Friday, January 21, 2011

Can You Get Herpes From A Razor Blade

White Sea.

Monviso Alps.

Po Valley.

Punta Sea Bianca

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From My Video Production by Igor:

Sea Punta Bianca.




Pian Melzi (1714).

Drop: 1007 m

Rise Time: 3 hours





December / March.

Exposure: South

Recommended Maps:

IGC No. 106 Monviso Sampeyre, Bobbio Pellice scale 1:25000.


orographic position.

The tip of the White Sea, the watershed between the Pellice Valley and the Po Valley is located in the promontory of Monte Viso. It 's a massive but little prominent mountain its summit stands between the Hill and the Hill of Gianna's White Sea, characterized by large outcroppings of white rock on all sides. In addition to offering an eye toward the "King of Stone" and its neighboring mountain range, promotes a glimpse into the adjacent plains of Cuneo.


Access automotive. From Pinerolo

hold signs for Cavour / Barge then followed Paesana / Crissolo. A

Crissolo up the road at the bottom of the country that bends back to the Queen or Pian Pian Melzi. At this point we need to park your car in the parking lots adjacent to the inn.


After parking the car in the big square of Pian Melzi, climb on foot over the bar the paved road that rises to Pian del Re, obviously the road this season will be closed, because it is completely covered with snow.

After the third curve, sighting along the straight channel of the river Cumbal, which we traced in case of heavy snow, the better deal on the right.

Risalito il canale arriviamo alla Sellaccia, ha questo punto la valle si apre a spazi più aperti, lo scialpinismo risale i versanti di Cassera Sbiasere su moderati versanti fino alla cresta della Punta Raboui.

Ancora un passaggio su un ampia spalla prima di affrontare il pendio finale che risale piuttosto ripido, fino alla vetta.


Punta Sea Bianca

Il Re di Pietra.

Punta Sea Bianca

Ultimo tratto del canale del Rio Cumbal.

Punta Sea Bianca

Pian Melzè.

Punta Sea Bianca

I versanti più pacati Sbiasere quarterdeck.

Punta Sea Bianca

View offer from the top of the toe of the White Sea.


Weather Forecasting.


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