I go back to the blog after a long time in these months I have been dedicated to giving a hand to Domenico and Lorenzo in class for children every Wednesday and Friday from 17 to 18 (approx). The courses are held for children c / o the Gym Stadium and I, Lorenzo Dommy and we are working to promote and attract more young fans to Taekwondo, anche se la concorrenza con i tantissimi sport è durissima…mi rendo conto che per un bambino ed un genitore non è facile scegliere l’attività sportiva da fare, ovunque si trovano volantini e promo sugli sport più vari: il vecchio caro calcio, pallavolo, pallacanestro, palla prigioniera, judo, atletica, baseball, football americano, danza del ventre, tiro al piattello, curling (adoro il curling!), caccia alla volpe, nascondino e un due tre stella di Via Roma….ora, penso che sia una cosa positiva per un bimbo poter avere così tante possibilità di scelta, ma credo che alcune di queste troppe associazioni sportive siano un po’ improvvisate e poco preparate per insegnare ai piccoli. Lo penso perché ho visto in giro e non tutti hanno la passione e sopratutto la professionalità (riconosciuta da enti ed esami Federali) che vedo nell’attività sui bimbi che fanno Dommy e Lorenzo, sto imparando tanto da loro e spero di prendere il patentino ufficiale di allenatore al più presto. Il lavoro che svolgo in palestra con i bambini mi aiuta molto anche nell’attività “privata” con le mie piccole Stella & Linda e viceversa; porto a casa alcune “dritte” imparate in palestra ed a volte porto in palestra la mia esperienza di babbo, insomma uno scambio davvero positivo ed interessante, una bella corrente che scorre…come quella che in tutti questi mesi ho visto nei ns. Tkd Kids, il gruppo è molto united and enjoy a casino in the gym, taking little by little the foundations of our athletic Arts. Just
based play on Sunday November 1 was held at the Sports Palace of Badia al Pino (Arezzo), the first PATH YOUTH TAEKWONDO TOSCANO Taekyon organized by the Company, without a doubt one of the most active in Tuscany in training young athletes. The Florence Taekwondo Center has made an appointment to Saschall (venue of choice for travel - see "European Championships in Rome in April 2008) with teachers, children and parents to 13.00 with meat sauce tortello still stubbornly planted nell'esogafo low. The trip to Badia al Pino I did it in the car with John (father) and Leonard (son et ns. Student) talking about seaside holidays and problems ATAF (John is a driver of Florence, began to drive in when there were ATAF bus in the first two floors and all paid the ticket to the funny brute controller is waiting for you when you were to rise ). The closer we get near Arezzo, the more our conversation moved on South America and one of its best fruit (no, not dressed, you understand!): Coffee. Was much more grim and soporific tortello the esophagus, the more the desire for a saliva tazzuriella ... arrived on time at their destination the first thing was to rush to the only group of 5-6 pax bar del paese aperto, dove ci siamo presi un bel caffè ed un pasticcino. Rigenerati nello spirito abbiamo portato i ns. bimbi ( Marco, Sofia, Simone, Leonardo, Maria Caterina, Maddalena e Riccardo) alla vestizione: erano davvero fantastici nelle divise del ns. team, con la giacca arancione con logo e sponsor in evidenza. I genitori sulle tribune (gremite) hanno scattato le foto ricordo di rito e poi hanno seguito con interesse ed amore le varie prove dei loro pargoli. Grazie genitori, il vostro supporto et pazienza sono fondamentali! Le prove sono iniziate, si è trattato di percorsi ludico-atletici con aggiunta di forme e rotture. Tutti i nostri bimbi si sono dimostrati all’altezza e questo chiaramente riempie di gioia ed orgoglio the hearts of our teachers and assistants, because it is true that it was "playing", but after each test all children eager to show their teachers the results that the arbitrators listed on the label staff of every young athlete. And we teachers sometimes "peek over the numbers written on the labels of the children of other gyms in short, a minimum of competition is always healthy and I think rightly so, is motivating. Our as I said they were all really good, I might mention in particular Richard and Simon who have completed all the tests despite having started only a few weeks from Taekwondo. Another piece of news gave me joy in recent days, when Dominic informed me that our Mary Catherine, after this race, was convened in the regional team debut, WOW! For all results, I refer you to the site of the Tuscan Regional Committee .

The event ended and the Master Gennaro Patrone (Taekyon), organizer of the event, honored the children one by one along with Dominic and then invited all children to "knock" joke referees. E 'was great to see about 200 kids chasing the referees to the locker room, screaming like the damned, but in fact a nice way to say that those judges must not be fitted to the head too because it is not infallible, and also he can get the sudden moment of defeat, then winning and losing are two sides of same coin and must deal with both situations with the same equanimity. All this is really TAEKWONDO, the principles that govern our art is very deep and are revealed little by little, is for us to understand them ... .. now I get too esoteric, and then I get the bomb back to Florence. After greeting everyone and promised to Patricia (Dommy's wife) that I updated the blog as soon as possible, John - father of Leonardo - has taken back to both me and Lorenzo Saschall Balsimelli. During the trip we talked about the past of rugby John and then, quite tired from the long day (Leonardini has in fact fallen asleep in the car) our talk returned to South America and one of its most famous products (no, not coffee, you understand!): transvestites!!
the series: Heaven helps happy people ....
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