The Greece had a major problem of monetary stability and unity within the EU, but this problem also involve other countries. These problems must be resolved as quickly as possible.
Greece before the same problems were highlighted by many financial and industrial companies, on this side and across the ocean. To which the various governments have the emergency room.
This means that the problem is not a single state or a single company, but structural.
This problem is called with one name: Debt !
The etiology may be helpful to understand how the issue is first formed and then gangrenous, it is a bit 'less in the same resolution for a simple reason: to eliminate (reduce drastically) the debt means austerity, tax, likely stagnation and dissatisfaction social. In short, I make all of society a major setback in individual well-being and income.
The Left, Italian and now has no idea alternative to capitalism, especially in this capital. It is a profound ideological crisis and prey to demagoguery dialectic.
why not find anything better than to ride with slogan il malcontento della piazza, specie di quella che si è sempre basata sulle promesse politiche dell’assistenzialismo dovuto e del diritto impropriamente acquisito.
E per non affrontare il problema, non avendone né la capacità, né le idee, si “creano” artificiosamente altre problematiche minori, spacciandole per basilari e ammantandole quali difese della libertà.
Se ipotizziamo un Pil a 100 e una perdita avuta di circa il 6%, scendiamo a 94. Se, ipoteticamente, nei prossimi anni procedessimo con un incremento dell’1% (molto improbabile), per tornare a 100 impiegheremmo oltre 6 anni. Se poi si calcolasse la possibile inflazione dovuta al surriscaldamento delle materie prime, o di rifugio, ulteriori anni in più.
Le grandi recessioni hanno sempre portato con sé disoccupazione e inflazione. Ne consegue che il tenore di vita di tutti noi non potrà far altro che scendere.
Si è proceduto a sostenere i consumi per rilanciare l’economia con degli incentivi, specie per la pressione delle multinazionali manifatturiere. Il problema non è stato risolto: si è bruciato risparmio, si è creato indebitamento e si è spostato il problema solo più avanti.
Now the IGC, in the field, rife and it is unthinkable to proceed indefinitely with incentives and with the same, because there is little point. In fact, the various governments are seeking other viable ways of not having these labile correctly solved the problem.
Many companies are entering, or have already placed on the market large quantities of bonds, its debt is still expanding, but if this immense mass of savings will be used to restructure and strengthen the capital , dilate the problem further before long.
The same han fatto i governi e le banche centrali, Bce e Fed in testa, nel tentativo di fermare la caduta.
La stessa Cina, pur con il suo Pil a due cifre, si sta scontrando con gli stessi problemi per due motivi.
Il primo è che molti capitali, che hanno favorito il suo rally industriale espansivo, provengono dal mondo occidentale, attratti a suo tempo dai costi produttivi bassi e dal ferreo controllo, sulle maestranze (prive dei basilari diritti umani), imposto da una società a radice massimalista, anche se ormai impostata verso un liberismo commerciale. Tali capitali non è certo che rimangano a lungo sul territorio, volatili come sono alla ricerca del profitto best at the lowest cost.
The second is that the wealth produced and set aside as savings, was attracted by the possibility of higher incomes, so he emigrated to countries, States in the lead, where speculation could produce them and the rates on capital income involved were better.
All this makes clear that what is real today, tomorrow will be hypothetical. It is said that the savings invested elsewhere must necessarily fall.
The POBC [1] , in fact, has already raised the reserve requirement of 50 points and now is preparing to raise the rates to rein in investment easy, even frightened by global raw material costs and the commercial crisis that has dramatically reduced the outlet to Western markets.
The various companies, taking advantage of the expansive wave and the resulting profit budget, we are indebted and expanded over the money and the crisis in western markets now reduces drastically the profits and orders, expanding therefore the costs .
Il problema Grecia si basa essenzialmente su due fattori di debito: il Debito pubblico e il Disavanzo commerciale .
È inevitabile che il secondo dilati anche il primo.
La Grecia, in media, ha mensilmente uno sbilancio commerciale pari a circa 3 mld di €; perciò oltre 30 mld abbondanti annui. Tutto ciò a fronte di un Pil che si assesta sui 250 mld di €.
Ciò significa un debito aggiuntivo del 14% circa annuo che, inevitabilmente, impacts on the public debt.
is why in order to block the emergency must be rescued promptly with at least of € 25 billion cash do not default.
that this is done directly by the ECB or the EU, in how to define, does not really matter.
These naked and worrisome data has a significant social meaning: you spend a lot more than we can produce, both in private and in public.
Or otherwise: it is invested badly and are depleted resources.
The real problem is not to finance the debt greek, but to reduce drastically reducing their consumption.
The government has tried so far are mild and the motions of the square now appeared in their virulence, favored by the opposition promptly riding them as always. You can imagine what would happen if you try to solve the problem dramatically.
Yet sooner or later you will get if you do not want to drown: both in Greece and elsewhere.
Greece, unfortunately, is not the only suspect, and in fact is one of the countries PIIGS . [2]
Portugal and Spain are not much better and even Italy, with its huge public debt which is approaching the 2,000 bn € (almost twice the annual GDP), can lulled into a peaceful sleep.
Reduce the imports are subject to change, so the export, it means reduce the standard of living. And reduce the standard of living means going back in time, maybe even decades.
This, of course, is not pleasing to the masses and especially to the younger generation who do not know they were.
society based on hedonism consumerism has led us to the inevitable negative goal.
retrace our steps, leaving the wrong way of waste and opulence apparent, not only brings with it the necistà to reduce their standard of living achieved, but also in the giving part social security to those that nearly all are designed as essential principles: security of employment, health care and social value, pensions, comforts of life, freedom of movement, leisure, leisure ...
We are in staff time, so the relativistic individualism that sees every individual as a priority to the other: individualistic self-centeredness.
It follows that each of us wants the other makes Member responsibilities and social costs of the inevitable downsizing.
We shall meet in the lobby of Community policy, nelle piazze e pure … nella Chiesa: si è perso il concetto democratico di Popolo e Nazione. E, prima ancora, quello di Famiglia.
Si è persa, sulla scia del comodo edonismo, pure religioso, la cultura dell’essere cittadino e samaritano nello stesso tempo, base imprescindibile per essere Popolo e Chiesa simultaneamente.
Gli esperti di Europa e America stanno cercando di trovare una via comune per ridurre, se non annullare, tutti i titoli tossici che hanno creato la bolla speculativa e la recessione stessa.
Si parte da concetti culturali e economici diversi e l’accordo non è facile da trovare su ciò che bisognerà eliminare e ciò che si potrà ulteriormente incrementare e valorizzare. Forse ci vorrà del tempo, anche se, non avendone molto, ciò può essere deleterio.
Hedge funds , specie gli off shore , e buona parte dei Derivati sono incriminati, soprattutto i CDS; ma si cerca anche di regolamentare in modo diverso e vincolante l’MTA, con i CFD, i Futures , il Forex e altri strumenti rischiosi finanziari.
Ciò, ovviamente, non è molto gradito specie a tutte quelle società internazionali e finanziarie che di questi hanno fatto un vero cult, basandoli spesso su delle leve esorbitanti in grado di raggiungere anche il 5000:1 e talora, specie per gli off shore dove non ci sono regole precise, anche con rapporti di molto superiori.
La Leva è uno dei problemi principali di questo nostro secolo, usufruendone privati, società e stati.
La moneta virtuale ha sostituito quella materiale; e in questo modo il credito è diventato un semplice fatto contabile da registrare nelle attività e nelle passività. It has lost the concept of debt the material itself, not projecting in this, but in the future on the basis, often in very-relativistic predictions.
And the Church does well to draw the ethical concept of debt to reality, not fidandolo too much on simplistic projections and forecasts.
Some large financial companies listed have a market capitalization well below the debt itself, and this often reached a ratio of hundreds of times.
Sifting through some balance, I came across a large corporation italiana, leader nel campo assicurativo e finanziario, che ha raggiunto l’invidiabile rapporto di 250:1.
Se si considera poi che il capitale effettivo reale sia spesso di almeno un decimo della capitalizzazione azionaria, allora il conto è subito fatto.
La crisi in essere ridurrà inevitabilmente gli utili e perciò le stesse aziende dovranno ridimensionare i loro assets , o immettere capitale fresco per compensare lo sbilancio monetario, tenendo ben presente che le sofferenze sono destinate a crescere ulteriormente per la crisi recessiva.
Finora si è optato al freeze them, but this does not resolve the fundamental structural problem: either recover or lose.
In the MTA's oversight and control agencies have banned the Short Selling and ordered the immediate liquidation of cash .
However, this practice among large investors, continues to be practiced and the rule duped with the gimmick of the loan book titles or complacent with additional exposures Intraday and Overnight , which often work themselves.
this trick to create turbulence markets, destabilizing them with huge money supply and debase the virtual real investment.
are destabilizing and causing substantial fluctuations in their insecurity often prominent, rising or falling, beyond each parameter based on fundamentals.
Movable no longer has a true value determined, but this is determined solely by the amount of demand or supply, usually speculative.
In recent decades many companies have established the habit of making the sale and purchase of own shares, a process that is a true insider trading, especially if the titles are used at high mass.
Some firms hold in the portfolio of several million shares (the children; million miles of the most important) and with these, working in the MTA, are the good and the bad weather at the expense of real savings: inflate and deflate the title to their liking, making money on the skin of the same real shareholders.
Such a large mass of shares is also used to control corporate management to narrow the usual suspects, as it happens beneficiaries, often, the disgraced superbonus.
In recent days have disclosed the fees of two super manager of the same company, doing the accounts payables, their fee was far higher than that of all the workers of the plant would close.
Addressing these problems is not easy, but experts have long had already clearly indicated the corrective measures.
The biggest obstacle lies in the connection between business and politics, so in those fronts lobbying able to make choices and, with the possession of the media, influence the vote of the masses.
And that on both fronts in both the majority and opposition.
the beginning of the current financial crisis, I spoke at length about the issue privately with a well-known Mr.
He, to my invitation to make public the serious situation that involved the whole of society, not only in the present, but also in the future, so I said, I quote: " Who takes responsibility for this serious? I certainly do not, because all my colleagues elegantly glissando the problem. .
And if the politician does not want to explain to the people of the serious problems that the protagonist and victim, then who has the voice to do it?
I admire, therefore, Tremonti as man who left his business (and money) to devote himself full time to the nation.
And, not least, is one of the few that not only resist the conspiracy of squandered public continues to put everyone on guard, even though almost unheard, on the serious crisis that surrounds us, both in Italy and in international fora.
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