Sunday, January 30, 2011

Warhammer 40k Tabletop Online

The outstanding virtue of Rosa Mosqueta Night

(Photo by Santiago Castro)

For all those who as I love roses, this is certainly something immensely pleasing.
There is not only the pleasure of feeling on the skin that delicate and pleasant scent, pamper yourself with a massage with Rose oil Hip (or Moscheta) is an effective and natural beauty care.
It is a plant that grows wild in the Andes in South America, especially in Chile, and has always been the Indian people, particularly the tribe Araucana, they know the fabulous quality.
The oil is extracted by cold pressing of its seeds, which contain essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help the regeneration of the skin: mainly linoleic acid (41%) and linolenic acid (39%), but also Palmitic acid , stearic acid, oleic acid and in particular Transretinoico acid, an isomer of vitamin A, which are tested the properties of skin rejuvenation.
It is, therefore, a very valuable ally to combat wrinkles, reduce scars, stretch marks and skin blemishes.
Its effects on our skin are hydrating, toning, firming, helps eliminate the signs due to fatigue and stress.
addition to fatty acids also has a high content of vitamins A, C, E, B1 and B2, which are also very useful to preserve the beauty of the skin.
Its average pH of 5.1, very close to that of our skin and therefore suitable even for sensitive skin.
is a wild plant (a variety of Rosa Canina) from the thorny stem and blossom pink and white mottled.
Its scientific name is Rosa affinis rubiginosa and when we buy oil, we must check that there is written and is the only one to be contained.
It is very sensitive to air and to temperature, so it is very likely that you do not alter and keep intact all the great attributes.
must therefore be careful that it is an oil of excellent quality and original certificate.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cranberry And Red Stools


All night I slept with you

near the sea, on the island. You were wild and sweet

between pleasure and sleep,

between fire and water.

Perhaps very late our dreams


in the high or deep,

high as the branches move in the same wind,

down like red roots that touch. Maybe your dream

separated from my

and the dark sea

I was looking for,

as before, when

did not exist, when

sailed without seeing your side and

your eyes sought what now

- bread, wine, love and anger -

give you a hands full, because you're

the cup that was waiting for the gifts of my life.

I stayed with you throughout

la notte, mentre

l'oscura terra gira

con vivi e con morti,

e svegliandomi d'improvviso

in mezzo all'ombra

il mio braccio circondava la tua cintura.

Ne la notte ne il sonno

poterono separarci.

Ho dormito con te

e svegliandomi la tua bocca

uscita dal sonno

mi diede il sapore di terra,

d'acqua marina, di alghe,

del fondo della vita,

e ricevetti il tuo bacio

bagnato dall'aurora,

come se mi giungesse dal mare

che ci circonda.

Photo Source:

What To Write In A Wedding Card For A Sister

♦ Pablo Neruda Love is the water of life

Love is the water of life
and a lover is a soul of fire.
The universe runs in another way, when the fire
loves water.

(Elif Shafak)

Why Does My Leg Ache And Burn

Do not judge too quickly

Everyone sees things according to their perspective

and every opinion deserves respect.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome Message For Wedding

that 's why Love is blind

Rene Magritte - The Lovers

tell that a meeting one day in a place on earth all feelings and qualities of men .

When you boredom was presented for the third time, the madness as always a bit 'crazy proposed:

"Let's play hide and seek." The interest raised an eyebrow and curiosity without being able to contain said, "hide and seek? What is this?" "It's a game-explained madness - in which I cover my eyes and I start to count up to 1000000, while you hide when I finish counting, the first to discover that you will take my place to continue the game. "

L 'enthusiasm danced, accompanied by ' euphoria. The 'joy he made so many jumps that ended up convincing the doubt and even apathy, which was not interested in anything .... But not everyone wanted to participate. The truth

preferred not to hide. Because if we all eventually find out? The

pride thought it was a very silly game (basically what bothered her was that she had not been his idea) and the cowardice preferred not to risk it.

"ONE, TWO, THREE ..." -Began to count the madness. The first was to hide the laziness that dropped behind the first stone in the path. The faith flew into the sky and the envy hid in the shade of triumph that its forces had managed to climb on the highest tree. The generosity

could hardly hide. Every place that was beautiful it seemed to some of his friends. What about a crystal clear lake? Ideal for beauty.

The leaves of a tree? Perfect for shyness. The wings of a butterfly? The Best pleasure. A gust of wind? Magnificent for freedom. So the generosity ended up hiding in a sunbeam.

Selfishness, on the contrary immediately found a good hiding place, airy, comfortable and of his own. The

lie hid on the bottom of the ocean (not 'real, was hidden behind the rainbow!). The

passion and desire the center of the volcanoes. Oblivion .... I do not remember where ...? When the madness

grew to 999,999 love had not yet found a place to hide because she found them all occupied, until he saw a rose bush and finally decided to hide among the flowers. "A million!" - Counted the madness. And he began to look for. The first to appear was the laziness, only three steps behind a stone. Then he heard the

faith, which was arguing with God on matters of theology, and felt the vibration passion and desire from the bottom of volcanoes.

found by chance and was able to deduce the envy where he was the triumph . Selfishness could not find him: he had fled from his hiding place having realized that there was a nest of wasps.

After so much walking, the insanity was thirsty and reaching il lago scoprì la bellezza .

Con il dubbio le risultò ancora più facile, giacché lo trovò seduto su uno steccato senza avere ancora deciso da che lato nascondersi.

Alla fine trovò un po' tutti: il talento nell'erba fresca, l'angoscia in una grotta buia, la menzogna dietro l'arcobaleno e infine l'oblio che si era già dimenticato che stava giocando a nascondino.

Solo l'amore non le appariva da nessuna parte. La Pazzia cercò dietro ogni albero, dietro ogni pietra, sulla cima delle montagne e quando stava per darsi per vinta scorse il cespuglio rose and began to move the branches. When suddenly they heard a cry of pain: The plugs were wounded eyes Love!

The Madness did not know what to do to exonerate himself, he wept, begged, pleaded, asked forgiveness and promised that it would eventually become his guide.

Since then, the 'Love and' blind madness and always accompanies him ....

(Story taken from the web)

Something Special For Sister On Wedding Day

The Blue Rose: A Folktale from China

Long ago in China there lived an Emperor who had but one daughter. She

was beautiful and intelligent and admired for her exquisite singing. The

emperor was getting old and wanted to see his daughter wed before he

passed on. But his wonderful daughter could not just marry anyone. The

emperor had to sure that the man she married would be worthy of her.

He announced that the man who wished to marry his daughter must first find

a blue rose. Roses grew wild in China at that time and there were white,

yellow, orange, pink and red roses but no one had ever seen a blue rose. The

Emperor was sure that whoever could find such a flower would be a very

special man indeed.

It wasn’t long before a rich merchant to ask for the hand of the princess. He

had with him a blue rose but the princess refused the rich merchant and

exposed the rose as a fake – a white rose cleverly dyed a deep blue.

The next man to claim the hand of the princess was a brave warrior. He

brought with him a beautiful blue sapphire carved by his servants in the

likeness of a full-blown rose. The emperor and the princess congratulated him

but shook their heads.

Then before the emperor appeared the Lord Chief Justice with a porcelain

bowl painted for him by an expert artist. On the surface the artist had painted

a blue rose so delicate and life like that it looked at first inspection to be a real

blue rose. The emperor was impressed and the princess gasped in awe, but it

was not what they were looking for.

One evening as the princess walked in the garden she heard a wandering

minstrel singing on the other side of the palace wall.

She sat and listened to the minstrel’s beautiful voice. And as he sang a love

song her body tingled and her face flushed with pleasure for even though she

knew he could not see through the walls she fancied he was singing to her.

She was overcome with such passion and desire that she too began to sing

the love song.

The minstrel on the other side of the palace walls listened to her sweet voice.

He too was overcome with passion and desire. The next song he sang was a

proposal of marriage.

The princess sang to him, a song that told him about the blue rose.

As she sang tears fell from her eyes because she knew a mere wandering

minstrel would not know how to find such a rare and wonderful thing as a blue

rose. But the song that came back was a song that promised to present such

a rose to the Emperor the very next day.

The princess could hardly sleep that night. When the minstrel appeared in

court she recognised him instantly though she had not set eyes on him

before. His voice had told her so much about him. He was tall, as she had

known he would be and his eyes when they met hers were kind. He held in

his hand a beautiful rose, not a blue rose but a handsome white rose that had

surely been picked from the palace garden.

He held the rose out to the princess.

“The blue rose,” he said simply. The sound of his voice thrilled the princess.

The Emperor was angry.

“Blue indeed!” he said.

But the princess turned to her father and spoke in a soft voice.

“The rose is blue, father.”

There were protests from the court.

“The rose is white,” they cried.

The princess reached out and took the rose from the minstrel.

“The rose is blue,” she repeated.

The Emperor knew his daughter well and respected her wisdom.

He declared the rose to be blue. The princess and the minstrel were married

and I guess you know what colour roses they grew in their garden.

Source: Rose Stories; Jean Gordon

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Delete History Direct Tv

, politics and party politics, justice and humor.

Teofrasto di Eresso successe al maestro Aristotele alla guida della peripatetic school of philosophy, which he held until his death well about 23 centuries ago.

is also interested in botany albeit indirectly and psychology. Could be considered one of the first psychologists.

of him we have received only fragments, or revisions maybe adapted.

As you know one time there were neither the PC nor the books as popular now.

culture often traveled on the knowledge passed down from generation to generation, which at times could also happen that the scribes of the first hour, oral or manual, We put something of themselves.

To realize just carefully analyze Bible, old and new, where the facts are overwhelming phantasmagoric reality.

's Iliad el' Odyssey theophanies and are full of miracles, as well as ancient mythology and Gospels.

We, today, looking back in hindsight, we understand where the imagination can be expressed and where the likely realities expressed.

In Characters Theophrastus tells us his knowledge of some witty characters ( 30) present in our day: the unwelcome, the vain, the braggart, the wise, the mugugnone, the opportunity ...

It is not known, since the text fragmented, describing, among the luxurious and peripatetic , which would be very interesting if the essence of the concept of peripatetic was then a little 'different from the .

In fact, we now coated with a new terminology a bit 'all professions, per cui le puttane le gratifichiamo di un’onorevole astrazione filosofica, forse perché l’istinto sessuale è diventato, più che un concetto filosofico controllato, una scialba attività sociale priva dell’ideale profondo della donazione reciproca nell’amore dell’intimità coniugale, costruito sulla reciprocità. In pratica un trastullo sociale consumistico di cui approfittare finché l’interesse c’è, per poi passarlo ad altri essendo attratti da un similare identico interesse che presenta però sfaccettature nuove.

Un sostanziale usa e getta dove tutto è lecito e permesso.

Many today also lay down as a glorious past of the foreign car (Escort ), perhaps because they are useful at all ... and ready to be mounted on board ... anyone who wishes.

own gains at all? Of course, that's right: politics, justice, economy, industry, tourism ... and all those activities that are half of sexual attraction for the business more or less accentuated by the interest of someone.

Maybe today is not to advertise a car show nude buxom curves some attractive young model or actress?

We are in the land of Machiavelli, for which reason, more than justify the means, nobility ... the action.

Some people pay in hard currency, with jewelry or other jewelry, some with a prestigious place in the sun, some with notoriety at the expense of personal dignity and decorum, who exploited since long that may be useful to cause.

Then there are those who yearn to be the best of them all, so do not care much to thin, intent on reaching the goal even showing off the popularity of ... justice as the repentant.

The world is beautiful because it is different, so all you need is just a fantasy and you can indulge.

The Bible condemns adultery (sex outside of marriage) in several books: Ex 20.14; Lev. 18.20, 20,10.21, No. 5,13.31; Deut. 5.18, 22.22, 27.20; Gioberti. 24.15; Prov. 5.20, 6.32, Sap. 3.16; Eccl. 23.22.

However this did not prevent David not only to adultery with Bathsheba, but also to be a murderer (2Sam.11, 4.5; 11,15.27), and from this Solomon was born and distinguished history (2Sam. 5.14), which, despite being the wisest of men - but also had to have a good memory to remember them all -, had as many as 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings . 11.3).

short, no doubt about it! The world always goes one way ... and ... well you understand how God (?) Did that to multiply out the people of Israel.

And following the enlightened example of Solomon and legalizing polygamy would remove the scandal ... and maybe you would increase the birth rate.

Pur tuttavia l’adulterio esisterebbe ancora per il semplice fatto che molti uomini non avrebbero non dico 700 mogli, ma neppure una, avendole tutte accaparrate gli altri.

Pure un profeta, Osea , ebbe a che fare con una prostituta (Os. 1,2.3), avendone presa una per moglie per ordine divino.

Nei Vangeli, invece, si trovano 2 citazioni interessanti sulla questione: Gv.4,16.18 e 8,3.11 .

Considerato ciò, se si provasse senza ombra di dubbio che Berlusconi è colpevole e se si decidesse di lapidarlo in Parlamento , in base al principio chi è senza peccato scagli la prima pietra , assisteremmo ad una fuga generalizzata a partire dai big politici più importanti fino all’ultimo peones della compagnia, compresi coloro che conclamano continuamente orgogliosi le loro radici e il loro attaccamento ai valori cattolici, pur avendoli tranquillamente bypassati facendo utile ricorso alla sola legge civile.

Le cronache rosa … e non, di questo scorcio di primo millennio, sono abbastanza indicative in proposito.

Il cristianesimo ha nella sua ideologia un’aspirazione profonda: the hope of ever recovering the lost sheep.

admirable and commendable action in itself, although sometimes this proves impossible in reality ....

scandal often is mentally constructed and sometimes unconsciously manipulated.

sexual, however, takes on different meanings regardless of social morality. So normally create envy, and consequently also imitation.

Instinct plays its part and the moral conception of sin does not undermine its continuo persistere nel costume, per il semplice fatto che con il possesso del corpo si pensa di possedere anche la persona.

E tutti vogliono a questo mondo possedere sempre di più.

Dunque: piacere, possesso e potere!

Nella società vi sono dei freni inibitori, identificabili nelle leggi morali e civili, anche se più che repressive sono indicative. Non per nulla il sesso (prostituzione e adulterio) viene comunemente accettato in ambito sociale come probabile, favorito dalla legge economica della domanda e dell’offerta.

Perché è ovvio that if there are those who try to have (buy), there is also those who, accepting, we offer the game selling.

The Church carries out its task of guiding calling the faithful to witness consistent believing and hoping that those who can hold public office, especially if high, is an example to the people as to be incorruptible.

hope under the present day ... and disappointed not only in sex.

Justice The public has the duty to prosecute abuse, but in the sexual field is often tolerant, because if it did explode the courts.

So you create on the one hand the belief that such misuse / sin is inevitable, and the other that this is possible as tolerated.

In practice it is pursued only in the presence of more serious crimes or in case of a specific complaint.

The law, in itself, tends to codify what already exists in reality and that many practitioners, so legalizing, in fact, a general and common behavior or no action, accepting it as conventional.

E ciò avvenne in passato sia per il divorzio che per l’aborto.

Il Cavaliere , oggi al centro di un attacco più o meno giustificato e di una bufera mediatica, non è un santo; e questo è ovvio.

Nell’aldilà, se questo ci sarà, si vedrà se sarà riuscito nell’impresa di superare come il cammello la cruna dell’ago (Mt. 19,23.4).

Nel frattempo sarebbe bene scindere la capacità dirigenziale della cosa pubblica dalla possibile lascivia tra private walls, especially when it is flaunted before the 4 winds to be demonstrated.

Why to seem more artificial and made some attacks, especially if they are repetitive and amplitude increasing, despite the fact that the previous offense be deflated like soap bubbles.

Oppositions ride the wave of scandal, not caring so much to ascertain the truth, because of its use for political purposes the favorable situation in order to overturn an election result.

Pure Clinton was at the center of such a media fuss, for the most exploited dal puritanesimo americano; ma sull’opinione pubblica non produsse alcun effetto, se non quello di attrarre la morbosità di alcuni, appunto perché un tale comportamento era già usuale nella società americana.

La moglie comprese la debolezza umana e lo perdonò. Questa, invece, pretende mln di €, dimenticando chi fosse e da dove provenisse.

Se la situazione dovesse portare ad elezioni anticipate le opposizioni dovrebbero spiegare agli elettori perché, in presenza di problematiche ben più importanti e complesse, un comportamento oggi usuale nella società sia sufficiente a disarcionare un presidente liberamente eletto and wanted.

who elected him, in fact, is mostly moderate, so tolerant of certain attitudes which have become common in our society.

So it is likely that this moral battle then have a boomerang effect on those who now ride.

The party politics is a degeneration of the democracies of southern Europe, making the regime in the Mediterranean Arab countries.

inevitably tends to occupy space that is at the center to the periphery, placing his men in every strategic place, to help create and produce consensus electoral clientelism. Therefore, it is centralized.

virtuosity is based on welfare and vice-earthquake public spending, fueling the explosion of sovereign debt.

The party politics is to state standards and based its existence on the bureaucracy and coexist for a breakdown of the contracted power. It is therefore contrary to federalism because it involves much less power.

A few decades ago Giovanni Leone was betrayed and abandoned by his own party on an accusation hypothetical and artificial, later revealed as false; In fact, it was later recognized foreign to all charges.

And although the assumption transcription Gobbler (glutton, devouring) in cobbler (shoemaker) has made the accusation against him, some say that behind the code name, never identified, of Antelope Cobbler there was quite a big interest of the Christian Democrats who had to blow the case because he considered necessary between the parties, a new set of power-sharing.

The political fight, especially if based on the situations, it is shortsighted, because inherent to a temporary short-term interest.

According to official data on the Knight judicial investigations to cases already have cost / fees 600 mln of , a sum that equates to about 1,200 billion old £ , disproportionate amount considering the results obtained.

to ordinary citizens the fact that one has been prosecuted for well 28 times without being convicted can appear only once rather than suspicion, especially if he occupies prominent positions in the state.

So there is an obsessive search of proof, often in the presence of a non-reporting, may seem inappropriate as a political weapon to unseat.

And often, observing the interlayer of events, this takes a lot of doubt.

However, the facts must be cleared by using the first intimacy than the people involved and this should serve as the withholding of documents, but this does not happen, and usually knows before the public the individual concerned.

It follows that justice is manipulated to a different use of the judge.

these days - having free time to a malaise of the season - I tried to read news about this gossip in the papers, especially on press releases about the interrogation of some escort.

I noticed that many argue the legality of state dinners and 2 otherwise.

One of these, already considered unreliable weather, says textually that the President was sex with a different girl every 5 minutes .

which, considering the age and physical problems he has, it seems quite unrealistic.

The Italian male has a particular reputation in this field, but if the statement were true we would find ourselves in front of a myth than an old man with a fascinating sci-fi alien robot, which benefits from a chain of assembly of its own.

One of my American friend, world experts and professors of sexology, it might be useful to the judges - and certain fundamentalist Puritan seats in Parliament - to flour them up as they occur some reports, perhaps because within only 5 minutes to undress and to be clear on what to do.

fever maybe I will have alienated the brain, but if these are the tests I think that taxpayers' money have been wasted again to a misuse of justice, especially if these stories have actually been leaked.

The reality today is exploited species in policy, following the old habit of exaggerating, or change the facts.

So, following the example of the scribes old, it makes reality more credible (interesting) bringing the fantasy with the improbable possible.

With this handling not only justice but also the very essence of politics.

It may not make more credible the wolf by dint of shouting louder and louder, breaking the eardrums and the patience of the ordinary citizen.

I just hope in knowing that true justice to punish any abuse or, failing that, who knows how to make the right dignity to those who, for whatever reason, has been discredited.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Can You Get Herpes From A Razor Blade

White Sea.

Monviso Alps.

Po Valley.

Punta Sea Bianca

GPS tracks.

Download file.

Download gpx file. Gtm


Click to view photo collection on Flickr.


From My Video Production by Igor:

Sea Punta Bianca.




Pian Melzi (1714).

Drop: 1007 m

Rise Time: 3 hours





December / March.

Exposure: South

Recommended Maps:

IGC No. 106 Monviso Sampeyre, Bobbio Pellice scale 1:25000.


orographic position.

The tip of the White Sea, the watershed between the Pellice Valley and the Po Valley is located in the promontory of Monte Viso. It 's a massive but little prominent mountain its summit stands between the Hill and the Hill of Gianna's White Sea, characterized by large outcroppings of white rock on all sides. In addition to offering an eye toward the "King of Stone" and its neighboring mountain range, promotes a glimpse into the adjacent plains of Cuneo.


Access automotive. From Pinerolo

hold signs for Cavour / Barge then followed Paesana / Crissolo. A

Crissolo up the road at the bottom of the country that bends back to the Queen or Pian Pian Melzi. At this point we need to park your car in the parking lots adjacent to the inn.


After parking the car in the big square of Pian Melzi, climb on foot over the bar the paved road that rises to Pian del Re, obviously the road this season will be closed, because it is completely covered with snow.

After the third curve, sighting along the straight channel of the river Cumbal, which we traced in case of heavy snow, the better deal on the right.

Risalito il canale arriviamo alla Sellaccia, ha questo punto la valle si apre a spazi più aperti, lo scialpinismo risale i versanti di Cassera Sbiasere su moderati versanti fino alla cresta della Punta Raboui.

Ancora un passaggio su un ampia spalla prima di affrontare il pendio finale che risale piuttosto ripido, fino alla vetta.


Punta Sea Bianca

Il Re di Pietra.

Punta Sea Bianca

Ultimo tratto del canale del Rio Cumbal.

Punta Sea Bianca

Pian Melzè.

Punta Sea Bianca

I versanti più pacati Sbiasere quarterdeck.

Punta Sea Bianca

View offer from the top of the toe of the White Sea.


Weather Forecasting.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Long Off Work For A Kidney Infection

Turn the page

Bisogna trovare il coraggio di lasciare andare ciò che ormai sono solo bei ricordi.
Occorre slegarsi da quello che vorremmo ancora presente, but now belongs to the past and never will be.
These things do not really lose, have been a step in the construction, the evolution of our ego, we have changed ..... in good or bad? Everything is relative ....
and will always live in us, long retain the ability to remember, to dream ....

Discharge And Cramps 5dpo

New Wars: The year of telematics

The History teaches that every 70 years about the human world radically changes his way of thinking, acting and to operate. And, according to this, also the customs, ideals and beliefs, needs and priorities.

And what once was achieved with the violence itself (use of physical force or military) today is achieved in other ways.

An analyst is usually more materialistic. Not in the classical concept of an agnostic, but in the real world that makes use of logic to add events and intentions in a structural cognitive process, based on the probability than on possibility.

religious eschatology leads to individual personalities. However, hinges on the transcendent, so the possible on the hardly likely, precisely because the likely needs of the "matter", then the contingent reality.

The probability, therefore, often has little to do with the possibility, so much so that the "miracle" (transcendent or esoteric) is not provided as evidence in court.

As a result one analyst puts into account, not excluding the possibility, noting however that in the analytical procedure and logic it becomes infinite in reality, therefore misplaced and unrealistic.

The possibility is always to the nth degree. It boils down to numbers when it becomes the first real chance.

And when the first number is the probability becomes a reality!

Reducing everything to a simple example let us say the chance that a male octogenarian is still sexually perfect.

Theoretically this could be possible, so even realistic.

If you look physically the octogenarian say, for example, that 10 years before he was operated from prostate cancer, then a couple of years later had an operation on the cardiovascular system, which is diabetic who has hypertension and that the life you lead, despite his age, both for its commitments, very exhausting so stressful as a result of this, once the person stops, will tend to fall asleep.

It's just this real, but valid, physical disability, they are creating, however, of the likely consequences, some almost automatically, in their succession and overlap.

Analysis of material facts, therefore contingent, makes the alleged sexual possibility a transcendental illusion.

So believe (assume) that the octogenarian may have relations as a forty applicants, especially those with continuity and with a plurality of women, makes the totally utopian thought in man's biological. More that an elderly man would be a sci-fi robot.

place this as proven by medical science, so real in its materiality, the possible deductions for the shares in respect of free-range and spry octogenarian, or channeled into the actual probability, or diminish the ridiculous sense also and above all legal notices .

Yet sometimes I run into licensed idiots who say that this is possible, because now you have found the miraculous as Viagra or similar. I can so as to give encouragement, but they can not meet the previous invalidations, nor to make a physical dell'ottuagenario ventenne.

I nostri avi dicevano: con la lingua e con il dito l’uomo anziano in amor è sempre ardito!

Frase che non ha bisogno di alcuna parafrasi per essere compresa.

Questo esempio casuale pone in essere come la possibilità sia spesso manovrata, da singoli o da gruppi, per ottenere la propria finalità, privandola del probabile e, con ciò, della logicità analitica.

Il pensiero umano dovrebbe svolgersi sempre su binari telematici, perciò su un’analisi careful and rigorous cause and effect of reality, traveling on two parallel directions, so drivers with an identical result.

War (in a social side) old school, based on the strength of numbers and the means put in place, involving too many people put a lot of variables that often lead to the exchange reality with the coveted opportunity.

This leads, in the absence of a logical analysis, misleading results that punish the same designers.

translating the concept to reality We could cite facts of our time political, economic and financial events, or real war materials in the area, such as that in Iraq, in Afghanistan or, in ancient times, in Vietnam.

Robert Strange McNamara , for example, relying on the simple logic of possibility, a shift was thought that the overwhelming number of men and means to lead to certain victory.

not included in its logical analysis, given the results had, all the binding material that led, in fact, the U.S. defeat on the actual field.

Similar examples very recently, the harbingers of poor results, we can find them in politics, in economics and finance.

I often, as the last, to analyze certain paragraphs of well-known thinkers, finding in those cha entire procedure based on theorems of the same transcendent degeneration logical and analytical.

One of the most common mistakes is to put in the discourse as a real logical subject object, the place where it is obvious that the man (the real subject OS) can become a simple oggetto atto unicamente a veicolare l’azione.

Non più, quindi, attore reale dell’evento – con conseguente merito o demerito, colpa o pena -, ma solo mezzo di congiunzione, in pratica privato dall’operatività cosciente in un processo iniziato non si sa da chi e come, perciò vittima egli stesso dell’evento.

L’uomo subisce l’evento (realtà) anziché padroneggiarlo e controllarlo, diventando un predestinato e nello stesso tempo un oggetto transeunte.

Ciò porta il soggetto ad asserragliarsi in comunità, sfuggendo al proprio dovere d’essere popolo e attorniandosi di steccati atti a difenderlo da infiltrazioni esterne, capaci però anche di estraniarlo dal mondo esterno, quindi dalla realtà.

Ho notato che questo procedimento è spesso ben accolto da tutti quei fideisti professi e conclamati che basano il proprio credere su semplici frasi fatte, perciò che si limitano a prenderle come assodate e inattaccabili, anche se datate da millenni, pur avendo spesso la capacità per agire diversamente e di produrre un vero processo di analisi logica.

Cosa manca a costoro (pensatore e lettore)? Il procedimento logico basato sulla probabilità contingente che scaturisce dall’evolversi time, so the continuous change of thinking, needs, ideals and priorities. In practice, of varying sizes sufficient to alter the reality and with it the need to review cognitive.

nell'ignavia are accepting or produce a complex and articulate speech, unable to stand in mutual consent of the constructive dialogue which, by reciprocity makes significant progress to all stakeholders .

While contemplating the reality is as if time (of knowledge) for them had stopped for a unsurpassed set, so look to the totem like it's all their problem solver. The truth comes from and what is indisputable is that once it has occurred for millennia, or other (totem: media, political, religious) to which you refer.

Envy has its roots from the Latin verb envy, which is Italian leer. Consequently, the reality is not considered as subject to man, but as objective because it analyzed the right way, so direct, but only placing a cross-sectional view.

is so "jealous" (Invisible), is therefore not considered in its real value and appearance.

Totem triggers the action and they become objects of simple conjunction and succession until the final result.

In this logic, the bad and the good become transcendental subject (both terms are non-physical and virtual / real), while the man an "object" of simple development, intersection and conjunction of the evolution of facts and reactions.

The individual community enclosed by fences, in that such a process, takes on the perception of being privileged, therefore predestined a custodian of the only truth.

The community thus becomes sect, becoming the enclave of its own ghetto.

This happens in politics, in religion and society, especially when migration flows do not assume, quotas for various reasons (language, customs, values, ideals and needs) that reciprocity environmentally calendar year in which we you haul.

After the industrial revolution with various steps we came to the computer revolution .

And this brings with it not so much globalization, but favors it, but the systematic control the speed of many operational functions that previously needed a long time, of large forces and large human resources.

Everything fits telematics: the economy, finance, industry, research and even the military and social, in addition to the media, of course.

Alwar and malware are now operational resources to fight on against a new, virtual location, but the real result.

The Iranian issue relate to the production of enriched uranium, possibly for military purposes, has established an important issue on how to prevent the continuation of the project was already in the terminal.

Economic sanctions were not an effective deterrent military option would have been extremely costly, as well as unpopular in the same society can not be performed at no cost.

The experience of Iraq and Afghanistan, despite their different but fought with old ways, they place and raise questions of legality and not so much pressing of opportunities, but rather practicality and convenience.

was urgently necessary to find another way forward, which would give consistent results.

And this new way of fighting, unthinkable just a few decades ago, finds its counterpart in telematics.

Recently we learned that specific attacks have damaged the server Iranians who oversee the process of uranium enrichment industry, moving the implementation process takes at least 4 years.

This was possible because today many control functions have been delegated, for obvious practical, artificial intelligence, so to supercomputers.

And this happens all over the world.

Without going into technical details is easy to see that not being redundant supercomputers must always be in the network, so in constant liaison with each other, but the network is necessarily global, so global.

This eliminates the geographical distance between researcher and research center, between supplier and buyer, including control center and production, including design and establishment, between processing and consumption, but also puts people in constant contact also mixed.

information running on the network and these can be intercepted whilst leaving them free to make their path.

If I am not mistaken the Iranian centrifuges used to enrich uranium for atomic are made in Germany, as well as turbines.

Obviously, these are commercially produced and therefore not only with the purpose to which the Iranian targets. They can be purchased easily for diverse industrial purposes.

to be programmed and controlled, however, must use the electronic system, so the use of powerful computers can process in a fraction of a second, even millions of mathematical operations. Otherwise their use would be problematic and made almost in vain.

and exploit knowledge of the "necessity" of centrifuges operating, easily obtainable from the network information on commercial properties, has been working to program the computer attack.

Such a project can not be done by a prankster wasters who writes for pleasure Alwar , but needs many technical and financial resources, as well as many able men capable of working in unison in mutual projects.

therefore clear that behind this attack, there is only one person in connection with that, but a state or multiple states united by a common purpose.

intercepting the communication between the various operating centers that Iran is likely to be introduced before those Alwar able to nest, to expand and replicate then the operating system of project management.

Result: Amendment defense system, change management and control and overall stunning can delay much of the reclamation and re-programming of the new production system, as well as to inform the saboteur any new interference and editing.

in finance (securities market), though in different ways, this system has been used recently to counter speculation monetary attachment to certain currencies and certain sovereign bonds, both by delaying the execution instant computerized orders (often making them operationally rooms because then passed), and blocking for a while automatic systems buying and selling involved in pre-defined situations, or simply preventing the immediate vision of the indices and equity flows.

These modern electronic warfare attacks with my initial thinking has an important prerogative in common, because the human brain and intelligence of virtual work the same way.

reason enough to distract the man and the car of their priority of existence, which is operational, with a shifting their electronic media bombardment or from old to new operational requirements, preventing them (man and machine) at the moment of reasoning, then analyze what is happening.

And that is what the story, while no data transmission, has made the temporal cycles of 70 years, corresponding roughly to the life of a person, you learn certain values \u200b\u200band they are handed down according to the modified own experience to pass them then further changed to the new generations in the succession of cycles.

The cyber attacks on Iranian uranium production system is based on the experience gained in the study, in secolo scorso, degli inserti subliminali . I quali possono essere usati anche in modo fraudolento per fini politici, commerciali o di business.

Purtroppo i vari Tg nazionali oggi impongono la notizia con una successione declamatoria rapida atta a stordire l’ascoltatore, privato, nel rapidissimo udire in successione, della possibilità di ragionare e di confrontare, perciò di effettuare la reciprocità tra percepito e pensato.

Il consumismo non a caso ha avuto come mezzo dirompente i media, proprio perché poté penetrare simultaneamente nella massa.

The trust must never be blind, but always given with open eyes. Otherwise lead to harmful results, or subjection.

This applies between spouses, because the actual attention to the work of the other is to improve the relationship in the pair being mutually constructive, also applies to religion, because otherwise it becomes a community that is small and set locked up in their transcendental beliefs, making their understanding a pure ideological and ethical relativism. It is also in economy and society, since the proclamation of the acquired right subservient to the other for themselves; as is also the case in politics when, as often happens, reality is not analyzed in the probability analogue of reciprocity, but only manipulated the possibility that the utility can produce.

Today's man needs an airtight defense system not to be enslaved also ideologically and politically, just like the computer to be infected and fall for different purposes.

This system is able to give time to analyze and understand what we are almost instilled with the bombing media.

Reciprocity can not do without the mutual consent, and without it we do not build peace, but only destroys the war, precisely because the various terms used are not perceived with the same meaning and purpose.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

When Is Gmc Changing Yukon Body Style

alpine animals.

The reader who follows me will have long noted that there is a special poster dedicated to the current month, accompanied by a photograph (which I always carried - recently or in the past -) with a brief caption.

At first there were the alpine flowers and mountain last year, the crosses and wooden crucifixes.

Some have invited me to put persons of alpine landscapes, but this year I thought I would do differently: Alpine animals!

Photographing a pet is much more complex than portraying a flower or a mountain landscape.

Many animals do not allow themselves to approach and photograph them, including through the appropriate use of zoom or telephoto lens, you often lurk and wait for them to appear ... and pose.

Which is not easy, especially if you are in the middle of winter. In proportion, as many know, the climate is harsh and, as a rule, each about 150 m in altitude the temperature drops by 2 ° under normal atmospheric conditions, reaching temperatures in the presence of polar wind chill .

Some animals are creatures of habit and once identified, however, their habitat is easy to portray them with an ambush.

others are random encounters, so we be ready, others are more social, such as the ibex in the Gran Paradiso park, capable of taking the cracker out of the hands of the climber they perceive, at a distance, the presence of the salt it contains.

Animals are an integral part of mountain ecology, so that the natural system that colonizes the mineral kingdom to the animal kingdom.

We also need to colonize the hills, so to maintain a balance of vegetation, especially now that the pasture has significantly reduced the pasture, leaving the area unprotected.

The year 2011 is the Chinese year of the rabbit .

In deference to what I will start with the hare this new brackets on my photo blog.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Deathwatch Robb White Chapter Summary

A "NO!" motivated to Mirafiori. Christmas 2010

The referendum of 13 and 14 January on the future of the plant in Mirafiori follows, The second tactic Marchionne , the cliches have already seen in Pomigliano after the surrender Fiat to Termini Imerese .

Meanwhile, the Fiat has been the Spin-Off , and this, coupled with the new company set up to manage individual plants, raises disturbing future scenarios of both productivity and far-sighted industrial project.

The operation designed for the Spin-Off has an excessive cost, prelude, therefore, necessary supplies.

It cost well of € 4 billion in loans to be made, thus yielding or securities (share ownership) or attractive assets, according to the theorem assets are Economic resources.

The reduction in shareholders' equity was Fiat, by the same management, then calculated exactly 3,750,346,053 .

Voices applicants leaked on the possible sale of individual assets , corresponding to trademarks.

The operation intercompany financing , therefore, is not over, or, to be frank, it's just begun.

Therefore the Fiom ( Landini ) it has consciousness or not, for the Fiat management is indifferent.

The flock Agnelli no longer exists: there is only an investment fund that brings together the many crushed dynastic holdings in Divisions. And, like all funds, rather than to a real industrial project is very careful only to annual profitability, so follow the market trends today indicate that the manufacturing output and income poor.

It should focus on other economic sectors, usual technique of globalized finance.

The era Marchionne, favored at the time by holding GM has already depleted the entire structural system industries. In practice, it has destroyed the industrial district Italian rotated on Fiat.

Fiat On the other hand the real master is the current AD, which, according to the contract on the results, will get considerable income or, if you prefer, capital gains quantifiable in millions of shares held for several more years.

Perhaps not only the new company formed randomly in Pomigliano designates it as a social reference, and this is likely to occur even if the Mirafiori " Yes" will pass.

I have analyzed various aspects of the manager and I can say from simbiologo I do not like the subject, especially comparing it to my personal culture and Catholic ethics.

emphasize, however, that what can be legally correct in the current economy may not be as such if seen in a Christian ethos.

Everyone, in fact, sees the company on its own beliefs and by what acts.

What is happening in the house for some time over at Fiat Spin-Off of Industrial Fiat ?

My belief as an analyst is that you are emptying the box of content industrial parent Fiat, filling it with so many Chinese boxes and then sold them easily and without bureaucratic hindrance. It should also be seen in this light flows out of the new companies, which derive from this continuous spin-off from Confindustria.

So: new rules of operation and workers, new assets, total freedom of action without conditions and contractual restrictions or national federation.

Giving Fiat block would be unlikely because it should force a large part of politics, but not sell it in pieces creates excessive problems, partly because the industrial policy and financial management is, in fact, released by resolutions of the shareholders.

For Fiat give I need the approval of the shareholders shareholders. But only if Fiat is the owner (or reference) of many companies contained in many Chinese boxes, then to give one of these boxes no longer have the decision to shareholders, but the box only to new members interested in the transaction.

The shareholder Fiat, in fact, is only indirectly share in the profits or losses obtained from the Chinese boxes.

The current trade union policy triggered by Marchionne is clear and is based on a cornerstone of global capitalism: to hold in the market must be profitable, because otherwise you will not be able to attract new capital useful investment.

So rather than investing it right (which takes time to be judged) should greatly reduce costs. And today the cost is of two types: one for raw material, not conditions on a global scale, and domestic labor that is often higher than that of raw materials.

The workforce, especially where it is regulated by national contracts, leaving little room for a substantial reduction, even raising the productivity. But what can not be obtained through a new social partnership, if not on time, it is quite possible, creating new companies located outside the rules (contracts) agreed.

Pomigliano was emblematic in this sense: the new company, new rules, new recruits (who is subject). In practice the new globalized slavery if you want to work for a living.

A counterpart: no assurance that the experiment industry to succeed in the medium to long term and disruptive social instability.

Just what it points to the current management if Fiat will (or not), this line also at Mirafiori, a conflict exacerbated in a position to be able to tell the leadership that produce in Italy is neither possible nor viable.

For now, the policy Marchionne, except the late and kind of hope Napolitano, did not have many obstacles.

On the other hand has managed to crush the weak at home CGIL trade union front, operational and strategic visions with different Camusso and Landini.

Sx Italian policy follows the same line, given that much of the left today on a waving vaguely modernist moderates in an effort to create a new identity can progressive forces with the weak and sloth of the center.

Cofferati era of electoral defeat, following the defeat suffered by the center with Rutelli, he succeeded to stand as the sole superpower and the last bastion of the Right, radicalizing the fight in defense of rights.

Landini, perhaps unwittingly, now try the same path: the road impassable for most serious international financial crisis.

Obviously I will not vote for Mirafiori, whilst not being a party.

However, if I should do would vote "No ! "but not for the reasons that Fiom and Landini pursue. How I would have voted "No" even Pomigliano.

Rights acquired through years of struggle by the workers are important to me, but this which leads me to be more contrary to the new political leadership of Fiat is the absolute vagueness and inconsistency of a real industrial project, provided only sketchy and never, in fact, defined.

An industrial project vague and lacks credibility, especially if compared with the proposed investment (1 billion) against the one fielded by the Spin-Off (4 billion).

the spin-off Fiat raises disturbing questions by creating new companies out of a sound social logic based on the agreements entered into, especially when the costs of capital to roam free, to leave undisturbed, by downloading only the sacrifices on the deterioration workers' conditions.

a real industrial project, I believe we must take root in the territory, becoming a legal entity for all purposes to enhance the stable economic and social fabric.

investments packaged as to Pomigliano and the proposed hours for Mirafiori, seem inadequate to boost production, especially when compared to the benefits that management follows against the insecurity of staff (employees) on a better future.

Human capital is not only disregarded, but sacrificed at the altar of capitalism assault.

is easy to understand, therefore, that after Fiat raised thanks to government incentives on the destruction, now lose a good percentage of the market within the EU, more intent on making profits in interim structural reinforcement with a real project industry.

The bag has welcomed the Spin-Off for now, partly because speculation had gradually moved upward in spite of the title business results and ignoring the bad, in fact, the macroeconomic data .

A quotation positive comunque, non è indice di salute, perciò di sano investimento, specie se viene attratta dalla possibilità futura (comunque onerosa) di poter raggiungere il fatidico 51% in Chrysler.

Se la politica di Marchionne avrà esito positivo è probabile che ciò che ora avviene in Italia si trasferisca poi negli U.S.A.; ma ciò che sarà maggiormente grave è che in questa partita a scacchi vi sarà un solo beneficiario: non gli operai, non gli stati interessati, non gli azionisti, non la società, ma solo l’A.D. attuale che sarà diventato il deus ex machina ( π μηχαν ς θεός ) the situation well, of course, its huge capital acquired.

The Church, while recommending moderation, seems aloof from this harsh clash between capitalism and the working class by storm.

The memory of history leads me to Angelo Roncalli that of his young secretary vescovo si schierò a fianco degli operai in tempi molti più complessi degli attuali. E si schierò per ottenere quelle allora tenui garanzie che ora si vorrebbero abolire.

Al di là di una possibile concertazione sociale il progetto Fiat è inadeguato ai tempi e alla crisi attuale, perché procede con una tempistica e un’arcaica strategia già da tempo socialmente superata.

Ciò che Marchionne non è in grado di ideare è un modo nuovo di fare capitale ed impresa, perciò di mettere le proprie capacità umane e il capitale al servizio della società e delle nazioni in cui intende operare.

probably will win the tug of war for his personal Mirafiori, as it did in Pomigliano.

The production problems are not resolved yet, but only moved forward by making them more fester.

And once this is now obvious that the retreat from Italy will be a good excuse: that the lack of profitability and be able to do business.