Friday, December 31, 2010
Can I Cut The Brakemounts
May this 2011 be full of pleasant surprises for all!
Dell Webcam No Supported Camera

There are things that even if the period is perhaps the most beautiful and the spirit of Christmas is still a bit 'soft, instantly create the' atmosphere of party.
The family gathers in the house decorated for the holidays and the scents of food, prepared every year according to family tradition. Among the recipes that I
....." Sora Rosa ", always prepare for the Christmas holidays, struffoli addition to already mentioned, there are the salt cod fritters and now I recall that in addition to the Christmas holidays with my family, ports also associate them with me. Nate
to the need to make more pleasant to those who do not like it much, a typical food of the traditional Christmas bell (and others), just the cod (I must say that even as a child I did not like a lot, then tastes are changed), this dish I have not really a recipe, because it was created and prepared to my taste, as they say "eye".
I prepare the two vigils for what should be lunch. ;-)
If using salted cod, you have to keep it immersed in water for three days, changing every day the water. Then the fateful day
bone it very good cod, fillet and remove the skin by hand.
Put the pieces in a colander to remove residual water.
Then prepare the batter: I'll put an egg, pepper, nutmeg, Parmesan cheese or grated parmesan cheese, absolutely no salt, then flour and milk (I set for their quantity, considering that the Cod and must be a batter quite dense).
Pour the cod, mix well and then fry spoonfuls in hot oil, turning at least twice per side, until they are dry and golden.
to absorb excess oil on paper towels to drain or put in a colander.
The next time I will also try to put the parsley in the dough, I'm sure it's fine, as in the cod croquettes and meatballs.
Good taste ..... the next one! :-)
Photo Source:
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Best Way To Clean A Football Visor
Quest’anno 2010 sta volgendo al termine e tirando le somme possiamo senza indugi dire che è stato molto positivo per il Centro Taekwondo Firenze….si va bene, ci sono mancate le attese medaglie ai Campionati Assoluti che si sono svolti in our city in November, but the commitment to the organization efforts for the event by Domenico and our team is worth one point in the future "was the year ...." How many new friends, so many initiatives, especially those small achievements and positive outlook for the future ... in short, a great year, but that requires even greater efforts in 2011, is still a long way to promote and disseminate the best of our Arts , is only the beginning! This can only be achieved with the commitment of all, especially now that there are many black belts in our dojan.
In this month of December were two main events: The Championships Forms / Horse Memorial in Rome, where our Simone and Elisa have performed well, but did not get on the podium (the present level of racing forms is high, very high) and the winter session exams social Dec. 19, Sunday.
Now, who remembers what happened in Florence Friday, December 17, two days before the exam? The apocalypse, the snowstorm of the century, the total blockade of all activity, ice everywhere, trees falling down. ... All for 20-25 cm of snow, and we think that Rocco has built a fortune with those dimensions!
Because of the snow we were undecided until the last moment whether or not to do the exams, but the many calls received by the examinees and conditions meteo più indulgenti ci hanno fatto dire: andiamo avanti. E la nostra decisione è stata premiata dalla massiccia presenza sia di bambini che di adulti entusiasti di mettersi alla prova e conquistare l’agognato KUP. La passione per il taekwondo ha tirato più delle ridotte di una Range Rover, ha sciolto la neve sotto i piedi dei nostri atleti ed alla fine si sono presentati in una cinquantina alla nostra Palestra, che per l’occasione aveva il vestito buono, cioè i tappetini montati su tutta la sua superficie, fantastico. Per farvi capire cosa intendo per passione, basta ricordare il viaggio verso Firenze del nostro bravo Federico, che abita in un remoto villaggio del Valdarno Superiore. Il suo alpeggio era rimasto isolato dalla tormenta di neve, but we are not made to stop. ... woke up at 5 am with the singing of the cock and milked a goat after he made a generous breakfast with fresh milk, bread and cheese. Greeted her grandfather, her cousin Heidi and Fog the dog, Fred took his gym bag and climbed aboard a mule at a time the valley floor, singing " VO AWAY JOY BELLA " in the manner of Alpine, sipping from time to time the grappa that Messner had given him for his birthday. Arrived in the plains, after the slow journey from the icy wind whipped the Upper Valdarno, tried them on a pair of snowshoes, the brave Federico reached the coaching of Montevarchi, where he was starting the last coach to Florence, packed with commuters. The driver kindly offered to Faith - which has not declined - the place next to her, in the open deck. Wrapped in heavy wool coats and floppy hats repaired by blacks, the two have already sympathized instantly and sang in the choir at St. John " CADORNA AND SEND TO SAY " previous occasions the Bordeaux Chianti conductor. Well, long story short, Richard has presented to 14.00 to the Gym Stadium in Florence, in a slightly euphoric state, but on time and ready for the afternoon of Taekwondo. And what about the journey of the beautiful Elisa, a student in earth Belgian which started the day before and was placed on the Antwerp - Brussels, with its electric car Ligier. After a few meters, the snow has stopped the fireball and Elisa was forced to hitchhike, luckily for him, a German truck driver saw her, causing her to climb aboard his bison road. The German truck driver named Lothar, a massive, bearded Saxon with long blond hair that had previously been national champion in wrestling. The shadows of night stretched out on the Antwerp - Brussels and Lothar has made gestures to kindly understand that if he wanted to Elisa could host it in the bunk of his truck and guests on the morning after he accompanied to the airport for the flight Florence. Well, nobody knows how she spent that night the beautiful Eliza, but since the aftermath of the truck dropped our friend has on his face the smile of the Mona Lisa and even a hieratic moved Lothar, who gave her a lock goodbye his blond hair, did change expression. Another gem of the day was the arrival of Simon in purple rubber boots and jeans with holes, the series "I'm cold makes me 'na pippa, I know fashion." Many of us, myself included, have himself photographed with the Simo so dressed up that day because when it comes to style and personality has cheated us all.

After the contest we read directly from the results and handed the belt to the little children, when I delivered them to him I saw in their eyes a joy so pure and intense that perhaps gifts from Santa Claus this year have gone into the background. At the end of the examination of the children had been in place a well-stocked refreshment to which the mother of Lapo C. added his load to 90, a delicious cake decorated with icing depicting a child in dobok and belt, incredible! Before that everything was brushed away by the present dobok-party, many have photographed the beautiful cake to commemorate the day.

demobilized children have gone examinations of adults and I did the examiner nella sezione forme, insieme alla Simona (sempre in stivali gomma viola e dobok bucato sul ginocchio, bellissima) e Leonardo Carrozzo, altra valida cintura nera del Tkd Firenze. Nelle altre postazioni si eseguivano tecniche e combattimenti, seguiti anche dagli amici Paolo Bacciu e Fabio Castriota del Tkd Pisa, che hanno portato un po’ di loro allievi ad affrontare la sessione di esame a Firenze. Da notare che tra gli esaminandi c’erano anche atleti ITF (la Federazione di Taekwondo storicamente “alternativa” alla nostra) che hanno richiesto l’upgrade alla più organizzata e potente WTF. Inoltre abbiamo esaminato ex karateki (parlo di cinture nere), anche loro hanno chiesto (previo appunto esame di valutazione) di essere welcomed the increasingly large family of Taekwondo: went well and were satisfied. I can say that in future we will take care of most forms and make it clear to our students who will commit at least half an hour each session and in-depth review of Taeguk, I say this because of the dozens of test-takers have made a few really good shape, the majority was on enough and it is unfortunate, because the national level is very high as I've said it before and we must adapt. The review ended with the trade with bodices, very good I must say Leonardo Niccolai, Federico, Silvia and Charlotte, among those I saw. In this regard, remember how I asked the sweet mamma di Carlotta “…ma perché fate combattere la mia bambina con i maschi, non è pericoloso?" Personalmente non ho capito pericoloso per chi, dal momento che mentre la mamma mi chiedeva questo, l’avversario pisano della Carlotta era piegato in un angolino a sputare 2 molari ed un incisivo, e con la mano si teneva il costato frollato dalle pedate della piccola….brava Carlottina, quando sarai cintura nera ti faremo gestire un corso di autodifesa femminile ed avrai successo! Molto bene anche i nostri cadetti, ai quali si è aggiunto un mostriciattolo della Samurai, non mi ricordo il suo nome ma a me pare un talento taekwondo allo stato puro, combatte con la personalità di un seniores. Alla fine di tutto è partita la breaking of the tablets and Pauline Bacciu has come full circle with a nice break in dynamic execution in flight amid the applause of all present.
the end even for adults, all aligned on the position, was made to read the outcome examinations and delivery belts, ALL PROMOTED TO KUP next to the detail of the individual results of the examinees click here.
In the evening the party moved to a pizzeria for dinner Christmas card, this time the chili there we are all caught, but because I have recently been promoted to coach, and then I slowly chewed the green gold of Calabria. This year was incredible! Be pinched by fear, you were watering eyes and poor Fred had to eat twice (double KUP) and then was unable to breathe properly for at least 10 minutes, his face purple and red at his side solemnly Elisa was still smiling. ... But, but, as happened Ponzanellus the poor in the past (unfortunately absent fever) even Frederick the effect of chili has been slow to reach areas, so to speak, peripherals .... now put on snowshoes and wool cloak, a sturdy legs Federico reached at narrow the care that has translated into its valley at night, where the mule has taken over for the climb to the pasture, but this time singing "JOY BELLA MO 'SO' COCKS" the manner of Litfiba, implying a nottatona for his girlfriend ... the series: "Viagra? No thanks, I'm going to Calabrian chili! "
Ok folks, it's all for now, a hug and we riagguanta in 2011 - Greetings
How To Make A Motion Sensor
Alps Monte Rosa.
Valle d'Ayas.
GPS tracks.
Click to view photo album on Flickr.
From My Video Production by Igor:
Punta Palasina.
Estoul (1815)
December / April
south - south-east
Recommended Maps:
IGC No. 5, Cervino, Monte Rosa, scale 1:50000
orographic position.
La Punta Palasina entirely in the Valle d'Aosta, Aosta Valley is one of the buttresses of Mount Rosa. E 'lies entirely in the Valle d'Ayas and while bystanders in the group is not of the highest offers a splendid view of Monte Rosa and most of the Valle d'Aosta.
Automotive Access.
Verres output that leads to the A5 Aosta.
From the very first climb in the Valley Challant direction Challant Saint Victor, Brusson. A
Brusson maintains the right to go back the town of Estoul (skiing).
You can park your car in the yards further upstream to Estoul.
Park the car, now skis and climb the first part of cross country ski trail, making sure to stay on the cutting edge and right on the edge of a pine forest above. Directorate south-east.
After about half an hour you will reach a climax of a ski resort, at the top right down the slopes of Mount Bieteron and a final stretch of dirt track, but we have to cross the ski run alongside the cabins, sighting a good private road. Continuing
lungo la strada, ci accorgeremo che inizia a scendere al fondo valle, noi a questo punto dobbiamo mantenere la destra e proseguire sul versante sotto il Bieteron, su una linea diritta in falsopiano in salita. ( Attenzione a questo tratto, anche se di facile percorrenza è soggetto a piccole slavine, per cui è meglio percorrerlo solo in condizioni di neve sicure!)
Superato il lungo trasverso sotto i versanti del Monte Bieteron, ad un certo punto lasciamo la strada principale, che invece risale verso il Colle Valfredda o prima il rifugio Arp. Ma noi attraversiamo su un ponticello verso sinistra, direzione sud, sui versanti che conducono all’Alpe Palasina (2406).
Arrivati all’Alpe Palasina, non manca much more to go up the southern slope of Mount Palasina. Follow a trajectory favorable to reach the ridge northeast of the mountain and back, always with the skis up to the climax.
downhill following the ascent route.
Part climb to the edge of the slopes.
signposts to indicate the point after the transverse deviation below the slopes of Mount Bieteron.
Alpe Palasina.
The southern slope of Mount Palasina over the pasture of the same name.
Last part of the ridge north-east.
Igor and Michael on Punta Palasina.
weather conditions.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Hamilton Beach Hb-p90d23al

This is my favorite Christmas cake and never fails to prepare at this time, even several times (Christmas, Epiphany), when I can and will.
For me, it is very nice to prepare and is also used by us make gift to relatives and friends.
In his final appearance attracts a lot of the Christmas decorations.
fact are little balls of sweet dough, coated with a honey syrup and decorate with candies, and candy colored tails.
This is my personal recipe, tested and adapted over time to my personal tastes, inspired by various recipes.
Ingredients for the dough 500 g flour, 3 egg yolks and 3 whole eggs (eggs to a great extent, to preserve the white board to use if the dough is too dry), sugar 100 g butter 70 g, a pinch of salt, grated rind of a lemon and an 'orange, a spoonful of pure alcohol.
Mix the ingredients well, work undermine the dough 10 minutes and then let it stand for an hour or more in the refrigerator covered.
Then cut into small pieces with a knife made pasta sticks.
To prevent them passing attack in the flour, shaking but well before frying.
Fry in vegetable oil and plenty of heat (I recommend using that type Friol), changing it often, because it tends to create a lot of foam.
The ideal would be to use those pans to screen 'inside, to dip and lift them with ease.
You can use the fryer, if the amount is not excessive, because of the problem of foam.
I fry them at 170 degrees for 4 / 5 minutes.
are considered cooked to perfection when they take on a beautiful golden brown.
Then remove the oil and put them to drain in a colander.
Meanwhile, prepare the cover.
Ingredients for coverage
250 g of honey (wildflower), 200 g sugar, 8 tablespoons of water, candied fruit into small pieces, devils, beans, silver confetti, blanched almonds.
Put in a large pot of honey, sugar and water and leave on medium heat, until the white foam disappear and remain only of large transparent bubble.
soon appear off, otherwise you risk burning all ..
careful about this, because only then the syrup is ready and perfect. Pour immediately
struffoli, candied fruit and almonds, stirring well.
Place on a large plate soon and give it the desired shape, before the syrup to cool and is more malleable, helping, if necessary, even with wet hands.
Then decorate with various candies and candied cherries cut in half, before we always soldifichi everything.
Happy holidays to all! :-)
Photo Source:
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Milena Velba Tennager
Christmas 2010 ... with the SLA.
In late spring a friend not so old - who has no family - began to struggle to stand up to long . He does not feel pain, but great weakness in the legs that often has to sit.
Inquadro its temporary dysfunction in acute myalgia, but then noted that, despite treatment, accentuates their ailments.
By walking a day does not "see" a small step and falls badly stumbling. He says that he has not noticed even though he knew perfectly well that there was. And what worries me.
are not doctors, but enough for me to direct it to an acquaintance, a learned professional in spinal neurosurgery. My suspicion is that behind these symptoms there is a terrible Sla .
course, following the instructions of your doctor, is another diagnostic die, even if, for all practical purposes, immediate diagnosis would change the very essence of things.
After a couple of months, around mid-August, one must throw in the morning sponge no longer able to stand, because the effort to produce as well as an exhausting physical exhaustion of the severe pain that does not occur when he is lying or in complete rest.
And here begins his ordeal in a hospital bed.
Now, a few months later, he lost the first use of both lower limbs, then the left arm and is now also losing the right.
to turn around in bed, there must be people who move, and the same thing to put on a wheelchair, and to wash all those tasks that govern the daily lives of everyone, including eating.
must be assisted to eat and drink.
short, an absolute devastation.
Each week, as soon as I can, spend a few hours with him, beside his bed or a wheelchair to roam through the corridors of the hospital if she feels.
The language and the brain is still what works perfectly, even if a white froth of saliva can be seen increasingly left end between his lips and his voice fades more and more. It is also the index dell'avanzante paralysis of the mouth / digestive. To be followed by that of the lungs.
One day I visited with my mother and scolded him (positively) for his complain because the language and the head are always good .
Looking at my mother says, hopefully soon I go out of phase with that too (brain) , so they do not understand the state in which they are!
It's Christmas!
The strong, however, in these cases has a different taste, not so much of birth and hope, but of devastation / impotence and death.
And this brings me to that friend showed me years ago that religious [1] his reluctance to fully conceive of the sacrifice Son wanted from Father in history. Religious today devastated by disease.
La vita spesso è un mistero; e il mistero è una tematica che talora intuiamo, ma che non sappiamo recepire e capire totalmente.
E, come il religioso citato prima, pure noi davanti a queste situazioni vacilliamo ideologicamente sulla finalità del nostro essente.
Ci aggrappiamo talora alla fede; a una fede che davanti all’impossibilità di avere valide e logiche risposte diventa tremebonda e fragile, anche se è tenace.
Perche? Perché proprio a me (o: a lui) ?
Last year I said:
" We are all naked, naked as helpless. " [2]
And what is more naked than to be autonomous and not having to depend on all also in other basic needs and fundamental?
Being totally helpless!
Say " Merry Christmas" to them seems like a joke, because they perceive their utter impotence to the continuous physical decay. And the discomfort becomes more heinous when it is powered by our real lack of interest, while showing us what the circumstances.
Yet tonight, leaving his friend after having practiced for a long time of physical therapy rehabilitation while chatting, I told him: " Merry Christmas! See you Sunday. .
" I was naked and clothed me; sick and ye visited me ... "(Mt 25:36 ).
often necessary to clothe the helpless love and affection to a sick show you visiting with continuity, by being "born" in us an interest in him and in him an interest in the loving consideration that moves.
sincere affection brings the patient with greater willingness to overcome adversity and tenacity, because he feels his side of the people who love him and assisting him, and that anyway, even in continuous decline, which includes it is important per noi nel suo esistere: ci dona l’amore di saperlo aiutare, in quella carità fattiva che vede in lui lo stesso Gesù che dona grazia e misericordia anche nel sacrificio di nascere Uomo, prima piccolo e indifeso al freddo di una grotta per morire poi, da grande, sulla croce.
La semantica della croce, unita alla sua criptolalia, esprime perfettamente l’incedere finale umano verso quella fine naturale che noi tutti chiamiamo morte , per distinguerla dall’inizio che denominiamo nascita .
Alfa e omega: che coincidono sempre con il dolore d’entrare in un mondo e di lasciarlo.
Non tutti però sono indifesi nel fisico; alcuni lo sono anche nell’equilibrio psicofisico o nello stress quotidiano dovuto magari a delle problematiche complesse.
E quest’essere nudi spesso sfugge ai più, anche perché il pudore (orgoglio) di ognuno cerca di celare non solo la propria eventuale povertà economica, ma pure quella fisica e mentale.
Il nostro voler sembrare si sovrappone quasi sempre e esattamente con il nostro cercare d’essere: un’aspirazione contrary to the contingent reality.
A reality that we almost to hide and therefore is much more difficult to perceive physical infirmity.
The man of today have less time and space to meditate, so to think of itself and its aims: a more restricted social life which requires nearly all the frenzy our action.
And losing our time and space we also lose our being man and person, cloned into objects using other objects in every sense: rooms / houses getting smaller and reduced operating times that bring us always having to run without allowing time to reflect and really love.
And from a patriarchal world and country we have moved to a virtual communication in carrying out almost every action in daily life: virtual because we seem to share and make, but in reality all over the island more and more our be.
Conjugal love has become, pouring, usually a task to be completed in 5 minutes at the end of the day, mistaking him for the simple sexual intercourse, one for the prole o per il coniuge un servizio che si dà senza poter comunicare e condividere, e quello per i genitori o parenti un disturbo che si vorrebbe delegare ad altri.
In pratica ci appartiamo sempre più senza comunicare e senza dare e ricevere Amore , pretendendo continuamente il diritto e dimenticando il dovere.
Il diritto bisogna meritarselo (conquistarlo); perciò è fortemente congiunto al dovere.
E la tecnologia che inseguiamo ci isola maggiormente, pure alla mensa familiare, con televisori, Pc o telefonini che rob us of time that should be accorded to others in communicate : friends, family, family in need ....
Leone [3] so telling:
" I stood beside him and gave him a second company. The man was naked ... but ... I warmed. I was dressed, but did not know ... warm. " .
Quante volte vediamo la nudità altrui ma non sappiamo riscaldare l’altro e con lui noi stessi, sia che si sia pastore o pecora del gregge?
E, strano mondo, i primi ad accorrere a riscaldare Gesù appena nato furono proprio i pastori con il loro gregge di pecore o di armenti. Almeno così racconta la tradizione.
E nel riscaldarlo infiammarono pure la loro speranza in un futuro migliore, anche se assai nebuloso.
Pastori/uomini semplici che accolsero il tempo (invito) per fare visita al neonato, perché la nascita è l’inizio sempre di qualcosa: della creazione, dell’uomo, del nostro … essere (dedicarci) anche altri nella società.
E col tempo trovarono poi il loro spazio (finalità) nella storia.
È Natale!
“ lo avvolse in fasce e lo adagiò in una mangiatoia … find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger ( Lk 2:6; 12 ) .
a baby to survive, they need parents to take full care of him, helpless little being.
It is hoped that live, grow and become adult.
This is seriously ill as a baby naked all need to live.
Yet he always hopes to be able to heal, to strengthen themselves and still exist, even in the virulence of evil.
Social solidarity created hospitals, research technology and medicines, the volunteer staff who assist in many cases. This, however, does not exempt us from the social organization delegate the care of our neighbors, because the affection / love needs of the friend and relative, needs the warmth of love that only knows who's really close to .
A Christmas consumerism imposes gifts and replace them with ones who should be the gifts.
gifts often are unnecessary and are set aside and soon forgotten.
Yet much as the shepherds, the Magi brought gifts and presents, everyone according to their possibilities.
only visit the Pure is a great gift, because it gives those who receive the attention of its importance that he has in us, whether large or small.
for the patient and the nurse's visit is an immense gratification he feels person in our lives and not subject used until needed and then quickly forgotten.
The shepherds slept or watched their flocks; was late at night.
But the angel's (Luke 2.9 to 14) began quickly on the way, not driven by curiosity to ascertain the veracity of what they said, but to demonstrate their faith and gratitude to the Messiah long announced, that being present in the soul that is to accept the salvation shared with God and his people.
Salvation is not due to predestination, ma al nostro vivere nella socialità della carità , pure nel condividere con gli altri le debolezze, le difficoltà, le amarezze, il consiglio, le problematiche, il dolore, l’afflizione, lo sconforto, l’infermità … e anche la gioia. Talora pure la morte, perché anche questa è un atto della vita.
È Natale!
E lo è per tutti, perché è speranza di salvezza.
Lo è per chi crede e for those who do not believe, especially if our witness will give light to our lives in giving ourselves to others in need.
The gift is a testimony and the testimony is to be close to someone, especially if he suffers or is temporarily helpless.
An infant is helpless and without their parents perish, but he is also an adult when the physical disability makes it need the help of others in his necistà total.
And the presence of solidarity is warmth and comfort, giving to the recipient and gives hope for a future, even if the physical degeneration is unstoppable.
The theophany of the Nativity emphasizes that we must pay attention to another.
The shepherds walked quickly to search for the child, without the slightest question asking if they had been accepted or rejected on their relative social importance.
The possible "No!" Was not their problem, because nell'incamminarsi had already made available: they gave it all to themselves.
Often in my life I found myself faced with catch procedural, as a rule of others, to solve them I knocked on many doors, too often getting the "No".
am of the opinion that a denial is the order of things, respecting the roles and the availability of social and cultural development of each. This I have never offended him, the negative response has "demonstrated" the real value of the other: its individualism and selfishness, as well as, very often, his boundless pride that prevented him from playing this game.
However I have always claimed that this refusal was motivated because I have always sought legitimacy in the social and ethics, as well as in the possibilities of the person requested. And, refraining from judging, I "understood" the reasons of others, perhaps not sharing them: that is, his being a man and person, culturally different from me and those in need at that moment was.
If the requested aid is denied, the respondents demonstrated his "social" on, so, for a Christian, its availability or lack of charity towards each other.
It arose a sweetened personal dichotomy: legally correct, morally questionable.
Credo che il dare aiuto a chi è nella difficoltà – e per aiuto ci sta pure il consiglio nel dialogo – sia un dovere sociale del cristiano.
L’aiuto non è solo quello materiale/economico e spazia in ogni campo, specie là dove il soggetto si trova momentaneamente in difficoltà, perciò pure nella malattia invalidante, talora anche psicologica.
Perché quello che ad uno è biologicamente (in forza o in intelletto) negato, può essere consentito ad un altro.
Aiutare è spesso capire, understand and enter into the lives of others, if accepted, giving the love that can be on different steps: solidarity, philanthropy, charity.
Because, ultimately, equality is the be all the same despite the diversity that distinguishes us. A diversity that is never a limitation, but added value and balance in a modern society, even and especially in the disease.
To you, dear friend with ALS and now totally incapacitated
and also to you, dear religious ravaged by Parkinson
and also to all of you who follow me from time
I offer my heartfelt and sincere
Merry Christmas and happy 2010!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Mom Caught Me In Panties
Alpi del Monviso.
Valle Grana.
Tracciati GPS.
Clicca e visualizza album fotografico su Flickr.
Da I Miei Video by Igor Production presenta:
Punta Sibolet, Punta Tempesta & Monte Tibert.
Departure Location:
Shrine of St. Magnus (1761).
Vertical drop: 1100 m.
December / early April.
Recommended Maps: 1:50000
IGC Maira Valley - Grain - No Stura 7.
orographic position.
The itinerary, departing from the Grain Valley, visit progressive popular peaks like Mount Storm Tibert and Punta, the highest entirely in Maira Valley, Pointe Sibolet is the least popular of the three. Storm, the view stretches from the tip, when the visibility is excellent, the Central Alps and the Ligurian Apennines, just glance at the pyramid of Monte Viso.
Access automotive.
From Cuneo, continue to Caraglio, before recovering fully Grain Valley, on the road that passes through Pradleves, up to the sanctuary of St. Magnus, where the road ends.
Park the car in the seats adjacent to the sanctuary of St. Magnus, go up the dirt road while the west, past the nearby valley Sibolet, and remaining stretches of the river to the left of Grana Fauniera. This stretch should not neglect a considerable risk of avalanches.
Passed on the right sides of the Rock Parvo continue until a bend which is located on a bridge at this point we leave the dirt road and climb to the Valley of Mines, depending on snow conditions you decide whether to continue on the bottom or back of the first stretch of canal until you come out on the large meadow above.
leaving the valley, you have to maintain a direction of north-east, and on open slopes leading to the Punta Sibolet. From Punta
Sibolet no need to remove the skins, you descend a short distance, then levels up to Colle Sibolet; wanting Sibolet from the Hill you can take the descent to the Sanctuary (at the beginning and steep slabs). Continuing however, the trail, keeping to the left, we come under the broad side of going back to Punta Storm.
To get off the Storm, we have removed the skin, the first stroke is shared with the climb, then back to you leaves the track is still a climb down (steep slabs and, if necessary to remove the skis) to the east to the Col Intersil.
Dal Colle Intersil (when you can not take another descent difficult, the Sanctuary), continue to complete the ring, still eastward, remaining high on the ridge to the summit of Mount Tibert.
At this point, the descent takes place on the wide slopes below, to the Santuario di San Magno already visible from the summit.
Shrine of St. Magnus.
Passaggi ai piedi della Rocca Parvo.
Vallone delle Miniere.
Pendio ghiacciato prima della Punta Sibolet.
Dalla Punta Sibolet si può ammirare il giro ad anello.
Passaggi di cresta al colle Sibolet.
Grandiosa visuale dalla Punta Tempesta.
Passaggi al Colle Intersile con vista sul Monte Tibert.
Fabio, Enzo and Igor Mount Tibert.
Weather Forecast.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Superman Wrestling Singlet
Oggi , casualmente, trovai Sesac da un comune amico; mi consegnò questo breve racconto che pubblico assai volentieri.
Tratta, come sempre, della vita degli animals and the forest.
Sam Cardell
From "Dialogues" of SESAC
The frog and the ox.
I, SESAC , I went into the lair of Leone due to the wishes for the holiday season.
I brought with me a small gift to thank him for affection e dell’amicizia sempre dimostratami. Dono che accolse gioioso e che ricambiò con un piccolo favore.
Vi trovai alcuni animali andati da lui in visita con il mio stesso fine.
Stavano amabilmente discutendo sull’esito dello scontro avvenuto nella Dieta di Roncaglia , provocato da Rana e Bordello .
Leone era di buon umore e aveva preso i fatti accaduti con il suo abituale humor ; volendo essere preciso dovrei dire che l’esito lo aveva assai divertito satisfied and because - as said - Who's the idiot set theory can not help but make assumptions on the calculations simple basic math, using the abacus, and ignoring the reality of the numbers wrong, not knowing to do and having no supplementary strategy.
Finally he said:
" The losers have not learned anything because they care only for their own benefit and not that of the forest. Just see what they're at this time despite the severe crisis and speculation that attacks the securities markets.
have formed an axis based not on a schedule and a draft of a new company in the forest, something unimaginable for them, but only hatred towards someone. In fact, in the forest already see the seeds of glaring social discord sown by the handful.
Therefore, as has happened in recent days, those with only an idea does not go very far.
dedicated to them in the dance of bees on the corolla of the daisy, who knows how to live a short time, this ancient tale sapiential
Inops , potentem dum vult imitari , perit .
In lawn quondam frog conspexit bovem
et tacta invidia tantae magnitudinis
rugosam inflavit pellem : tum natos suos
interrogavit , an bove esset latior .
Illi negarunt . Rursus intendit cutem
maiore nisu et simili quaesivit modo,
quis maior esset . Illi dixerunt bovem .
Novissime indignata dum vult validius
inflare sese , rupto iacuit corpore .
Sic frog casinique perirunt .
End of story. "
Finally, we greeted everyone by making the inevitable wishes.