Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dowload Do Age Of Empire I


Biella Alps.
Valle Cervo.

Cima di Bò

GPS Tracks.

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From My Video Production by Igor:

Top of Bo.


Departure: Montesinaro (1022).

Altitude: m.1534.

Difficulty: EE.

period: June to September.

Equipment: Normal wear trekking.

Topographic Map: The Biella Nord Western scale 25000 sheet 2, or No. 9 IGC scale 50000.

Cima Bo is one of the highest mountains in the Biella Alps, the watershed between the Valsesia, Valsessera and Deer Valley. Route fully marked on the trail, with markers painted, number of E70 and E74 path. To achieve

Montesinaro, we must go back across the Red Deer Valley, from Biella, follow the signs to Andorno Micca, continue going up the Red Deer River, then follow to the location of Piedicavallo, where virtually ends the driveway. Just before arriving in the town center, a crossroads on the right, indicating Montesinaro. We park the car in the white space and not outside dai parcheggi, per evitare inutili multe. Finisce la strada asfaltata, poche decine di metri di sterrato poi una sbarra interrompe la nostra marcia con l’automobile.


Scavalchiamo la sbarra, saliamo un paio di tornanti, poi vediamo un cartello indicativo a bordo strada che indica l’accesso alla mulattiera, prima della sbarra è anche possibile risalire il prato, abbastanza evidente il calpestio dell’erba, così si evita di allungare inutilmente la strada, si arriva sempre prima del cartello che ci indica l’inizio della mulattiera.

Inizialmente la bella mulattiera rimane nel sottobosco, si oltrepassano gli alpeggi, di Pianlino, la Pianazza e le Piane, formati da groups of attractive houses.

Piane After you arrive in a more wild and go up north, the Col du Cros, at some point you leave the path and climb up E70 E74 heading east, you come first then the Alpe Giassi Balmone , behind the ruins of the latter dates back to the marked route.

Climb a great heap of stones, many players and paint marks indicate the steps, the last stretch of the ascent to the peak Bo, is on a rocky crest at this point put the best trekking poles to help with the hands, easy steps bring us good rock on the top of Bo.

Ten feet below the top of the camp is located Antoniotti, which offers an admirable landscape Deer Valley.

Some make the ascent on skis, but it's only snow ski mountaineering to play safe.

Other climbs.

In Deer Valley, there are other opportunities to climb but they are not suitable for high altitude, strong development and difficulties.

Another possibility is the rise Bocchetto Sessera (Bielmonte) with less unevenness of the route described, but with a higher and towards the top with some difficulty.

Two other possible routes start at Rassa (917) (Valsesia). Sorba first along the valley, reaches the Alps Toso (See Support CAI) and through the nozzle is connected to the route described Croso. The second route passes Scandalorso from the Alps, Lake Talamone, Punta Raja Marmotte, just touching the tip of Talamone and joins with the route described above, just below the top.


Sul sentiero per Cima Bò

sign indicating the start of the trail.

Baite al Pianlino(2)

Pastures to Pianlino.

Le costruzioni dei vari alpeggi che si ammirano lungo il sentiero che porta a Cima Bò

Pastures plains.

Sul sentiero per Cima Bò

Mulattiera well defined.

Cimitero di sassi nel pianoro sotto Cima Bò

Pianoro called parade ground below the summit.

Ultima neve primaverile dopo il Balmone prima della Cima del Bò

parade ground still covered with snow.

Ultima neve primaverile dopo il Balmone prima della Cima del Bò

Cresta terminal before the top of Bo.

Targhe e ricordi sulla Cima del Bò

The summit of Cima di Bò.

Targhe e ricordi sulla Cima del Bò

A symbol of an altar in the direction of the homonymous peak.

Il bivacco di Cima Bò(2556)

Antoniotti The bivouac on top of Bo.

Scorci e Panorami in Val Chiobbia

views to the Valle Cervo.




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