Friday, July 30, 2010

Harvesting Horsradish

Mont Velan.

Pennine Alps.
Alps Grand Combin.
Ollomont Valley.

Il Mont Velan

GPS tracks.

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From My Video Production by Igor presents:

Mont Velan.


orographic position.

Mont Velan rises on the crest of the border between Valais and the Aosta Valley. The top separates the valley and Menouve to Valsorey By Valley. The slope south-east rises as high wall of broken rocks from the pastures of By, the south-west, is high and steep but retains the small glacier Velan. The north wall and a series of chutes and crevasses, while the north-east is occupied Valsorey glacier, where stands a dome of glacial peak of Velan.

The trip would be feasible in the day, even if the 7 / 8 hours and over 2100 m. dislevello serving of the hill are not little, however, in two days you can enjoy more than the ascent.

Start first day: Glassier (1549).

Difference Day 1: 1105 m.

Departure Day 2: bivouac "Maria Cristina Rosazza" at the Savoy.

Gradient second day 1060 m.

Display: south-east, north-east.

Difficulty: I must admit that it is not easy to assess the difficulty of a climb, because it can vary depending on the weather, I read the reports that have given to F, but we gave her the bad weather the day before, we found Crest icy steps, also the many crevasses that must be crossed, and the final slope of not less than 45 °, still make a trip quite complex. So we felt it was the scores of "difficulty PD.

Equipment: rope, ice ax and crampons.

Topographic Map: 1:30000 IGC, The Valpelline.

Access automotive.

All’uscita dell’autostrada del casello di Aosta si prosegue in superstrada per Gran San Bernardo, alla prima uscita i cartelli indicano Valpelline. Oltrepassato il centro abitato di Valpelline si tiene per Ollomont, oltre, la strada carreggiabile prosegue per interrompersi nel parcheggio di Glassier, 150 m. prima sulla sinistra cartelli indicativi gialli, tipici della Valle d’Aosta, indicano il nostro bivacco.


Come ci possiamo rendere conto da subito, diverse strade avvicinano al bivacco Savoia, ma la più corta è quella che risale il Ruisseau di By, dopo breve, seguendo sempre le indicazioni per By, si arriva ad un laghetto creato da una diga, if you look well you see the yellow signs, leading under the wall of the building, it would seem to pass over the dam, but instead the path runs along below the prairie.

You get on a graveled road, cross it and climb up the trail, to the pasture of sluts, then 200 m. further upstream are other houses of Tsa Porsche (the Meadows are still in use and are used for grazing). On clear path we arrive at the bivouac Savoy. Today the weather is very upset, especially on the summit of our mountain out of sleet, but the camp is good, very spacious, there are a kitchen, plenty of pots and blankets. I do not know if it is available also the gas, we are not able to open it, if it is there.

The next morning fortunately the sky is all clear, although a strong wind followed us throughout the trip.

Behind the camp you can see the path that climbs the Col de Valsorey channel, the last part is quite steep and icy, but the transition is quite exposed on the rocks. I prefer to wear crampons to climb the hill of frozen snow Valsorey. Hill climb for the ridge to the north east, and today after yesterday's snow crampons allow you to walk a sure-footed even on icy rocks. It fakes the Mont cord to go down to take the track on the glacier Valsorey. more than evident the ice cap of Mont Velan, overcome several crevasses on an easy path to reach the plateau at the foot of the Horns of Velan. At this point we have to overcome the last stretch to the right of the horns, not too long of a slope of 45 ° to emerge directly to the summit.

mountaineering history.

Mount Velan was one of the few major peaks to be the first ascent of Mont Blanc. The work was completed in 1779 by L. Joseph Murith, canon of the Great St. Bernard, accompanied by hunters Genoud and Moret. The monks of the hospice, which the landscape is an important Velan, had a significant role in its mountaineering history; were in fact the monks and Marquis D'Alleves to climb it in 1826 by Glacier Valsorey and go down the west ridge, the canons were probably still the ascent of the west slope. The north wall has also attracted famous names of 'mountaineering, as L. Boulaz that, guided P. Bonnat, I opened up a difficult route in 1939. On this wall also were compared to the 80 best ice climbers, including G. Grassi and P. Gabarrou.


Gran Combin

Grand Combin, seen from Velan.

Corni del Velan Corni del Velan (2)    I

Corni del Velan.

Il Mont Velan

Passaggi in cresta, con pietre gelate.

Il Mont Velan

Igor sulla cima del Velan.

Il Mont Velan

Pendio di 45° prima della vetta.

Il Mont Velan

Il laghetto formato dalla diga.

Il Mont Velan

Alpeggio di Tsa di Porchere.

Il Mont Velan

Lo spazioso bivacco di Savoia.


Weather conditions.

Forecasts Valpelline

Friday, July 23, 2010

Realative Bradychardia In Typhoid Fever

La Grande Ruine.

Alps of Dauphiné.
Parc National d'Ecrins.
La Grande Ruine
GPS tracks.
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Click to view photo album.
La Grande Ruine (3765 m) is a mountains of the Massif des Ecrins in the Alps of Dauphiné.
The mountain has two distinct peaks, separated by Breccia Giraud-LEZIN : Punta Brevoort the south (3765 m) and Pic Maître north (3726 m). Note
mountaineering. The Punta
Brevoort was climbed for the first time since Mademoiselle Brevoort and William Auguste Coolidge with guides Christian Almer (father), Peter Michel (son), Christian Roth et Peter Bluer July 19, 1873 for what it is still the normal way. The
Pic Maître was increased from J. Maître Pierre Gaspard with father and sons and Maxime Bourbon July 29, 1887. ______________________________________________________________________________________

From My Video Production by Igor:
Great Ruine.

Departure Day 1: Pont d'Arsine Orat (1667)
Difference Day 1: Departure
1500 Day 2: Refuge Planchard Adele (3186)
Difference 2: day: 579
Difficulty: F, the attack on the final ridge is F +
Exposure: East
Equipment: rope, ice axes, crampons and helmet.
Map: IGN 3436 ET Meije Pelvoux No.
Access automotive.
From Turin take the Val di Susa taking the highway Frejus / Bardonecchia, follow the signs to Oulx Oulx exit bypass take the main road, past Cesana Torinese, go up the SS Monginevro enter French territory. Below the hill
Monginevro descend into the beautiful city of Briançon, at this point we must go back to the Col du Lautaret, reached the top descends in just a few miles to the parking of Pont d'Arsine
After parking the car in the parking più in alto di Pont d’Arsine Orat, che si raggiungono raggirando a destra un laghetto di medie dimensioni, iniziamo l’escursione sul sentiero GR 54 che risale le acque del torrente Romanche, la traccia è sempre ben visibile, e dopo essere saliti ai Pian dell’Alpe, veniamo circondati da un incantevole paesaggio di praterie fiorite.
Sempre su sentiero, manteniamo a sinistra le Refuge de l’Alpe de Villar d’Arène, e risaliamo, direzione sud/ovest, sempre le acque del torrente Romanche. Arrivati al Pont de Valfourche, ora il sentiero si dirama verso le Refuge du Pavè, ma ovviamente noi dovremo proseguire dritto sul sentiero che ci conduce sulla morena, via via sempre più ai piedi, del Glacier de Plateau des Agneaux.
At some point, we cross a wooden bridge and continue on a path, always visible, which winds, north-west on the rocky slopes of the Grande Ruine. At this point we go back most of that difference lies ahead for the refuge. The fast rise to the Refuge Adele Planchard may exceed 5 hours. The refuge is located near the Superior Glacier on top of a long rocky ridge. From the Refuge
Planchard, the normal route of ascent of Punta Brevoort, which would be the highest peak of La Grande Ruine, remains a short, easy walk on a glacier, not higher than 40 degrees, up to the attack of the terminal crest dating from the south l’ultimo tratto. Qualche passo di II.
Non si trovano difficoltà, se non il superamento di alcuni crepacci, e dopo la crepaccia terminale, l’attacco roccioso della cresta sud. Dal rifugio,abbiamo svolta la salita in meno di 2 ore.
La discesa si effettua per la via di salita.
La Grande Ruine
Laghetto a Pont d’Arsine.
La Grande Ruine
Cartelli ad inizio sentiero.
La Grande Ruine
Il torrente Romanche.
La Grande Ruine
Vista de La Grande Ruine.
La Grande Ruine
Refuge Adele Planchard.
La Grande Ruine
Glacier Superior des Agneaux.
La Grande Ruine
Stefano ed Igor su La Grande Ruine.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tying A Mattress To A Roof Rack

Open letter to Savino Pezzotta.

Per non abusare dell’ospitalità solo la parte iniziale di questa lettera aperta è stata postata, quale commento personale, sul blog di Savino al post IL FATTORE B .

Lettera aperta a Savino Pezzotta.

Carissimo Savino ,

è un bit 'that do not follow you.

Our newest and synthetic raw private exchange is not the cause but the consequence of two opposing cultural worlds to see and do.

However, this does not change, at least for me, the "value" of a person, even with all the possible limits that this might have.

There is freedom of thought and action in a democracy.

A dear friend pointed me to two of your recent speeches [1] , begging me to give it a try. What I've done not only for the items, but also for the comments.

This my open letter , not surprisingly, I wanted to post it here, because what you call " B" is none other than the Church, especially consecrated "in perpetuity" even if now the lay state, and ... that in the past gave much the same.

In turn I see many " zuccabanchi " and you know what they mean in our country: those who (Faris) follows the law, the rants, the notes but not sterile ... apply. And usually if they glory ... well ... just like, not the real one that works in silence and silent, but similar to that of Phaedrus frog who wants to become an ox.

know how many "saints" proclaimed (by themselves) I see around?

yet are considering that my friend journalist, who knew from personal experience that it is now physically a very holy and goes out of fashion. One day I said, "What is saint for the church can be, but it was a peasant to me is well established. .

So with the help of Clio, a quick search may highlight the social status of the various players and see how these Christians have to actually work or what ... ... just for you. Some indexes are Redditometro of religious and social real or assumed.

income, as you know, is not only an economic factor, but, often, the index of "availability" of being Christian " Samaritan," or of being alone " priest " or " Levite" in the family, work, enterprise, in politics, ... the Church and in society itself.

And who is not culturally profane history makes it clear what it was in reality the political and social Samaria (Shomron) and the Samaritans themselves.

is why there is a camel through the eye of the needle, the opulence and destitution of those who have trumpeted the many who "want to" wearing only society.

A useful question would be: what we are materially rich we who profess to be Christians?

Le encicliche servono? Dipende da cosa dicono e, queste, – è bene sottolinearlo – non sono verità assoluta; anzi, talora, possono essere dei miopi saggi di filosofia o di sociologia fine a sé stessi. Difatti un tuo commentatore ha sottolineato saggiamente la sostanziale essenza di due papi del secolo scorso rispetto ai successori.

Un breve “ conto spese ”, declamatomi in quel di Rosano , è il metro giusto per comprendere quanto la carità e la virtù ipotetica possano essere vere o indicative di una certa superficialità cristiana pure lassù in … alto.

Not everyone, of course, are in the "sleeves" of the Vatican curia, and here is precisely the difference between being a man in its entirety ... or sheep that meekly follows the ram.

The song of last Sunday's Sunday gospel is quite indicative in this respect, because it essentially raises the dilemma. Perhaps the same dilemma that often occurs and that disturbs your conscience as a man disheartened, and hours of political union in the past.

A dilemma of the disciples of Emmaus.

A dilemma of imperfect people who did not in itself a progetto completo e compiuto, ma solo input sapienziali e escatologici a cui non sa dare attinente risposta: Noi pensavamo che …!

Tempo fa in un commento sul post di un comune amico ho già elucubrato sul caso - tanto da te sottolineato - sulla pedofilia ecclesiastica.

E, riassumendo con due parole, è molto strano che questo problema sia stato affrontato solo ora, pur se da secoli conosciuto, dopo oltre un lustro di pontificato quando non si poteva farne a meno perché esploso alla pubblica attenzione.

Sono forse attacchi anticlericali de-legittimisti della Chiesa o incuria dell’amministrare la Chiesa? Ci si dimentica forse che vi furono anche cardinali rei confessi? Anche se è bene sottolineare la rarità numerica di tale peccato rispetto alla santità della moltitudine degli altri.

E perché, a suo tempo, non si procedette ad un nuovo Concilio, richiesto da molti esponenti religiosi e laici cristiani di un certo rilievo?

Lo scagliare la prima pietra, ma pure le seguenti, non è un’edificabile attività cristiana e, se mi consenti, neppure politica. È solo un modo farisaico di estraniarsi dalla propria realtà: in quel declamare sempre il diritto (Which so often you difendesti) maybe forgetting the duty. A duty is not imperative, but the " Vold " Habsburg.

is to destroy rather than build.

And I would just add that, contrary to popular will, the Church is not a theocratic Monocracy, but a perfect democracy theosophical. Thus there is substantial difference between the Church and the Vatican Curia (the church).

Citi and protests against the Belgian episcopate case, forget the fuss that the Vatican Curia has raised diplomatically By the way, as if someone had the divine right to be in the law but not above the law.

And then you wonder (so to speak) that this happens constantly in politics.

Knowing SESAC often I would naturally think like him, but he speaks of the forest animals and also those of poultry and farm.

However, his story can be linked to current events, particularly in view of organizational and personal choices of convenience electoral fellow mercenary weapon Brancaleone.

often talk about the common good of pure (remember our last contest?), Rarely of what is right and never completed a project and detailed.

Talk of trade union and political experience - the personal history you almost justify and absolve - to condemn the last three decades as a degeneration, and then I wonder what culture and bad habit comes from the failure of the current sovereign, culture and social organization of those you call as teachers and examples of both political and religious.

Each has its totem, perhaps because one group not so much to Jansen - how to write down - but in the hands , so not being corrupt, but Manichean.

Corruption has become a culture that should never happen especially in the holiness of the Church, a Church should be God's people and communities in journey divided into many classes and social lobby to serve and servants.

The Center must be a setting fashion, certainly a way of doing politics today in a marginal way.

Citi Bagnasco which suggests the idea already expressed at the time by Ruini on Catholics in politics, albeit with small variations. Both, however (let the though), have the face to be too smart: those that are still safe and super partes both socially and legally and financially, crisis or no crisis, ready to change and to ride a new idea ... if it becomes fashionable.

Do you remember how it was considered the beginning of federalism even if proposed and designed by a group of orthodox Catholics do not understand them? And how, however, now being considered?

do not believe in Centre, either in its construction nor its future potential, however, are formed and named.

In fact, if the left is the cultural and political chaos in Babel, the right rests on the foundations of its current decisions and the charisma of one man who can not be perpetuated for a long time. And behind you is the same "nothing" on the left.

However do not consider myself a pessimist, and I think the electoral law a false problem.

Then comes the recession, the grandeur del Debito sovrano, il malaffare e quella cultura globalizzata da New Age cara anche a molti cattolici, basata su quel personalismo (a te tanto caro) che pone la preminenza della coscienza individuale su tutto. Una coscienza personale, perciò soggettiva, sommaria e imperfetta nella conoscenza non solo del bene e del male, ma pure nell’intendere compiutamente cosa sia il bene comune , confondendolo spesso nel diritto acquisito e nell’interesse personale.

Parafrasando Sesac: con il vino vecchio difficilmente si potrà fare il nuovo.

So with the men who led us into this situation, especially when consumed as a carrier of the profession for decades, will never create a new political force able to take root among the people and create a new cycle. And the vaunted zero roles may be just a facade.

not believe it? Wait for the election of new leadership and see how many steps back (or forward) you will be made.

Today a new political force to be revolutionary (innovative) to attract a broad consensus, but a new cultural revolution based on new principles and values \u200b\u200band not stale.

And the Catholics, as long Highlighted at a conference I attended recently [2] have a duty d ' be light in the world and not the light of the world to witness a world and a different company even though the minority.

This means being consistent in what you believe and not afraid of appearing, narrowing his being a believer in the enclave or ghetto confessional. It was first believing that citizens, therefore, a people belonging to social before the People of God

There is no antagonism between the two people be, just perfect parallel convergence. The first people to be the second priority is if you want to be servants (equality) and not served (preference theologically elected).

and consistency requires that precede, even socially, the rights of others to own, just as the Samaritan had to dismount, approaching (Proximus making) to the victim, bending over him, lifting and assist with their assets.

And the Samaritan was a pagan and polytheistic not a Jew, to avoid misunderstandings.

There is need not only a different culture to be laborer or farmer, secular or religious, but also to conceive of their role in being the people person in the state and the EU.

And it seems to me that neither you nor those who "want to" establish a new party to that effect have an overall view of this project worthy of the lemma.

I would like to close with one of the last paragraphs of my article [3] :

L’interesse generale deve prevalere, quale principio esistenziale, sul benessere individuale immediato o futuro.

Va pertanto rivisto lo welfare, il sistema strutturale di stato, il concetto di diritto, l’uso del lavoro con le sue regole e con il radicarlo sul territorio, la codificazione del mercato, l’eliminazione degli strumenti finanziari rischiosi e spuri, il controllo delle aziende che pur essendo giuridiche devono sottostare alla fisicità di sentirsi People themselves.

Innovation means change their concept or a right to be served to become a servant, to be all people, especially where the welfare and immunities of income (also bonus) elevate to privileged individuals.

And do you have to put the available capital and individual talents in the service of all, self-giving is especially for those in need, in the belief that individual wealth is only the usurpation of the rights of others and the denial of his duty.

The property, in essence, we must hold them in custody and not to abuse it for personal interest. " .

Otherwise we will be? The tempting serpent nestled on the tree of knowledge: what we can build consensus (votes), but not change the state of things and society.

abhor both the Berlusconi. Still around I see nothing better, even among Catholics.

Sempre con immutata simpatia.

Cari saluti, Savino .

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Karate Breaking Stand Plans

Dolent Mont.

Alpi Graie.
Alpi del Monte Bianco.
Catena Dolent-Tour Noir-Argentière.
Mont Dolent
Tracciati GPS.
Scarica file .gpx
Scarica file .gtm
Clicca e visualizza album fotografico su Flickr.
Da I Miei Video by Igor Production:
Il Mont Dolent.
Il Mont Dolent è posto all’estremità nordorientale della catena del Monte Bianco. La montagna segna anche il confine tra Italia, Francia e Svizzera e divide i ghiacciai di Prè de Bar, d’Argèntiere, del Dolent e dell’A Neuve. Osservato da qualsiasi angolazione, il Dolent, offre un aspetto always impressive. The north wall and one of the most severe glacial slopes of the Alps and descends to a thousand meters on the A Neuve glacier in the Swiss Val Ferret. Great view from the Mont Blanc and the Grand Jorasses. Note
mountaineering. The first ascent of
Dolent, was carried out on July 9, 1864, the British E. Whymper and A. Adams Reilly with the guides of Chamonix, M. Croz, H. Charlet and M. Payot along what is now the normal way. All ridges and walls were then climb this mountain. On the northern routes were opened on ice very difficult to count for little repetition.
Start first day:
Arnouva. (1769). Difference
first day 1035 m. (2800).
second day Departure: bivac. Cesare Fiorio. Difference
second day 1025 m.
Difficulty: PD + .
Display: south.
Equipment: rope, ice ax, crampons, helmet.
Map: 25000 N ° 107 IGC
Access automotive.
need to go all the Valle d'Aosta, Courmayeur we get a little further turn right the road to the Val Ferret, you should go to the huts of Arnouva. In fact during the summer traffic in Val Ferret is limited, but if necessary there is a shuttle service that we can seek information from the telephone number 0165/842060.
After parking the car in the parking lots available along the Arnouva at Careggi, Careggi continue on the dirt road to the Elena hut, a few hundred meters before reaching the shelter, a signpost on the left shows the path Cesare Fiorio bivouac.
Go up first on a steep moraine north, the Co du Petit Ferret, then abandoned the moraine detritus, the track becomes longer accessible on the first steps on the ground and stones and snow, until you arrive at the bivouac.
In fact, the two camps, one of 24 + 6 seats, the other smaller, only 4 seats.
better to start the next morning when the camp is still night, as you climb up the south east then, more than likely find the soft snow. It may look more closely and the elevation gain of only 1000 m. from the camp, not scare them, but the climb is long, unfortunately.
We climb the glacier of the Pre de Bar, keeping always on the top, almost directly south to the tip. After a long walk through snow and rubble end of the season, we come under the slopes of Mont sore. After passing the crevasses of the glacier terminal, now the climb becomes more difficult, the south-east descends into a gorge hundreds of feet, one slip could be devastating, however, must first pass a snowy ridge, halfway up, then mounted to east in a channel with a slope of not less than 45 ° (note the soft snow and not resort) if you need to better trace the rocks, but very unstable. They are more firm the rocks on the right side of the channel, right, up to the terminal crest. The crest
terminal will travel to the left on the wire to the top with passages of Grade II. On top lies a Madonna.
I guess that's a climb but not least, the descent from the canal, if the snow was unstable better to do abseiling tower on the right, further south, the rock seems to be more stable and visible just a string of dropped meters below the crest. With 30 m rope double to get on the already good, maybe you can go down the hill with more shots, but I do not know.
The rest of the descent of the road for the route. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Mont Dolent
Careggi first signpost on the Elena refuge.
Mont Dolent
Val Ferret.
Mont Dolent
Aiguille de Triolet.
Mont Dolent
La punta di sinistra è il Mont Dolent.
Mont Dolent
Bivacco Cesare Fiorio.
Mont Dolent
Attraversamento della cresta a mezza costa.
Mont Dolent
Risalita delle roccette instabili.
Mont Dolent
L’ultimo tratto di cresta.
Mont Dolent
La madonnina sulla vetta del Dolent.
Previsioni Metereologiche.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Korean Movie Cheaters Online

Good Vibrations

"... .. this year was very nice, we have removed a lot of satisfaction, it was a year of good vibes, is not it?" ... this is what I said an emotional and sweaty Lorenzo Balsimelli completion of examination for junior and senior colored belts, which were held Sunday afternoon, July 4 the Gym Stadium.

Lorenzo Yes you are right, this year was very challenging, but how much energy and enthusiasm in all of us. As he unveiled the Grand Master Domenico in his "Letter to members" (from the Gospel according Mazzocca - 8, 35), such as forgetting Anthony Cappello gold and bronze in the absolute Pauline Bacciu Seniors, our hours of intense promotion in primary schools in Florence, the commitment of so many comrades who have achieved the coveted black belt, the infectious activity of new friends - adults and children - who have started this year to attend our dojan. How much pride in all those with the pennant dobok Tkd of Florence and much love for the discipline is able to convey to all of us Domenico. It 'difficult to describe in words these good vibrations, but to give you an idea, rather than an examination that the other day was a feast indeed! The meeting was fixed at 16.00 to the gym, in the middle of summer drought. The idea of \u200b\u200bexams on Sunday is good because the gym is all for us and we can handle spaces as you like.

I ndossati dobok the very hot we were all lined up in 2 rows, the black belts (examiners) in front of the colored belts (examinees) to act as a wing Sabonim Mazzocca that before starting the tests has addressed to us all that is remembered as the "AFA sermon" (Domenico 15:1-24), in which he recalled how in Taekwondo strengthens the sense of universal harmony and peace among people and in our own little sense of "brotherhood" among all of us in the team Tkd Fi. Then, with short, rapid hand gestures, without uttering a word, divided us into groups of examiners, and I have been chosen to evaluate the forms, together with the same Balsimelli Lorenzo, Simone and Elisa, fresh black belts who have played with great seriousness the their task. I have to say that all examinees have been good, let me mention a few that impressed me most of all: Samantha and Vieri, who were approached by their children and Taekwondo are looking with great humility and commitment to follow in the footsteps of their children, thus making a path reverse course .. congratulations you have been really good, get involved with curiosity in my opinion the true elixir of youth (fuck the botox). Another positive surprise was the friend of Oleg Siena, which had always gone during exams clicked forms for excessive emotionality, but this time he made two good Taeguk without interruption, although sweating like a gorilla in the mist (in the gorillaz mist). Even in the cracks of the boards has improved a lot in the first crack at the exams testate al grido di “porca matrioska!!”, mentre ieri le ha demolite con i piedi, dopo averli forgiati immergendoli in una pentola di olio bollente misto a vodka. Poi voglio dare il benvenuto nel team a due nuove amiche, Barbara e Carlotta, che hanno iniziato a frequentare la nostra palestra da poche settimane ma hanno avuto il coraggio di affrontare l’esame e sono state premiate con la cintura gialla. Carlotta ha un breve trascorso nel karate e lo si è visto nel selvaggio ed efficace modo con cui ha affrontato in combattimento la nostra eccellente cintura rossa Roberta e la urlatrice della trinacria Alessia Mool1, con cui ha scambiato fraterne mazzate, sempre però col sorriso sulle labbra in segno di simpatia and mutual respect. I mean, if they are roses. ... These three girls may give us the satisfactions of combat in future tournaments.

No more exams Domenico has made everyone sit to begin the BLACK BELT FANTASMAGORIC SHOW ™ will likely bring on tour to the peninsula in autumn . They began with Paul Bacciu Yacoub and a fight without protection and then without sinking shots, a beautiful momdollyo-chage that both have simultaneously stopped the other one on the right ear, ripping a widely applauded by all. To me these guys, although young, are a great example of commitment and humility, Florence will follow them with special affection and sympathy to the next senior of Italian Championship in November 2010 at the Mandela Forum. By the way, dear friends of the TKD Florence all we will be particularly involved in this very important event, we all be ready to give our contribution Domenico just ask us to give him a hand for the success. The only thing I ask you, Dommy oh, is this: If you were to propose to fetch the Master Park Young Ghil station please let me have a 5-door car or scooter to go there, you understand why (See blog May 2009). The second exhibition was the form (Poomsae) Koryo performed perfectly in sync, and Simona Elisa, shiny and beautiful in their new dobok black belt. They're super because they have tried for the first time synchronization of form 10 minutes before you run it, perfect. Among other things, two girls were very good even during the recent examination by a black belt last month and have done so well Taeguk that have been held at the Tuscany Representative Forme ... another satisfaction for our team!

The show continued with the breaking of the tablets (the harder ones) by, among others, Leo Pierini (break three boards with different techniques), Alessandro Ponzanelli (a kick shot in the air) and Paul Bacciu who performed a difficult to break with the tablet is 3 meters above the ground, having given up the momentum by relying on a partner, stuff to scream! The show ended with the break made by Dommy, who chopped a front kick in flight with a tablet held up to 2.5 meters above the ground by resting on the shoulders of Pedro Balsimelli.

Gym in the afternoon ended with the immediate reading by Dommy results and subsequent delivery of new belts for all examinees, all promoted and happy. Greetings and good luck to the young man who greeted Andrea moved to September because the group will begin graduate studies in a prestigious University of Milan, the passion and vitality that you have shown in these few months of Taekwondo you will surely be useful in Milanese hard exams, remember when all of us in a few years you will be the Minister of Finance of the 25th ... Berlusconi government.

The beautiful day ended the evening in a pizzeria, where she consumed the terrible rite of chili it seems that this time they were just extra-hot! All colored belts were subjected to this gauntlet, but also the new black belts have undergone the same treatment, with pepper and spoon away .. ... during this ritual is something learned from success. Alessandro Ponzanelli, recently graduated from a black belt and esaltatissimo for this, he lost control and called loudly, in the name of democracy, to eat the chili also ... Sovereign Master Dommy who did not bat an eyelid and reconditioned all of us in the name of democracy, the choice to eat chili with him or Ponzanelli. The only one to raise his hand against Dominic was just Ponzanellus, which is was then run over by show of hands when it came to vote against him. The novel Spartacus turned around and saw that even confused by the nearby tables had raised their hands entire families, school groups, church groups, all united against Ponzanellus. Looking up to heaven, saw that even the pigeons on the trees had raised its wings and even cookies, docile american bull terrier of Carlotta, had raised both front paws as a sign of contempt. Alexander, realizing only then that silence is golden at times, it was nicely put for the second time in a few minutes a rite of chili ... terrible! But as in all things, yin and yang are balanced, the negative always has a positive side and vice versa. The forced ingestion of so much chili has had a wonderful effect in VIAGRA Alexander, who immediately phoned his girlfriend and winking at you hastily dismissed dall'agape walking legs close together. ... There are witnesses who tell of Gregorian chants in a falsetto voice and long grunts animalistic from an apartment that night ....

Happy holidays to all, see you in September !

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Want To Play Pokemon Red On My Pc For Free

Mont Pourri. La Cima


Alpes de la Vanoise and Grand Arc.

Mont Pourri

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From My Video Production by Igor:

Mont Pourri.


mont pourri

By car take the highway, after paying the toll of Aosta, continue on highway to the Mont Blanc, is held to the exit of Morgex La Thuile. Now on the road you pass the location mentioned above, the state of Piccolo San Bernardo (Please note: The road is open only in summer). We pass the Rosiere and go down to Bourg Saint Maurice, then go up the stream Ponturin, taking signs for Landry, continue in the valley to Les Lanches, where we will find parking for the car.

Departure: Les Lanches.

Altitude: Day 1 (860), Day 2 (1399).

Difficulty: PD

period: May / June with the skis and more difficult at the end of the summer season with crampons and ice axes, when the crevasses and cracks are more evident.

Equipment: crampons, ice axes, harness, rope.

Exposition of glacier north then west.

Topographic Map: IGN 3532ET Les Arcs - La Plagne - Parc National de la Vanoise


In front of the car park we cross the wooden bridge of the river Ponturin, signs and a trail clearly visible, indicating the beginning of the path to the Refuge du Mont Pourri. The path with a slope, never too prominent, comes halfway up, then a transverse direction along the east, almost flat on a path leads under the Refuge du Mont Pourri, which zizzagare with some uphill, again on a clear trail, we arrive . This is the route of the first day.

the morning we start a couple of hours before dawn, to deceive the footprints in the snow that would leave too blunt, if we beat the morning sun. However you start the climb up the obvious trail up to the old Refuge Regaud, now climb the moraine above the building, continuing up the steep slope while keeping the ridge to the foot of the glacier. Now it is better to wear the harness and crampons, climb on the last snowfield at first, then on the ice itself, to the foot of the Grand Col. Now we continue the ascent of the Glacier du Geay, when reaches maximum gradients of 40 °, more difficult the last stretch leading to the summit. At the top attention to the frame that is formed on the steep slopes of the north-east.

The descent on the route and make the climb, you can go around past the Grand Col, but is longer.


Mont Pourri

Mont Pourri, seen from the Rosiere.

Mont Pourri

Les Lanches at the beginning of the path.

Mont Pourri

Refuge de Mont Pourri.

Mont Pourri

ice-falls of Glacier Geay.

Mont Pourri

moraine ridge on the descent.

Mont Pourri

Igor and Stefano Mont Pourri.

Mont Pourri


Click to see the weather conditions.
