Monviso Alps.
Po Valley '.

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From My Video Production by Igor:
IL VISO MOZZO.___________________________________________________________
Il Viso Mozzo è una classica scialpinistica della Valle Po’, con partenza da Pian della Regina (Pian Melzè), una gita da effettuare solo con neve sicura, dati i molti passaggi in canali tra pendii ripidi, di difficoltà BS, in estate escursionismo EE, anche se non sono un amante dei tempismi, è data per una salita di circa 4 ore.Da Torino prendiamo per Pinerolo, in fondo alla tangenziale si prosegue per Cavour, Barge, Paesana e Crissolo, praticamente si risale il fiume più lungo d’Italia, fino to get a few miles from its source. The river Po ', was born in Pian del Re, just over 2000 meters, but in winter the road is closed at this location, should we stop a little below, at Pian della Regina at 1700 meters. A large open area, with uneven bottom is used for the parking of cars for tourists, few lodges, of course, empty in winter, and a shelter on the roadside, where you can taste local food and drink.
Route. From the square
Pian Melzi, go down to a few tens of meters on the dirt road that is now completely covered with snow, you cross the river on a pontiletto Po ', here is just a stream mountain and start climbing the road that goes back to the cable cars.Before meeting the stations of the lifts, still towards the south, leave the road, and thence between steep slopes and grooves to the snow-covered lake Chiaretto and obviously this season is no visible water, but the route is almost logical, the rock wall, north-west face of the hub is visible, but also you can see the Stone King *.
need to go back following a fresh line up at the foot of Mount Viso continuing to the left in the wide channel that allows us to circumvent the rock walls of the hub face.
Finally, arrived at the edge of the lake Great Face, mounted to the left the broad southern slopes of our mountains; zizzagando in long trajectories, we come to the last stretch that leads to the ridge that takes us on top.
Ps. (Some indications "SKI" marked in yellow on large boulders indicate the best way forward is to climb the hill. But for those who want to enjoy this trip in the summer, there are no problems, a trail is marked by white signs / red.)
* Stone King is a local name to indicate the Viso.
Pian della Regina ( Pian Melzè).

Salita su canali prima del lago Chiaretto.

Versante nord del Viso Mozzo.

Indicazioni lungo il percorso indicano i passaggi migliori.

L’ampio versante sud del Viso Mozzo.

Passaggi su ampi versanti di ripida pendenza.

L’ultimo tratto di cresta nevosa.

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