Alps Mont Cenis.
Lake of Mont Cenis.
GPS tracks.
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From My Video Production by Igor.
Monte Malamot.
Località di partenza:
Le Scale ( 1740 ).
Tempo di salita:
4 ore.
Periodo consigliato:
novembre-dicembre / marzo-aprile.
nord est.
Cartografia consigliata:
IGC n° 2, Valli di Lanzo e Moncenisio, scala 1: 50000.
orographic position.
Mount Malamot is located on the largest of the Hautes Alpes Northern Alps in the Maurienne and subsection of the Alps Mont Cenis. It is part of the chain Bernauda, \u200b\u200bPierre Menue and Ambin; the group and subgroup Ambin Ambin Niblo that extends from the Col d'Ambin the Col du Mont Cenis.
Access automotive.
take the motorway from Turin to Bardonecchia / Frejus, I suggest going out to Avigliana West per risparmiare il pedaggio autostradale che per i pochi chilometri che dovremo percorrere non è proprio a buon prezzo.
Dall’uscita di Avigliana Ovest/ Almese, seguire le indicazioni per Susa/ Bussoleno, una comoda strada scorrevole in breve ci conduce a Susa.
A questo punto risalire la statale che conduce al Colle del Moncenisio, non preoccupiamoci se le indicazioni dicono che in questo periodo il valico è chiuso, intanto noi non dovremo superarlo.
Praticamente risaliremo la statale fino alla dogana francese, probabilmente servono gomme da neve o catene, arriviamo più in alto possibile se riusciamo parcheggiamo sotto la serie di tornanti che conducono alla diga.
After parking the car far upstream as possible, back to the state the large curves that lead to the dam of the Lake of Mont Cenis. Before coming to the blocks at the Grand Croix, near the dam, leaving the state and go back to a clear track that left (east) passing forwards in the valley on a bridge a small stream that descends from the Lake of Mont Cenis. The trail goes back
zizzagando the side and after a few hundred meters before arriving at Fort Varisella, we must abandon it to follow, again on the left, a short channel is not steep. On top of the channel, if not buried by snow, you should see the signs indicating the way, otherwise go back still left in the north-east the white slopes.
The carry-overs from wind and snow, erasing almost all traces of the wide trail, but the stone walls of the foundations of the road are still visible, we can only go up the side chasing the traces of the military road.
After about 3 hours you sight of the houses that were abandoned military battery, above, if visibility allows him to be seen on Mount Malamot the forts. Leave the buildings on the left and back, always in a north-east, in the valley at this point becomes narrower towards the tip Droset, always chasing the traces of the mule.
At one point, continue on the broad ridge to the left (west side of Malamot) that will lead us, with easy reversals at the top of Mt.
Ssali Above the curves of the Grand Croix, where you take the military road.
First part of the military road.
Always for visible signs just over the canal.
Batteries military in the Mount Malamot.
La vetta col forte sul Monte Malamot.
Il lago del Moncenisio visto dalla strada militare.
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