Sesac , oggi, venne a farmi visita e mi consegnò questo racconto sulla sua ultima passeggiata in altura, certo che lo avrei pubblicato.
Tratta della vita degli animali della foresta e dei loro discorsi sugli avvenimenti attuali.
Sam Cardell
Tratto da “i Dialoghi” di Sesac
The Fellowship of the fil de fer .
The list of pa, salami and ... cudeghì.
In the forest there was a bit 'movement and some common animals were in an uproar.
was approaching the time of the new Diet and therefore there can be divided into two groups: those who were not interested and who wanted to represent, much intrigue.
The first, overburdened with daily tasks did not think of it, but the second, so part of it was also an important way to make ends meet, were very strained.
I, SESAC, and those like me watched absently at all, because the issue involved there at all: we were far from such pedestrian pursuits.
The truth should not have been trails, but the various members had made to become such.
Era una splendida giornata di sole e molti di noi decisero di lasciare la foresta per effettuare una scampagnata in altura.
In alto vi era ancora molta neve, ma sapevamo che la cascina era accogliente.
Perciò in diversi ci ritrovammo alla fine lassù, quasi richiamati dall’istinto della foresta.
Vi era Gini , solerte e fedele custode dei pascoli, che là proprio abitava; poi vi era Piro , sapiente, delicato e profondo cultore del sapere, che ogni fine settimana di norma vi si recava.
There was Calo, ruddy rude craft, with all the family dynasty, which was free-range hunter ... pen and there was also Buro, another craftsman deaf as a bell and therefore almost always unrelated to the speech, almost ascetic in ' observe nature, as if catching colors of this iris incipit for the artistic work the next day.
Then there was almost full health, with lots of specialized personnel, with the Doctor head, now a bit '... all with the head in the clouds, having come across a chick that Indians exchange had a daughter can per abile e perfetta … moglie.
Non mancava neppure il corpo docente e la foresta tutta era ben rappresentata.
In alto trovai la compagnia del fil dè fèr , intenta a battere i boschi per snidare i cinghiali che rovinavano tutti i pascoli in alto e in basso.
Erano una trentina e muniti di archibugi, avvolti nelle loro tute mimetiche forse per farsi notare maggiormente tra il fogliame rossastro in putrefazione nel bosco.
Un incidente poteva sempre capitare ed era necessario premunirsi, anche because some of them could easily, without suit, to be mistaken for wild animals.
belonged to different worlds and uniting them only bloodthirsty desire to kill wild boar; nothing united them, or ideologically, or economically or culturally.
And, for that very reason, we were given this name.
I arrived after noon, relaxing after a satisfying walk between snow-covered pastures and forests bare, just here and there dotted with bright green spots for sparse coniferous trees.
I found also Leone in large and festive company, was accompanied by , skilled and experienced manager, a time of great industrial and civil works. He had with him a faithful Mada, so he gave some whim, not knowing that he could say "Shut up , was! ", raising a mo 'to stop the white palette, delicate hand.
The fire was crackling in the fireplace and a warm benevolent warmth allowed the traveler, almost enveloping aura and purified from the windy ridges running fast to play with graceful clouds.
The taste of beech on fire smelled the room, almost dry up the larynx and, therefore, enticing onlookers to sip red nectar.
Gini, as usual, was the quickest of all and every sip with accompanying trills worthy of a tenor from under ... scale, alternating with a deafening and pointless chatter, often incited by her was to produce sweet and passionate lament for a hypothetical hand.
was, able to meet productivity, calling him " janissary " to keep his farm and farms with a single attack, consolidated since decades.
The company had accommodated around the long table, illuminated by the wiry winter sun filtering through the railings flirty twist to the south.
nibbling roast prepared by a reddening of the decline, but other flavors cakes, nougat and almonds, covered with dark chocolate, which had prepared Leone.
all well watered by certain varieties of red nectar from the various Forest Land.
The discussion identified a graceful game drawing-room, seething about the new diet, helped by wise sips acts to dissolve the power of speech.
In the middle of the speech Piro stood up, took a few steps from his briefcase and took the leaflet, local paper devoted mainly to "Barney Ciosoto.
He placed on the table right in front of open Leone, showing an article about some candidates to the Diet.
Piro had a smile on his lips Mephistopheles, convinced that something would happen to the delight and interest of the onlookers.
He said: " Here is your friend. A chair will call you back idleness obtained in high office and will take office along with his wife, so you can be useful in the forest! .
Leone casually looked and laughed, not picking at all, then said: "I my real friends are all here and not miss any! .
Article occupied a whole page, enriched by pictures of various minions.
towers above all to bear, burly and hairy beast, wild in appearance and culture.
did not look like an intellectual, but a tiller of the prodigal ... callosum sense, even if the actual work did not befit their own. In life he had preferred, in fact, represent the interests of others are also doing their own ....
Leone recent images quickly, recognizing different animals.
He pointed with his finger as a friend a photo of Jack weird. He was a full-bodied animal devoted several decades to transhumance, production of which varied continuously because ... the grass is always as good. He was always cahoots with the crows, perhaps because the face of a non-tunicate not scarce.
Then put your finger on that pork, raw poultry and full-bodied animal with the head still in the trough as the Cinta Senese. He was so swollen that if something bad and he had even point would be created, as pointed Gini, such an explosion razed to the ground throughout the county. He too was a runaway continuous, dedicated to occupy seats in order not to work, and his motto was " PA and salam." In fact there was enough to open his mouth and came out insane, leaving room for food and beverages of any kind. It was a perfect companion to the tavern, full of ... segatura e mancante di … costrutto.
Spostò indi il dito su quella del serioso Gufo, barbagianni attempato che s’era annidato nella stanza di comando d’una tribale comunità valliva.
Poi passò alla Giraffa, giovane femminuccia intenta ad alzar troppo il collo per farsi notare, onde non rimaner politicamente … zitella.
In parte a lei vi era quella del Gattino, vispo animaletto ancora imberbe che intendeva mostrare le unghie da adulta tigre.
Ovviamente ve ne erano altri e Leone dedicò ad ognuno una pennellata color, although this would have been more appropriate for the profession to Buro.
Then, as each adds his own, he slowly sipped a drop of Grecale, while smelling the very first Vortex in the glass.
Calo spoke up and said it was a list of hungry.
was added, with his colorful language, which seemed to him so many draft dodgers.
While the Doctor, toltosi ecstasy at the moment on the river Parana, ruled that, with all due respect, seemed to him so many posted.
Piro, with lots of humor, invited those present to give respect to so and so many wonderful candidates who would be employed, without any doubt, all the benches of the Diet.
was tea time and the company left the cups for hot cups and biscuits.
The sun shone from the windows forward bias to the south and not illuminating the table, as if to announce on that cut.
Piro took the leaflet and devoted himself to reading aloud, explaining then boom ... the political program does not exist.
dell'ilarità Gini was now at the top and, while not understanding anything, we often put his own, shouting nell'eterolalia very compulsive, while Billy looked at him concerned, for ears pricked and paw ... bet.
Piro then passed to the economic problems set out, commenting and comparing them with the program delivered.
And finally he asked mischievously to Leone " Do not you think they are deserving of the victory? .
Leone finì lentamente di sorbirsi il tè al latte e poi cominciò:
“ Certamente! Se la vittoria è cieca.
Voi ora ditemi se una tale demenzialità val la pena di essere non solo commentata, ma pure presa in considerazione.
Certo è che oltre che nei circoli ‘zuccabanchi’ si farà propaganda nelle bettole, dove il Porco è forte a svuotar fiaschi e a divorar salami; ma in questo modo non si andrà lontani.
There is, undoubtedly, the infantry brancaleone, but there is no chivalry, not even light. And when you have to go a long way and the infantry are not the best, especially if weighed down by the pace in their baggage ... stout. If, then, the soldiers are mercenaries, mercenary-together well, then the result is obvious.
However, there is the strategist and so they live day to day, until the defeat inevitable comes. To speak of defeat would be too, because here it was like in sports: the important thing is to participate ... and do not win.
Bear is not a general, not a strategist, not even an official ... it is just a retired officer who was sent at random, almost burnt on the altar of populism to take it off ... by foot.
is not even a clever Sergeant able to select and train the troops: it is what it is ...!
see fresh forces in addition to the Giraffe and the kitten? And these are perhaps forces, or poultry intent to follow the caravan?
Maybe someone has swapped war with the circus, with the consent of the aspiration, perfect with our reason, the opportunity with the political strategy.
This is a list of your hunting wild boar, that of fil de fer , only held together by wire, to all raw and rusty wire, that at any moment is break.
Too bad for them that not everyone is ... bread and salami. .
Gini, perhaps dozing vapor, was strangely silent.
Calo, vedendo il bicchiere vuoto prese del Bonarda e gliene versò fino al colmo.
Gini ne bevve un po’, si scrollò il torpore di dosso, si alzò tra tutti e fece un brindisi accompagnandolo con queste parole a mo’ di dedica: “ Alla salute della lista del pà e salàm, perché noi non siamo cudeghì de paghèra! ”
Tacque, bevve e si sedette soddisfatto tra una risata generale.
Per il profano le parole, tradotte liberamente dal patois, corrispondono a questo meaning:
to the list of bread and salami, because we are not fools as to be mistaken for the cones of firs .
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