Sunday, March 13, 2011

Patrick Ewing Shoes For Sale

A policy, economy, democracy and freedom, very narrow. The truth

The events of recent days, including within the EU, revealed at the same time confirmed the usual inconsistency of the Union of peoples in Europe, where there are not only recognition of political and economic shared but these are not even drafted.

The uprisings operated more or less the Maghreb have shown that wherever they can succeed, especially if some countries are more than friends (for business) of others in the international arena.

ironic take on the significance of the geographical term it could be said that the tramonto non è uniforme ovunque.

Delle manifestazioni popolari islamiche non si parla quasi più; e la giornata della collera lanciata e proclamata da tempo via Internet in Arabia Saudita per l’ 11 marzo non ha visto muovere la coda neppure al … gatto del re.

Perciò molto peggio dei piccoli e timidi assembramenti di piazza avvenuti in precedenza in Iran e in Cina: non è proprio stata neppure abbozzata.

I padroni del vapore (governanti arabi) saranno pure tutti over 75 years, but the international registries today a new critical point would be difficult to manage, not only for the repression of political behavior, but for the economic consequences on raw materials.

Saudi Arabia, in fact, is now supporting the market with its immense oil reserves, so calmed the price to compensate for the lack of production as well as Libya. Now would be a destabilizing global suicide.

Oil has gone up and if it stabilizes around $ 120 a barrel the weak and shaky Western economies plunged into recession as well severe than previously experienced.

Therefore jasmine revolution has faded, because otherwise would be serious trouble for everyone: for Western economic implosion that would see the spectrum of their sovereign debt and the Islamic Financial, which have invested almost entirely their income into the West.

Maybe this only for the popular and revolutionary movements more or less peaceful in the Islamic world are stupid?

... The suspicion is strong.

International diplomacy, in spite of self-determination of peoples, has already decided that Gaddafi (while being invisible to almost everyone) if they should go, but has not provided as, since it was thought that the uprising of some of the people was sufficient.

If you add that some ill-timed statements about his likely indictment to the Hague Court for humanitarian crimes, they closed the door to possible talks about an exile of guaranteed immunity, is well understood that it was precipitate a crisis into a black hole.

So after media pressure ventilated a direct action on the no fly zones and economic sanctions, now, to pry, you will have to operate with a direct military intervention, it is unthinkable that a minority of the Libyan population, although supported and fed by others, can succeed against the majority of people (tribes) still loyal to the rais.

But Iraq, Afghanistan and other war scenarios similar, which led many countries to be cautious and only do for now, the big voice.

Some representatives bombers embark on reconnaissance, taking care not to expose themselves too much threatened bombing targeted yes, direct intervention ... ni.

But the bombings to be successful should be expanded and carpet, so the hypothetical reason you go to dead wrong because they involve the population.

This does not solve the problem, because even with no air force, the insurgents would not have an easy time against Gaddafi, and then the power should operate against the guerrillas likely.

A little thought, though at different times, fly to the war in Algeria, to this day because they assume it would be interesting to see who to favor, seeks bomb France.

Sarkosy Maybe ...?

How many other nations should now bombard to defend freedom and democracy that others do not want to like us?

We desperately want an alternative on the horizon do not exist.

course, direct intervention by the West on the battlefield, despite the media hype helped as well upon the agreement of the Arab League and the UN, it would be unpopular with the Islamic world that already has similar operations undigested earlier elsewhere, as well as to those Westerners who have already left too many victims and leave elsewhere.

would be too difficult to explain to the public why a government so far peaceful (when not considered a friend) in the ratio of trade and political and suddenly became despotic and disposed of.

Some Arab governments (Syria in particular), moreover, already putting their hands on for the near future that could see them predestined victims of similar situations, they begin to be in their Realpolitik , neighbors Libyan Al Rais.

The insurgents, therefore, will not have an easy life, and if not we will proceed differently as will Pisacane : were 300, they were young and strong and died .

companies continue to downgrade the ratings of sovereign debt of Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Spain, together with sovereign wealth funds and major financial institutions of individual countries.

This means that the crisis is far from over and that you deal with this today.

The ECB ( Trichet ), inoltre, considerato che il prezzo del barile sale, teme l’inflazione e a breve progetta di aumentare i tassi, dimenticando i danni strutturali che l’aumento precedente ha creato e polverizzando la già stanca (debole) economia occidentale. Non per nulla l’ Euribor ha già iniziato a salire.

Aumentarli non è solo aggiungere altri rilevanti oneri finanziari alle aziende già in sofferenza, che però comunque reggono a fatica attualmente il mercato, ma significa pure gravare di imponenti ulteriori tasse i bilanci nazionali, perché l’innalzamento del tasso avrà una conseguenza immediata sugli interessi pagati sui titoli: maggior tasso, più spese, più tagli e più oneri per bilanciare il rapporto debito/Pil. E, anche, più inflazione e disoccupazione!

Ed in una congiuntura economica estremamente debole significherà togliere grandi risorse agli investimenti, necessari sia per la ristrutturazione industriale, sia per lo welfare, sia per il rilancio dell’economia.

In Italia si sta investendo oltre 20 mld di € sull’energia alternativa e rinnovabile (fotovoltaico, eolico …).

Però si prevede di coprire solo circa 2% of national demand by 2020. More than a disappointing and unsuccessful outcome for the investment.

With the same amount used in nuclear cover rather than 50% of national demand.

The Japanese earthquake, waiting for more precise scientific data, highlighted the risk of nuclear power, but it must be said that we have such a destructive power would be impossible to reach, considering that experts say indicate that 30 000 times than home-made (in comparison) that hit the Eagle.

not because the power that can develop faults Mediterranean has a chance of reaching such a magnitude that does not exist.

The economy needs cheap energy, but for years it is going in the opposite direction. Suffice it to say that for more than two decades we have no national energy plan, which was destroyed at its rising from instrumental and partisan referendum on nuclear power.

The Libyan crisis, being dependent on Italy for third in the oil from that country, if a civil war will continue into the medium-term serious problems for the industry and the national economy.

However, even if it is short e se si concludesse con la permanenza (vittoria) di Gheddafi, porrà grosse complicazioni di costi perché è più che naturale che il rais libico rimetta in discussione tutti gli accordi sottoscritti con l’Europa dopo essere stato scaricato da questa.

Il terremoto non crea mai vittime umane; le creano invece le case che crollano sulle persone o lo tsunami che ne segue, perché l’uomo costruisce spesso per comodità e convenienza in zone che possono subire ingenti conseguenze da questi cataclismi.

Pure la democrazia e la libertà dei popoli non crea morti, ma li porta seco la degenerazione that freedom and democracy produce.

In Islamic culture is not valued the concept of reciprocity , without which democracy and freedom can not exist.

The Tunisian and Egyptian regime have given way to another, but the fighting social, cultural and religious rather than sopirsi tend to encourage more every day.

Pure landings of North African immigrants are included, and this means that freedom and democracy not only trumpeted by the Western media have not been able to render them useless, but that the absence of a strong government will ha incentivati.

Le imperfette democrazie occidentali non hanno ancora creato l’antivirus necessario ad evitare gravi tensioni interne: crisi politiche, economiche e sociali; perciò non trovano di meglio che esportarle esternamente proprio là dove una cultura diversa necessita di un “ regime democratico ” che faccia da totem per risolvere i tabù.

In campo finanziario si abusa spesso dei tassi in situazioni eccezionali come l’attuale, fidando nel fatto che questi sono utili a calmierare costi e consumi in un periodo normale.

The problem is widespread especially if the ECB and the Fed have injected huge amounts of € bn and $ to support banks and sovereign bonds, however, disregarding the re-establishment of securities markets to purge them from the global wild speculation, by-products, by toxic securities from the improper trading on commodities.

Need a new way of doing business and investing, based on its being rooted in the territory and on an environmentally sustainable development.

The crisis of '29 led to a bloody world war. The current signs do not lead to much optimism.

Forse sarà una guerra diversa dalle precedenti: una guerra che porterà con sé, facendole implodere, le degenerazioni dei debiti sovrani, spinti ormai ad una linea di non ritorno nella ricerca ossessiva di un possibile benessere solo economico fondato sul consumismo sfrenato.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Centerpieces Made With Feathers

Our Activities: March-April 2011

Rabboni Trekking prepares for spring with some great news to start the new season 2011. Read the description below. Infoline at the bottom of this post.

NB: CHANGE OF DATE - because of persistent bad weather (rain xi next 4 days) has postponed the planned Trekking (18-20 March). We will inform you as soon as the new date .

TREKKING Villa Minozzo
( HERE EARLY DATE DEF) 2 whole days in the beautiful hills of Reggio Emilia along routes equestrian dream. And in the evening, Pamper yourself in a truly Center "5 stars, with spa and sauna where Farm rilassarsi alla grande dopo una giornata di sella.
- 2 gg a cavallo
- 1 pernotti e vitto completo
- Jeep appoggio x trasporto bagagli
- incluso noleggio cavallo: 250 euro
- con proprio cavallo: tel x info
NOTA: in questa stagione occorre un abbigliamento adeguato, con mantella o impermeabile adatto a questa stagione e cappello. Se hai dei dubbi, chiamami per maggiori Info

Dom. 27 Marzo: presentazione e ASTA CAVALLI
Cacciol a (RE) : Una vera e propria asta dove vedrete la presentazione di diversi Argentine horses, QH ranch and performance, presented live to make you see the skills of each. Auction will follow with batter. Do not miss it, there will be a real chance to make some good deal ...!! We are waiting
(more details soon)

Vittorio 348/26.53.970

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Masquerade Dresses For Juniors

Thought .... pink

Mimosa Moon .... and two symbolic images related to 'female population.
Augurissimi girls of all ages .... that our being women is enhanced in all its facets ...... EVER!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Carbon Monoxide Error

Mount Malamot.

Alps Mont Cenis.


Lake of Mont Cenis.

Monte Malamot

GPS tracks.

Download file.

Download gpx file. Gtm


Click to view photo album on Flickr.


From My Video Production by Igor.

Monte Malamot.

Monte Malamot



Località di partenza:

Le Scale ( 1740 ).



Tempo di salita:

4 ore.



Periodo consigliato:

novembre-dicembre / marzo-aprile.


nord est.

Cartografia consigliata:

IGC n° 2, Valli di Lanzo e Moncenisio, scala 1: 50000.


orographic position.

Mount Malamot is located on the largest of the Hautes Alpes Northern Alps in the Maurienne and subsection of the Alps Mont Cenis. It is part of the chain Bernauda, \u200b\u200bPierre Menue and Ambin; the group and subgroup Ambin Ambin Niblo that extends from the Col d'Ambin the Col du Mont Cenis.


Access automotive.

take the motorway from Turin to Bardonecchia / Frejus, I suggest going out to Avigliana West per risparmiare il pedaggio autostradale che per i pochi chilometri che dovremo percorrere non è proprio a buon prezzo.

Dall’uscita di Avigliana Ovest/ Almese, seguire le indicazioni per Susa/ Bussoleno, una comoda strada scorrevole in breve ci conduce a Susa.

A questo punto risalire la statale che conduce al Colle del Moncenisio, non preoccupiamoci se le indicazioni dicono che in questo periodo il valico è chiuso, intanto noi non dovremo superarlo.

Praticamente risaliremo la statale fino alla dogana francese, probabilmente servono gomme da neve o catene, arriviamo più in alto possibile se riusciamo parcheggiamo sotto la serie di tornanti che conducono alla diga.


After parking the car far upstream as possible, back to the state the large curves that lead to the dam of the Lake of Mont Cenis. Before coming to the blocks at the Grand Croix, near the dam, leaving the state and go back to a clear track that left (east) passing forwards in the valley on a bridge a small stream that descends from the Lake of Mont Cenis. The trail goes back

zizzagando the side and after a few hundred meters before arriving at Fort Varisella, we must abandon it to follow, again on the left, a short channel is not steep. On top of the channel, if not buried by snow, you should see the signs indicating the way, otherwise go back still left in the north-east the white slopes.

The carry-overs from wind and snow, erasing almost all traces of the wide trail, but the stone walls of the foundations of the road are still visible, we can only go up the side chasing the traces of the military road.

After about 3 hours you sight of the houses that were abandoned military battery, above, if visibility allows him to be seen on Mount Malamot the forts. Leave the buildings on the left and back, always in a north-east, in the valley at this point becomes narrower towards the tip Droset, always chasing the traces of the mule.

At one point, continue on the broad ridge to the left (west side of Malamot) that will lead us, with easy reversals at the top of Mt.


Sopra il lago del Moncenisio

Ssali Above the curves of the Grand Croix, where you take the military road.

Sopra il lago del Moncenisio (6)

First part of the military road.

Cartelli indicativi lungo il sentiero per il malamot

Always for visible signs just over the canal.

Fortini lungo il percorso per il Malamot

Batteries military in the Mount Malamot.

Fort Malamot

La vetta col forte sul Monte Malamot.

Sopra il lago del Moncenisio (11)

Il lago del Moncenisio visto dalla strada militare.


Previsioni metereologiche.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Modern Contemporary Costumes

(Pluto and Charon)

And here we are in what should be the last planet in the Solar System.
should I say, because at the end of the nineteenth century, it is speculated that there might be a tenth planet, and this theory was based on the presence of discrepancies in the orbit of Neptune.
For now we must stick to what is currently known, but the story ci insegna che non occorre dare niente per scontato e che nuove scoperte possono rivoluzionare il nostro sapere.

Scoperto nel 1930 dall'astronomo C. Tombaugh, Plutone, che prende il nome dal dio romano dell'oltretomba, è il pianeta più piccolo del Sistema Solare, pari a due terzi delle dimensioni della Luna.
Dal 24 Agosto 2006, però, Plutone non viene più considerato un pianeta vero e proprio, ma è stato declassato a pianeta nano e, come anche l'ipotetico Pianeta X, farebbe parte dei pianeti trans-nettuniani.
Comunque noi siamo affezionati all'idea di considerarlo a tutti gli effetti uno dei nove pianeti del Sistema Solare e gli lasciamo ancora una volta il suo posto d'onore.
Pur essendo il pianeta più esterno, ha un'orbita fortemente ellittica ed in alcuni periodi è più vicino al Sole di Nettuno.
La durata della sua orbita intorno al Sole è di 248 anni.
Ruota intorno al suo asse in 6 giorni e 10 ore ed il suo asse è così inclinato ( circa 123°), che il polo nord si trova sotto il piano orbitale.
Non si conosce con certezza la sua struttura, perchè non è stato mai esplorato da nessuna sonda spaziale.
La sua superficie dovrebbe essere ricoperta di metano ghiacciato, che nel periodo, in cui si trova più vicino al Sole, in parte si scioglie ed evapora, formando una tenue atmosfera, che durerà qualche decennio.
Sotto lo strato di metano ghiacciato ci sarebbe uno strato di ice water and then a large rocky core.
was once thought that Pluto had only one satellite, Charon, which is great as his other half.
is the only case in our system, which has a satellite so large in relation to its planet, so that might be considered almost a double planet.
Charon is Pluto from 18,400 km and orbit around it in 6.4 days.
Since both revolve around their axes at the same time, they face each other the same face, so you can see Charon from one hemisphere of Pluto. Even
Charon has its surface covered by ice, but unlike Pluto, which are mainly of methane, consist of water.
In 2005 two more were discovered satellites Nix and Hydra.

What I have presented so far, I reiterate that it is a small smattering of knowledge we have about our Solar System and maybe even that date, because it is not my field of study or work, but only one of my passions.
It was only by my desire to have at least the small share knowledge and I did too.

the next of my passions .... ;-)

Photo Source:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Calories In A Veggie Stir Fry


is the largest gas giant and has an atmosphere similar to that of Uranus, rich in hydrogen, helium and methane, but is more turbulent, with a blue-green instead of blue, because it has higher concentrations of methane in the layers higher.
In 1989 the Voyager 2 spacecraft revealed the presence of a dark spot, similar to the red spot of Jupiter, in the southern hemisphere. When
five years after the space telescope Hubble (HST) observed it, the stain was gone, but they had formed a similar one in the northern hemisphere.
It is subject, therefore, the formation of these dark spots short-lived, surrounded by methane ice clouds clear. Both
instruments to detect the existence of bands of clouds at high altitude in the composition is not yet clear, but this is mostly Solfrid acid.
The interior should be similar to that of Uranus, which is a rocky core surrounded by water, ammonia and methane.
Neptune rotates on its axis in 16 hours and 7 minutes and orbit around the Sun in 165 years.
It has a faint system of four rings, are not easily observed through a telescope. What
largest, called Adams presents blocks of denser matter, the so-called ring arcs.
eight satellites of Neptune are known, but Triton is the most characteristic, which extends 2700 km, resulting, therefore, larger those of Pluto.
And for this reason we think that in the past it was a planet to himself and then he was captured by the gravitational field of Neptune.
Triton has a surface covered in frozen nitrogen and methane, has a temperature of -235 ° C making it the coldest place in the Solar System.
jets rise from its surface oxide, forming geysers and draw dark streaks around it.
It has a retrograde orbit with respect to Neptune, it moves in the opposite direction.
Neptune has a large magnitude, it reaches' s 8 and, therefore, is not visible to the naked eye, but faintly visible with binoculars.
The planet was discovered in 1846 by Johann Gottfried Galle, ma la sua posizione era stata già intuita, in base alle perturbazioni sul moto di Urano, causate dal suo campo gravitazionale.

Origine foto:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jiib Jab Effects For Free

Eh si....è da un po' che non tratto i pianeti del Sistema Solare, ma adesso mi rifarò e porterò finalmente a compimento, ciò che mi ero prefissa.
In effetti avevo già pronti gli abbozzi dei post nel cassetto, ma sono stata distratta da altre cose.
Io ho uno spirito libero e vado là dove mi porta il cuore in quel momento.
Non per niente ho chiamato questo blog "Il refuge for the soul ", a place to relax without any commitment, along with the things that I like.

Here we are at the third to last of the planets of our system, Uranus, named after the greek god of heaven, father Kronos and grandfather of Zeus.
It is the third-largest and has a particular characteristic, the axis of rotation is "lying" on the same orbital plane, this means that its rotation, instead of the future, as Most of the planets from west to east (and exclusively Venus rotates from east to west), go from the bottom 'up.
It rotates on its axis every 17 hours and 14 minutes and because of the speed of rotation has a swelling to 'equator.
Its orbit around the Sun is in 84 years.
Its axis is tilted by 98 °, which is why the Sun is visible at the zenith and the equator to the poles.
poles alternating light and 42 to 42 years of darkness.
It has a characteristic green color, because it is composed of clouds of methane, which absorbs red light.
Its interior is different from the other gas planets, previously treated, being composed mainly of water, methane, ammonia and rock, rather than liquid hydrogen.
Its surface is almost devoid of structures supeficiali, has only a few clouds clear.
is surrounded by 11 thin rings, separated by large voids, and 17 satellites, which are also very visible part of Titania, which has magnitude 14.
When the sky is clear and serene, you can find Uranus with the naked eye, when it is at its brightest, but even this was only discovered in 1781 by the English W. Herschel.

soon for the next planet Neptune

Hello .... ;-)

Photo Source:

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sprinkle Red Velvet Cupcake Recipe

media. The peripatetic

Da anni non seguo la televisione se non per brevi istanti trovandomi momentaneamente in casa altrui. In compenso, viaggiando molto, ascolto spesso la radio nei lunghi spostamenti.

Ho spesso la sensazione più che fondata che le notizie di attualità siano di norma “accatastate” alla rinfusa tanto per riempire spazi.

E per accatastare intendo che le notizie declamate sono spesso delle semplici illazioni, quando non vere e proprie supposizioni; non solo senza una reale fonte autorevole, ma date per cercare di indirizzare il popolo degli ascoltatori verso una “certa” verità o su un’audience attrattiva che sta di norma tra il sensazionale e il morboso.

Ultimamente fatti di cronaca nera o di politica internazionale mi han lasciato (si fa per dire) perplesso.

Ieri ho visto un bombardamento mediatico stucchevole sul ritrovamento di una persona scomparsa, dove la notizia era l’essenza della comunicazione; la quale non era però contingente ai fatti, ma a pure supposizioni con tanto di esperti intenti ad arrampicarsi sui vetri se sollecitati (per ragioni di spettacolo) a sfuggire alla logica degli eventi reali. Perché oggi lo spettacolo è più importante della realtà e anche della vita di una persona.

I vari cronisti si dilungavano in ipotesi talmente sciocche, ripercorrendo gli eventi precedenti, dove ogni possibilità creava una storia a sé stante; ma, come si sa, la Storia non si fa né con i sé, né con i ma.

And if a body lies in a certain place no assumption can locate it in several places as if this body had the power of ubiquity.

And if justice is addressed to the arcane and the esoteric (medium and visionaries) to search for clues, then it means that the search can become a structural requirement of a society that is incapable of feeding of analysis and culture and that it relies on unconscious despair with the transcendent.

Unfortunately, even some country's history, especially that produced by organic elements , has haunted so harmful to the national culture, by requiring a ground truth partisan and sectarian, often light-years away from reality.

In a previous article ( The new wars: telematics. ) I developed the concept of possibility of probability and reality .

The possibilities are endless as the imagination to envisage and the odds are greatly reduced with the experience, knowledge and analysis, while la realtà è una sola, anche se può essere percepita diversamente perché correlata a dei parametri dimensionali.

La storia degli avvenimenti di questi giorni che riguarda l’incendio propagatosi nell’islamismo, specie mediterraneo e mediorientale, può lasciare esterrefatto chi, per la vita vissuta, può vantare nel proprio bagaglio esperienziale una notevole percezione e conoscenza di come certi avvenimenti si creino e si propaghino.

E di ciò questo articolo intende parlare.

Tutti (si fa per dire) affermano che la politica International has been caught by surprise by events.

Therefore, these "all" should be a secular unable to do the job.

The facts of history, however, indicate that the bread riots develops earlier in Tunisia where there was a regime led by an old man and sick. So much so that he disappeared a few days ago.

Some events also take place in Algeria , but are turned off almost immediately.

then appear in Yemen and other countries children, where perhaps the problem does not exist outside of the bread for a few.

In Egypt events take on a different character, and everything becomes days of rage.

The U.S. is now lined up with the protesters that these turn into rioters, despite the fact that Egypt is a staunch ally for decades.

But, as we know, the allies can change, especially if the preparation of events on trips globalized computer networks, whose management is in hands of few.

It noted that such events propagate well in different countries even if timidly, such as the ' Iran and China the same, except go out right away because in these countries there is a government that, in any way we want it understood (large electoral support, regime or dictatorship), it is still strong.

Finally these days Libya develops in a system where there is a bit awkward 'at all.

nature of Islam and the implosion of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Arab states or is there something more serious and deeper?

Libya is a rich country and the vast majority of its approximately 6.5 million inhabitants are wealthy when compared to the parameters of Islamic / Arabic.

He, however, also about 1.5 million African immigrants who have come to work or as a passageway to reach other goals.

Unlike other Arab countries have good infrastructure, roads, schools and universities and many foreign companies operating there for decades.

The petrodollars have been invested largely in the western world, both in the U.S. and Europe.

is a despotic regime but, for economic reasons, was born, if not accepted by the international forum. In practice it is regarded as a speck folk with delusions of grandeur rather than a real dictatorship.

For logistical and organizational shortcomings, however, is not able to fully control its borders.

Libya, between the Mediterranean countries, is also the richest in hydrocarbons.

If in Egypt, the revolt against the regime is mainly condensed in the heart of the country, this left Libya in from the periphery.

Geographically, Libya is in the middle between Tunisia and Egypt and perhaps it is a sheer coincidence that there have been regimes destabilized first, taking advantage, in both cases, the presence at the summit of presidents and elderly patients.

It is surely not a coincidence that the Libyan regime has turned to the game from the nearest town to Egypt, so those most suitable for external infiltrations.

Which is not manifested itself in other neighboring countries.

Sulla rete telematica, circa un mese prima che le piazze si riempissero, delle apparenti spam a tappeto, con inserti chiave in codice, pare che abbiano cercato di contattare occidentali di una certa età, anche se ancor giovani, che quei territori conoscevano bene, oppure che di tali situazioni erano esperti. Perciò che là potevano avere agganci anche personali.

E non persone comuni, ovviamente; ma esperti di strategie sociali e militari, oppure di gruppi specializzati di rapido intervento.

Da notizie filtrate molti di tali esperti sono ora sul suolo libico.

A particular feature of the event is that the Libyan was immediately channeled into a riot by western media trumpeted as a genuine spontaneous uprising of the masses.

Despite inevitable accidents Square demonstrations in other countries took a different course, especially since the mass of the people do not have a military structure and, last but not least, does not have the preparation and knowledge to use Weapons today are sophisticated.

Marching and fighting against an army or militia, although not of lofty ideals, it would be a real suicide and does not state a long way.

If the rais Libyan fighter planes used to fight the insurgency behind this is because there was an operating unit of a military nature, a paradox because you do not use a nuclear bomb to kill a mouse.

fact, the evolution of events has also made clear that there were actual military clashes and that the advance of the rebels was not entrusted to carry out a mass of uncoordinated protester only dissent.

Western nations, in addition, while running for long enough overwhelmed public media declared the Libyan regime, sought (and seek still) agreements between them to develop on one side threatened economic sanctions and other military strategies of intervention no-fly zones or media strategic naval base for support groups officially rapid intervention to rescue nationals West.

And behind these political strategies more or less veiled in humanitarian ideals there is nothing but the belief that without an outside military support can not be completely overthrow the Libyan regime, unless you want to trigger a long civil war.

These high-level political contacts between the various secretariats and even at the UN, in fact, occurred, or for Tunisia, nor Egypt, nor for other Islamic countries still affected by movements more or less peaceful street protests.

Preparations for such measures would be a contradiction if the practical outcome of the revolt was granted.

In the early days the media have not spared the video listeners detailed listings of tragic events: the massacres continue, defections, battles, advanced, counter attacks, proclamations, systematic murder and house to house ... so on.

He also said that audio and video telecommunications networks had been obscured and that reporters were not allowed access into this country, or who were taken away by force .

Obviously this can make you laugh one analyst, because things are often anachronistic.

While traveling, in spite of such tragic news had just been announced, a reporter from the public service will make contact by telephone with the bishop of Tripoli (Martinelli if I remember correctly), which, in spite of the block meets the ether quietly on the phone.

He is asked how the situation, and he states that wherever he is (the capital) is absolutely calm and normal. At the urging of the chronicler adds that some have said yes to the clashes with police elsewhere, injuries and deaths, but the facts are that it is not able to ascertain.

The reporter asks him if he does not hear the crackle of automatic weapons and bombs, but he insists that everything is quiet.

He asks, finally, how are the streets and the states that has just returned from a few minutes from a trip to the pastoral grounds of a 25 km road perfectly accessible, without any hindrance or visibility of troop movements.

only drawback of that day: the rainy weather.

in Libya that day there were clashes in some parts of the country is more than obvious, but it was everywhere and that the regime was falling was not true. In fact, several days apart, while not controlling the whole country, the regime is still in the saddle, even if it is not known as yet and if barricaded in a few strongholds.

The Libyan population is made up of many tribes that live normally, but not always cooperate.

Perciò in tali casi cambiano facilmente casacca per assicurarsi più potere.

In compenso il prezzo del greggio è salito notevolmente e più che l’instabilità regnerà più salirà.

Per mesi molte petroliere sono state in mare aperto non avendo alcuna convenienza a scaricare, attente a trovare il momento redditizio per farlo.

Ed è probabile che se la situazione si normalizzerà in Libia, questa possa esplodere poi in un altro paese arabo, e non è escluso che ciò avvenga prima o poi in Arabia Saudita.

I regimi islamici sono stati ben graditi ai governi occidentali per decenni e dove non lo erano sono stati benevolmente accettati come garanti di una stabilità più economica che politica.

Basti pensare alle varie visite del leader libico in Italia, all’accoglienza che gli veniva riservata e alla libertà operativa concessagli per certe sue manie, oltre ai notevoli intrecci economici tra finanziarie libiche e aziende italiane.

Molte nazioni occidentali si fanno portabandiera dei diritti umani, salvo poi ignorarli con quei paesi that they can offer to trade or supply of substantial economic and business prospects.

However, today the major financial policies of globalization are only partially carried out by individual countries, often over and above, when the towing of big corporations.

Most Islamic countries have the prerogative of the regime when non-dictatorship, and those in Western culture is often considered to be an obstacle and fundamentalists in their culture.

movements of protest and the current insurgency is sa da dove sono cominciati e si può anche capirne il perché. Non si sa però dove andranno a finire.

Che Obama (e altri) cavalchi il sostegno alla protesta con la scusa della libertà e dei diritti umani è encomiabile; lo sono molto meno le probabili motivazioni che lo costringono a scegliere questa strada, perché sarebbe interessante vedere questo stesso atteggiamento verso la Cina, dove il debito sovrano statunitense è classato per circa il 40%.

La globalizzazione mediatica oggi è importante per creare opinioni e condizionare le masse e certe tv libere del mondo arabo/islamico sono i cavalli di troia per scombussolare dei sistemi di governo che appartengono per tradizione a dei popoli che hanno estremo bisogno del totem per organizzarsi e riconoscersi.

Credo che sia però un peccato imperdonabile quello di destabilizzare dei governi alleati ed amici per fini che più che nazionali oggi fanno parte di interessi globalizzati, senza aver prima provato tramite pressioni diplomatiche riservate a cambiare le cose.

Le multinazionali traggono per lo più i loro grandi utili dagli idrocarburi, riversando poi questi su altri settori produttivi e sociali, non ultimi quelli che sono correlati ad interessi politici.

Le guerre sono nella stragrande maggioranza produced by economic interests and only a few times by religious interests. Needless to say, culture is often deeply rooted in a particular religious system, which implements a social system.

Westerners not to refer the case to a particular religious culture and the Arabs (Semites) to another. And if you do not take this into account we can not fully understand why there may have been for years in various management systems of power.

Globalization (and the interest that this creates) is trying to shuffle the cards overlapping cultures as if they were mere commodities, so objects un semplice agire comune.

Ed i movimenti attuali di dissenso o di rivolta che si stanno manifestando nel mondo arabo/islamico sono il preludio non troppo sicuro di una maggiore democrazia e libertà, specie se i popoli interessati non abbiano di questa una conoscenza completa ancorata profondamente alla loro cultura e religione.

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The poet warrior

Many times I thought of Taekwondo as a generator of positive energy for both body and mind but with time and practice I realized that this art is even more subtle and valuable, can bring to light some peculiarities that believed not to have and that enrich and enhance your personality. Through constant practice of Taekwondo is realized in a concrete way the dualism of Yin and Yang, exchange and encouragement to each other reveal your true essence: Who . To give you a simple example, I - who are a bit ' egocentric in nature - I never thought of myself as an instructor, a position that requires patience, skills and ability to understand the other not inconsiderable. Over the years of practice Taekwondo with Master Mazzocca 'm strengthening the core value of humility and the way teaching is giving me excitement and satisfaction, I feel I'm growing as a man with our students.

But there are many cases in our dojan duality harmoniously realized: I think Lorenzo Pajano, elegant lawyer by day and Zozzo folk musician in the evening, Charles Mattei, graceful rider on Saturday and Sunday bloody TKD fighter, ad Alessandro Ponzanellus, oscuro impiegato di giorno ma brillante ed instancabile accompagnatore di vedove ed anziane ereditiere la sera....

Altro atleta che conferma quanto ho scritto sopra è il bravo cadetto Igor Obinu, un giovanissimo che grazie all’impegno costante ha portato al nostro team l’oro di categoria nei recenti interregionali Lombardia di combattimento. Igor è la perfetta rappresentazione della irrequietezza tipica dei suoi anni, l’adolescenza elettrica in cui proponi (imponi) la tua identità all’esterno. Ma oltre a questo aspetto di apparente “eccesso di energia”, ho sempre avvertito che in Igor convivesse anche una parte nobile; questo trova conferma in quanto lui stesso mi ha consegnato a mano nei giorni scorsi, raccogliendo l’invito che avevo fatto nel blog precedente di inviarmi scritti sul Tkd. Quello che segue è una sua breve presentazione dell’Arte ed alcune sue caratteristiche; alla fine Igor ha scritto anche una poesia molto bella, invito tutti a leggerla con la leggerezza e l’entusiasmo di un ragazzo….ed a plaudire al novello guerriero/poeta!! Jonbì, alla prossima!!


Il taekwondo è un ' arte marziale coreana che utilizza il corpo umano come sistema di difesa e di attacco. In coreano "tae" significa saltare e dare calci, "kwon" è il pugno, infine "do" vuol dire arte. L'insieme delle tre parole signfica quindi: arte del combattimento con l'uso di pugni e di calci in volo.

Come attività motoria il taekwondo ha un notevole effetto sullo sviluppo psico-motorio e sulla crescita dei bambini e degli adolescenti, permette ai meno young people to keep fit and healthy.

The training of Taekwondo is based on three metodogie: forms (poomsae), combat and self defense.

techniques of taekwondo are designed to develop the courage, self-esteem, discipline and self-control of their bodies. Regarding the physical aspect of taekwondo can improve motor coordination, to strengthen the muscular system in a symmetrical and harmonious in order to achieve greater agility and flexibility.

everything that the student acquires in the gym and during the practice of taekwondo is then automatically transmitted in everyday life, with enormous physical and psychological benefits. They are so relieved fatigue and stress, and the individual succeeds in encountering the daily problems with objectivity and determination.

The rules for this discipline:

respect and education are the most important things (rules, people , environment)

Fuori e dentro la palestra (dojan) siate sempre ambasciatori che rappresentate il taekwondo e la squadra, dovete essere un esempio

Pensate alle cose belle, l'atteggiamento positivo è come le vitamine, ci fa diventare sempre più forti

La rabbia va eliminata, è ladra, ruba l'autocontrollo, la pazienza e non ci fa pensare

Ascoltate il vostro maestro senza obiettare

Fate una cosa alla volta, così realizzate good things

Put in place the equipment and tools after use of the gym

The taekwondo should not be used on other people for no reason, just for personal defense.

Words gym

Teacher: sabonim (The teacher is a 'friend and above all a guide that can turn a child from beginner to athlete, to a master future.)

The carpet mat .


White : not exactly regarded as able, as everyone who begins to practice taekwondo are white belts.

Yellow: represents the land where the plant planting its roots.

Green : the plant begins to germinate. L 'art began to develop in' student who has learned some techniques.

Blu : the plant has grown and facing towards the sky, a symbol of the belt. Taekwondo, for the 'student, it becomes something important and he progresses.

Red: represents the sunset of a day, for the 'student the end of a kind workout. The red belt is also a signal danger, the techniques can become dangerous it is essential to the 'self-control.

Black : is the night. 'S student begins a new method of training both physically and mentally. It 's always the essential' self.

Here's my poem dedicated to Taekwondo

I'm a champion, trembles when I fight the square, the opponent 'I fear, the audience cheering, towards the road to victory I am, glory, I bow down humble fighter, winning no medal I am, I raise a castle from my mistakes for the future.

I travel light.

Lap dancing.

disappear into thin air, I appear aggressive.

countless kicks, fast attacks.

Leone brave.