienable principle of freedom, tend only to cross over the freedom of others, therefore, in this case, even that of our ideological and religious understanding.

Our freedom as our forefathers said, stops where another's begin respecting the rights of everyone.

We do not impose Islam to renounce to his claim, nor to give up its religious symbols. And do not do that even with the agnostic.

We only ask that the will of meaning of the democratic majority of the people is respected, because that symbol also guarantees the right of those who think differently. "

He paused a moment and left the spoon, he took a fork to check the cooking of sausage. The foam, adding more milk and reduced the fire.

Nessuno fiatò.

Indi, riprese:

Ovunque noi troviamo la croce e non solo nelle chiese. La vediamo sulle vette alpine, ai lati delle antiche vie, or nei campi di pianura, or nei pascoli d’altura. La vediamo sulle tombe dei nostri avi o dove loro sono morti.

La poniamo su ogni tomba, anche su quella di chi, pur battezzato, credeva poco o non credeva affatto.

La vediamo pure dentro di noi, come, io, la sto tracciando col mestolo, nel stir this cake of corn necessary gesture, propitiation and thanksgiving that our old ever did.

The cross is the intersection of two lines rotate in a different position. In the same way a theoretical line that takes opposing positions: vertical and horizontal.

The cross indicates the life: a life that ends and begins again, continuing in another dimension. If there is death there can be any material birth, for life. It is the metempsychosis of each staff, even if not physical, but it becomes, in the reality of faith, with the final resurrection.

are two worlds that intersect in their death, like the two arms of the cross: the world of here and one there.

God, according to the Christian, he also died on the cross. But not so much material on the cross, but on that of its making, as well as Hegel expressed in Logic with the absolute devastation of God in history. That concept as well, with little diversity, expressed, centuries before, even Anselm or, nowadays, the current of evangelical theology God is dead.

Un tempo avevamo le invasioni dei barbari, degli arabi e dei turchi, quindi degli islamici.

Vi era chi intendeva conquistare e chi voleva preservare. Eppure i simboli convissero pacificamente dopo le cruente battaglie di mare e terra.

Ora abbiamo l’immigrazione incontrollata: nuova invasione barbarica di gente che vive con presupposti diversi dai nostri. Non combatte come un tempo, ma accampa diritti senza sobbarcarsi dei doveri.

Si vogliono scuole a proprio uso e consumo; si vogliono case, assistenza, moschee a spese delle state coffers. Do not have a right to work, but the claim by the mere fact of being here with us.

are desperate people with little education, for those that have it any other way and secure travel documents for, acting and living differently.

often feeds into delinquency, are exploited by criminals in our league with them, make do and come together in ghettos.

This is not emigration, but the human devastation that incites the repulsion of the other, do not mix in society, but they live according to their tribal traditions.

strange way, first, to be guests and to integrate with the host.

strange way, second, make policy and lead a nation.

You are blowing this way, the flames of ethnic conflict. And the conditions are already striking, not only where the riots have already occurred, but also in those buildings where the immigrants live in the ghetto without bothering to pay electricity, gas, water, ... and the services received, for all their due.

No religious and political force is exempt from this disaster paced, often also because the conspiracy on this issue is used as a weapon dialectic nell'addossarsi blame.

The cross and the crucifix, consequently, are a sign of civilization: the civilization based on certain principles and values. And they should be, well, the sign of democracy and popular will.

This, however, is now unknown to many politicians, even cry, applaud today and tomorrow contest.

Yet among us there are idealistic idiots, at all levels of society, from grade and responsibility. Questi vedono nell’ottusità del loro intendere la sola verità esistente; e ce la vorrebbero imporre.

Si arriva a pretendere di non svolgere un ruolo istituzionale, come ad esempio la giustizia o la docenza, perché in quell’aula vi è un crocefisso: un ostacolo … insormontabile a svolgere un compito retribuito.

Nel paese vi è sempre una maggioranza parlamentare, or ampia, or risicata; però c’è. E questa decide in base ad un suffragio elettorale che la legittima. E se a questa maggioranza sta bene la croce e il crocefisso, è dovere del cittadino dissidente uniformarsi alla volontà della maggioranza, non per imposizione, ma per la regola democratica dell’essere popolo e nazione.

Vi è, inoltre, la possibilità di indire un possibile referendum, se vi è una certa base propositiva.

Insomma: se si vuol mettere in discussione la croce e il crocefisso si proceda, ma poi si rispetti la volontà del popolo uniformandosi ad essa.

Per impegni ho viaggiato talora in paesi islamici e, in questi, mi veniva, di norma, esplicitata al mio arrivo la raccomandazione a non esporre, o manifestare, symbols of our faith, so not only the cross.

So if we have guests we have to hide, conceal, and if we are hosting.

strange way of being globalized citizens and people and nation has its own identity and culture. "

The polenta was now thick and clung to the spoon like a big loaf of bread and soda.

Leone scrambling for a few more times, then set aside the spoon and blew into the cauldron who posed, then for a few seconds still on fire. Finally took the bowl from the heat and the polenta onto a large plate of beech wood, previously anointed with butter.

checked the sausage, put it down on the table and sliced \u200b\u200bit in regular pieces, while Madame removed the potatoes from the oven.

" Sit where you like most and use your. Who does not like offer more and what can pass the convent.

We hope that some fundamentalist idiot or idealist homemade, over the crucifix there should also remove the sausage.

And, then, would be big trouble, because the polenta would cease to appear worthy. "

in the dining room at the top on the east, stands an artistic, antique, large wooden crucifix pine.

o'er the assorted company sit down at the long table, almost amused and attracted by the scent menu. Seemed to nod, looking with his head bowed, to the speech of Leone.

remained a place in the bottom of the table, just opposite Leone and under the crucifix.

None of the bystanders took him, leaving him ideally ... crucified man.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Template Service Hour Log Book

Fiat voluntas mea!

This sentence would be fine in the mouth of a snooty "mount ..." or a mercenary "label ...."

In fact, the motto is emblematic of how a certain class leadership, controlled by the wealthy and multinational financial strength, people feel today.

Their concept of the people has nothing to do either with democracy or with the true conception of nation is an abstraction that makes them personal, on the one hand, the slaves of capital and, on ' other, favored the chosen people that has nothing to do with the plebeian and working-class citizen.

Siamo in presenza non di due classi sociali distinte, ma di molto di più: di due specie animali diverse.

La dialettica che contraddistingue questa classe pseudo dirigenziale è l’astrazione della dietrologia, prodromo esistenziale della dicotomia dell’asservire il popolo al capitale ed dell’essere asserviti al capitale stesso.

Una dietrologia che è l’immagine odierna del qualunquismo del capitale, passato da soggetto giuridico a padrone assoluto dell’economia.

Perché ciò succeda è semplicemente detto; e lo si capisce maggiormente se si retrocede di un paio di decenni per ricercare l’origine dell’ , nato per favorire essenzialmente il capitale.

L’ Ue , e l’€ per emanazione naturale, è sorta, nelle intenzioni, per favorire la libera circolazione di persone e merci; ma in realtà questa era la scorciatoia lobbistica per spostare ovunque il capitale dove la redditività potesse creare maggiore business.

L’€ venne poi superato dalla globalizzazione. E da quel momento the capital turned into a perpetual slave trader and wandering without any care and home and that, in the migration continues, it has lost its natural roots.

On the subject of human development has become the subject of man's destiny Master!

The recession is not over and even the financial crisis. To realize just look at the data on employment trends in handbags hysteria, often debilitated by incautious statements by prominent personalities, who do not care to choose either the right time, nor the perfect verbal expression.

Obama, prima, e Trichet, poi, hanno creato dei tonfi borsistici di rilievo, in parte vanificando quella tenue speranza di incerta ripresa, che albeggiava in molti, e le ricapitalizzazioni, richieste al mercato, che molte società stanno attuando per potenziarsi.

Come a dire: con una mano sostengo e con l’altra abbatto.

La crisi sarà finita quando si sarà tornati alla situazione di molti anni fa, antecedenti alla crisi, quando i politici permisero la creazione e la legalizzazione di rischiosi prodotti finanziari, che nulla avevano da spartire con l’economia reale, sotto le spinte corporate lobbying.

It will be reborn enslaving the use of capital to social ethics of sustainable development.

One can not say it is more close a production site and pay the workers until they retire because the company that would be less costly.

The worker does not want to be seen, but a productive subject useful to their economic independence and wellbeing of the nation.

wants to be many people and not bureaucratic utile al capitale selvaggio.

Qual è il capitale selvaggio? Quello che non si cura dei propri dipendenti, ritenendoli “cose” subalterne al proprio servizio come un qualsiasi macchinario usa e getta.

In pratica tutto il capitale che non fa né sistema , né distretto .

Vi sono, oggi, i mercenari del capitale, che vendono sé stessi e la propria dignità di uomini barattandola col destino altrui. E vengono talmente pagati, per assolvere ciò, che spesso in un anno possono percepire cifre astronomiche che l’operaio o l’impiegato non solo non potrebbero mai avere in un’intera vita di fatica, ma neppure se vivessero più secoli.

E su questa disuguaglianza reddituale (ed etica) sta il segreto della loro iattanza e opulenza, perciò nel dissociarsi da popolo per ghettizzarsi in lobby privilegiata e separata dal genere umano.

Gente così profumatamente pagata dovrebbe essere in grado di poter correggere le storture economiche dei costi eccessivi che un insediamento produttivo può evidenziare. Dopotutto non si ritengono, essi, gli dei della supervisione globale?

The reality is quite different: the produce elsewhere, not bound to a social welfare system, but places them in a privileged political position to be able to draw from the national coffers local benefits that their failure is not leadership and social able to create.

Our country, so far, has withstood the impact of recession for SMEs and not for financial and manufacturing corporations. These, indeed, are those which have been prepared by the state aid and subsidies of various nations, not to drag him all over the rest.

And when the bonanza is over ... are ready to clear the field.

Easy opportunism of business ethics and global wild.

Hence the initial title, voluntarily adjusted its natural expression in the Gospel: " Fiat voluntas your " in " Fiat voluntas mea .

And it is only a casualità che il verbo iniziale corrisponda ad una nota multinazionale.

Vi era un tempo l’astratta percezione della “ Rosa bianca ” e dei suoi 1.000 padri fondatori, che generò fiducia e speranza in molti.

Non a caso la pensò uno che, forse, trasse dai suoi sistemi limbici cerebrali il ricordo dei 1.000 garibaldini e dalla nomea della sua città.

Come andò a finire ora si sa; e di tutto ciò è rimasta solo in pochissimi soggetti la parvenza del nebuloso sogno della sibilla cumana. Una Virtual hope and nothing more.

Then came the idea of \u200b\u200ba Kadima Italian, soon ran aground, not so much between the various divisions of the bushes, but also the inability to conceive the design of these politicians and reformulate a new society.

Watching them, one by one, you can not help but notice that the remains erratic, missing and nostalgic of the old moraine DC: same people, same methods, same ideas and ideals ... and the same failure.

The question that arises in normal people is: if they have not for decades done nothing but look for a roof between proponents and opponents, will now clear the pumpkin to be done?

Very easy answer: No!

If they had the DC would not have collapsed and the rest of his army on the run would have been able to recast the company after the defeat.

Sharon had an idea and a good project in mind. Our heroes have just sketched unrealistic and idealistic intentions ... and personal career.

A homemade Kadima could be considered Olive Tree Bowman, whose political and economic results are under the merciless verdict of history with the crowded Brancaleone produced.

We hide behind words such as bipolar and bipartisanship, as if it were to create more clusters to solve the problem of Hamlet ... baker. Do not you wonder which numbers, what ideas and what men.

Lombardy is the leading region and a beacon of the nation per capita, for wealth, for productivity, efficiency and initiative.

In this region, the League , like it or not, is very strong and in some provinces is the first party of a relative majority. And not only in Lombardy, but also throughout the North.

With this must come to terms, especially if they further consolidate their constituencies.

We can not start from the axiom of absolute non-political dialogue with these, unless the project is not expected for decades ... its gestation in the activity of the ostrich.

has new men, not compromise with the past, and who are in leadership positions rodando. The contrast with simple election slogans and idiots will not lead many voters, as this does not happen with the ideas of the nostalgic past. Much of the production system, but what before flanking the left, is now focusing on this.

To make a new Kadima in Italy should first start from a position of strength, as Sharon did, and not from the point of extreme weakness and division that characterizes the potential and willing players.

If, as it seemed at the beginning, they wanted to entrust the direction of a mountain ... "and faithful servant in the capital only, then his political ideas had to be scarce.

Savino Pezzotta , ideatore e unico rimasto a credere nella Rosa, dal fiancheggiamento alle elezioni provinciali non ha imparato la lezione avuta.

Si è partiti con la convinzione di puntare al ballottaggio, ma si è arrivati miseramente … ultimi.

Non solo: l’uomo emblema del piccolo (grande solo nelle intenzioni) movimento, pur presentandosi in più collegi non è stato neppure eletto consigliere e alcuni esponenti della lista si son ben presto dissociati.

Ora, pare che Savino wanted with him in the new venture (which is really just a flag for the series: it is important to participate and win) the theoretical climbing the Pirelli Tower. How profit and utility is not known precisely.

If the names circulating are the real ones seem to me a miserable team destined to struggle with the waves election not on a lifeboat, but on a raft of emergency.

Where are the intellectuals, industrialists, teachers can give brilliance to the list and the movement?

has not been able to find them? Well, then you throw in the towel and we will withdraw ... in private life, if only these men are.

For that I respect his honesty mere man can not help but wish a sincere and friendly Savino: good luck.

It will be of great need.

Issue the Fiat voluntas your not alone, today, repeat mnemonically a part of evangelical prayer.

is, much more, understanding the exact wording required society, starting from the basic principle that the capital has to be coupled to a social ethic of the people and nation.

reason: that the industry takes root and becomes the system and district in the territory, which its leaders have an understanding of their social role to serve the people, agree that the political dialogue and build a society with all new and different from its predecessor, the business is a product of evolution but not " the" par excellence of product development, the economy should be sustainable because the base it on the mounting debt crisis can only create serious recessive.

The word Piggs , meant disparagingly overseas ( pigs = pigs), indicates exactly the initials of the weak system of the EU: Portugal, Ireland , Italy, Spain and Greece.

no coincidence are the most indebted nations, for various reasons, the old Europe and likely the default structure.

for Some debts, such as Italy, after much nazionalpopolari political management of the economy, so perhaps today, it would re-evaluate and sanctify the authors, actors also the degeneration of politics and dishonesty.

Others, such as Spain and Greece because they have pushed the development of research beyond the structural limit of the debt with no return.

Adding to the new nations that joined the EU are too lightly and political shrewdness, the picture that appears before us is symptomatic of how the crisis is serious recession and depression on ' front door.

ask whether the EU has a future of economic units or a possible break-up is not so much rhetorical, because the return to the old coins taken from England who has stubbornly maintained, it is almost impossible.

To overcome this period must be brought back into the people and nation in solidarity, even against a limitation on uncontrolled immigration and illegal immigration.

This will open the door to more structural problems and costs, also considering the cultural and ideological claims of much of Islam.

So we will create more problems than già tanto gravi che si hanno.

Rosarno non è stato un sintomatico fatto di teorico razzismo, ma il segnale allarmante che può preludere ad un aperto scontro etnico, specie se la concezione del capitale continuerà a privilegiare l’uso, a fine di business, di manodopera sottopagata e precaria in tutto.

L’Italia si avvia verso il 10% di disoccupazione, mentre la Francia l’ha già superata; la Spagna è già sul 20% abbondante e la Grecia nuota in acque stagnanti.

Con queste cifre must deal promptly and reformulate a social system that is based primarily on the defense of the citizen.

France and Spain have long applied the policy of supporting economies and encouraged voluntary flows out of the immigrant, while we ride some political and religious forces that result in the conspiracy theories ideological populist.

We are in a world where all recite the categorical imperative fashion Fiat voluntas mea instead of Fiat voluntas your .

Doing so implies recognition in the community and not in people, especially in politics where the populism, the indifference and migrate back and forth between opposing factions and bushes and made a very fashionable, worthy of better opportunities.

Unfortunately opportunism has never, in her DNA procedure, the correct perception of reality and the problems to be resolved at all costs not to fall into an abyss.

Perhaps also why so many social forces continually engage in sterile battle flag make us lose precious moments for a speedy recovery.

And all under the motto Fiat voluntas mea !