Quest’anno 2010 sta volgendo al termine e tirando le somme possiamo senza indugi dire che è stato molto positivo per il Centro Taekwondo Firenze….si va bene, ci sono mancate le attese medaglie ai Campionati Assoluti che si sono svolti in our city in November, but the commitment to the organization efforts for the event by Domenico and our team is worth one point in the future "was the year ...." How many new friends, so many initiatives, especially those small achievements and positive outlook for the future ... in short, a great year, but that requires even greater efforts in 2011, is still a long way to promote and disseminate the best of our Arts , is only the beginning! This can only be achieved with the commitment of all, especially now that there are many black belts in our dojan.
In this month of December were two main events: The Championships Forms / Horse Memorial in Rome, where our Simone and Elisa have performed well, but did not get on the podium (the present level of racing forms is high, very high) and the winter session exams social Dec. 19, Sunday.
Now, who remembers what happened in Florence Friday, December 17, two days before the exam? The apocalypse, the snowstorm of the century, the total blockade of all activity, ice everywhere, trees falling down. ... All for 20-25 cm of snow, and we think that Rocco has built a fortune with those dimensions!
Because of the snow we were undecided until the last moment whether or not to do the exams, but the many calls received by the examinees and conditions meteo più indulgenti ci hanno fatto dire: andiamo avanti. E la nostra decisione è stata premiata dalla massiccia presenza sia di bambini che di adulti entusiasti di mettersi alla prova e conquistare l’agognato KUP. La passione per il taekwondo ha tirato più delle ridotte di una Range Rover, ha sciolto la neve sotto i piedi dei nostri atleti ed alla fine si sono presentati in una cinquantina alla nostra Palestra, che per l’occasione aveva il vestito buono, cioè i tappetini montati su tutta la sua superficie, fantastico. Per farvi capire cosa intendo per passione, basta ricordare il viaggio verso Firenze del nostro bravo Federico, che abita in un remoto villaggio del Valdarno Superiore. Il suo alpeggio era rimasto isolato dalla tormenta di neve, but we are not made to stop. ... woke up at 5 am with the singing of the cock and milked a goat after he made a generous breakfast with fresh milk, bread and cheese. Greeted her grandfather, her cousin Heidi and Fog the dog, Fred took his gym bag and climbed aboard a mule at a time the valley floor, singing " VO AWAY JOY BELLA " in the manner of Alpine, sipping from time to time the grappa that Messner had given him for his birthday. Arrived in the plains, after the slow journey from the icy wind whipped the Upper Valdarno, tried them on a pair of snowshoes, the brave Federico reached the coaching of Montevarchi, where he was starting the last coach to Florence, packed with commuters. The driver kindly offered to Faith - which has not declined - the place next to her, in the open deck. Wrapped in heavy wool coats and floppy hats repaired by blacks, the two have already sympathized instantly and sang in the choir at St. John " CADORNA AND SEND TO SAY " previous occasions the Bordeaux Chianti conductor. Well, long story short, Richard has presented to 14.00 to the Gym Stadium in Florence, in a slightly euphoric state, but on time and ready for the afternoon of Taekwondo. And what about the journey of the beautiful Elisa, a student in earth Belgian which started the day before and was placed on the Antwerp - Brussels, with its electric car Ligier. After a few meters, the snow has stopped the fireball and Elisa was forced to hitchhike, luckily for him, a German truck driver saw her, causing her to climb aboard his bison road. The German truck driver named Lothar, a massive, bearded Saxon with long blond hair that had previously been national champion in wrestling. The shadows of night stretched out on the Antwerp - Brussels and Lothar has made gestures to kindly understand that if he wanted to Elisa could host it in the bunk of his truck and guests on the morning after he accompanied to the airport for the flight Florence. Well, nobody knows how she spent that night the beautiful Eliza, but since the aftermath of the truck dropped our friend has on his face the smile of the Mona Lisa and even a hieratic moved Lothar, who gave her a lock goodbye his blond hair, did change expression. Another gem of the day was the arrival of Simon in purple rubber boots and jeans with holes, the series "I'm cold makes me 'na pippa, I know fashion." Many of us, myself included, have himself photographed with the Simo so dressed up that day because when it comes to style and personality has cheated us all.

After the contest we read directly from the results and handed the belt to the little children, when I delivered them to him I saw in their eyes a joy so pure and intense that perhaps gifts from Santa Claus this year have gone into the background. At the end of the examination of the children had been in place a well-stocked refreshment to which the mother of Lapo C. added his load to 90, a delicious cake decorated with icing depicting a child in dobok and belt, incredible! Before that everything was brushed away by the present dobok-party, many have photographed the beautiful cake to commemorate the day.

demobilized children have gone examinations of adults and I did the examiner nella sezione forme, insieme alla Simona (sempre in stivali gomma viola e dobok bucato sul ginocchio, bellissima) e Leonardo Carrozzo, altra valida cintura nera del Tkd Firenze. Nelle altre postazioni si eseguivano tecniche e combattimenti, seguiti anche dagli amici Paolo Bacciu e Fabio Castriota del Tkd Pisa, che hanno portato un po’ di loro allievi ad affrontare la sessione di esame a Firenze. Da notare che tra gli esaminandi c’erano anche atleti ITF (la Federazione di Taekwondo storicamente “alternativa” alla nostra) che hanno richiesto l’upgrade alla più organizzata e potente WTF. Inoltre abbiamo esaminato ex karateki (parlo di cinture nere), anche loro hanno chiesto (previo appunto esame di valutazione) di essere welcomed the increasingly large family of Taekwondo: went well and were satisfied. I can say that in future we will take care of most forms and make it clear to our students who will commit at least half an hour each session and in-depth review of Taeguk, I say this because of the dozens of test-takers have made a few really good shape, the majority was on enough and it is unfortunate, because the national level is very high as I've said it before and we must adapt. The review ended with the trade with bodices, very good I must say Leonardo Niccolai, Federico, Silvia and Charlotte, among those I saw. In this regard, remember how I asked the sweet mamma di Carlotta “…ma perché fate combattere la mia bambina con i maschi, non è pericoloso?" Personalmente non ho capito pericoloso per chi, dal momento che mentre la mamma mi chiedeva questo, l’avversario pisano della Carlotta era piegato in un angolino a sputare 2 molari ed un incisivo, e con la mano si teneva il costato frollato dalle pedate della piccola….brava Carlottina, quando sarai cintura nera ti faremo gestire un corso di autodifesa femminile ed avrai successo! Molto bene anche i nostri cadetti, ai quali si è aggiunto un mostriciattolo della Samurai, non mi ricordo il suo nome ma a me pare un talento taekwondo allo stato puro, combatte con la personalità di un seniores. Alla fine di tutto è partita la breaking of the tablets and Pauline Bacciu has come full circle with a nice break in dynamic execution in flight amid the applause of all present.
the end even for adults, all aligned on the position, was made to read the outcome examinations and delivery belts, ALL PROMOTED TO KUP next to the detail of the individual results of the examinees click here.
In the evening the party moved to a pizzeria for dinner Christmas card, this time the chili there we are all caught, but because I have recently been promoted to coach, and then I slowly chewed the green gold of Calabria. This year was incredible! Be pinched by fear, you were watering eyes and poor Fred had to eat twice (double KUP) and then was unable to breathe properly for at least 10 minutes, his face purple and red at his side solemnly Elisa was still smiling. ... But, but, as happened Ponzanellus the poor in the past (unfortunately absent fever) even Frederick the effect of chili has been slow to reach areas, so to speak, peripherals .... now put on snowshoes and wool cloak, a sturdy legs Federico reached at narrow the care that has translated into its valley at night, where the mule has taken over for the climb to the pasture, but this time singing "JOY BELLA MO 'SO' COCKS" the manner of Litfiba, implying a nottatona for his girlfriend ... the series: "Viagra? No thanks, I'm going to Calabrian chili! "
Ok folks, it's all for now, a hug and we riagguanta in 2011 - Greetings
next time!
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