Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Foundation For Fair Skin

long crisis.

who prophesied in 2008 that the crisis before then economic and financial, would be brief was served.

Sometimes you can see some good signs of recovery. However, these, to be considered valid, must take a continuing nature and not temporary positive peaks, production or GDP, monthly or quarterly.

It is said that the bottom has been touched, because just the slightest thing to slip back down the financial markets, burning, therefore, that wealth of heritage in this lean period would be for companies, both to stimulate consumption and investment.

Although consumption fall inexorably companies produce less, and if it is obvious that those producing less likely to succumb financially sick and healthy to survive through recourse to the IGC.

If the proposed investment is obvious that a certain return on capital can be usefully engaged, but if the outlook is negative it is equally obvious that the risk of burning unnecessarily.

Less production corresponds to more unemployment, more unemployment is equivalent to a drastic reduction in consumption.

In the U.S., but also the EU, unemployment figures remain high in numbers and in disappointing expectations.

analyzing the financial markets over the latter's prestige, it is noted that the Fibonacci lines accentuate continually downward, while the periodic increases tend only to get repetitive and similar peaks in time . They are, therefore, the natural physiological rebounds that big business is allowed not to scuttle the courses too.

This leads to a simple fact: the bags rather than place of investment are now hotbed of speculation, ignoring systematically the fundamentals.

liberalization (globalization) of the market inevitably brings with it the inability of states to control the flow of funds, so even the inability to tax financial income produced on streets other than its own.

And this tax evasion that affects every state significantly, depriving the financial statements of significant resources.

I thought that the remedies so far prepared to resolve and overcome the long economic downturn is only temporary surrogates and ineffective in the medium and long term.

Obama now seems likely, with its staff, to carry out the reduction of tax lever for SMEs, in order to try to revive the economy. They say, well, ready to reduce the tax burden on middle class.

This choice, however, if it is done will not produce the desired results, because consumers are still second best and that should have been run at the beginning of the crisis to give oxygen to the companies that were stopping.

Doing a market still does not make sense because the tax reduction on incomes do not exist without producing any (or minimal) resource. It's just a populist move to attract political support in approaching the middle of the month of November elections office.

The middle class is that in theory has a better chance of spending in a crisis, but we should also be noted that in a recession even the middle class, dramatically reducing their costs.

Ronald Reagan, in his time, making such a tax reduction, also taking advantage of positive results.

It should be noted, however, that the economy of that time was packed and not only in terms current recession and long stagnation.

Similarly, the debt was balanced and not 10 hours as% of GDP and the debt of sovereign States was nearly nonexistent, while progressing at this rate in less than five years this will reach 100% of U.S. GDP .

To give a practical example the annual deficit of U.S. public debt travels on percentages similar to those of Greece and sovereign debt is about emulating the Italian.

The huge capital placed by states or by central banks - Fed e Bce in testa – non hanno risolto il problema recessivo, ma solo sorretto provvisoriamente un sistema finanziario che stava crollando. E tanto Bernanke quanto Trichet hanno constatato che la crisi è sempre attuale e che durerà ancora a lungo pur con alti e bassi.

Tale rimedio, pur se tardivo, è stato utile per scongiurare il collasso globalizzato della finanza e dell’economia. Diversamente sarebbe stato il disastro.

Un po’ ovunque si è proceduto a sostenere istituti finanziari e grosse aziende, pur con modalità diverse da nazione a nazione, onde impedire che l’effetto domino contagious throughout the structural system.

Mai has taken action to correct the setting of financial markets with new rules enabling them to become a place of investment, not speculation.

All this shows the lack of a clear political will to address the underlying problems that triggered the first, and strengthened, then the crisis, leading to recession and stagnation.

Will not exclude the political inability to fully grasp cause and effect of every single move.

Since November last rally of the Indian and Chinese production diminishes inexorably, even if it still holds to be positive.

An economist at the Fall Meeting declared that " the Chinese economy would trawl the world economy . Contestai sentence that states that only the growth of consumption in the United States would favor the recovery, because the mouth of the productivity of the countries of Southeast Asia are mainly Western markets, and if they languish, blocking or slowing down a lot, the same production.

The stimulus of the economy Western has always been based on consumption, or internal or countries brethren.

a safe recovery, can not, therefore, regardless of the boost to consumption in the West, where even families with an income far exceeding the meager income (wages) in developing countries.

say today that the economy of China is the world's second statement is true in general, but it is not practical, because the average income in China is about one tenth of the West.

And where income is low it is committed to survival, with practical consequence that the internal market can not absorb all production for elsewhere.

Many analysts fear that China may soon trigger the mortgage crisis, by far the largest and most dangerous of the U.S. sub prime, detonating cord of the current crisis.

And if that happens it is obvious that the Chinese economy may prove to be a giant with feet of clay.

should also be noted that the Central Bank of China lost to the U.S. mortgage crisis, as well $ 400 billion financial markets, an imposing figure credible and the same communicated.

The current crisis and the remedies are the symbol of the snake biting its tail.

tried every possible remedy to date there is a contraindication to buffer the negative side of a problem, but aggravates the other.

The reduction of fiscal incentives can boost consumption, but depleted resources of the state, creating demand, therefore, further deficit, thus increasing the sovereign debt. Even assuming that it can boost the economy, it is obvious that the results of a monetary return Tax is only in the long term.

The same goes for protecting the welfare and unemployment (benefits or IGC), but further raises the social cost on the budget.

And for these simple reasons, in Italy and in all EU countries, no politician today can be considered a tax reduction.

incentives, where applicable, supported in part consumption, so the productivity and employment, but also forced the city to borrow or burn part of their savings.

aid of the central banks of member to financial firms to collapse the same and have saved the system, but have further extended the debt of both companies to the states.

support EU and the IMF countries at risk of default has saved the 'EU € and the same unit, but it has only postponed the problem without solving it. L '€ remains weak and has in fact devalued against other currencies, while unsafe countries should be supported for years before they can overcome their problems.

This leads to a simple conclusion: there is no uniformity of view and action on the crisis, because at the state level and international level there is the political will to solve the structural problems that created the problem for decades.

And these problems are mainly: the sovereign debt and wild speculation in financial markets, together with the continued growth of private debt.

And today there are too many corporations that heavily influence the states with their capitals, some being more powerful than many nations, can affect both the financial and economic choices sovereign debt that the programmatic and structural economic production.

The Church Centesimus annus , in effect, taxes paid on capital, and now continues on the same line of action, convinced that banks - mostly in Italy for inspiration in the popular Catholic or credit unions - may be of assistance to SMEs to be popular due to micro-credit class.

Microcredit, however, is not solving the problem, but only un tampone provvisorio che può dare ossigeno alle piccole imprese e al ceto popolare, specie a quello rimasto senza lavoro: concede di tirare avanti per un certo periodo, ma non è in grado né di garantire e ridare l’occupazione, né di rilanciare i consumi e quindi la produzione.

Inoltre il credito concesso deve essere restituito e la contrattazione con gli istituti finanziari su tassi e spese non è affatto vantaggiosa per chi ne abbia estremo bisogno, ammesso che le banche rinuncino a determinate garanzie di futura solvibilità.

La Chiesa, inoltre, invoca una nuova classe dirigente politica, destinata negli intenti a sostituire quella attuale, usurata dagli anni, dal malcostume e dal malaffare.

Il creare una nuova aggregazione basata sulle radici cristiane non è il toccasana, pur se in teoria ciò fosse possibile.

Infatti, più che l’uomo cattolico, oggi esiste il personalismo individualista cattolico, che antepone l’interesse individuale, o di classe, all’etica comportamentale. Ciò porta inesorabilmente a far sì che la coscienza individuale ottenebri la visione complessiva di un progetto cattolico sociale di grande respiro: la stessa, per assurdo, che ha prodotto la Centesimus annus , Basing it on personalist phenomenology drift Jansenist.

The global crisis requires a new set of companies, capital and enterprise firmly rooted in the territory, which create a district social and productive, supportive and federalism, not only in a state, but also in the various continents.

To achieve this we must be clear about this - that some have already made - and not only postulates the moral, political or religious, stale and based on outdated conceptions of time and only basic ideology.

Why hope is one thing, develop ideas and projects is another, and achieve another.

serves first and foremost a political flawless able to harness the capital of corporate globalization and to make a new subject for the benefit of the Person / Man, rooted in a stable manner in the territory as a necessary legal entity on a par ' businesses and workers.

This implies a new social compact that it can also reduce the right of the worker, but can guarantee the stability that is lacking today is a bit existential 'everywhere.

An existential stability, however it must be scaled and cleared by the use of disposable consumerism.

That same consumerism that has reduced the family to a simple container, capable of giving unity and stability only on the basis of some interest, which all falling flakes.

And just what has happened in finance and economics.

To create a new political class leader we need a new culture, otherwise you recycle ideas and people who for years have had their day.

The citizen has the disaffected political abstaining natural high it is the thermometer.

However, not only the policy must be updated and rewritten with new politicians extraction Catholic Church but also, perhaps, needs to retire many of its pastors.

The Gens Catholic not only no longer on the political cultural reference, but often do not recognize even more in the Summit Church.

Frustration Rules Board Game

Mont Blanc.

Alps Mont Blanc.
From Val Veny
to the Vallee Blanche.

Monte Bianco

Ascent from the Refuge Gonella.

Discesa dai Tacul

Descent Aiguille du Midi.
Track GPS

Download file. Gpx

Download file. Gtm

And just as all the other times I enclose the path made by my Garmin GPS, I would say that the whole track is very reliable, especially the descent of the Aiguille du Midi . In fact, if you change the time, it is said that traces of the passage of so many people who attend every day that way, could be covered with snow and poor visibility on that occasion, could become very difficult to maintain the right direction. In fact, in If we were surrounded by fog is advisable to follow the path Gouter, with its steps to the ridge edge, is more logical.

addition, rising in steps to the crevices of the glacier before the Dome of the Aiguille Grises Colle, I hope that when they open the new shelter Gonella, equipping some passage, because unfortunately we blocked by about 10 m. wide chasms we had to climb the central serac, under nothing but nice.


Crossing the Mont Blanc.

In my projects "Little mountaineer, wandered for a while 'time the idea of \u200b\u200bwinning the White from the Italian normal route, and then complete the exploration of the valley coming down from the path of Tacul. Not only because the Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps, our beautiful, but mostly because a few years ago, in one of my trips, go up the glacier Miage and was fascinated by the tongues of ice that came down huge crevasses in the Massif and I promised myself that someday I had to try to recover.

I must admit that in recent years, and acquired a bit 'more experience in mountaineering techniques, although I still have much to learn, I do not want to miss. But unfortunately a big problem afflicts me, to face the ice and needed to go to avoid being linked to some bad crack, so I needed a person with whom to go, and do certain things in the village where I live, I found a lot of sharing, so thanks to new technology, I learned to make real contact of mine on the internet and I must admit I have met people with my interests, really good and willing to achieve results.

With Franco, however, was different. The Savoy met at the camp at the weekend where we won the Mont Velan, I was talking about wanting to reach the White rising from Gonnella, but a climb so far, this year also the management of the refuge is not yet in operation, did not convince my other friends. Franco could not help but listen to our discussions, so I replied that he, too, which is a big fan of White, was looking for a partner to make that climb, so we exchanged phone numbers and keep in touch.

Later, Franco was highly specific, so we were able to arrange the crossing of Mont Blanc.

had come the right time, free time we had both, the forecast for the weekend was finally put to good, although during the preceding week had thrown a lot of snow, she decided to leave anyway.

Friday mattina al mio paesello pioveva, pensavo, “speriamo che il meteo che dava schiarite in serata non abbia sbagliato”, devo ammettere di essere stato un po' ansioso col pensiero di partire, ma appena caricai lo zaino in macchina il sogno incominciò a diventare realtà.

Arrivato al casello d’Ivrea, dove avevamo l’appuntamento, stava riversando un gran acquazzone, giusto il tempo di caricare l’attrezzatura su di una macchina sola e via in autostrada su per la Valle d’Aosta. Mentre salivamo in valle la pioggia cessava di scendere, le cime erano tutte coperte dalle nubi, ma per lo meno era asciutto e non pioveva. Arrivati a Courmayeur, abbiamo recuperato gli ultimi viveri in un negozio locale. In breve raggiungemmo le aree attrezzate della Val Veny, dove quella sera piazzammo la tenda e consumammo una buona grigliata di carne. Quella notte il cielo si rasserenò completamente.

Il sabato alle quattro del mattino, suonava la prima sveglia, si pensava di partir presto, per accaparrarsi i pochi posti del bivacco del Gonella. Una splendida stellata sopra le nostre teste. La colazione, Franco, l’aveva preparata la sera prima, bastava accendere il fornelletto da camping e consumarla. Affardelliamo per ultimo gli zaini e ci avviamo alla sbarra che chiude l’accesso in autovettura ai laghi Combal. Un’oretta al buio sulla strada asfaltata che porta al bar Combal, poi la luce del giorno, rischiariva la valle e le prime luci del sole illuminavano the tip of the Aiguille de Trelat. On the tops snow falling in recent days was still evident, it worried us a bit ', but we continued the ascent, at first, then the moraine of the glacier Miage. Most Miage and covered with huge boulders split, if you step wrong, it can be really long ascent, but fortunately my partner, I knew that place, so I had to do the right trajectory to avoid the most treacherous rocks . Another consortium followed us and got us in a hurry, seemed to the French, they were more cocks us, because we were told that the next day they would try to climb the White Tournette by way of a treacherous ice walls, so a certo punto, svoltarono a destra scalando le seraccate del ghiacciaio del Monte Bianco che portano al bivacco Quintino Sella.

Mentre si sale il Miage, si può vedere, su uno sperone roccioso in alto a destra, il rifugio Gonella. A un certo punto, ci accorgemmo che delle persone stavano già scendendo dal rifugio; la conclusione era una sola, se nei giorni precedenti è sempre stato brutto, la discesa a quest’ora, non può che essere un fallimento. Io pensavo “e già, forse c’è troppa neve molle”. Gli individui si avvicinavano sempre più, li abbiamo incrociati, sulla parte alta del ghiacciaio, erano inglesi, nelle poche parole che riuscimmo a capire, dissero che non si poteva salire ed era veri Dangerous. Io e Franco ci guardammo in faccia, eravamo preoccupati, “se questi non ce l’hanno fatta, come faremo noi” io pensavo che se la neve sui pendii del ghiacciaio del Dome, fosse ancora troppo instabile e i passi sprofondano, avremmo trovato una situazione impossibile per salire. Per un istante c’è stata l’idea di rinunciare, ma poi ci guardammo negli occhi, e dicemmo: “Ormai siamo qui, e per essere sicuri, non ci resta che andar su a vedere”. Così attaccammo le roccette che risalivano al rifugio; io ricordo che mentre proseguivo, un pensiero mi frullava nella testa: “chissà se questa volta, non la diamo a bere agli Inglesi, sarebbe proprio una vera vittoria in casa”.  However, all it took more than six hours to get to Gonella. By now we realized that there was no one in the camp, and while we were preparing a hot soup, came a lone climber. He was a young Frenchman, was strong, he stopped to eat near the camp, then he said he wanted to do the ridge of the Aiguille Grises maybe Blank. Anyway, after eating his meal, took the backpack and go his way, saying he bivouacked on the rocky ridge, started to climb the slope behind the hut and disappeared quickly behind the huge boulders. Franco and I looked at, another in the eye and said in a joking way, "the little people there, but it seems all mad, "taking a bit 'in a good mood.

Since you have to start at night, with daylight was essential to go see the first part of the climb to be aware of the steps, so while Franco had put to rest continued on the rocks behind the hut, arriving at the foot of the glacier the Dome, I saw that the tracks of the British, had beaten the snow on the leeward side, leaving traces of the exhausting, it was certainly better off in the center of the glacier where the ice was no longer dry and you could walk better, but there were many crevices that you should pay close attention, also under the serac Colle Aiguille Grises remains a incognita vista dal basso, la salita non era banale, ma io come sempre ero ottimista e ritornai al rifugio. Franco nel frattempo si era svegliato e gli raccontai ciò che avevo visto. Ci serviva acqua, il rifugio era sprovvisto, ma per fortuna ancora l’esperienza di Franco, ricordò di una sorgente che sgorgava dal versante, non era simpatico andare a prendere l’acqua, ma almeno c’era ed era pure buona. Il pomeriggio passava e nel silenzio della montagna, si sentivano le continue frane di pietre sui versante di fronte. Avvistammo anche degli stambecchi, due femmine e un cucciolo, stavano leccando il sale, lasciato dalle recenti lavorazioni cementizie, sulle pietre, nei pressi del rifugio. Franco lui è un esperto di animali selvatici and said he probably did not have a puppy of the second female, perhaps he had fallen, or worse killed by human hands. At some point in the monotony of the noise of the valley, we heard a big bang. He was a helicopter up the valley, closer and closer, until you land right on the platform in front of the shelter, got a construction worker, the company returned to the work of the refuge and the helicopter in flight. The worker appeared to be very upset, began to put the junk taken from the camp in a large bag, I had a bad breath of alcohol, claimed to be a mountain guide. At one point, talking, start to explain the way to climb, and he said it was easy would have been child's play to leave the ridge and arrive before the Mont Blanc, honestly we gave back the charge that we had lost that morning with the British. He returned to the helicopter, loaded it again, but not picked up anything, "that strange," thought: "So it really true that in all these places are just crazy", making a laugh about it.

was time, we had to prepare harnesses and equipment, then consumed the extensive dinner and finally, although it was still day we went to bed to sleep that night was the start really soon. The evening was quiet and I sleep well, all the mice that live in the camp. The alarm clock had the

fissata per mezzanotte, addirittura ci svegliammo qualche minuto prima che suonasse, per prima cosa uscimmo fuori a controllare il tempo, era una splendida serata con aria tiepida, milioni di stelle spiccavano nel cielo, la luna da ovest che faceva capolino dalle creste dell’Aiguille Grises, illuminava una gran parte di ghiacciaio. Senza perdere troppo tempo facemmo scaldare la colazione, un po' fuori luogo a quest’ora, ma era indispensabile mangiare, prima di mettersi in marcia. Partiamo legati dal rifugio e affrontiamo il primo tratto di roccette coi ramponi nei piedi, dieci minuti arriviamo ai piedi del nostro ghiacciaio del Dome, gli ultimi preparativi di corda, in un ghiacciaio cosi crepacciato era indispensabile, mantenere una cordata piuttosto lunga, con dei nodi a palla in mezzo e l’uso di cordini di svincolo alle estremità. Di nodi a palla bisogna farne almeno due, si dice che il primo fa la sede sul bordo del crepaccio, mentre il secondo blocca la caduta, sinceramente non vorrei metterli alla prova; i cordini di svincolo, invece, mantenuti all’imbrago e fissati alla corda da un nodo prussing, un particolare nodo autobloccante, sono molto utili per creare una sosta immediata con la piccozza ed assicurare in ogni momento il compagno.

Iniziamo la salita non seguendo per nulla le tracce degli Inglesi, il passaggio in centro è buono, anche se bisogna raggirare parecchi crepacci e oltrepassarli su sottili ponti di neve, nel primo tratto sembra di non prendere mai altitude, but at some point we are to overcome a wall of snow, a slope of about 40 degrees more than a hundred meters high. As soon as I set foot on the slope, I realize I had stumbled into a damn leeward side, the steps collapse, and earned a share of difficulty, I will not give up, I knew that we would find better conditions above and slowly walked out of the Paciocco, the crust Snow became increasingly carrier and took speed again. I remember going up that slope, in the silence of the night and the troubles of breath, felt thuds settling of the snow, I thought: "We hope that does not come off right now this damn wall, meanwhile, once you graduate from here, do not spend more . Climbed the wall of snow, we finally arrive at a basin, which attacks a ridge on the left side that leads al'Aiguille Grises, remembering the words spoken by quell'operaio, the day before, advised us to circumvent the right of serac ice, as well as the moon went down behind the peaks and darkness obscured the valley, we continued to climb. At some point, however, a huge crevasse, more than ten meters wide, blocking the passage. "Wow!" Said Franco, "from here you do not pass." The rift did not show the bottom and moving to the right on the slopes of the Piton des Italiens, was very tricky, we had to go down a little and returned to the valley of darkness, go left towards the ridge of the Aiguille Grises, we could not get around too much, it was already late, so I decided to climb the serac Central, I went on a frame of thin ice, upstream of a beautiful ravine, it was hot, the seracs hanging over our heads dripping, just then, or could have climbed to the mountain, good planting the pick of my ice ax and crampons on the tips of the crevasses of the ice live, dance and we went over on the plateau at the foot of the hill ' Aiguille Grises, a sigh of relief.

The collar was not difficult to trace, but it just came over, everything changed perspective, the ridge was very thin, it was necessary to remove the nodes ball and shorten the string, the first stretch of rocks sticking ice is Grade II, then we arrive at the end of the ridge, at which point you will encounter a tricky triangle of very thin ridges, we must go right and reach the Piton des Italiens. It 's still dark, you see the lights of the houses in the Valley of Chamonix, the passage of the ridge is exposed and dangerous, there is also no sign of passage, the front lights are lost in the bottom of the icy slope. Better not be on the wire, it seems there are frames on the Italian side, at some point I come off the custody of my camera, fortunately I had attached to another berth, while trying to fix, I slips a foot, but now tears the pike in the ice and I stop, "fiuhh! a sigh of relief, "then I turn to Franco, he was also in crisis, it was loose the knot of the rope and doll's cluttered progression, a short scream, a crash, even Franco, luckily I managed to stop due to ax. At this point it was obvious that we had to reorder some 'ideas if we did not want to fall in, the only moment of crisis had come in the most exposed, had to calm people and continue the progression of the ridge, the ridge at that point salt is very thin and slightly inclined towards the Piton des Italiens, the frames at this point seems to pour into France, then down a bit 'on the Italian side, I remember saying to France many times in a row for my good marks, because if I had passed I had to go himself, the more saliva, then spreads over the ridge, finally got on top of the Piton des Italiens. A small plateau ice is not very comfortable but certainly safer than the crest passed, we were able to sit for a while and eat something in the meantime, the lights of the day cleared the valley, "which show the day!" I cried, from here you can see ' whole caravan of people who follow the path until Gouter White and all the sharp ridges of the amphitheater and the Aiguille de Bionnasay under the houses of Chamonix with its valley. I must admit to have had a moment of intense emotion, now the worst was over, reorganized the backpack, we began to descend on the wide shoulder leading to the Dome de Gouter, at one point we saw two French Quintino Sella, who trace Tournette, were still very low and was still waiting for a treacherous ice chute, I honestly do not envy them at all. Then a roar, a helicopter closer and closer, the helicopter was the day before, they were both safe, I saluted him and after a moment, he changed course and did not see him ever again, "that strange," he repeated.

however, exceed the ice cap of the Dome de Gouter, we took the trail crossed a very normal way of French, gente che saliva e che scendeva, chi legato e chi no, era evidente che non c’era alcun pericolo oggettivo a quel punto, dovevamo solo camminare e camminare, ricordo le espressioni di chi scendeva, sembravano ghignare di noi, perchè eravamo gli ultimi a salire, ma nessuno di quelli sapeva la nostra storia ed io molto fiero della salita, camminavo a testa alta su per la comoda cresta che conduce in cima alla vetta del Monte Bianco. Onestamente ricordo di aver letto che dalla cima il paesaggio è un po' deludente, è vero. Anche se oggi la giornata è così limpida che ci si potrebbe immaginare anche di vedere il mare, tutto da quassù mi appare spento, “che strano”. Comunque non importa, segno il waypoint sul mio GPS Garmin, mi segna 4810 e siamo sulla vetta più alta delle nostre Alpi, chiediamo a qualcuno di scattarci qualche foto ricordo, e poi, per finire alla grande iniziamo la discesa verso l’Aiguille du Midi, per visitare così tutta la montagna.

Per la discesa ai colli del Mont Maudit e col du Midi, bisogna scendere un enorme plateau ghiacciato, il versante è ben  innevato non mostra crepacci, ma solo una solcata traccia lasciata dalle altre centinaia di persone che seguono quella pista tutti i giorni, devo dire che rispetto alla via Gouter c’era ancora una stragrande di gente che stava ancora salendo, il primo tratto ci fa perdere subito molta quota, poi spiana e risale leggermente verso il Col del Mont Maudit, a questo punto il sole ci arrostisce come delle aragoste su quell’enorme plateau ghiacciato, ma se ci si ferma un po' un’aria gelida ci raffredda subito, una situazione sconfortevole.

Arrivati al Colle della Brenva, avvistiamo un gruppo di alpinisti alle prese col versante insidioso del Mont Maudit, noi passiamo ai piedi sempre su solcata traccia, ma ad un certo punto la traccia finisce e un lungo dirupo rimane sotto i nostri piedi, era il Colle del Mont Maudit che da quando staccò verso valle un tratto di ghiacciaio era diventato più insidioso da scendere o salire. Una guida si fa strada coi suoi clienti, pianta la sua piccozza nel ghiaccio e cala i due fino alle corde sottostanti, infatti una decina di metri sotto erano ancorate delle corde di sicurezza, subito lo abbiamo copiato, dalla picca col mezzo barcaiolo mi faccio calare da Franco alla corda, io mi assicuro ad un anello ricavato da un nodo su di essa e sempre col mezzo barcaiolo invito Franco alla discesa, poi man corrente alle corde fisse scendiamo ancora un po', devo ammettere che sotto il colle c’è un bel precipizio ghiacciato, ma ad un certo punto il pendio si attenua un po', l’esposizione rimane, ma una traccia ben solcata ci accompagna verso un plateau meno inclinato che scende e continua a scendere per i lunghissimi versanti della via, le gambe a questo punto vanno da sole, lo zaino pesa sempre di più sulle spalle che fanno male, ogni tanto ci fermiamo a fare uno spuntino e bere la poca acqua che ci has been a race against time, we wanted to take the last race of the cable car at Courmayeur, it was thought to shut eighteen. Honestly, the way of

Cosmiques is very long, the Aiguille du Midi, you see, it seems close, but then is still very far away, you can never turn. But walking and walking, we finally arrive at the Col du Midi, another huge ice plateau overlooking the Vallee Blanche, luckily up here there is still a huge reservoir water ice, but it was impossible to appreciate the landscape very well, we were so tired that it was thought only to walk and get there as soon as possible for the last race. The cable car Aiguille du Midi is 3800 m. and the Col du Midi is just over 3500 m. It was necessary to make one last effort and go up the last 300 m. We confirm the theory of mad, in fact, to go up to the cable cars must pass through a well-exposed ridge and a lot of people are coming down and going up makes it even more insidious. Finally we arrived at the Aiguille du Midi, you get frozen in a cave, a metal gate prevents the passage of tourists in the cable car, because even if a single person without crampons unfortunately ended on the crest of the plunge in the safe. We took off our crampons and rope, Franco runs immediately at the ticket office to purchase my tickets, but soon returned disconsolate and he says "the nostra funivia è già chiusa”. Erano solo le diciassette ed era già chiusa, inoltre l’ultima corsa per Chamonix parte alle diciotto e trenta, vergogna a l’Italia. Per fortuna qualche brava persona a pensato a noi, avevamo una faccia stanca, e non ci fecero più scendere per quella cresta, invitandoci a bivaccare nell’impianto.

Grazie ai francesi molto cordiali.

Quando andarono via tutti i visitatori potemmo finalmente allungare i nostri sacchi a pelo vicino alle latrine dello stabile, può sembrare un posto molto sconfortevole, ma in effetti era un angolo molto accogliente, riscaldato dai soffioni di aria calda che scaldavano i bagni pulitissimi, inoltre una grande vetrata si affacciava sulla Vallèe Blanche ed allora e solo ad allora, finalmente potevamo ammirare quello spettacolo di panorama.


Clicca e visualizza la raccolta fotografica su Flickr.


Da I Miei Video by Igor Production:

Traversata sul Monte Bianco.


Igor e Franco sul Monte Bianco

Igor e Franco sulla vetta del Monte Bianco.

Rifugio Gonnella (6)

Nuovo rifugio Gonella.

Bivacco Vallot (3)

Al bivacco Vallot.

Aiguille du Midi

Aiguille du Midi.


Previsioni Metereologiche.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Different Filipino Personality

Team WTF in Piazza Santa Croce in Florence

was a long time that I was the goose bumps.
I got it in the afternoon August 27, when I saw the show WTF Demonstration Team in action in Piazza Santa Croce in Florence, was the first time that this team has played in our city and our whole movement is a source of great pride and satisfaction .
But rewind the tape and let's start from the beginning.

This event took shape only at the beginning of August, taking advantage of the fact that the WTF team was in Italy to perform in the province of L'Aquila for the earthquake victims, the Fita and Domenico have seen fit to extend their stay in the beautiful country of Korea and get them to come to Florence, on even and especially the promotion of Absolute Senior Championships to be held at the Mandela Forum 20 e 21 Novembre. Insomma, anche stavolta Dommy ha dovuto organizzare un evento importante in tempi strettissimi, in un periodo dell’anno particolare e con poche persone a disposizione per farsi aiutare. Infatti Egli ha dovuto interrompere la sua vacanza con una settimana di anticipo per tenere le fila con Comune di Firenze, Fita e WTF, io ho dato il mio piccolo contributo come ufficio stampa e ci è andata di lusso; “La Nazione” ha dedicato all’esibizione un quarto di pagina con foto nell’uscita del 25 Agosto.

La mattina di venerdì 27 ho inforcato la mia bici e mi sono avviato verso Piazza Santa Croce, dove mi ero dato appuntamento con Dommy. Mentre pedalavo nelle strette e fresche stradine del centro rimuginavo on how beautiful Florence, on how we could treat her better and emotion that the athletes would try WTF in performing in a place so steeped in history and meanings. What a coincidence Dominic was the phone on the steps of the Basilica, to the right of the statue of Dante, the great poet, and now I am back to mind the opening lines of canto XXXV, Circle X, the fifth area, where they are confined to the organizers of events last Friday in August:

to downstairs so I turned to the left,
beheld Mazzocca bound to the cell
elegant dress with a white camisa, but spoke

with someone that angry face ...
said: Master, why do you complain you?
glad you were not a esta esibitione?
Yes, but you do not know Castagna,

ere took off from the sea and is a lion ...

For those who do not remember, the penalty to which they are condemned for eternity these organizations is really terrible, even Dante seems to tremble when he wrote, dressed like Lele Mora, tied together with a very long phone cord, two Motorola first generation in vibrating mode under my bare feet, they are forced to call the number for the eternity of the press office City Council (for eternity that will only respond via voice mail or answering machine ...) at the maximum rate of TIM. The monthly charge is cc bank, then you can not escape ....
As soon as I recovered from this high school and went back in my memory, along with Dommy we went to visit a small gym in the city square where 15 athletes in the team would carry out the heating, the water was there, the showers worked , everything OK. Then we went to the restaurant to set the good fellas Romans who were mounting the stage for the 12x12 mat. It was not easy to refuse to fix them lunch and dinner, her face resembled that of most recommendable for a moment before Tyson bite Holyfield's ear, the head of the good guys were called "the Pope" because it gave the orders in 16 different languages, Benedict XVI miss the blessing urbi et orbi. Carried these small practices, Sunday and leave for Florence South to accommodate the bus WTF, President Dr. Cito Fita and coach and member of the Federal Commission of shapes World WTF Master Park Young Ghil, that I personally revere all ... ran smoothly and we then gathered in the afternoon around 17.00, two hours before the show. Meanwhile Dominic would accompany the group at the hotel, restaurant and made them do a tour of downtown Florence. To thank him for the kindness and commitment that has always characterized the Korean team has made a gift that Dominic has moved: a black belt signed by Supreme Leader of the WTF, Chungwon Dr. Chou.
Patrick and I, before going to the Square we moved from our dojan for taking the caps with the colors of Taekwondo Center Florence to give to great athletes, to return humbly thought. At about 18.00
the 15 Koreans have begun to warm the stage directly in the Square, a gathering crowd of onlookers instantly around the barricades. Slowly I began to see many friends of TKD Florence, the Badia al Pino Taekyon of Montecatini Tkd of Tkd Apuania, to name just the ones I recognized. The emotion was very strong for us all, the spectacular setting of the event (Piazza Santa Croce at sunset is beautiful to behold) and the expectation of the event made us vibrate with energy. The first thing that struck me the 15 events (both men and women) and the exile of the physical, but is this a feature that makes their performance. Not long in coming as well.
At 19.00, on time and after a brief presentation started the rumba. Broken tablets with techniques of flight kicks in spectacular kick shot, kicking blindfolded, fake kicks, kicks and kicks taken, kick to break apples and cucumbers posti sulla testa o sulla punta della katana (spada), forme coreografiche bellissime, finti agguati con coltello e pistola neutralizzati con calci e schiaffi mirati alle gengive…ogni calcio - soprattutto quelli che rompevano tavolette poste anche a 5 (cinque – five ) metri da terra - strappava a tutto il pubblico dei meravigliati “ooohhhh”, dietro me ho sentito anche turisti francesi gridare “ullallà”, tedeschi rossi in viso esclamare “wunderbar!!” Ed anche una famiglia di pellerossa Cherokee applaudendo ha urlato “ estiqaatsi !”
Uno spettacolo vero e proprio, curato nei minimi particolari, frutto di ore ed ore di allenamento e prove. In una parola: Great! Take a tour on You Tube looking wtf
demonstration team ... I am impressed with one thing in particular: the kiap. Only last night I realized what a true kiap; to be understood, we do the urletto confronted with them can be compared to the voice (voice?) Vs. the Zero. that of Metallica, the tones in question are the same ... I'll try to improve that, too, no doubt.
In the end, the applause, the show is over stretched and Florence the first shadows of evening. Were 50 minutes of incredible intensity and both Dominic Young Ghil Park thanked from the stage those present, recalling the positive values \u200b\u200bof our scheme and 'autumn event with the Florentine Absolute Seniors.
short, a more pleasant afternoon of sport Taekwondo, and which perhaps is not only participation in "natural" personality of the city, even though the city still has to be thanked for having given the availability of space (and space).
However it must be said that the public - many tourists - were numerous, and 1,000,000 people according Mazzocca, 300/400 persons according to the police station. On these figures are now set off a controversy and as usual the truth is a bit 'in the middle ... ..
Until next time, Now we start to train and prepare the event of the Nelson Mandela Forum!

Join INTERNET nominated for Nobel 2010 @ http://www.internetforpeace.org

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Funny Rehearsal Dinner Wording

Mount Mucrone.


Alpi Biellesi.
Valle Oropa.

Monte Mucrone ( ai Brix )

GPS Tracks.

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Even this year 's we got the month of August.

Belle and made fun climb in July, the weekend was all sunny, but unfortunately in this August, the weather has changed, the weather was not on our side, even in the days of August have come to crush more than 30 cm. of snow only to 3000 m. incredible!

Moreover, nothing surprises me with that industrial pollution in the world continue to produce, just think of the disaster of the Gulf of Mexico, where now a frenzy of tons of crude oil continues to flow into the ocean every day, shame Bastards! Unfortunately, the bastards continue to get rich, while our country is in decline.

We are objective, needless to blame, probably, even though we lived in a rosy world in an environmentally friendly (Utopia), the snow on the mountains in summer would fall the same.

Comunque manca ancora un paio di mesi alla fine della stagione dell’alpinismo estivo e probabilmente troveremo ancora un bel sole che ci accompagnerà alle nostre escursioni. Per Il momento, continuo a tenermi in forma e l’ultima mia avventura è stato proprio sulle nostre belle Alpi Biellesi, io e il mio nuovo amico Fabio, siamo riusciti, anche se circondati dalla nebbia, a scalare la via Ai- Brix , del Monte Mucrone.


Posizione orografica.

Il Monte Mucrone è situato sulle Alpi Biellesi spartiacque tra la Valle Elvo e la Valle Oropa divise dalla Bocchetta del Mucrone, il versante sud/ovest si affaccia Valley Elvo, Po Valley, while the north-east of the beak rises from the lake and offers a panorama of the valley of Gressoney in Valle d'Aosta and the rest of the Biella Alps, with a glimpse of the Alps to Mount Rosa Valsesia.


Altitude: m. 1185, whereas you can climb up by car on paved road until all'Alpetto Superior (1488), thus leaving only m. 847 to walk uphill.

Exposure of the climb: southwest

Rise Time: using normal safety rules you need 7 hours to reach Mount Mucrone.

Difficoltà: D- , la difficoltà è data per il grado di arrampicata V grado, ma rammento che la via di salita e tutta ben chiodata, tranne gli ultimi passaggi in cresta che comunque non superano il III grado.

Attrezzatura: 1 corda da 30 m. / 11 rinvii / elmetto / imbrago / scarpette da arrampicata comode + pedule da escursionismo / secchiello, piastrina e alcuni moschettoni a ghiera / qualche cordino.

Carta topografica: o IGC n° 9 “Ivrea Biella Valle d’Aosta” scala 1: 50000, o la carta della provincia, “il Biellese nord occidentale” foglio n° 2 scala 1: 25000, oppure io direi che la best topographic map representing the area is, the "Valley of the paper-Dora Canavesana Traversella Oropa-Fontainemore" No. 2 Mu editions, scale 1: 20000.

Also you can watch, download and print the original report of the Ai-Brix via this link:




Access automotive.

necessary to arrive at Biella, at this point, take the signs to the Shrine di Oropa.

Risalire sulla comoda statale che conduce a Oropa, arrivati al santuario, troveremo un cartello di divieto di accesso che segnala un senso unico, la nostra strada e a sinistra poco dopo il segnale, a questo punto o seguiamo il percorso indetto dall’ordinanza, passando davanti ai cancelli del Santuario oppure, dato che al mattino presto, quando passeremo non ci sarà nessuno, possiamo proseguire tranquillamente in contromano senza creare alcun pericolo e svoltare a sinistra sulla strada asfaltata che conduce alle cappelle del cimitero di Oropa.

Ora siamo sulla strada chiamata il “tracciolino”, proseguire oltre il cimitero, lasciamo una trattoria sulla sinistra e proseguiamo per qualche Km. Vedremo una serie di ripetitori sulla destra, ma proseguiamo, dopo ancora circa 2 Km. vediamo un altro ripetitore quadro, a questo punto incontreremo una stradina sempre asfaltata che monta a destra, nella piazzola a bordo strada una locandina rappresenta il “SENTIERO Beato PIER GIORGIO FRASSATI” siamo arrivati all’inizio del sentiero.

E’ possibile risalire in autovettura la strada asfaltata fino all’ Alpetto Superiore, facendo però ben attenzione a parcheggiare l’autovettura, in modo da non ingombrare la careggiata.


Se abbiamo lasciato la macchina nel parcheggio sotto, proseguire per la strada asfaltata oppure risalire il sentiero segnato D41 fino all’Alpetto Superiore, poi deviare a sinistra per il sentiero D34 che porta alle Sette Fontane, a questo punto, dietro l’alpeggio prendiamo l’evidente sentiero D17, proseguiamo ancora per 10’/15’ circa, ad un certo punto, superato un profondo canale vediamo degli ometti che ci conducono a destra, sullo sperone erboso, segni gialli fino all’attacco della via. Dal basso è evidente una targa memoria. Circa 2 ore da sotto.

A questo punto ci imbraghiamo, leghiamo e pronti a scalare i 31 tiri della via. Direi che è abbastanza accessibile, peccato però che noi, dopo la innumerevoli piogge dei giorni scorsi, abbiamo trovato bagnato. Proseguiamo per la via inseguendo gli spit, che non sono pochi, purtroppo ripeto, a 'cluster of clouds surrounding the mountain and takes away the visibility of the landscape.

After the Brix, which weighs in recent shootings on the arms, we arrive at the Cross of the beak, another passage of the crest of a few minutes leads to the summit of the mountain. I Mucrone on the "normal" was there already, but today, buried in the fog, there is no point in the summit view, too bad for my friend.

To get to this point, "should" move from the normal path for the D24, to the Lake of the beak, and then up to the Colle del Limbo dinnuovo D52 on the path at this point it follows the path which then came D2 the memorial to John Paul II” diventa il D41 che ci conduce dinnuovo sulla strada asfaltata all’ Alpetto Superiore.

E possibile scendere anche per le tracce di sentiero C19 che con un giro ad anello per caratteristici alpeggi alpini ci riportano a prendere il sentiero D17 che ci riporta alle “Sette Fontane”, poi dinnuovo sul D34 fino all’Alpetto Superiore, e discendere sul D41.

Ma oggi, con questo tempo, non c’è anima viva, anche se c’è il divieto, noi passiamo per la più breve, prendiamo per il sentiero D2 scendendo velocemente la “Parete Piacenza” sulla quale è attrezzata la ferrata del Limbo ( D52). In breve ci conduce al Colle del Limbo, poi su sentiero D2 fino al Stone of the John Paul II, "then we go down the path on the coast of Muanda D41 up to the car. Approximately 2 hours from Mt Mucrone.

_________________________________________________________________________________ From The My Video Production by Igor:

Steps Ai-Brix with climbing Mount Mucrone of Limbo.


weather conditions.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Makeup Artist Coverletter

Barre des Ecrins (4102).

Parc National des Ecrins.
Alps of Dauphiné.
Barre des Ecrins
GPS Tracks.
Download file.
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Click to view photo collection on Flickr.
My Video Production presented by Igor:
Barre des Ecrins.
orographic position.
The Barre de Ecrins, is the highest mountain in the Alps of Dauphine, located in the national park, offers excellent views of the other mountain peaks of the Park, like the nearby Mont Pelvoux, the Aleifrode, and the Meije Grande Ruine, it also lacks the view of the Italian Alps. Clear the tops of the Susa Valley, the Niblo and Rocciamelone, Monviso south-west instead north-east, the distinctive Mont Blanc rises to the skyline.
Start first day: from the parking to Pré de Madame Ciarle (1874).
second day Departure: Refuge des Ecrins. (3175).
ps. (You can stay in the Refuge du Glacier Blanc, but increased the rise of the next day, which is already far from the Refuge des Ecrins. But likely to be less crowded than the Refuge des Ecrins, which appears in the sunny summer weekend be busy). _________________________________________________________________________________

Difference day: 1300.
second Difference: day: 927.
remember not to be a lover of timing, as when the the weather is stable, should not in any hurry to get there, but its more than 2200 m. It takes about 10 hours of climbing.
Exposure of the climb: north-west, except the last part that mounts on the ridge to the east, it could also provide a round trip going up and down the east ridge to the west, but it requires a greater commitment on the progression of rocks .
Equipment: rope, ice ax, crampons, helmet, webbing and a few friends, to protect the most exposed passages.
Difficulty: PD +
Topographic Map: IGN No. 3436ET scale 1: 25000, Meije Pelvoux.

Access automotive.
Da Torino, si prende l’autostrada, Frejus/Bardonecchia, in breve si risale la Val Susa.
Bisogna uscire a Oulx C.ne. Tenere la segnaletica per la S.S. n° 24 per il Colle del Mongenevre.
Manteniamo a sinistra il centro abitato di Cesana Torinese e la S.S n° 23 per Sestriere, per risalire sull’ampia statale che conduce a Claviere/ Monginevro.
Passata la linea di confine si scende, sempre sulla strada principale, nella sottostante città di Briançon. A questo punto bisogna scendere sempre sulla strada principale in direzione di Gap/ Grenoble.
Prima di arrivare a l’Argentiere la Bessèe, un bivio a destra indica la località di Vallouise.
A questo punto si risale una valle laterale, Vallouise continue to Aleifrode, past all the campsites in the northern valley and dates back to the paved road that ends at Pré de Madame Carle.
Many car parks.

After parking the car in front and behind the gravel Pré de Madame Carle, we begin our journey on the path that we take back the construction of the inn, "the Refuge Cezanne."
signs, clearly visible, indicating the direction. No mistaking it, the trail is well maintained and steps, we just have to take the Glacier Blanc, left to right, right in the valley, the trail to the Glacier Noir. The site is molto frequentato, soprattutto nelle domeniche estive soleggiate.
Sempre su evidente mulattiera, si oltrepassa le torrent du Glacier Blanc, si risale al pianoro ove è situato il vecchio Refuge Tuckett, posto poco distante un bellissimo lago glaciale, le cui acque limpide discendono al torrent du Glacier Blanc, e poco più su, in bella vista ai piedi della morena del Glacier Blanc, a destra sotto della seraccata terminale del ghiacciaio, le Refuge de Glacier Blanc.
Oltre il rifugio, si risale sulla traccia che risale la morena. Camminiamo sul margine destro del ghiacciaio, a questo punto, vi sono due possibilità, se i crepacci, a fine stagione sono troppo aperti a fondo valle, si può seguire la traccia alta, sempre ben segnata, just go back a little, the rocky slope. Otherwise, as we did, we continue along the edge of the Glacier Blanc, rather than on a marked trail. The Glacier Blanc is a huge plateau ice on the bottom, to the south, stands the Barre des Ecrins, but on a rocky outcrop on the right, in the beautiful view of the Refuge des Ecrins.
Le Refuge des Ecrins, about 100 m. above the plateau, offers a splendid view of the glacier that is the Barres. Very cozy terrace flat roof, where a day like today you can rest peacefully under a hot sun. The shelter was packed, but well-organized, after dinner, the manager is delighted to show the track is more just, stairs to the Barre des Ecrins, maintaining a very playful harmony.
course, need to wake up early. The breakfast is 3:30, after we have prepared, go down quickly from hoping, you get to the glacier, it binds us, and begin the ascent of the mountain. First, the approach to the steep slope, then the rise of ice-falls and crevasses, ice slope never difficult, on a track that crossed over.
Today the sky is clear blue, the temperature pleasant and almost half icy slope, when the sun comes out, the effects of light between the ice-falls, offer unique sensations that only the mountains can offer us, with all its splendor.
evident traces, right, skirts below the crevasse, and then dodging it comes to window Brèche Lory, right ice climb on the dome of the Dome des Neiges de Écrins instead left you step onto the rocky shoulder of the ridge west. Passing grade II, challenging the attack, one can arrive at the first stop or move laterally to the north, then take to the ridge which is sharper near the Pic Lory, to get straight to the top, where it is located a aluminum cross. Rock solid and well caught on the progression makes a lot of fun.
You can pick up even the east ridge, thus making a round trip, and get to the west. The east ridge, take it in the crevasse, però i passaggi in cresta sono più impegnativi e ripidi.
Nota alpinistica.
La prima salita della Barre, compiuta nel 1864, è stata opera di A. W. Moore ed Edward Whymper, accompagnati da due guide d’eccezione, come Michel Croz di Chamonix, morto in seguito in discesa dopo la conquista del Cervino, e Christian Almer di Grindelwald. La cordata sali tagliando centinaia di gradini sulla parete nord e lungo la parte alta della cresta est, e scese lungo la pericolosa cresta ovest. Il racconto dell’impresa, tramandato da Whymper nel suo classico “Scalate nelle Alpi”, è ancora oggi una lettura avvincente. Invece la selvaggia parete sud fu salita nel 1880 da H. Duhamel, accompagnato dalla guida Local Pierre Gaspard and his son. The extraordinary journey of the South Pier, overlooking the Glacier Noir, was conquered in 1944 by the consortium of Jeanne Jean Franco. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Barre des Ecrins
Departure to Pré de Madame Carle.
Barre des Ecrins
Until the Refuge du Glacier Blanc progression on a large mule.
Barre des Ecrins
plateau on which is situated the old Refuge Tuckett.
Barre des Ecrins
Refuge de Blanc Glacier.
Barre des Ecrins
beautiful views towards Mont Pelvoux.
Barre des Ecrins
L’enorme plateau del Glacier Blanc.
Barre des Ecrins
Sullo sperone roccioso il Refuge des Écrins.
Barre des Ecrins
L’affascinante versante nord della Barre des Écrins.
Barre des Ecrins
Passaggio di un crepaccio sulla scala di alluminio.
Barre des Ecrins
L’affilata cresta ovest.
Barre des Ecrins
Igor in vetta.
Barre des Ecrins
Barre des Ecrins
Barre des Ecrins
Weather Forecasting.