Saturday, March 6, 2010

Paintball Chicago Suburbs

Ethical relativism. The company's

I'm at a matrix Catholic conference on the "defense of life .

The rapporteur, scientifically prepared, beginning with a long philosophical reasoning that takes up half the report, but the philosophy is not his forte. In fact, winning some valuable logical syllogisms at odds with the logic of the syllogism.

The large audience in the auditorium, however, is not too pretentious culturally, so it may well be right ....

As a good Catholic cites a number of encyclicals from Rerum n ovarum , and passing through the Populorum p rogressio giunge alla Fides et ratio , per approdare, infine, alla Caritas in veritate . Encicliche che, per altro, conosco benissimo.

Peccato che non si sia avveduto che l’ultima enciclica sia solo uno scialbo compitino rispetto a quella paolina, non aggiungendovi nulla di nuovo. È la conseguenza servile del culto personalistico, che identifica nel totem di riferimento temporale la verità.

Di quest’ultima legge pure alcune frasi.

I listen carefully, because, beyond the issue, I want to understand the mechanisms of ideology, social and democratic move such initiatives: the question I know perfectly well, the reasoning religious mass behind it, a little 'less .

The well-known speaker is not the first game: elderly, clever, persuasive and affabulante uses terminology suitable for the general understanding.

begins in Genesis and the creation of the first man. Penetrates well in speech, in a hint of economics, mistaking it for its degeneration and manipulation.

While the public room flowing to my companion tells me several people, among other things that I do not know, from the political and local faculty. At most, I glimpsed some of the other occasions.

are interspersed with ordinary people, whose job is just to listen and comply, she did not have the scientific mastery of matter, or that computational reasoning. There are also several young men.

In my speech, without considering the merits of any controversy, I add an alternative additional to the dialectic process set by the rapporteur, especially with regard to social ethics in a world not only multicultural, but also multi-ethnic and multi-religious.

emphasize that Catholic (and also more generally the Christian) is now largely minority in society and the globe. Its task is not to fade away in defense of certain principles and values, but to witness and be light in the world in consistency of their claims.

The various national laws, in fact, regulate social behavior generally, but not require the believer to undergo these, except in the limit of their different choice of non-believers.

For those who believe there is a categorical imperative of the Commandments, a civil law does not remove at all, but makes up only socially, by regulating an issue.

Wanting to legalize forced postulates of religious value-not suited to modern society, especially in the Catholic community is in the minority.

We are no longer in the era of theocracy single judge.

While respecting dialectical I note that the phrases quoted by Caritas in Veritate (like all that text) are typical of relativistic phenomenology, in line with the personalism of Maritain and Mounier : philosophy of the last century that the story I already widely noted as outdated and unfit for modern society .

There can castle on the past that was, but in open testimony to the consistency of his life and think, bearing in mind that most people do not feel the same way.

So you have to, first, believe and live our principles and values \u200b\u200band, secondly, to negotiate in society so that social laws of some important regulatory issues save the right to individual freedom and general.

The phenomenology of relativistic Summit Church tends, in fact, to validate their doctrinal understanding the concept of theocracy monocratic top-down, creating an irreconcilable conflict between religion and society dialectic.

It is understood, in this way, bring democracy to religion, starting from the beginning (unprovable) that this (religion) and people being a priority.

because the Catholic community " wants to be" people, although only a small part of it. Translates all generalizations about its intention.

have reversed the concept of the Ecumenical Vatican , ghettoisation culturally in the certainty of being the only true custodians of knowledge.

Un'arrapata Catholic bourgeois salon, a former teacher, takes the ball , in the ensuing debate, on the inspiration of my speech.

Il suo è un discorso di relativismo culturale ed etico sconcertante sul piano dialettico e logico. Mi è utile per aggiornare dove va certa chiesa.

La sua lamentazione, assai restrittiva, punta sul suo essere stanca della società attuale e delle leggi sociali, che sono in vigore e che possono essere nel tempo ulteriormente emanate. Dice di subirle !

Si potrebbe definire un intervento di oscurantismo intellettuale, perché basato ad intendere il proprio pensiero come “sapiente” rispetto a quello del non credente.

Rivolgendosi a me, infine, mi chiede how to overcome the current ethical relativism .

There is no time, and therefore I limit myself to a simple but concise and precise response lapidary: with respect for democracy.

When you want to understand the majority to impose a tiny minority, as it is today one of the Catholic world, it operates in ethical relativism.

Democracy passes in the alternative to theocracy.

" You will be the light of the world " - Said, no, "You must impose light to the world."

And being light is obtained and the consistency of being in the witness Samaritan: in that give it for free (on-site and thought) without expecting anything, or by the individual or the community.

When a / or claims to be tired / or support democracy, so the intention of the majority to proceed according to the will of the majority, there is no castle in the totality of religion, but in ignorance social fundamentalism does its intellectual base of personalism fenomenologico: il “fenomeno” sé stessi si sostituisce agli altri sulla base inconscia dell’irripetibilità e unicità del proprio essere persona, qual sole cosmogonico della società.

Essere cattolico diventa, allora, solo un pleonastico fatto apparente, proprio dove l’apparire si sostituisce all’essere.

Si crede d’essere cattolici, mentre invece si è solo egocentrici individualisti.

Problemi come l’ aborto , il divorzio e l’ eutanasia si prestano a dubbie interpretazioni, tanto scientifiche quanto ideologiche, sulla base del punto di partenza.

Ed è strano che da una parte si voglia negare o limitarne l’uso (o abuso) al popolo, mentre dall’altra sia propria la stessa società, a matrice ideologica cristiana, che ne faccia ampio uso.

Ci si affronta aspramente a difendere un principio generale che, nella pratica, si sovverte individualmente nella quotidianità.

Proprio come quei tanti politici odierni che dopo avere “distrutto” la propria famiglia si ergono, pubblicamente a paladini, a difesa del concetto thereof.

Life is always life, but as I stressed in my speech, every religion sets up boundaries and different values.

It is no coincidence that the religious diversity of meaning starting from a different land values \u200b\u200boften differ.

A practical example is the difference between the Christian Anglo-Saxon, Protestant and Catholic, Latin, right on many of these issues, why, then, there can be divided between liberals (liberal) and conservative (radicalism).

Il relativismo etico non è un fatto ideologico e sociale di parte, bensì il risultato dell’ignoranza del concetto di democrazia.

La democrazia esiste pure nella Chiesa, anche se con tempi maggiori per la sua struttura umana, piramidale e teocratica. E ciò avviene proprio perché il personalismo fenomenologico si è fatto largo nella mente dei vertici ecclesiastici, ponendo il “capo” oltre il Concilio.

E non a caso, nell’intervento, citai Martini, che proprio un nuovo concilio chiese ripetutamente a gran voce.

Democracy does not mean abdicating its principles and values, it means adapting, having struggled in the correct places and manner, to wanting the majority. Which is not identifiable to the purely parliamentary, but this has the investiture of the vote.

After the law there is a referendum, if considered useful, even if history, our present also teaches us that this expression is universal suffrage People sometimes rejected.

Civil law regulates a social problem, but never imposes.

The practicing Catholic is not obliged, for example, forced to have abortions, as happens in some Southeast Asian countries after their first child. And in the same way is not even forced to engage in forced euthanasia in the presence of terminal or degenerative diseases.

In Western countries, the law on similar issues, is often a pure operational protocol for those who think differently, replacing the regulatory practice of anarchy.

considers and protects the freedom "religious" of each, because they also do not believe in the Christian God è un diritto ideologico, anche se eventualmente ateo.

Migliorare una legge non vuol dire uniformarsi ad essa o condividerne culturalmente il principio. Significa solo il rispettare le esigenze del diverso da noi.

La democrazia salvaguarda il diritto di tutti nell’essere alla fine popolo e nazione e non comunità o ghetto.

E se lo si dimentica allora si è proprio nel relativismo etico; in quello stesso relativismo di cui ci si sente vittima sacrificale e che si desidererebbe tanto superare.


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