Sunday, March 28, 2010

How To Change The Color Of Clothes

deficit spending.

Fitch ha tagliato il rating sovrano del Portogallo riducendolo a ‘AA’.

Perciò la ripresa in questo paese sarà molto più lenta che nelle altre nazioni, mettendo sotto pressione le finanze pubbliche nel medio termine.

Trichet , da parte sua, dichiara che l’Irlanda dovrebbe essere come il cavallo di Troia per la Grecia.

In his speech to Parliament, in front of four cats (15 MEPs), he argues that the ECB accept side with Greece after 2010, although in the presence of the reductive rating type 'BBB-'.

In practice, before the Economic Community of repeated settings in Germany, is opposed to an intervention, judged negative , led by the IMF that, in practice, would reduce the importance and sovereignty of financial the ECB itself will dominate the EU.

This, to paraphrase, in the area indicates that the recovery will be € uncertain, weak and very long.

We are in deflation.

Why Germany wants the IMF to be interested in the problems the Greeks? It fears the domino effect that is affecting various countries PIIGS , blast the whole bench, including virtuous nations, thereby charging these waste and inefficiency of the cicadas.

Union, they say, but not collapse!

Various European governments profess a tenuous optimism of GDP in 2010, a slight positive return around 1%.

Most experts, however, seems geared up for a GDP still negative, albeit fractional.

no coincidence that the $ is going strong on ' , fell about 20 points from the pomp of 1.52.

The agreement France / Germany on Intervention in support of Greece is not painless, especially for those countries that will bear guarantees e costi dell’operazione.

L’accordo ( aiuti bilaterali volontari – sic!) prevede 2/ 3 a carico Ue/Bce e 1/ 3 a carico del Fmi, a fronte di un intervento previsto di 22 mld di €. Sempre che bastino e non se ne aggiungano altri, come probabile; perché pare inverosimile, come prevede l’accordo, che in circa 45 g la Grecia riesca a recuperare dai propri conti, o sul mercato, tale cifra.

Tradotto in numeri, in base alla partecipazione comunitaria, in carico alla Germania vi saranno about 4.2 billion €, 3.15 for France, for the 'Italy 2.75 and the rest borne by all other nations, however, have a minority, only a digit or fractional.

And England? Simple: nil, because it has retained the pound as their currency.

Now, if the IMF had been excluded from the transaction, each member state would bear as much as 50% more, as long as the Americans, a majority in the IMF, not boycott the agreement, given the reservations on the transaction by the chairman of the Fed

If rates in the U.S. and € area are very low, so even on securities that guarantee the public debt, this does not reflect in all EU countries.

Greece, for example, to attract capital and 6.30% . A rate, so to speak, than the enormous German, French and Italian to reach close to zero as net revenue.

There is an important economic equation that states: a high rate is always high risk. What risk? To be able to recover capital provided.

If rates should go up to curb a possible inflation, the costs to finance the public debt splashing upward, burning the country's GDP significantly.

Currently it is estimated that America and Britain could burn off 7 / 10% of GDP at average rates, and if even higher reaching 15%. Worrying data indicating that the recovery could be thwarted by the costs.

Comparing all our debt, and assuming, by way 'of example, an interest rate as the current greek, you get more than 100 billion annual interests, a figure that no financial draconian would be able to bear.

rates, therefore, remain low for a long time, unlike many states will be forced to default.

low rates does not mean happiness operation: means to drastically reduce consumption and limitation of credit required and selected.

The Italian data on employment depends on how one looks at them. It is claimed that the unemployed have grown by about 400 000 units, but merely looking at the statistics.

The figure, indeed, should be doubled for the following reasons:

a) The official data of job seekers fell for the simple fact that many do not search for more officially, trying to get by in everyday life in precarious until the situation evolves. With unemployment in search of the unemployed found new jobs in the official list would have to grow, whereas decreased in the sum. There is no confidence in the potential supply, which often results in the grueling research, in additional costs.

b) The South is more targeted by unemployment, especially women who are most alienated, and are disconnected forcibly from the workforce. The causes are multiple, starting with the great diversity of structural organization of the SMEs in the North and the South

c) have not calculated all the self-employed and casual that the severe recession were left without work. Just think how many tens of thousands of businesses closed their doors last year.

is why we have lost at least 800 000 jobs, which would bring the matter of unemployment well above the 8% official.

to these is very likely that more will be added in 2010 250/300 thousand (conservative estimate), raising the official figure to 10%. The same data, roughly speaking, he has, and will, even Germany, so those countries that have held more than others, for now, the crisis recession.

The deflation is worrying because, typically more than the economy to stagnate at the bottom does not allow a speedy recovery, especially if the public debt, and even those with this company is bound by a burden of high costs.

Japan in the 90s had a similar crisis for over a decade and left rates at almost 0%, otherwise adversely affected, with a rise, the existence of many companies. Only now, two decades later we can see some recovery.

The strategy just does not pay rates do not exist in either the short or medium term.

In economics there are no miracle strategy, especially if everything is based on debt. And the current financial credit has abused Beyond Reason, by covering it with the name " investment" and raising the lever so preposterous.

The " debt is always a cost. Now, for many, is considered an investment. Therefore be calculated for the potential that can be created as an investment and not as a temporary buffer.

This is true for Greece, as in any business, large or small. Just think of Argentina.

The agreement between the EU countries on aid to Greece's place in the foreground the need for a strict central control of the economy, especially on the axis of the governorate French / German.

It is no perceived need for an "economic government " appropriate, able to limit the excesses of certain accounting partner countries. The national freedom of action will therefore be put up, because we will inevitably would involve costs in all others.

The crisis has forced the need to stay within the parameters, high to avoid the worst: it has resorted to deficit spending , especially per reggere la necessaria spesa di sostegno sociale, o per salvare aziende fondamentali nell’apparato strutturale economico/finanziario.

Va, comunque, sottolineato che da alcuni decenni il Debito pubblico continua a crescere nei paesi membri e che il deficit spending è diventato, di fatto, un mero fatto contabile atto a giustificare l’eccesso di spesa contabilmente risultante.

Keynes , alle cui teorie ci si ricollega, in verità non lo intendeva in questo modo. Difatti lui parlava dell’ investment deficit spending , something very different from what is understood today.

He rightly argued that in the presence of a severe economic crisis (as was that of '29) there was a need to "invest for the debt stock, while creating financial deficit - deficit - "to move the economy, restructure, modernize and strengthen the structural system.

Then, once the process began, but had to come from the accumulated debt with the profits generated. Just as you should always do the right relationship investment / profit / yield.

Since the '80s, however, in Western countries, and beyond this basic and simple economic formula has been bypassed for funding the social demands, creating, in fact, the deficit spending eternal ... and exploding all over decency and reasonable limit state deficits.

This happened in almost all nations and now you pay the consequences.

Just think of the Italian debt, its huge amount and how many decades (centuries) of prudent savings and austerity, it would take to reduce it to zero.

The company seems ... almost impossible. However, it was produced in about three decades.

Obama except surprises in the new vote is necessary, since the previous flawed and nothing to procedural errors, resulted in the harbor the dream of many American presidents: the health reform open at all.

In fact it is not right for everyone, even if you can please.

is obvious that this reform will affect the U.S. debt, but it is a priority / right of the person to social equality human, can well be understood as an investment deficit spending, which, however, will need a funding from other areas to avoid becoming a mere deficit spending.

All this to say that there are necessary expenses that, even if they produce deficits, may give the social and economic stability of coverage to citizens in the event of a serious recessionary impact.

Thus, even if simply as a cost, it should be listed as a real and necessary investment in production.

The national deficit will continue to grow in coming years, despite the good intentions of the settlor "economic government" Ue.

We must, however, point to certain items of expenditure as a priority, eliminating other people and make everyone understand the real situation facing.

Gone are the time when, to placate the masses, you squander plenty to get consent (votes), mortgaging not only our future but also that of future generations.

The debt can not be expanded indefinitely, both on farms that in the states.

And the reason is one: one day's interest to finance the coverage will be so high as to no longer be financially viable.

It will force the default.

Just as happened in his time in Argentina, and that is happening now in Greece and that will happen, inevitably, as in other nations if we will proceed along these lines.

the EU economy, thanks to '€, today is so interconnected that the mistakes (and waste) and some fall on all, as the agreement Greece is to demonstrate in the nude figures.

We are not alone either, nor independent. Should take note of what both citizens and governments.

And, if I may, a big part of social responsibility if they should take the opposition, which must cease to ride the general discontent with the challenge always around, trying to demolish the work others to mount the boorish indifference and populism.

The opposition, if he wants to take on the true social role that it must therefore produce a detailed alternative program current deficit spending (and demonstrate to believe), or work with the majority in the state to help everyone understand where you actually paid.

This requires the democratic role of being under government or the opposition.

The crisis, though with slight glimmer of hope is not yet over. The ICJ, however, is about to end.

Many companies are likely to have to close, weighed down by the accounting deficit.

We can not therefore leave the worker without copertura finanziaria di reddito, dopo averlo incentivato a spendere (indebitarsi) per sostenere l’economia.

Il minimo che si possa fare è il prolungare di alcuni mesi, attivando la straordinaria, la stessa CIG.

È un obbligo sociale!

Questo sarebbe un vero e profittevole investment deficit spendig sociale; solo, però, che il tutto venga concepito nel giusto verso da governo, cittadino, maggioranza ed opposizione.

Diversamente sarà, well as this, a simple deficit spending, an act to extend, but not to solve the real problem our present.

Infinity, it should be remembered, is a unit of astrophysics and non-financial.

If you forget the default is inevitable.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Does Epsom Saltsand Hair

of Valsesia.


Alpi del Monte Rosa.
Val Sorba.

Bò Valsesiano

Tracciati GPS.

Scarica file .gtm

Scarica file .gpx


Click to view photo collection on Flickr.


From My Video Production by Igor

Monte Bò Valsesia.

___________________________________________________________ Finally! After a weekend full of bad weather, a beautiful sunny day. We are in the middle of March and today, felt air of spring. With the clear blue sky this morning, what better way to spend a beautiful day in the mountains, charming surroundings and the fun of a good skiing. So, me and my friends Mark S. and Nina, we decided to practice some this ski mountaineering.

Beware, the bad weather of recent days brought heavy snow to the hills, making it even once the snow cover unstable, moreover, now the sun's rays heat up a lot, to come during the hottest hours of the day, the avalanche danger increases. So the choice of the trip must be once more scrupulous.

relations are, and Bo Valsesia, is one of those mountains considered "Safe" under the appearance of avalanches. Besides the council, because the orographic position, which is located at the edge, is the boundary between the Biella Alps and those of Rosa, offers beautiful scenery overlooking the nearby Deer Valley and Val Sessera of the Biella Alps, and the Massif Monte Rosa dominates over the promontory.

little more than a thousand meters of altitude, not many, but the path is not of the shortest, the descent is also fattibilissima on another side, allowing a circular route that makes us see the whole valley.


Climb the direction of Alagna Valsesia, a few kilometers after the village of Scopello, we cross to the left, a bridge over the river Sesia in the direction of Rassa. Once in

Rassa, not go into town but we park the car in the first available parking spaces. After being equipped with the equipment, continue for a while with skis on their shoulders, the signs indicate the entrance of the path, which dates from steep side of the road. After the first hundred meters, the slope is attenuated, so we can safely wear skis.

Plane over the Alps in a dense forest of beech and fir trees become higher. The slopes in the undergrowth, are still prominent, but going up at some point the forest ends and you end up in a clearing that offers nothing short of beautiful landscapes. The slopes are reduced and now, heading south, you see the line that still seems so far away. Going to get on the edge of a broad ridge that leads us to the summit.

The descent could safely make the ascent, making sure the last stretch of woods that is very steep, but you should get off on the opposite side, plus you can visit the valley as a whole. After the glades of the upper part, it is inevitable to enter a dense forest, which takes us to the river Sorba, who pass by on a wooden bridge. Now we are on a trail that skirts with very pronounced slope, The Sorba river, which leads us to Rassa.


Stock photo.

Bò Valsesiano

Rassa Directions to the start of the path.

Bò Valsesiano

Ten minutes walk to the plains.

Bò Valsesiano

Half ascent takes place in a dense forest. The bottom is beech, fir that high.

Bò Valsesiano

Great scenery on the Valsesia.

Bò Valsesiano

Mount Rose Queen on the headland.

Bò Valsesiano

Monte Bò of Valsesia.

Bò Valsesiano

The peak of Bo Valsesia.

Bò Valsesiano

A 15-minute walk up the Sorba Valley, a cabin restaurant called the pitch Haidi.




Monday, March 15, 2010

Most Powerful Desktops

The structural problems.

The Greece had a major problem of monetary stability and unity within the EU, but this problem also involve other countries. These problems must be resolved as quickly as possible.

Greece before the same problems were highlighted by many financial and industrial companies, on this side and across the ocean. To which the various governments have the emergency room.

This means that the problem is not a single state or a single company, but structural.

This problem is called with one name: Debt !

The etiology may be helpful to understand how the issue is first formed and then gangrenous, it is a bit 'less in the same resolution for a simple reason: to eliminate (reduce drastically) the debt means austerity, tax, likely stagnation and dissatisfaction social. In short, I make all of society a major setback in individual well-being and income.

The Left, Italian and now has no idea alternative to capitalism, especially in this capital. It is a profound ideological crisis and prey to demagoguery dialectic.

why not find anything better than to ride with slogan il malcontento della piazza, specie di quella che si è sempre basata sulle promesse politiche dell’assistenzialismo dovuto e del diritto impropriamente acquisito.

E per non affrontare il problema, non avendone né la capacità, né le idee, si “creano” artificiosamente altre problematiche minori, spacciandole per basilari e ammantandole quali difese della libertà.

Se ipotizziamo un Pil a 100 e una perdita avuta di circa il 6%, scendiamo a 94. Se, ipoteticamente, nei prossimi anni procedessimo con un incremento dell’1% (molto improbabile), per tornare a 100 impiegheremmo oltre 6 anni. Se poi si calcolasse la possibile inflazione dovuta al surriscaldamento delle materie prime, o di rifugio, ulteriori anni in più.

Le grandi recessioni hanno sempre portato con sé disoccupazione e inflazione. Ne consegue che il tenore di vita di tutti noi non potrà far altro che scendere.

Si è proceduto a sostenere i consumi per rilanciare l’economia con degli incentivi, specie per la pressione delle multinazionali manifatturiere. Il problema non è stato risolto: si è bruciato risparmio, si è creato indebitamento e si è spostato il problema solo più avanti.

Now the IGC, in the field, rife and it is unthinkable to proceed indefinitely with incentives and with the same, because there is little point. In fact, the various governments are seeking other viable ways of not having these labile correctly solved the problem.

Many companies are entering, or have already placed on the market large quantities of bonds, its debt is still expanding, but if this immense mass of savings will be used to restructure and strengthen the capital , dilate the problem further before long.

The same han fatto i governi e le banche centrali, Bce e Fed in testa, nel tentativo di fermare la caduta.

La stessa Cina, pur con il suo Pil a due cifre, si sta scontrando con gli stessi problemi per due motivi.

Il primo è che molti capitali, che hanno favorito il suo rally industriale espansivo, provengono dal mondo occidentale, attratti a suo tempo dai costi produttivi bassi e dal ferreo controllo, sulle maestranze (prive dei basilari diritti umani), imposto da una società a radice massimalista, anche se ormai impostata verso un liberismo commerciale. Tali capitali non è certo che rimangano a lungo sul territorio, volatili come sono alla ricerca del profitto best at the lowest cost.

The second is that the wealth produced and set aside as savings, was attracted by the possibility of higher incomes, so he emigrated to countries, States in the lead, where speculation could produce them and the rates on capital income involved were better.

All this makes clear that what is real today, tomorrow will be hypothetical. It is said that the savings invested elsewhere must necessarily fall.

The POBC [1] , in fact, has already raised the reserve requirement of 50 points and now is preparing to raise the rates to rein in investment easy, even frightened by global raw material costs and the commercial crisis that has dramatically reduced the outlet to Western markets.

The various companies, taking advantage of the expansive wave and the resulting profit budget, we are indebted and expanded over the money and the crisis in western markets now reduces drastically the profits and orders, expanding therefore the costs .

Il problema Grecia si basa essenzialmente su due fattori di debito: il Debito pubblico e il Disavanzo commerciale .

È inevitabile che il secondo dilati anche il primo.

La Grecia, in media, ha mensilmente uno sbilancio commerciale pari a circa 3 mld di €; perciò oltre 30 mld abbondanti annui. Tutto ciò a fronte di un Pil che si assesta sui 250 mld di €.

Ciò significa un debito aggiuntivo del 14% circa annuo che, inevitabilmente, impacts on the public debt.

is why in order to block the emergency must be rescued promptly with at least of € 25 billion cash do not default.

that this is done directly by the ECB or the EU, in how to define, does not really matter.

These naked and worrisome data has a significant social meaning: you spend a lot more than we can produce, both in private and in public.

Or otherwise: it is invested badly and are depleted resources.

The real problem is not to finance the debt greek, but to reduce drastically reducing their consumption.

The government has tried so far are mild and the motions of the square now appeared in their virulence, favored by the opposition promptly riding them as always. You can imagine what would happen if you try to solve the problem dramatically.

Yet sooner or later you will get if you do not want to drown: both in Greece and elsewhere.

Greece, unfortunately, is not the only suspect, and in fact is one of the countries PIIGS . [2]

Portugal and Spain are not much better and even Italy, with its huge public debt which is approaching the 2,000 bn € (almost twice the annual GDP), can lulled into a peaceful sleep.

Reduce the imports are subject to change, so the export, it means reduce the standard of living. And reduce the standard of living means going back in time, maybe even decades.

This, of course, is not pleasing to the masses and especially to the younger generation who do not know they were.

society based on hedonism consumerism has led us to the inevitable negative goal.

retrace our steps, leaving the wrong way of waste and opulence apparent, not only brings with it the necistà to reduce their standard of living achieved, but also in the giving part social security to those that nearly all are designed as essential principles: security of employment, health care and social value, pensions, comforts of life, freedom of movement, leisure, leisure ...

We are in staff time, so the relativistic individualism that sees every individual as a priority to the other: individualistic self-centeredness.

It follows that each of us wants the other makes Member responsibilities and social costs of the inevitable downsizing.

We shall meet in the lobby of Community policy, nelle piazze e pure … nella Chiesa: si è perso il concetto democratico di Popolo e Nazione. E, prima ancora, quello di Famiglia.

Si è persa, sulla scia del comodo edonismo, pure religioso, la cultura dell’essere cittadino e samaritano nello stesso tempo, base imprescindibile per essere Popolo e Chiesa simultaneamente.

Gli esperti di Europa e America stanno cercando di trovare una via comune per ridurre, se non annullare, tutti i titoli tossici che hanno creato la bolla speculativa e la recessione stessa.

Si parte da concetti culturali e economici diversi e l’accordo non è facile da trovare su ciò che bisognerà eliminare e ciò che si potrà ulteriormente incrementare e valorizzare. Forse ci vorrà del tempo, anche se, non avendone molto, ciò può essere deleterio.

Hedge funds , specie gli off shore , e buona parte dei Derivati sono incriminati, soprattutto i CDS; ma si cerca anche di regolamentare in modo diverso e vincolante l’MTA, con i CFD, i Futures , il Forex e altri strumenti rischiosi finanziari.

Ciò, ovviamente, non è molto gradito specie a tutte quelle società internazionali e finanziarie che di questi hanno fatto un vero cult, basandoli spesso su delle leve esorbitanti in grado di raggiungere anche il 5000:1 e talora, specie per gli off shore dove non ci sono regole precise, anche con rapporti di molto superiori.

La Leva è uno dei problemi principali di questo nostro secolo, usufruendone privati, società e stati.

La moneta virtuale ha sostituito quella materiale; e in questo modo il credito è diventato un semplice fatto contabile da registrare nelle attività e nelle passività. It has lost the concept of debt the material itself, not projecting in this, but in the future on the basis, often in very-relativistic predictions.

And the Church does well to draw the ethical concept of debt to reality, not fidandolo too much on simplistic projections and forecasts.

Some large financial companies listed have a market capitalization well below the debt itself, and this often reached a ratio of hundreds of times.

Sifting through some balance, I came across a large corporation italiana, leader nel campo assicurativo e finanziario, che ha raggiunto l’invidiabile rapporto di 250:1.

Se si considera poi che il capitale effettivo reale sia spesso di almeno un decimo della capitalizzazione azionaria, allora il conto è subito fatto.

La crisi in essere ridurrà inevitabilmente gli utili e perciò le stesse aziende dovranno ridimensionare i loro assets , o immettere capitale fresco per compensare lo sbilancio monetario, tenendo ben presente che le sofferenze sono destinate a crescere ulteriormente per la crisi recessiva.

Finora si è optato al freeze them, but this does not resolve the fundamental structural problem: either recover or lose.

In the MTA's oversight and control agencies have banned the Short Selling and ordered the immediate liquidation of cash .

However, this practice among large investors, continues to be practiced and the rule duped with the gimmick of the loan book titles or complacent with additional exposures Intraday and Overnight , which often work themselves.

this trick to create turbulence markets, destabilizing them with huge money supply and debase the virtual real investment.

are destabilizing and causing substantial fluctuations in their insecurity often prominent, rising or falling, beyond each parameter based on fundamentals.

Movable no longer has a true value determined, but this is determined solely by the amount of demand or supply, usually speculative.

In recent decades many companies have established the habit of making the sale and purchase of own shares, a process that is a true insider trading, especially if the titles are used at high mass.

Some firms hold in the portfolio of several million shares (the children; million miles of the most important) and with these, working in the MTA, are the good and the bad weather at the expense of real savings: inflate and deflate the title to their liking, making money on the skin of the same real shareholders.

Such a large mass of shares is also used to control corporate management to narrow the usual suspects, as it happens beneficiaries, often, the disgraced superbonus.

In recent days have disclosed the fees of two super manager of the same company, doing the accounts payables, their fee was far higher than that of all the workers of the plant would close.

Addressing these problems is not easy, but experts have long had already clearly indicated the corrective measures.

The biggest obstacle lies in the connection between business and politics, so in those fronts lobbying able to make choices and, with the possession of the media, influence the vote of the masses.

And that on both fronts in both the majority and opposition.

the beginning of the current financial crisis, I spoke at length about the issue privately with a well-known Mr.

He, to my invitation to make public the serious situation that involved the whole of society, not only in the present, but also in the future, so I said, I quote: " Who takes responsibility for this serious? I certainly do not, because all my colleagues elegantly glissando the problem. .

And if the politician does not want to explain to the people of the serious problems that the protagonist and victim, then who has the voice to do it?

I admire, therefore, Tremonti as man who left his business (and money) to devote himself full time to the nation.

And, not least, is one of the few that not only resist the conspiracy of squandered public continues to put everyone on guard, even though almost unheard, on the serious crisis that surrounds us, both in Italy and in international fora.

[1] - Central Bank of China.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hot Women That Are Big

Tkd Vintage Selection

Tonight, the great Lorenzo Pajano found a trunk in her attic covered with dust and cobwebs, holding a flickering candle and with a disturbing piece of music of Goblin iPod ha rimosso il lucchetto arrugginito e……tra i resti del suo passato heavy metal (una parrucca stile Kiss , nr 1 kiodo , spille gruppi vari, maglietta psyco, 2 tibie incrociate resto di simpatica messa nera) è spuntata fuori anche questa foto che io non posso esitare a metter subito sul blog. Trattasi di reliquia risalente all’autunno 2004, quando il sottoscritto era una imberbe cintura gialla di 39 anni e di infinite ambizioni marziali, tutte poi soddisfatte ! A quei tempi sognavo di arrivare alla cintura nera e di rompermi il legamento crociato anteriore dx, e sono riuscito in tutte e due le imprese, quando mi metto in testa una cosa…
Non nascondo che ho provato una leggera commozione e rivedere questo dagherrotipo, vi si possono riconoscere amici ancora attivi nel centro TKD Firenze, altri che hanno fatto la storia del nostro team (penso a Mohad) ed altri che non ce l’hanno fatta e sono adesso classificati nella categoria meteore…
Giochino: provate a ricordarvi i nomi dei raffigurati, se li indovinate TUTTI il Brain Training Nintendo lo prendete di tacco!!
Alla prossima

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Paintball Chicago Suburbs

Ethical relativism. The company's

I'm at a matrix Catholic conference on the "defense of life .

The rapporteur, scientifically prepared, beginning with a long philosophical reasoning that takes up half the report, but the philosophy is not his forte. In fact, winning some valuable logical syllogisms at odds with the logic of the syllogism.

The large audience in the auditorium, however, is not too pretentious culturally, so it may well be right ....

As a good Catholic cites a number of encyclicals from Rerum n ovarum , and passing through the Populorum p rogressio giunge alla Fides et ratio , per approdare, infine, alla Caritas in veritate . Encicliche che, per altro, conosco benissimo.

Peccato che non si sia avveduto che l’ultima enciclica sia solo uno scialbo compitino rispetto a quella paolina, non aggiungendovi nulla di nuovo. È la conseguenza servile del culto personalistico, che identifica nel totem di riferimento temporale la verità.

Di quest’ultima legge pure alcune frasi.

I listen carefully, because, beyond the issue, I want to understand the mechanisms of ideology, social and democratic move such initiatives: the question I know perfectly well, the reasoning religious mass behind it, a little 'less .

The well-known speaker is not the first game: elderly, clever, persuasive and affabulante uses terminology suitable for the general understanding.

begins in Genesis and the creation of the first man. Penetrates well in speech, in a hint of economics, mistaking it for its degeneration and manipulation.

While the public room flowing to my companion tells me several people, among other things that I do not know, from the political and local faculty. At most, I glimpsed some of the other occasions.

are interspersed with ordinary people, whose job is just to listen and comply, she did not have the scientific mastery of matter, or that computational reasoning. There are also several young men.

In my speech, without considering the merits of any controversy, I add an alternative additional to the dialectic process set by the rapporteur, especially with regard to social ethics in a world not only multicultural, but also multi-ethnic and multi-religious.

emphasize that Catholic (and also more generally the Christian) is now largely minority in society and the globe. Its task is not to fade away in defense of certain principles and values, but to witness and be light in the world in consistency of their claims.

The various national laws, in fact, regulate social behavior generally, but not require the believer to undergo these, except in the limit of their different choice of non-believers.

For those who believe there is a categorical imperative of the Commandments, a civil law does not remove at all, but makes up only socially, by regulating an issue.

Wanting to legalize forced postulates of religious value-not suited to modern society, especially in the Catholic community is in the minority.

We are no longer in the era of theocracy single judge.

While respecting dialectical I note that the phrases quoted by Caritas in Veritate (like all that text) are typical of relativistic phenomenology, in line with the personalism of Maritain and Mounier : philosophy of the last century that the story I already widely noted as outdated and unfit for modern society .

There can castle on the past that was, but in open testimony to the consistency of his life and think, bearing in mind that most people do not feel the same way.

So you have to, first, believe and live our principles and values \u200b\u200band, secondly, to negotiate in society so that social laws of some important regulatory issues save the right to individual freedom and general.

The phenomenology of relativistic Summit Church tends, in fact, to validate their doctrinal understanding the concept of theocracy monocratic top-down, creating an irreconcilable conflict between religion and society dialectic.

It is understood, in this way, bring democracy to religion, starting from the beginning (unprovable) that this (religion) and people being a priority.

because the Catholic community " wants to be" people, although only a small part of it. Translates all generalizations about its intention.

have reversed the concept of the Ecumenical Vatican , ghettoisation culturally in the certainty of being the only true custodians of knowledge.

Un'arrapata Catholic bourgeois salon, a former teacher, takes the ball , in the ensuing debate, on the inspiration of my speech.

Il suo è un discorso di relativismo culturale ed etico sconcertante sul piano dialettico e logico. Mi è utile per aggiornare dove va certa chiesa.

La sua lamentazione, assai restrittiva, punta sul suo essere stanca della società attuale e delle leggi sociali, che sono in vigore e che possono essere nel tempo ulteriormente emanate. Dice di subirle !

Si potrebbe definire un intervento di oscurantismo intellettuale, perché basato ad intendere il proprio pensiero come “sapiente” rispetto a quello del non credente.

Rivolgendosi a me, infine, mi chiede how to overcome the current ethical relativism .

There is no time, and therefore I limit myself to a simple but concise and precise response lapidary: with respect for democracy.

When you want to understand the majority to impose a tiny minority, as it is today one of the Catholic world, it operates in ethical relativism.

Democracy passes in the alternative to theocracy.

" You will be the light of the world " - Said, no, "You must impose light to the world."

And being light is obtained and the consistency of being in the witness Samaritan: in that give it for free (on-site and thought) without expecting anything, or by the individual or the community.

When a / or claims to be tired / or support democracy, so the intention of the majority to proceed according to the will of the majority, there is no castle in the totality of religion, but in ignorance social fundamentalism does its intellectual base of personalism fenomenologico: il “fenomeno” sé stessi si sostituisce agli altri sulla base inconscia dell’irripetibilità e unicità del proprio essere persona, qual sole cosmogonico della società.

Essere cattolico diventa, allora, solo un pleonastico fatto apparente, proprio dove l’apparire si sostituisce all’essere.

Si crede d’essere cattolici, mentre invece si è solo egocentrici individualisti.

Problemi come l’ aborto , il divorzio e l’ eutanasia si prestano a dubbie interpretazioni, tanto scientifiche quanto ideologiche, sulla base del punto di partenza.

Ed è strano che da una parte si voglia negare o limitarne l’uso (o abuso) al popolo, mentre dall’altra sia propria la stessa società, a matrice ideologica cristiana, che ne faccia ampio uso.

Ci si affronta aspramente a difendere un principio generale che, nella pratica, si sovverte individualmente nella quotidianità.

Proprio come quei tanti politici odierni che dopo avere “distrutto” la propria famiglia si ergono, pubblicamente a paladini, a difesa del concetto thereof.

Life is always life, but as I stressed in my speech, every religion sets up boundaries and different values.

It is no coincidence that the religious diversity of meaning starting from a different land values \u200b\u200boften differ.

A practical example is the difference between the Christian Anglo-Saxon, Protestant and Catholic, Latin, right on many of these issues, why, then, there can be divided between liberals (liberal) and conservative (radicalism).

Il relativismo etico non è un fatto ideologico e sociale di parte, bensì il risultato dell’ignoranza del concetto di democrazia.

La democrazia esiste pure nella Chiesa, anche se con tempi maggiori per la sua struttura umana, piramidale e teocratica. E ciò avviene proprio perché il personalismo fenomenologico si è fatto largo nella mente dei vertici ecclesiastici, ponendo il “capo” oltre il Concilio.

E non a caso, nell’intervento, citai Martini, che proprio un nuovo concilio chiese ripetutamente a gran voce.

Democracy does not mean abdicating its principles and values, it means adapting, having struggled in the correct places and manner, to wanting the majority. Which is not identifiable to the purely parliamentary, but this has the investiture of the vote.

After the law there is a referendum, if considered useful, even if history, our present also teaches us that this expression is universal suffrage People sometimes rejected.

Civil law regulates a social problem, but never imposes.

The practicing Catholic is not obliged, for example, forced to have abortions, as happens in some Southeast Asian countries after their first child. And in the same way is not even forced to engage in forced euthanasia in the presence of terminal or degenerative diseases.

In Western countries, the law on similar issues, is often a pure operational protocol for those who think differently, replacing the regulatory practice of anarchy.

considers and protects the freedom "religious" of each, because they also do not believe in the Christian God è un diritto ideologico, anche se eventualmente ateo.

Migliorare una legge non vuol dire uniformarsi ad essa o condividerne culturalmente il principio. Significa solo il rispettare le esigenze del diverso da noi.

La democrazia salvaguarda il diritto di tutti nell’essere alla fine popolo e nazione e non comunità o ghetto.

E se lo si dimentica allora si è proprio nel relativismo etico; in quello stesso relativismo di cui ci si sente vittima sacrificale e che si desidererebbe tanto superare.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Removing Ink From Plastic Wallet

fil de fer.

Sesac , oggi, venne a farmi visita e mi consegnò questo racconto sulla sua ultima passeggiata in altura, certo che lo avrei pubblicato.

Tratta della vita degli animali della foresta e dei loro discorsi sugli avvenimenti attuali.

Sam Cardell

Tratto da “i Dialoghi” di Sesac

The Fellowship of the fil de fer .


The list of pa, salami and ... cudeghì.

In the forest there was a bit 'movement and some common animals were in an uproar.

was approaching the time of the new Diet and therefore there can be divided into two groups: those who were not interested and who wanted to represent, much intrigue.

The first, overburdened with daily tasks did not think of it, but the second, so part of it was also an important way to make ends meet, were very strained.

I, SESAC, and those like me watched absently at all, because the issue involved there at all: we were far from such pedestrian pursuits.

The truth should not have been trails, but the various members had made to become such.

Era una splendida giornata di sole e molti di noi decisero di lasciare la foresta per effettuare una scampagnata in altura.

In alto vi era ancora molta neve, ma sapevamo che la cascina era accogliente.

Perciò in diversi ci ritrovammo alla fine lassù, quasi richiamati dall’istinto della foresta.

Vi era Gini , solerte e fedele custode dei pascoli, che là proprio abitava; poi vi era Piro , sapiente, delicato e profondo cultore del sapere, che ogni fine settimana di norma vi si recava.

There was Calo, ruddy rude craft, with all the family dynasty, which was free-range hunter ... pen and there was also Buro, another craftsman deaf as a bell and therefore almost always unrelated to the speech, almost ascetic in ' observe nature, as if catching colors of this iris incipit for the artistic work the next day.

Then there was almost full health, with lots of specialized personnel, with the Doctor head, now a bit '... all with the head in the clouds, having come across a chick that Indians exchange had a daughter can per abile e perfetta … moglie.

Non mancava neppure il corpo docente e la foresta tutta era ben rappresentata.

In alto trovai la compagnia del fil dè fèr , intenta a battere i boschi per snidare i cinghiali che rovinavano tutti i pascoli in alto e in basso.

Erano una trentina e muniti di archibugi, avvolti nelle loro tute mimetiche forse per farsi notare maggiormente tra il fogliame rossastro in putrefazione nel bosco.

Un incidente poteva sempre capitare ed era necessario premunirsi, anche because some of them could easily, without suit, to be mistaken for wild animals.

belonged to different worlds and uniting them only bloodthirsty desire to kill wild boar; nothing united them, or ideologically, or economically or culturally.

And, for that very reason, we were given this name.

I arrived after noon, relaxing after a satisfying walk between snow-covered pastures and forests bare, just here and there dotted with bright green spots for sparse coniferous trees.

I found also Leone in large and festive company, was accompanied by , skilled and experienced manager, a time of great industrial and civil works. He had with him a faithful Mada, so he gave some whim, not knowing that he could say "Shut up , was! ", raising a mo 'to stop the white palette, delicate hand.

The fire was crackling in the fireplace and a warm benevolent warmth allowed the traveler, almost enveloping aura and purified from the windy ridges running fast to play with graceful clouds.

The taste of beech on fire smelled the room, almost dry up the larynx and, therefore, enticing onlookers to sip red nectar.

Gini, as usual, was the quickest of all and every sip with accompanying trills worthy of a tenor from under ... scale, alternating with a deafening and pointless chatter, often incited by her was to produce sweet and passionate lament for a hypothetical hand.

was, able to meet productivity, calling him " janissary " to keep his farm and farms with a single attack, consolidated since decades.

The company had accommodated around the long table, illuminated by the wiry winter sun filtering through the railings flirty twist to the south.

nibbling roast prepared by a reddening of the decline, but other flavors cakes, nougat and almonds, covered with dark chocolate, which had prepared Leone.

all well watered by certain varieties of red nectar from the various Forest Land.


The discussion identified a graceful game drawing-room, seething about the new diet, helped by wise sips acts to dissolve the power of speech.

In the middle of the speech Piro stood up, took a few steps from his briefcase and took the leaflet, local paper devoted mainly to "Barney Ciosoto.

He placed on the table right in front of open Leone, showing an article about some candidates to the Diet.

Piro had a smile on his lips Mephistopheles, convinced that something would happen to the delight and interest of the onlookers.

He said: " Here is your friend. A chair will call you back idleness obtained in high office and will take office along with his wife, so you can be useful in the forest! .

Leone casually looked and laughed, not picking at all, then said: "I my real friends are all here and not miss any! .

Article occupied a whole page, enriched by pictures of various minions.

towers above all to bear, burly and hairy beast, wild in appearance and culture.

did not look like an intellectual, but a tiller of the prodigal ... callosum sense, even if the actual work did not befit their own. In life he had preferred, in fact, represent the interests of others are also doing their own ....

Leone recent images quickly, recognizing different animals.

He pointed with his finger as a friend a photo of Jack weird. He was a full-bodied animal devoted several decades to transhumance, production of which varied continuously because ... the grass is always as good. He was always cahoots with the crows, perhaps because the face of a non-tunicate not scarce.

Then put your finger on that pork, raw poultry and full-bodied animal with the head still in the trough as the Cinta Senese. He was so swollen that if something bad and he had even point would be created, as pointed Gini, such an explosion razed to the ground throughout the county. He too was a runaway continuous, dedicated to occupy seats in order not to work, and his motto was " PA and salam." In fact there was enough to open his mouth and came out insane, leaving room for food and beverages of any kind. It was a perfect companion to the tavern, full of ... segatura e mancante di … costrutto.

Spostò indi il dito su quella del serioso Gufo, barbagianni attempato che s’era annidato nella stanza di comando d’una tribale comunità valliva.

Poi passò alla Giraffa, giovane femminuccia intenta ad alzar troppo il collo per farsi notare, onde non rimaner politicamente … zitella.

In parte a lei vi era quella del Gattino, vispo animaletto ancora imberbe che intendeva mostrare le unghie da adulta tigre.

Ovviamente ve ne erano altri e Leone dedicò ad ognuno una pennellata color, although this would have been more appropriate for the profession to Buro.

Then, as each adds his own, he slowly sipped a drop of Grecale, while smelling the very first Vortex in the glass.

Calo spoke up and said it was a list of hungry.

was added, with his colorful language, which seemed to him so many draft dodgers.

While the Doctor, toltosi ecstasy at the moment on the river Parana, ruled that, with all due respect, seemed to him so many posted.

Piro, with lots of humor, invited those present to give respect to so and so many wonderful candidates who would be employed, without any doubt, all the benches of the Diet.


was tea time and the company left the cups for hot cups and biscuits.

The sun shone from the windows forward bias to the south and not illuminating the table, as if to announce on that cut.

Piro took the leaflet and devoted himself to reading aloud, explaining then boom ... the political program does not exist.

dell'ilarità Gini was now at the top and, while not understanding anything, we often put his own, shouting nell'eterolalia very compulsive, while Billy looked at him concerned, for ears pricked and paw ... bet.

Piro then passed to the economic problems set out, commenting and comparing them with the program delivered.

And finally he asked mischievously to Leone " Do not you think they are deserving of the victory? .

Leone finì lentamente di sorbirsi il tè al latte e poi cominciò:

Certamente! Se la vittoria è cieca.

Voi ora ditemi se una tale demenzialità val la pena di essere non solo commentata, ma pure presa in considerazione.

Certo è che oltre che nei circoli ‘zuccabanchi’ si farà propaganda nelle bettole, dove il Porco è forte a svuotar fiaschi e a divorar salami; ma in questo modo non si andrà lontani.

There is, undoubtedly, the infantry brancaleone, but there is no chivalry, not even light. And when you have to go a long way and the infantry are not the best, especially if weighed down by the pace in their baggage ... stout. If, then, the soldiers are mercenaries, mercenary-together well, then the result is obvious.

However, there is the strategist and so they live day to day, until the defeat inevitable comes. To speak of defeat would be too, because here it was like in sports: the important thing is to participate ... and do not win.

Bear is not a general, not a strategist, not even an official ... it is just a retired officer who was sent at random, almost burnt on the altar of populism to take it off ... by foot.

is not even a clever Sergeant able to select and train the troops: it is what it is ...!

see fresh forces in addition to the Giraffe and the kitten? And these are perhaps forces, or poultry intent to follow the caravan?

Maybe someone has swapped war with the circus, with the consent of the aspiration, perfect with our reason, the opportunity with the political strategy.

This is a list of your hunting wild boar, that of fil de fer , only held together by wire, to all raw and rusty wire, that at any moment is break.

Too bad for them that not everyone is ... bread and salami. .

Gini, perhaps dozing vapor, was strangely silent.

Calo, vedendo il bicchiere vuoto prese del Bonarda e gliene versò fino al colmo.

Gini ne bevve un po’, si scrollò il torpore di dosso, si alzò tra tutti e fece un brindisi accompagnandolo con queste parole a mo’ di dedica: “ Alla salute della lista del pà e salàm, perché noi non siamo cudeghì de paghèra!

Tacque, bevve e si sedette soddisfatto tra una risata generale.

Per il profano le parole, tradotte liberamente dal patois, corrispondono a questo meaning:

to the list of bread and salami, because we are not fools as to be mistaken for the cones of firs .