Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Delete History Direct Tv

, politics and party politics, justice and humor.

Teofrasto di Eresso successe al maestro Aristotele alla guida della peripatetic school of philosophy, which he held until his death well about 23 centuries ago.

is also interested in botany albeit indirectly and psychology. Could be considered one of the first psychologists.

of him we have received only fragments, or revisions maybe adapted.

As you know one time there were neither the PC nor the books as popular now.

culture often traveled on the knowledge passed down from generation to generation, which at times could also happen that the scribes of the first hour, oral or manual, We put something of themselves.

To realize just carefully analyze Bible, old and new, where the facts are overwhelming phantasmagoric reality.

's Iliad el' Odyssey theophanies and are full of miracles, as well as ancient mythology and Gospels.

We, today, looking back in hindsight, we understand where the imagination can be expressed and where the likely realities expressed.

In Characters Theophrastus tells us his knowledge of some witty characters ( 30) present in our day: the unwelcome, the vain, the braggart, the wise, the mugugnone, the opportunity ...

It is not known, since the text fragmented, describing, among the luxurious and peripatetic , which would be very interesting if the essence of the concept of peripatetic was then a little 'different from the .

In fact, we now coated with a new terminology a bit 'all professions, per cui le puttane le gratifichiamo di un’onorevole astrazione filosofica, forse perché l’istinto sessuale è diventato, più che un concetto filosofico controllato, una scialba attività sociale priva dell’ideale profondo della donazione reciproca nell’amore dell’intimità coniugale, costruito sulla reciprocità. In pratica un trastullo sociale consumistico di cui approfittare finché l’interesse c’è, per poi passarlo ad altri essendo attratti da un similare identico interesse che presenta però sfaccettature nuove.

Un sostanziale usa e getta dove tutto è lecito e permesso.

Many today also lay down as a glorious past of the foreign car (Escort ), perhaps because they are useful at all ... and ready to be mounted on board ... anyone who wishes.

own gains at all? Of course, that's right: politics, justice, economy, industry, tourism ... and all those activities that are half of sexual attraction for the business more or less accentuated by the interest of someone.

Maybe today is not to advertise a car show nude buxom curves some attractive young model or actress?

We are in the land of Machiavelli, for which reason, more than justify the means, nobility ... the action.

Some people pay in hard currency, with jewelry or other jewelry, some with a prestigious place in the sun, some with notoriety at the expense of personal dignity and decorum, who exploited since long that may be useful to cause.

Then there are those who yearn to be the best of them all, so do not care much to thin, intent on reaching the goal even showing off the popularity of ... justice as the repentant.

The world is beautiful because it is different, so all you need is just a fantasy and you can indulge.

The Bible condemns adultery (sex outside of marriage) in several books: Ex 20.14; Lev. 18.20, 20,10.21, No. 5,13.31; Deut. 5.18, 22.22, 27.20; Gioberti. 24.15; Prov. 5.20, 6.32, Sap. 3.16; Eccl. 23.22.

However this did not prevent David not only to adultery with Bathsheba, but also to be a murderer (2Sam.11, 4.5; 11,15.27), and from this Solomon was born and distinguished history (2Sam. 5.14), which, despite being the wisest of men - but also had to have a good memory to remember them all -, had as many as 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings . 11.3).

short, no doubt about it! The world always goes one way ... and ... well you understand how God (?) Did that to multiply out the people of Israel.

And following the enlightened example of Solomon and legalizing polygamy would remove the scandal ... and maybe you would increase the birth rate.

Pur tuttavia l’adulterio esisterebbe ancora per il semplice fatto che molti uomini non avrebbero non dico 700 mogli, ma neppure una, avendole tutte accaparrate gli altri.

Pure un profeta, Osea , ebbe a che fare con una prostituta (Os. 1,2.3), avendone presa una per moglie per ordine divino.

Nei Vangeli, invece, si trovano 2 citazioni interessanti sulla questione: Gv.4,16.18 e 8,3.11 .

Considerato ciò, se si provasse senza ombra di dubbio che Berlusconi è colpevole e se si decidesse di lapidarlo in Parlamento , in base al principio chi è senza peccato scagli la prima pietra , assisteremmo ad una fuga generalizzata a partire dai big politici più importanti fino all’ultimo peones della compagnia, compresi coloro che conclamano continuamente orgogliosi le loro radici e il loro attaccamento ai valori cattolici, pur avendoli tranquillamente bypassati facendo utile ricorso alla sola legge civile.

Le cronache rosa … e non, di questo scorcio di primo millennio, sono abbastanza indicative in proposito.

Il cristianesimo ha nella sua ideologia un’aspirazione profonda: the hope of ever recovering the lost sheep.

admirable and commendable action in itself, although sometimes this proves impossible in reality ....

scandal often is mentally constructed and sometimes unconsciously manipulated.

sexual, however, takes on different meanings regardless of social morality. So normally create envy, and consequently also imitation.

Instinct plays its part and the moral conception of sin does not undermine its continuo persistere nel costume, per il semplice fatto che con il possesso del corpo si pensa di possedere anche la persona.

E tutti vogliono a questo mondo possedere sempre di più.

Dunque: piacere, possesso e potere!

Nella società vi sono dei freni inibitori, identificabili nelle leggi morali e civili, anche se più che repressive sono indicative. Non per nulla il sesso (prostituzione e adulterio) viene comunemente accettato in ambito sociale come probabile, favorito dalla legge economica della domanda e dell’offerta.

Perché è ovvio that if there are those who try to have (buy), there is also those who, accepting, we offer the game selling.

The Church carries out its task of guiding calling the faithful to witness consistent believing and hoping that those who can hold public office, especially if high, is an example to the people as to be incorruptible.

hope under the present day ... and disappointed not only in sex.

Justice The public has the duty to prosecute abuse, but in the sexual field is often tolerant, because if it did explode the courts.

So you create on the one hand the belief that such misuse / sin is inevitable, and the other that this is possible as tolerated.

In practice it is pursued only in the presence of more serious crimes or in case of a specific complaint.

The law, in itself, tends to codify what already exists in reality and that many practitioners, so legalizing, in fact, a general and common behavior or no action, accepting it as conventional.

E ciò avvenne in passato sia per il divorzio che per l’aborto.

Il Cavaliere , oggi al centro di un attacco più o meno giustificato e di una bufera mediatica, non è un santo; e questo è ovvio.

Nell’aldilà, se questo ci sarà, si vedrà se sarà riuscito nell’impresa di superare come il cammello la cruna dell’ago (Mt. 19,23.4).

Nel frattempo sarebbe bene scindere la capacità dirigenziale della cosa pubblica dalla possibile lascivia tra private walls, especially when it is flaunted before the 4 winds to be demonstrated.

Why to seem more artificial and made some attacks, especially if they are repetitive and amplitude increasing, despite the fact that the previous offense be deflated like soap bubbles.

Oppositions ride the wave of scandal, not caring so much to ascertain the truth, because of its use for political purposes the favorable situation in order to overturn an election result.

Pure Clinton was at the center of such a media fuss, for the most exploited dal puritanesimo americano; ma sull’opinione pubblica non produsse alcun effetto, se non quello di attrarre la morbosità di alcuni, appunto perché un tale comportamento era già usuale nella società americana.

La moglie comprese la debolezza umana e lo perdonò. Questa, invece, pretende mln di €, dimenticando chi fosse e da dove provenisse.

Se la situazione dovesse portare ad elezioni anticipate le opposizioni dovrebbero spiegare agli elettori perché, in presenza di problematiche ben più importanti e complesse, un comportamento oggi usuale nella società sia sufficiente a disarcionare un presidente liberamente eletto and wanted.

who elected him, in fact, is mostly moderate, so tolerant of certain attitudes which have become common in our society.

So it is likely that this moral battle then have a boomerang effect on those who now ride.

The party politics is a degeneration of the democracies of southern Europe, making the regime in the Mediterranean Arab countries.

inevitably tends to occupy space that is at the center to the periphery, placing his men in every strategic place, to help create and produce consensus electoral clientelism. Therefore, it is centralized.

virtuosity is based on welfare and vice-earthquake public spending, fueling the explosion of sovereign debt.

The party politics is to state standards and based its existence on the bureaucracy and coexist for a breakdown of the contracted power. It is therefore contrary to federalism because it involves much less power.

A few decades ago Giovanni Leone was betrayed and abandoned by his own party on an accusation hypothetical and artificial, later revealed as false; In fact, it was later recognized foreign to all charges.

And although the assumption transcription Gobbler (glutton, devouring) in cobbler (shoemaker) has made the accusation against him, some say that behind the code name, never identified, of Antelope Cobbler there was quite a big interest of the Christian Democrats who had to blow the case because he considered necessary between the parties, a new set of power-sharing.

The political fight, especially if based on the situations, it is shortsighted, because inherent to a temporary short-term interest.

According to official data on the Knight judicial investigations to cases already have cost / fees 600 mln of , a sum that equates to about 1,200 billion old £ , disproportionate amount considering the results obtained.

to ordinary citizens the fact that one has been prosecuted for well 28 times without being convicted can appear only once rather than suspicion, especially if he occupies prominent positions in the state.

So there is an obsessive search of proof, often in the presence of a non-reporting, may seem inappropriate as a political weapon to unseat.

And often, observing the interlayer of events, this takes a lot of doubt.

However, the facts must be cleared by using the first intimacy than the people involved and this should serve as the withholding of documents, but this does not happen, and usually knows before the public the individual concerned.

It follows that justice is manipulated to a different use of the judge.

these days - having free time to a malaise of the season - I tried to read news about this gossip in the papers, especially on press releases about the interrogation of some escort.

I noticed that many argue the legality of state dinners and 2 otherwise.

One of these, already considered unreliable weather, says textually that the President was sex with a different girl every 5 minutes .

which, considering the age and physical problems he has, it seems quite unrealistic.

The Italian male has a particular reputation in this field, but if the statement were true we would find ourselves in front of a myth than an old man with a fascinating sci-fi alien robot, which benefits from a chain of assembly of its own.

One of my American friend, world experts and professors of sexology, it might be useful to the judges - and certain fundamentalist Puritan seats in Parliament - to flour them up as they occur some reports, perhaps because within only 5 minutes to undress and to be clear on what to do.

fever maybe I will have alienated the brain, but if these are the tests I think that taxpayers' money have been wasted again to a misuse of justice, especially if these stories have actually been leaked.

The reality today is exploited species in policy, following the old habit of exaggerating, or change the facts.

So, following the example of the scribes old, it makes reality more credible (interesting) bringing the fantasy with the improbable possible.

With this handling not only justice but also the very essence of politics.

It may not make more credible the wolf by dint of shouting louder and louder, breaking the eardrums and the patience of the ordinary citizen.

I just hope in knowing that true justice to punish any abuse or, failing that, who knows how to make the right dignity to those who, for whatever reason, has been discredited.


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