September and October 2010 .
Two months for the center Taekwondo Florence, two months very challenging but we are bringing new friends and satisfactions.
After last summer to run the daily charts of physical preparation that we had assigned Dominic, the first days of September we have seen for the first time among the leaders of the sports festival of District 2, which like every year held in the Public Gardens of Champs de Mars. The event is organized by the Q2 and by UISP and sincere interest in our art has aroused in the baby athletes went beyond our expectations. For the duration of the festival - five days from Monday to Friday - there was the line to try Taekwondo! I, Lorenzo Balsimelli, Leo Pierini. Dommy and, helped by good and Elisa Simon and other friends (I remember Payano, Mool1, Roberta) we have lots of fun training children under the cool branches of the trees, the weather was beautiful and we have distributed many leaflets and answered many of curiosity parents of small wild animals. There were children who came every day to try on our carpet, and some of them are now enthusiastic patrons of our dojan! A great satisfaction for me personally, I live in the neighborhood and often go to those gardens with my babies. ... Back to those places dobok black belt and has attracted a great impression on visitors to the park and the consequences are nothing short of embarrassing ... now I am stopped by old women on the street to sign autographs, I do not do more than pay for the coffee bar, the newspaper pulls me behind the free newspaper when I bike (aiming firmly in the middle of the back) and even more ignorant of dogs neighborhood when they see me now show the scoop and bag in a sign of respect and a renewed civic education. ... a beautiful satisfaction, because I followed all the way to the organization of this event from the beginning, and I want to thank the person responsible for the availability and Sport Q2, Mr. Parrini, is responsible UISP, the talented Melanie. The event ended Saturday afternoon with performances of the various disciplines, we have done our part with our competitive athletes - primarily Bacciu Little Tony Cappello and Paul - who split tablets, hard and run showed technical higher forms - very nice
At the end of September then we have participated in the Festival shopping center ALL IN SPORT Ponte a Greve, an event followed with dedication and expertise by Leonardo Pierini. Here too there were many children to follow the demonstrations were a good promo for the recent opening of our branch in Q4 School Barsanti in islet area, where classes are held precisely by Leonardo. In the final day of demonstrations, a dear friend gave us a surprise and it is unito alle altre cinture nere per l’esibizione; parlo di Tommaso Pierini, nostro atleta di punta e campione italiano combattimento nel 2007 che per motivi di lavoro non può allenarsi con la costanza necessaria, ma lo spirito del Taekwondo è vivo e vegeto in lui e chissà se in futuro Tommaso ci regalerà altri successi…glielo auguriamo tutti di cuore!!
Il 9 Ottobre, sabato, io e Lorenzo Balsimelli siamo stati impegnati in Piazza Santa Croce alla manifestazione VIVI LO SPORT del Q1, anche questa organizzata dalla infaticabile Melania della UISP. Come fiorentini, sia io che Lorenzo eravamo orgogliosi di passare una intera giornata di Taekwondo in una delle piazze più beautiful in the world with many children, we started at 10 am to train in pairs on various techniques, the square at that time was still semi-deserted except for some short for gypsy with the alms that he approached the sad our tiny 5x3 carpet and one of them gave us the Tarot while we were training and is coming off the FORCE . As he approached the mat to give us the good news of divination, the gypsy was curious, considering the conditions of sneakers and Balsimelli before walking away from the carpet has left 5 euros to charity close to our bags, with sad and wandering Gypsy, we hope that your noble gesture will bring us luck! Anyway, our kiap have attracted little after a few children (many were foreign Anglophone residents in Florence, I have been exalted by giving instructions in both Italian and English, to wow em in real gud inglish!) And so we started with joy the various paths recreational sports. Although this event was important as a promotion, we opened the course to be the school gym in Piazza dei Machiavelli Nerli area in which the glorious Holy Spirit Gym in via Corelli SAMURAI, the courses are taught by Lorenzo entrrambi Balsimelli in person. In the afternoon, beautiful and sunny, with a smashing Piazza S. Cross ever more crowded, we were joined by our young athletes Marco, Lapo, Igor, Alex and Silvia we did make a good impression with all those present showing how the practice of Taekwondo can be initiated at an early age and the results are visible after a short time. Igor and Alex have also staged the "short" of an attack by a bully on a small practitioner of Taekwondo with the final granted, bully to the ground and TKD practitioner on the shields to the applause of those present. Thanks guys and thanks for your patience and participation with parents who are following your love for Taekwondo!
quite a short period of promotion, what I called the Black Belt Kick 'N Shout Tour ™, che ci ha visti impegnati in varie zone della città allargando i nostri confini e dandoci la possibilità di raggiungere ed interessare alla nostra arte molte persone.
Tra una dimostrazione e l’altra voglio anche ricordare che i nostri atleti seniores si sono resi protagonisti di ottimi incontri agli Interregionali Toscani di combattimento organizzati da Domenico, vera prova generale in vista degli imminenti assoluti seniores che si terranno al Mandela Forum Firenze il 20 e 21 Novembre prossimi. Per i risultati dei combattimenti interregionali clikkate qui sopra .
Per finire un appello a tutti i fratelli del Centro Taekwondo Firenze; chi ha nozioni base di linguaggio internet and he wants to take charge of updating the official website of our team - http://www.tkdfirenze.it - (this is to include news periodically, such as location, hours and days of various courses, photos and race results etc etc) is asked to contact Dominic for instructions, which are still simple and short. Thanks to those who will come forward, the more we are helping out more we will grow together!
next time!
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