All night I slept with you
near the sea, on the island. You were wild and sweet
between pleasure and sleep,
between fire and water.
Perhaps very late our dreams
in the high or deep,
high as the branches move in the same wind,
down like red roots that touch. Maybe your dream
separated from my
and the dark sea
I was looking for,
as before, when
did not exist, when
sailed without seeing your side and
your eyes sought what now
- bread, wine, love and anger -
give you a hands full, because you're
the cup that was waiting for the gifts of my life.
I stayed with you throughout
la notte, mentre
l'oscura terra gira
con vivi e con morti,
e svegliandomi d'improvviso
in mezzo all'ombra
il mio braccio circondava la tua cintura.
Ne la notte ne il sonno
poterono separarci.
Ho dormito con te
e svegliandomi la tua bocca
uscita dal sonno
mi diede il sapore di terra,
d'acqua marina, di alghe,
del fondo della vita,
e ricevetti il tuo bacio
bagnato dall'aurora,
come se mi giungesse dal mare
Photo Source: http://sweetvi.splinder.com/archive/2006-05
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