…dobbiamo ammetterlo, il Centro Taekwondo Firenze ha un feeling particolare con la città della Lanterna, che negli ultimi 3 anni ha visto per ben 3 volte nostri atleti salire sul podio dei Campionati Assoluti Italiani Combattimento. Nel 2007 era stato Tommaso Pierini a vincere la categoria dei -78 Kg carrying the flag for the first time in Florence, and thanks to that victory has deservedly received the Thomas Pegasus for sporting merit from the Tuscany region (to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe prestige of this award, just remember that among the athletes who have won There are Aldo Montano, Sebastian Frey and Mr. Viola Cesare Prandelli).
The victory of 2007 has galvanized our team and the Grand Master, Dominic has had confirmation that the furrow together with Thomas could lead to gather new laurels, so strength training with more hard and kept focused on racing! Dominic is a long time, with great commitment and humility, training a group of very close-knit and determined fighters who grew up during the years with the arrival of some promising young ... but the glory this year touched a veteran dwi chage: the legendary Anthony Cappello, who has against all in the -74 kg E 'was a victory that caught us by surprise, as most of us have had such faint when he got the text message announcing the victory of Domenico and some home videos that have taken the joy Dommy has traveled around the perimeter of the Pala Vaillant making the wheel in a suit and tie, accompanied by the applause of many present, other videos have immortalized the Maestro Antonio Lussier - Technical Teachers Commissioner for Tuscany - that the thrill was playing poker with other coaches using the blue cards to request verification points. ... It seems that the speed with which it has used the blue cards during the games Anthony has already been dubbed the "Trinity dobok " and this is already in the running as an accompanist National for the next Olympics in London.
comeback, Anthony has had the great merit of imposing itself on the athletes from the sports teams of the Armed Forces, the people who does taekwondo practice of craft and trains every day while our sample is split between work, training and activities Master in Siena ... so much stuff and then our applause is even greater if one takes into account that in recent years, Anthony has had to endure some forced to stop because of annoying injuries that stopped him shortly after the call in the National. ... We hope that this is the right time, the hitters tocchiamoci for good luck. The secret of success was explained by him Antonino's Day during the week after the triumph, when faced with a crowded public come to the Gym Stadium in Florence said the same things he had said to the audience of Genoa just completed the hard final meeting, still drenched in sweat and blood marked by the blows to the opponent:
"When I came here I did not know what to expect. I saw that many people hated me and I ... I ... I did not know. no .. I knew how I had to take. Then I realized that I loved you too, but during this meeting to change the things I saw: that is what I feel for me and what I felt for you! On the carpet were two willing to kill each other, but I think it is better so that millions of people! But what I'm trying to say is that if I can change, and you can change ... around the world can change! " and down tears among those present
... No, really, much less cinematically Anthony said many beautiful things in its path as an athlete and then humbly explained that the secret of victory is .... not look for the victory and fight simply for the pleasure to put into practice what you learned, not only be aimed at the final result. Grande Anto, I fully acknowledge in your words, I think you possess the Tao of the Dragon , the right spirit that every martial artist should possess.

And speaking of artists I want to remember that another of our valuable athlete on the podium in Genoa, coming third in the -63 kg category I'm talking about the young Bacciu Paul, now a university student of the course "use et abuse Myrtle Sardo - from its origins to the present day "and athlete with great potential. It is widely recognized as a category una delle più difficili e competitive, con tanti atleti Nazionali ed il grande Diego Redina che ha trionfato anche quest’anno nonostante la mano fasciata per un infortunio. Paolo sta dimostrando grande passione per il nostro sport e si allena con costanza nonostante la giovane età, quindi ha tutte le carte in regola per seguire i consigli di Sabonim Mazzocca ed ambire a risultati davvero importanti. Comunque, per dovere di cronaca, se guardate il suo curriculum potrete vedere che la creatura si è già tolta soddisfazioni da paura, sia in Italia che all’Estero.
Insomma, il 5 e 6 Dicembre possiamo ben dire che Domenico ha raccolto i meritati frutti di anni di costante impegno e ricerca, anni dedicati con tutto il cuore al Taekwondo. E like all great teachers, he sips with wisdom the little secrets that help you achieve great results, in a recent interview with Corriere della Seta - the official organ of the Chinese community in Prato - the Master has admitted that for years had failed to Explosive leg to Anthony, despite all the efforts that our athlete was doing with weights, squats etc etc. The turning point was when Dommy had the idea to tie the ankles of the two brothers Anto Scaramuzzo and put at a distance of 5 meters with a dish of Sicilian Cassata, candy in our sample is greedy. The weight load plus the natural desire to reach as soon as the goodies made a miracle: the muscles of the legs and the reactivity increased visibly, and now the technique of winning Anthony is the one of the p ... well, I can not write it ... it's a secret!
the next, and Happy 2010 to all brothers of Taekwondo!
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