Sunday, June 6, 2010

Stuff From Xtreme-curves

Sovereign Debt: interconnection between economics, finance and politics. A long

Fitch has also cut the sovereign of Spain.

L ' EU , expecting it, he has made provision, in line with the IMF and ECB, about 750 billion €, possible in order to oppose and block the waves of speculative financial markets, which are designed not only to sink the market value of the individual title, but the ' himself who however, the Forex continues to fall.

Simultaneously, albeit with much delay, the EU governance - basically shared the conclusions of the EU heads of state of nations - called (imposed) all member states to review their projects for expansion and social and structural.

This lapidary e semplice disposizione ha indotto la ragazza [1] ad aumentare la pressione fiscale (tasse), a tagliare lo welfare e a imporre alcune regole restrittive ai mercati mobiliari (Borsa).

In Grecia, già nell’abisso del default senza gli aiuti comunitari, si sono avuti drastici tagli agli statali, alle pensioni, agli stipendi, aumento di tasse e restrizioni finanziarie.

In Spagna e Portogallo analogie procedurali, anche se meno draconiane.

In Italia una finanziaria correttiva 2011/2012 necessaria per frenare l’espansione del debito pubblico, lieve nel movimento attuale, ma imponente nel monte accumulato nei decenni passati.

E … seguendo tutti gli altri stati.

I mercati, tuttavia, sono ancora molto volatili, oserei dire a tratti quasi isterici, l’ / $ è sceso a 1,20 e il valore patrimoniale dei titoli ridotto di oltre un terzo in circa un mese. Vi sono esperti che sussurrano che l’ scenderà sino to equality.

For this to happen, despite this huge mass of money ready to be placed on the market and the corrective measures of the individual states?

Why has intervened very late in the natural trusting that the markets could give, and cause major and not trivial, because all the resources to enter the market necessarily have to be collected on the market.

Why? Because the savings have already been burned by the sovereign debt of individual states or by the financial firms (banks, trade or business), the world for decades, standing only on the debt!

We live beyond our actual possibilities.

And real crisis, one that involves people and companies as a long wave, starts right now, after a number of financial sconquassi of global markets.

What supports the states is the total asset value of its citizens.

Italy over what is placed discreetly.

In Greece, for example, the sovereign debt equalises the heritage of the families in Spain, the ratio is 1 to 2, Italy 1 to 6 ... and so on.

higher the asset value is higher than the debt, unless the risks of financial markets: the possibility of doing business and produce income is, in fact, better, being able to draw on additional internal resources.

This is why Greece has collapsed before Italy, although this has the third debt world in absolute terms.

The solvency of sovereign debt is now being dictated solely by market and no liquidity is able to counter them, even to 750 billion. At most drug trends in the short, then, at the first sneeze ( Hungary ) slip back down again.

confidence, in fact, never rests on substantial debt, but the real savings and credit rating.

So: you either correct or reduce markets sovereign debt.

reduce the problem of all, since this involves sacrifices, secure widespread discontent with possible riots in the streets. And Greece is in this text, even if that mood pervades well as Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary: weak links (and unwanted) of a Europe only on paper.

Taking for example the Italian debt, given that its amount is approaching the 2,000 billion € and if it was possible to reduce it by 50 billion a year to reset it would take at least four decades.

This, if that were possible, would bring back the social welfare of nearly a century.

Merkel, although in local elections, has paid heavily to support the Greek crisis, unpopular from 2 / 3 of the population.

policy, therefore, look for alternative way to avoid being pushed away or destroyed by discontent with the popular vote.

This means that the national interest or, we, the much-praised and promoted the "common good" match only, both for religions and for the state, maintaining the status quo, so the continuing their respective power.

All this to emphasize the substantial interests that revolve around the possible conditioning of the masses through the media and the use that is made of the funds collected (offers and 8 / 000 ) or taxation.

Everyone tries to fight with the weapons it has, and the opposition in Italy spreads immodest "truth" kind of miraculous remedies to be taken, as if instead of a large debt there was a huge " treasure. "

L’economia oggi dipende dalla finanza e buona parte della crisi è da addossarsi non tanto agli sbagli economici fatti, bensì allo sperpero di finanza pubblica e privata accumulata negli anni. Spesso per condizionare il consenso.

I dati macroeconomici indicano che nel primo trimestre di quest’anno eurolandia ha accresciuto il proprio Pil dello 0,2% .

Le cifre positive sono sempre benvenute; ma quando queste sono solo a decimali è ovvio che non valgano molto.

In dettaglio si ha: Francia +0,1%, Germania +0.2% And Italy 0.5% well.

said that not only would seem that we have the wind at your back, but now that the crisis is recessive, for Italy, behind, being given more than twice the EU average.

Looking good specific data it turns out, however, that this (insignificant) increase in the EU and Italian GDP is only due to the recovery of stocks and increased public spending.

Therefore, a positive factor to be considered in a negative way.

Unemployment, in fact, increases everywhere, it '€ has already sold more than a 20% to $ and financial markets decided pointing downward with higher losses, while CDS, to protect the sovereign debt, they doubled their index in a few months.

Now, given that last year saw an average loss of GDP to around 6%, taking annual growth to return to this at first it would, in Euroland, the beauty of 30 years. The example is a mathematical paradox, but it makes perfectly the idea of \u200b\u200bhow muddled the situation.

Executives speculate that the Fed's district banks will devalue in the near future, their capital of about 200 billion : a frightening figure when compared to what is put on site (the 750 billion) to support the sovereignty and Titles '€ same.

China, meanwhile, is going to have a mortgage crisis far more than the first sub Americans, who were beyond the current global crisis.

fact, no economy, even if controlled by the state, can afford to double-digit increases in GDP for several years without having to invest, so indebted, too much.

In fact, China is also running for cover with the rise of mandatory financial reserves, with the restriction and selection of credit and increasing interest rates.

Depreciation € / $ is actually a creeping devaluation and massive operation on private savings, pensions and salaries, more accentuated by the simultaneous descent of the securities.

We use the market to devalue.

E lo si fa, a mio parere, per un motivo pratico e politico: perché si è convinti che l’imponente somma di 750 mld non possa minimamente contrastare il mercato e verrebbe subito bruciata senza ottenere risultati duraturi.

Perciò meglio controllare una discesa progressiva, memori dell’enorme sbaglio operato dall’Italia negli anni ’90 che in 15 g bruciò qualcosa come 120 mila mld di £ , dovendo poi ancora svalutare e correre ai ripari con una manovra correttiva imponente e immediata non avendo più riserve.

Purtroppo la svalutazione, real or creeping inflation always brings with it with all that that entails, especially for disadvantaged groups, employment and job security (not "at work" as a vested right).

On the other hand the amount of debt remains.

a professor at the convention in October, after hearing my speech, he called bold and innovative, he showed himself in private, on the one hand and admired, and by consenting 'I objected that other however market is the market and you can not change.

To which I replied quote: If you do not adjust quickly to market maybe the EU will survive, but it will be the shelter of the world economy, similar to that of older waiting to finish his days. And this perspective I do not like at all.

There are alternatives to this sad trend? Certainly, because the economic rules to boost the economy is called only Innovation and investment / debt financing, expanding it to excess.

Greece and Hungary are small areas with few inhabitants, even though their risk default ditching the markets, the ' and stability of the EU itself, burning while wealth and asset value with no great practical results .

because the consequences of a possible attack on the sovereign debt of Spain and Italy put the idea of \u200b\u200ba scenario economic / financial apocalypse is not too fanciful.

Innovate in economics and finance today means having the courage to change the market , especially where this creates enormous dysfunction.

To do so, however, there must be support from all major countries or at least the majority of the West. The other, inevitably, would then wheel.

And that even at the cost of reducing the globalization of markets at the moment.

The current market is still based on the concept of rural the beginning of last century.

has passed the crisis of 29 years to that of 80, per finire a quelle recenti attuali. Ciò nonostante è diventato istantaneo (telematico) e globalizzato; e nel bel mezzo vi sono state guerre devastanti.

Pure la società, compresa la religione, si basa ancora sulle stesse ideologie ottocentesche rurali, come le strutture organizzative degli Stati (partiti, sindacati, federazioni e … banche).

L’economia rurale, in effetti, era una gestione quasi autarchica della vita, della finanza e dell’economia, dove tutto veniva preso e commisurato al produrre e al consumare nel territorio. E, in quest’ottica, la tutela della persona was basic.

To remedy this and to raise the GDP, it came to economic consumerism, relying on savings, however, but not on debt, thus mortgaging the future benefit, and with that, generations come.

In practice economy is not sustainable in the long term , as the facts are demonstrating today.

has given rise to the concept of happiness and welfare and using them to possess up to and appearance: the belief of being and non being.

And they did state, and private company, using the weapon of mass media in conditioning and debt.

has degenerated from the idea of \u200b\u200b Keynes, thereby distorting the true and valuable social message.

In market anarchy, no rules and relying solely on the domestic market, sovereign debt has exploded almost everywhere and the advent of the EU in some states has almost cradled and supported with funding from the rain have squandered huge resources.

It is entrusted exclusively to the market a chance to adjust and smooth out the possible excesses of the titles of both currencies.

At a market, however, was and is based on concepts and rules still rural.

To make matters worse it was legislated, under lobbying pressures, to allow new financial instruments that can produce large gains in a short (or huge losses).

I derivatives, in practice, were used to that and are the cause of the current serious crisis that has dragged on, getting worse, too long, opening up every day worrying scenari nuovi.

L’ Ue non è uno Stato, ma una Nazione di Popoli . Un nuovo tipo di confederazione diversa dalle precedenti (Svizzera e U.S.A).

Popoli che sono composti sì di persone, ma che vincolano queste, uscendo dal loro territorio locale, ad assoggettare il proprio individuale interesse e principio di persona a quello di Popolo . Devono inglobarsi in un corpo unico nella valorizzazione delle reciproche diversità.

Going back would be catastrophic. Therefore urgently needed new rules, new principles and new arrangements to guarantee the welfare of all and not simply the status quo of the current existential forgery being placed on consumerism and debt.

And this is what the policy, but also of the Church: to ensure a supportive federalism can enhance the local wealth to enhance the "savings" of all public interest.

are needed in practice environmentally sustainable economy and finance in the future, to safeguard the present and also becoming the generazioni.

L’alternativa è l’ospizio in attesa della fine.

Attualmente la persona basa il suo esistere sul diritto acquisito con la sola nascita e con l’addossare alla comunità il dovere .

Vi è bisogno di sostituire il diritto e dovere con il Voldere : volere il dovere . Onde essere non semplice persona, bensì Popolo.

Ciò implies that everyone has their own take on responsibility, understanding that we live together, you produce, you save, you pay (reduced) ... the sovereign debt and are reborn. It is, essentially, real people ... and Samaritan.

And you only innovating society and with it ourselves.

The public interest must prevail, as a principle of existence, the individual well-being either immediate or future.

must therefore reviewed the welfare, the structural system of state, the concept of law, the use of the work with its rules and with the locally based coding of the market, the elimination of spurious and risky financial instruments, control of the companies that although they should be subject to legal physicality feel themselves the People.

Innovation means change their concept or a right to be served to become a servant , to be all people, especially where the welfare and immunities of income (well benefits) rise to privileged individuals.

And do you have to put the capital available and the individual talents al servizio di tutti; serve donarsi specie per chi ne ha bisogno, nella convinzione che l’opulenza individuale sia solo l’usurpazione del diritto altrui e la negazione del dovere proprio.

I beni, in sostanza, li dobbiamo ritenere in affidamento e non abusarne per l’interesse individuale.

Il compito della politica è quello di uniformare la vita di ogni persona nella dedizione per tutti.

Quello della Chiesa di riscoprire l’epica del cristianesimo nella dedizione totale.

L’Ue è a variety of people and composite.

But the comedians, the fops, the schemers, speculators, ... theoretical physicists, the indifference, the populists and ... whoremongers today are of little use in this crisis, if they do not fit to be a person especially to be popular.

To resolve it takes courage and conviction decision and understanding of possible remedies without further hesitation, trusting not only in the market or by cultivating the personal interest, both economically and politically.

[1] - So Helmut Kohl always indicated Angela Merkel, that's probably instinctual practice that occludes the vision and overall economic policy, just as the inexperience of the young leads to underestimate or overestimate the reality quota.


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