This sentence would be fine in the mouth of a snooty "mount ..." or a mercenary "label ...."
In fact, the motto is emblematic of how a certain class leadership, controlled by the wealthy and multinational financial strength, people feel today.
Their concept of the people has nothing to do either with democracy or with the true conception of nation is an abstraction that makes them personal, on the one hand, the slaves of capital and, on ' other, favored the chosen people that has nothing to do with the plebeian and working-class citizen.
Siamo in presenza non di due classi sociali distinte, ma di molto di più: di due specie animali diverse.
La dialettica che contraddistingue questa classe pseudo dirigenziale è l’astrazione della dietrologia, prodromo esistenziale della dicotomia dell’asservire il popolo al capitale ed dell’essere asserviti al capitale stesso.
Una dietrologia che è l’immagine odierna del qualunquismo del capitale, passato da soggetto giuridico a padrone assoluto dell’economia.
Perché ciò succeda è semplicemente detto; e lo si capisce maggiormente se si retrocede di un paio di decenni per ricercare l’origine dell’ € , nato per favorire essenzialmente il capitale.
L’ Ue , e l’€ per emanazione naturale, è sorta, nelle intenzioni, per favorire la libera circolazione di persone e merci; ma in realtà questa era la scorciatoia lobbistica per spostare ovunque il capitale dove la redditività potesse creare maggiore business.
L’€ venne poi superato dalla globalizzazione. E da quel momento the capital turned into a perpetual slave trader and wandering without any care and home and that, in the migration continues, it has lost its natural roots.
On the subject of human development has become the subject of man's destiny Master!
The recession is not over and even the financial crisis. To realize just look at the data on employment trends in handbags hysteria, often debilitated by incautious statements by prominent personalities, who do not care to choose either the right time, nor the perfect verbal expression.
Obama, prima, e Trichet, poi, hanno creato dei tonfi borsistici di rilievo, in parte vanificando quella tenue speranza di incerta ripresa, che albeggiava in molti, e le ricapitalizzazioni, richieste al mercato, che molte società stanno attuando per potenziarsi.
Come a dire: con una mano sostengo e con l’altra abbatto.
La crisi sarà finita quando si sarà tornati alla situazione di molti anni fa, antecedenti alla crisi, quando i politici permisero la creazione e la legalizzazione di rischiosi prodotti finanziari, che nulla avevano da spartire con l’economia reale, sotto le spinte corporate lobbying.
It will be reborn enslaving the use of capital to social ethics of sustainable development.
One can not say it is more close a production site and pay the workers until they retire because the company that would be less costly.
The worker does not want to be seen, but a productive subject useful to their economic independence and wellbeing of the nation.
wants to be many people and not bureaucratic utile al capitale selvaggio.
Qual è il capitale selvaggio? Quello che non si cura dei propri dipendenti, ritenendoli “cose” subalterne al proprio servizio come un qualsiasi macchinario usa e getta.
In pratica tutto il capitale che non fa né sistema , né distretto .
Vi sono, oggi, i mercenari del capitale, che vendono sé stessi e la propria dignità di uomini barattandola col destino altrui. E vengono talmente pagati, per assolvere ciò, che spesso in un anno possono percepire cifre astronomiche che l’operaio o l’impiegato non solo non potrebbero mai avere in un’intera vita di fatica, ma neppure se vivessero più secoli.
E su questa disuguaglianza reddituale (ed etica) sta il segreto della loro iattanza e opulenza, perciò nel dissociarsi da popolo per ghettizzarsi in lobby privilegiata e separata dal genere umano.
Gente così profumatamente pagata dovrebbe essere in grado di poter correggere le storture economiche dei costi eccessivi che un insediamento produttivo può evidenziare. Dopotutto non si ritengono, essi, gli dei della supervisione globale?
The reality is quite different: the produce elsewhere, not bound to a social welfare system, but places them in a privileged political position to be able to draw from the national coffers local benefits that their failure is not leadership and social able to create.
Our country, so far, has withstood the impact of recession for SMEs and not for financial and manufacturing corporations. These, indeed, are those which have been prepared by the state aid and subsidies of various nations, not to drag him all over the rest.
And when the bonanza is over ... are ready to clear the field.
Easy opportunism of business ethics and global wild.
Hence the initial title, voluntarily adjusted its natural expression in the Gospel: " Fiat voluntas your " in " Fiat voluntas mea .
And it is only a casualità che il verbo iniziale corrisponda ad una nota multinazionale.
Vi era un tempo l’astratta percezione della “ Rosa bianca ” e dei suoi 1.000 padri fondatori, che generò fiducia e speranza in molti.
Non a caso la pensò uno che, forse, trasse dai suoi sistemi limbici cerebrali il ricordo dei 1.000 garibaldini e dalla nomea della sua città.
Come andò a finire ora si sa; e di tutto ciò è rimasta solo in pochissimi soggetti la parvenza del nebuloso sogno della sibilla cumana. Una Virtual hope and nothing more.
Then came the idea of \u200b\u200ba Kadima Italian, soon ran aground, not so much between the various divisions of the bushes, but also the inability to conceive the design of these politicians and reformulate a new society.
Watching them, one by one, you can not help but notice that the remains erratic, missing and nostalgic of the old moraine DC: same people, same methods, same ideas and ideals ... and the same failure.
The question that arises in normal people is: if they have not for decades done nothing but look for a roof between proponents and opponents, will now clear the pumpkin to be done?
Very easy answer: No!
If they had the DC would not have collapsed and the rest of his army on the run would have been able to recast the company after the defeat.
Sharon had an idea and a good project in mind. Our heroes have just sketched unrealistic and idealistic intentions ... and personal career.
A homemade Kadima could be considered Olive Tree Bowman, whose political and economic results are under the merciless verdict of history with the crowded Brancaleone produced.
We hide behind words such as bipolar and bipartisanship, as if it were to create more clusters to solve the problem of Hamlet ... baker. Do not you wonder which numbers, what ideas and what men.
Lombardy is the leading region and a beacon of the nation per capita, for wealth, for productivity, efficiency and initiative.
In this region, the League , like it or not, is very strong and in some provinces is the first party of a relative majority. And not only in Lombardy, but also throughout the North.
With this must come to terms, especially if they further consolidate their constituencies.
We can not start from the axiom of absolute non-political dialogue with these, unless the project is not expected for decades ... its gestation in the activity of the ostrich.
has new men, not compromise with the past, and who are in leadership positions rodando. The contrast with simple election slogans and idiots will not lead many voters, as this does not happen with the ideas of the nostalgic past. Much of the production system, but what before flanking the left, is now focusing on this.
To make a new Kadima in Italy should first start from a position of strength, as Sharon did, and not from the point of extreme weakness and division that characterizes the potential and willing players.
If, as it seemed at the beginning, they wanted to entrust the direction of a mountain ... "and faithful servant in the capital only, then his political ideas had to be scarce.
Savino Pezzotta , ideatore e unico rimasto a credere nella Rosa, dal fiancheggiamento alle elezioni provinciali non ha imparato la lezione avuta.
Si è partiti con la convinzione di puntare al ballottaggio, ma si è arrivati miseramente … ultimi.
Non solo: l’uomo emblema del piccolo (grande solo nelle intenzioni) movimento, pur presentandosi in più collegi non è stato neppure eletto consigliere e alcuni esponenti della lista si son ben presto dissociati.
Ora, pare che Savino wanted with him in the new venture (which is really just a flag for the series: it is important to participate and win) the theoretical climbing the Pirelli Tower. How profit and utility is not known precisely.
If the names circulating are the real ones seem to me a miserable team destined to struggle with the waves election not on a lifeboat, but on a raft of emergency.
Where are the intellectuals, industrialists, teachers can give brilliance to the list and the movement?
has not been able to find them? Well, then you throw in the towel and we will withdraw ... in private life, if only these men are.
For that I respect his honesty mere man can not help but wish a sincere and friendly Savino: good luck.
It will be of great need.
Issue the Fiat voluntas your not alone, today, repeat mnemonically a part of evangelical prayer.
is, much more, understanding the exact wording required society, starting from the basic principle that the capital has to be coupled to a social ethic of the people and nation.
reason: that the industry takes root and becomes the system and district in the territory, which its leaders have an understanding of their social role to serve the people, agree that the political dialogue and build a society with all new and different from its predecessor, the business is a product of evolution but not " the" par excellence of product development, the economy should be sustainable because the base it on the mounting debt crisis can only create serious recessive.
The word Piggs , meant disparagingly overseas ( pigs = pigs), indicates exactly the initials of the weak system of the EU: Portugal, Ireland , Italy, Spain and Greece.
no coincidence are the most indebted nations, for various reasons, the old Europe and likely the default structure.
for Some debts, such as Italy, after much nazionalpopolari political management of the economy, so perhaps today, it would re-evaluate and sanctify the authors, actors also the degeneration of politics and dishonesty.
Others, such as Spain and Greece because they have pushed the development of research beyond the structural limit of the debt with no return.
Adding to the new nations that joined the EU are too lightly and political shrewdness, the picture that appears before us is symptomatic of how the crisis is serious recession and depression on ' front door.
ask whether the EU has a future of economic units or a possible break-up is not so much rhetorical, because the return to the old coins taken from England who has stubbornly maintained, it is almost impossible.
To overcome this period must be brought back into the people and nation in solidarity, even against a limitation on uncontrolled immigration and illegal immigration.
This will open the door to more structural problems and costs, also considering the cultural and ideological claims of much of Islam.
So we will create more problems than già tanto gravi che si hanno.
Rosarno non è stato un sintomatico fatto di teorico razzismo, ma il segnale allarmante che può preludere ad un aperto scontro etnico, specie se la concezione del capitale continuerà a privilegiare l’uso, a fine di business, di manodopera sottopagata e precaria in tutto.
L’Italia si avvia verso il 10% di disoccupazione, mentre la Francia l’ha già superata; la Spagna è già sul 20% abbondante e la Grecia nuota in acque stagnanti.
Con queste cifre must deal promptly and reformulate a social system that is based primarily on the defense of the citizen.
France and Spain have long applied the policy of supporting economies and encouraged voluntary flows out of the immigrant, while we ride some political and religious forces that result in the conspiracy theories ideological populist.
We are in a world where all recite the categorical imperative fashion Fiat voluntas mea instead of Fiat voluntas your .
Doing so implies recognition in the community and not in people, especially in politics where the populism, the indifference and migrate back and forth between opposing factions and bushes and made a very fashionable, worthy of better opportunities.
Unfortunately opportunism has never, in her DNA procedure, the correct perception of reality and the problems to be resolved at all costs not to fall into an abyss.
Perhaps also why so many social forces continually engage in sterile battle flag make us lose precious moments for a speedy recovery.
And all under the motto Fiat voluntas mea !
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