Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Superman Wrestling Singlet

The frog and the ox.

Oggi , casualmente, trovai Sesac da un comune amico; mi consegnò questo breve racconto che pubblico assai volentieri.

Tratta, come sempre, della vita degli animals and the forest.

Sam Cardell

From "Dialogues" of SESAC

The frog and the ox.

I, SESAC , I went into the lair of Leone due to the wishes for the holiday season.

I brought with me a small gift to thank him for affection e dell’amicizia sempre dimostratami. Dono che accolse gioioso e che ricambiò con un piccolo favore.

Vi trovai alcuni animali andati da lui in visita con il mio stesso fine.

Stavano amabilmente discutendo sull’esito dello scontro avvenuto nella Dieta di Roncaglia , provocato da Rana e Bordello .

Leone era di buon umore e aveva preso i fatti accaduti con il suo abituale humor ; volendo essere preciso dovrei dire che l’esito lo aveva assai divertito satisfied and because - as said - Who's the idiot set theory can not help but make assumptions on the calculations simple basic math, using the abacus, and ignoring the reality of the numbers wrong, not knowing to do and having no supplementary strategy.


Finally he said:

" The losers have not learned anything because they care only for their own benefit and not that of the forest. Just see what they're at this time despite the severe crisis and speculation that attacks the securities markets.

have formed an axis based not on a schedule and a draft of a new company in the forest, something unimaginable for them, but only hatred towards someone. In fact, in the forest already see the seeds of glaring social discord sown by the handful.

Therefore, as has happened in recent days, those with only an idea does not go very far.

dedicated to them in the dance of bees on the corolla of the daisy, who knows how to live a short time, this ancient tale sapiential

Inops , potentem dum vult imitari , perit .

In lawn quondam frog conspexit bovem

et tacta invidia tantae magnitudinis

rugosam inflavit pellem : tum natos suos

interrogavit , an bove esset latior .

Illi negarunt . Rursus intendit cutem

maiore nisu et simili quaesivit modo,

quis maior esset . Illi dixerunt bovem .

Novissime indignata dum vult validius

inflare sese , rupto iacuit corpore .

Sic frog casinique perirunt .

End of story. "


Finally, we greeted everyone by making the inevitable wishes.



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