Alps of Dauphiné.
Parc National d'Ecrins.

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La Grande Ruine (3765 m) is a mountains of the Massif des Ecrins in the Alps of Dauphiné.
The mountain has two distinct peaks, separated by Breccia Giraud-LEZIN : Punta Brevoort the south (3765 m) and Pic Maître north (3726 m). Note
mountaineering. The Punta
Brevoort was climbed for the first time since Mademoiselle Brevoort and William Auguste Coolidge with guides Christian Almer (father), Peter Michel (son), Christian Roth et Peter Bluer July 19, 1873 for what it is still the normal way. ThePic Maître was increased from J. Maître Pierre Gaspard with father and sons and Maxime Bourbon July 29, 1887. ______________________________________________________________________________________
From My Video Production by Igor:
Great Ruine.
Departure Day 1: Pont d'Arsine Orat (1667)
Difference Day 1: Departure
1500 Day 2: Refuge Planchard Adele (3186)
Difference 2: day: 579
Difficulty: F, the attack on the final ridge is F +
Exposure: East
Equipment: rope, ice axes, crampons and helmet.
Map: IGN 3436 ET Meije Pelvoux No.
Access automotive.
From Turin take the Val di Susa taking the highway Frejus / Bardonecchia, follow the signs to Oulx Oulx exit bypass take the main road, past Cesana Torinese, go up the SS Monginevro enter French territory. Below the hillMonginevro descend into the beautiful city of Briançon, at this point we must go back to the Col du Lautaret, reached the top descends in just a few miles to the parking of Pont d'Arsine
After parking the car in the parking più in alto di Pont d’Arsine Orat, che si raggiungono raggirando a destra un laghetto di medie dimensioni, iniziamo l’escursione sul sentiero GR 54 che risale le acque del torrente Romanche, la traccia è sempre ben visibile, e dopo essere saliti ai Pian dell’Alpe, veniamo circondati da un incantevole paesaggio di praterie fiorite.Sempre su sentiero, manteniamo a sinistra le Refuge de l’Alpe de Villar d’Arène, e risaliamo, direzione sud/ovest, sempre le acque del torrente Romanche. Arrivati al Pont de Valfourche, ora il sentiero si dirama verso le Refuge du Pavè, ma ovviamente noi dovremo proseguire dritto sul sentiero che ci conduce sulla morena, via via sempre più ai piedi, del Glacier de Plateau des Agneaux.
At some point, we cross a wooden bridge and continue on a path, always visible, which winds, north-west on the rocky slopes of the Grande Ruine. At this point we go back most of that difference lies ahead for the refuge. The fast rise to the Refuge Adele Planchard may exceed 5 hours. The refuge is located near the Superior Glacier on top of a long rocky ridge. From the Refuge
Planchard, the normal route of ascent of Punta Brevoort, which would be the highest peak of La Grande Ruine, remains a short, easy walk on a glacier, not higher than 40 degrees, up to the attack of the terminal crest dating from the south l’ultimo tratto. Qualche passo di II.
Non si trovano difficoltà, se non il superamento di alcuni crepacci, e dopo la crepaccia terminale, l’attacco roccioso della cresta sud. Dal rifugio,abbiamo svolta la salita in meno di 2 ore.
La discesa si effettua per la via di salita.

Laghetto a Pont d’Arsine.

Cartelli ad inizio sentiero.

Il torrente Romanche.

Vista de La Grande Ruine.

Refuge Adele Planchard.

Glacier Superior des Agneaux.

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