Sunday, September 26, 2010

Template Service Hour Log

time, the gift, the story and the blessing. The remedies to the problem

This short and concise articolo è un commento al breve post seguente.

Per intoppi telematici non è stato pubblicato sul blog dell’amico.

Con alcuni conoscenti ci scambiamo spesso, per studio e analisi, degli appunti, o dei commenti, che possono essere per noi interessanti per approfondire alcune questioni.

Per cui, in un intervento pubblico di un religioso, me lo son visto riprendere in alcune frasi: ripreso e ulteriormente sviscerato.

Perciò ho deciso di pubblicarlo pure qua, come se fosse un commento published on another blog, as was meant to be.

As noted at the beginning I gave him a title as well, and for completeness I added the thought that it has stimulated.

good week (now a contender ..)

I still resounds in my mind, this morning heard a step at the Seminary of Assisi Retinopera: "I can not bless the day."

And it's true.

believers can not fail to bless the day if you really believe that they live in is the "time", the historical period, allocated to them by the Lord, King of history, to undertake their particular vocation and give true meaning to their lives.

But today is also the "time", the historical period in which the unbeliever can still give meaning to our lives and pursue the achievement of its right ideals land.

And then, later, also against the current, live in this extremely complex and challenging time that we are given a living.

Comments Blog

good week.

" I would not get much in the" time / date "which gave us the good God, but to focus on the" size " time in philosophy.

fact, this is not the seconds add up to create hours, days, years and therefore a life, but one of those dimensional geometric variations are useful for understanding the events, in practice a variant variable, so a unsteady gait.

time, scientifically, varies depending on the speed it grows more and more time slows down.

Place, on earth as a hypothesis, that Tom takes a road trip Turin / Venice at an average speed of 140 kmh, he has lived in a second less than those who remained at home. If he used the red arrows traveling at a speed of 300 kmh, the time would be perceived as useful almost tripled.

In the past decades have been made special experiments to demonstrate this, using three clocks: one keeping it on the ground, the second on a B52 that was traveling from east to west at a constant speed set, the third again on a B52 was traveling from west to east at the same speed. The experiment showed that, where the plane as well as their sums up the Earth's rotation speed, the clock at the end of the experiment declared the first 15 minutes or less difference than the left on earth.

In theory, this add up to theology, the result of reasoning would have no effect on the relationship between man and God, when you consider the time / date "as a divine gift that we enter into a certain existential reality. Hence, your reasoning Franciscan could be considered correct.

This, however, is illusory because, in fact, God does not give a life time of default, but only calls the individual to life.

What does this mean? Who prefers a phenomenological conception of the event - your expressed - a real vision and overall History.

the early church fathers, from Anselm of Canterbury, have ventured into these existential and eschatological distinction, leading up to Hegel, who defined God the absolute Lordship of the devastation of history .

This was right before the time included such as a geometric measurement.

On what was grafted to the Sermon on the foreknowledge of God, the concept of Grace and Salvation , so the predestination, or, in the materialist conception of Fate.

I believe that God calls to life loving, so making a gift, because love is to give.

God, therefore, may include, but not predestined. And when the staff comes to be part of a Manichean or Jansenism, then the Christian believes only in case ( eschatology material - Canaanite God) and not a God in Person ( Eleusinian cosmic eschatology). In practice it is a "fake" Christian. Christian is more than a Pharisee.

Il Dono va vissuto nel costruire la propria storia . E la storia la si costruisce con la volontà, con l’abnegazione convinta, con l’essere persona/uomo sociale e non comunitario, perciò individuale.

Il tempo della durata della nostra storia non lo fissa Dio, ma noi con il nostro stesso incedere e con le nostre stesse scelte che possono arrecare vizi o virtù, salute o malattia, sia che si ragioni su una procedura genetica che occasionale.

Vi è l’assoluta libertà di operare nel mutuo consenso col creatore, oppure procedere per proprio conto.

Ogni fatto che avviene pone una scelta, anche nella malattia inattesa o genetica, o dovuta a fattori a noi estranei.

E la scelta è nell’accettare la vita sempre, perché non è il tempo che la valorizza, ma solo la nostra volontà.

Perciò il dono è la possibilità di ogni uomo di costruire la propria storia; e questa sarà fruttifera se sarà in sintonia con il donare/amare che ha prodotto in Dio la nostra chiamata alla vita.

E non vi è differenza sostanziale tra essere cristiano o materialista, perché l’essere Società impone il dovere non di essere comunità, perciò ghetto, bensì l’essere Popolo nell’uguaglianza pur nella diversità delle mansioni, dei ruoli o delle capacità.

Diversamente vi è solo individualismo; e dove questo c’è vi è solo il principio di intendere il proprio diritto a scapito altrui, con tutto ciò che questo comporta.

E il “ benedire ” dove sta? Nel vero senso del termine, erroneamente traslato, dal cristianesimo, dall’uomo a Dio.

God does not need to bless the man, because he has already given everything in the gift of life with a unilateral gesture of love. So is the man who must bless ( well dicere ) God

And the blessing is building its own history in the time it is granted (predestination or fatalism), but that we indulge ourselves, accepting what we are in the conversion (upgrade) of our everyday being a person, so citizen. "


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