Saturday, April 24, 2010

How To Dry Servis Washer Dryer

6 beautiful long minutes!

.. I had already thought of putting the blog to anyone who wants to write about the emotions that Taekwondo offers its fans, whether they are curious novices and experienced practitioners to agonists with hundreds of combat assets. The beautiful and lovely girlfriend Alessia "Raio" Mool1 is the first I sent a story and writes of his first fight. The public with great pleasure, Alessia does understand very well how it feels before and after the first meeting, a nice rush of emotions! Happy reading!
ed for Alessia: shell, shell is called ....

" 6 long minutes WONDERFUL!"

Here's how to describe my first fight, first in a series ... I hope! The excitement of my first fight (not to be confused with fear!) Joined the happiness and the realization that my neck was fine, so glad I did not look like more like a year ago to the Hunchback of Notre Dame(chi mi conosce ricorderà bene come stavo l'anno scorso di questi tempi!), mi preparavo psicologicamente all'incontro/scontro che avrei affrontato con fierezza il
giorno seguente!

Dopo una settimana di dieta e privazioni sabato nel primo pomeriggio il mio telefono squilla... il nome del maestro Dommi appare sul display, rispondo ansiosa, in attesa di una bella notizia, ma la voce non è proprio quella del maestro, ma bensì quella della dolce Patrizia, che mi dice, con voce
alquanto imbarazzata, e cercando di addolcire la pillola il più possibile, che non c'è nessuno della mia categoria di peso -46... pari a quello dei bambini, e che l'alternativa if you want to fight is to be included in the category -57, 0 kg more!! ODDIOOOOOOOO !!!!! Now is the anxiety that comes! Arrival at night thinking and thinking to the weight, class, at dinner ... and then played down all I relax, I enjoy dinner in the company of Farouk, Irene, Tony, Patrick and the Master Domme, and I grant its approval under a drop of wine!
On Sunday morning I get ready to face head-on an important day ...
car Firenze-Arezzo silence reigns, Faruk try to joke a bit '... but I'm too focused on anything that techniques used to defeat an' adversary possibly more alta di me.
Non appena arrivo nel palazzetto di Alberoro (AR), ameno paesino desertico posto nel nulla delle campagne aretine, cerco subito di intuire chi sarebbe stata la mia presunta avversaria... ci metto poco ad individuarla grazie all'aiuto della cara Patri allora mi avvicino a lei, “Beh tutto sommato da
vicino non fa così paura è solo un po più alta... forse io sono più agile e veloce!!!”... penso fra me. Così accetto la sfida!
E vado a riscaldarmi con i miei compagni di avventura, e col maestro Antonino!
Ma quando ormai più calma e rilassata aspetto il mio incontro... arriva un maestro... che mi dice " Non c'è nessuno della tua categoria... ti va bene se combatti con la mia student, who weighs little more than you and has the green belt? "
I take a few minutes ... panic (this is a green Azz ... practice the art of taekwondo for more time than me .. . make me black! And the belt ...) I go to the master Domme, reassuring, he says: "Go!" and then accept a real fighter!

there now 2 meetings and then I'll be there I on the square one ... So I start out where Faruk (my better half and a black belt dan tkd!) makes me warm in the outbreak of the sun (they are about 13:45), more or less patiently listening to my complaints! Here we have up to me!
I put caps ... Ugh ... but how many are and then this "para-pussy" (I have not yet figured out what the technical term) gives me a bore ...
Within the square ... I'm excited! My coach, Anthony at that time, he tells me not to worry, that the things I can do, to go in and put them into practice.

... Greetings ... headband ... The hand ... Scream (hahaaaaaaa) ... Go!
(From now on, try to read as if they were reading James Joyce's Ulysses, where the protagonist thinks as if she had her head scoverchiata ... the technique of stream of consciousness (the technique used in fiction, is the free representation thoughts of a person so as they appear in the mind before being reorganized
logically in sentences).

's all you have to think much faster workout kick parry move quickly remember the armor ... my armor is sacred to defend attack .... GONG finished the first round I'm losing 3-4 ... Anthony tells me that it's okay but I have to defend anticipate, ask me if I'm scared and I said "NO, NOT SCARED!" She explains that to win we gotta put your heart and that everything comes from the heart ... and so after I get some tips on techniques more combative than before ... ready to win.
and start to fight, fair, focused, fearless ... that's how I feel and scream e calcio e urlo e do pugni e vinco e perdo e vinco e mi diverto vedo le mie gambe che calciano e ottengo i risultati che volevo e calcio vinco perdo vinco, sono in vantaggio... GONG finito il secondo round 7-6. Mi siedo il coach Antonino mi mette le gambe in relax e intanto continua a darmi utili consigli e a caricarmi, mi incoraggia... Come un vero coach...bevo...sono pronta...Terzo round. Calci pugni...senza pietà... la butto in terra... poi calci, calci... finte... sono stanca... ma continuo....continuo....casco in terra, mi rialzo e calci calci... Mancano 5 secondi punteggio 12-12 Gong... io sento un gong…rallento lei calcia.... GONG quello vero!!!! AZZZZZZZZZ
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ho sentito il gong sbagliato!
Saluto.... lei mi abbraccia e mi makes the compliments, even his coach makes me compliments, says they are very good ... I am very satisfied and proud of myself ... I was going to win with a higher belt ... I left the square to head up

Contenta result despite the 12-13 (yellow belt against green belt) will never forget those six long minutes WONDERFUL!
Raio "

next time!


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