Parc National des Ecrins.
Alps of Dauphiné.

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My Video Production presented by Igor:
Barre des Ecrins.
orographic position.
The Barre de Ecrins, is the highest mountain in the Alps of Dauphine, located in the national park, offers excellent views of the other mountain peaks of the Park, like the nearby Mont Pelvoux, the Aleifrode, and the Meije Grande Ruine, it also lacks the view of the Italian Alps. Clear the tops of the Susa Valley, the Niblo and Rocciamelone, Monviso south-west instead north-east, the distinctive Mont Blanc rises to the skyline.
Start first day: from the parking to Pré de Madame Ciarle (1874).
second day Departure: Refuge des Ecrins. (3175).
ps. (You can stay in the Refuge du Glacier Blanc, but increased the rise of the next day, which is already far from the Refuge des Ecrins. But likely to be less crowded than the Refuge des Ecrins, which appears in the sunny summer weekend be busy). _________________________________________________________________________________
Difference day: 1300.
second Difference: day: 927.
remember not to be a lover of timing, as when the the weather is stable, should not in any hurry to get there, but its more than 2200 m. It takes about 10 hours of climbing.
Exposure of the climb: north-west, except the last part that mounts on the ridge to the east, it could also provide a round trip going up and down the east ridge to the west, but it requires a greater commitment on the progression of rocks .
Equipment: rope, ice ax, crampons, helmet, webbing and a few friends, to protect the most exposed passages.
Difficulty: PD +
Topographic Map: IGN No. 3436ET scale 1: 25000, Meije Pelvoux.
Access automotive.
Da Torino, si prende l’autostrada, Frejus/Bardonecchia, in breve si risale la Val Susa.
Bisogna uscire a Oulx Tenere la segnaletica per la S.S. n° 24 per il Colle del Mongenevre.
Manteniamo a sinistra il centro abitato di Cesana Torinese e la S.S n° 23 per Sestriere, per risalire sull’ampia statale che conduce a Claviere/ Monginevro.
Passata la linea di confine si scende, sempre sulla strada principale, nella sottostante città di Briançon. A questo punto bisogna scendere sempre sulla strada principale in direzione di Gap/ Grenoble.
Prima di arrivare a l’Argentiere la Bessèe, un bivio a destra indica la località di Vallouise.
A questo punto si risale una valle laterale, Vallouise continue to Aleifrode, past all the campsites in the northern valley and dates back to the paved road that ends at Pré de Madame Carle.
Many car parks.
After parking the car in front and behind the gravel Pré de Madame Carle, we begin our journey on the path that we take back the construction of the inn, "the Refuge Cezanne."
signs, clearly visible, indicating the direction. No mistaking it, the trail is well maintained and steps, we just have to take the Glacier Blanc, left to right, right in the valley, the trail to the Glacier Noir. The site is molto frequentato, soprattutto nelle domeniche estive soleggiate.
Sempre su evidente mulattiera, si oltrepassa le torrent du Glacier Blanc, si risale al pianoro ove è situato il vecchio Refuge Tuckett, posto poco distante un bellissimo lago glaciale, le cui acque limpide discendono al torrent du Glacier Blanc, e poco più su, in bella vista ai piedi della morena del Glacier Blanc, a destra sotto della seraccata terminale del ghiacciaio, le Refuge de Glacier Blanc.
Oltre il rifugio, si risale sulla traccia che risale la morena. Camminiamo sul margine destro del ghiacciaio, a questo punto, vi sono due possibilità, se i crepacci, a fine stagione sono troppo aperti a fondo valle, si può seguire la traccia alta, sempre ben segnata, just go back a little, the rocky slope. Otherwise, as we did, we continue along the edge of the Glacier Blanc, rather than on a marked trail. The Glacier Blanc is a huge plateau ice on the bottom, to the south, stands the Barre des Ecrins, but on a rocky outcrop on the right, in the beautiful view of the Refuge des Ecrins.
Le Refuge des Ecrins, about 100 m. above the plateau, offers a splendid view of the glacier that is the Barres. Very cozy terrace flat roof, where a day like today you can rest peacefully under a hot sun. The shelter was packed, but well-organized, after dinner, the manager is delighted to show the track is more just, stairs to the Barre des Ecrins, maintaining a very playful harmony.
course, need to wake up early. The breakfast is 3:30, after we have prepared, go down quickly from hoping, you get to the glacier, it binds us, and begin the ascent of the mountain. First, the approach to the steep slope, then the rise of ice-falls and crevasses, ice slope never difficult, on a track that crossed over.
Today the sky is clear blue, the temperature pleasant and almost half icy slope, when the sun comes out, the effects of light between the ice-falls, offer unique sensations that only the mountains can offer us, with all its splendor.
evident traces, right, skirts below the crevasse, and then dodging it comes to window Brèche Lory, right ice climb on the dome of the Dome des Neiges de Écrins instead left you step onto the rocky shoulder of the ridge west. Passing grade II, challenging the attack, one can arrive at the first stop or move laterally to the north, then take to the ridge which is sharper near the Pic Lory, to get straight to the top, where it is located a aluminum cross. Rock solid and well caught on the progression makes a lot of fun.
You can pick up even the east ridge, thus making a round trip, and get to the west. The east ridge, take it in the crevasse, però i passaggi in cresta sono più impegnativi e ripidi.
Nota alpinistica.
La prima salita della Barre, compiuta nel 1864, è stata opera di A. W. Moore ed Edward Whymper, accompagnati da due guide d’eccezione, come Michel Croz di Chamonix, morto in seguito in discesa dopo la conquista del Cervino, e Christian Almer di Grindelwald. La cordata sali tagliando centinaia di gradini sulla parete nord e lungo la parte alta della cresta est, e scese lungo la pericolosa cresta ovest. Il racconto dell’impresa, tramandato da Whymper nel suo classico “Scalate nelle Alpi”, è ancora oggi una lettura avvincente. Invece la selvaggia parete sud fu salita nel 1880 da H. Duhamel, accompagnato dalla guida Local Pierre Gaspard and his son. The extraordinary journey of the South Pier, overlooking the Glacier Noir, was conquered in 1944 by the consortium of Jeanne Jean Franco. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Departure to Pré de Madame Carle.

Until the Refuge du Glacier Blanc progression on a large mule.

plateau on which is situated the old Refuge Tuckett.

Refuge de Blanc Glacier.

beautiful views towards Mont Pelvoux.

L’enorme plateau del Glacier Blanc.

Sullo sperone roccioso il Refuge des Écrins.

L’affascinante versante nord della Barre des Écrins.

Passaggio di un crepaccio sulla scala di alluminio.

L’affilata cresta ovest.

Igor in vetta.

Weather Forecasting.
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